Chasing the Light

Chapter 32: 32


Liang Xincheng’s Weibo was sent out purely to provoke anger, but it affirmed the news on the gossip forum about Xia Yuanhang’s motive for beating that person. Fans on both sides were crazy. Regardless of whether there was evidence or not, it was Huang Tian’an who spread rumors and slandered people first, and then trampled on them desperately.

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Huang Tian’an’s words were actually correct. Having a popularity and many fans was the capital to be confident. Not to mention that neither Xiang Qiao nor Liu Fan were managers who would stay idle. Huang Tian’an could buy the water army to bring rhythm to blacken Xia Yuanhang, but they also could retaliate. Although Liu Fan rolled his eyes in private because this had nothing to do with him, he still had to work hard.

What surprised Liang Xincheng was that several other people came forward to support him. The first half hour after posting the Weibo, Ding Yao and Wei Xishuang both forwarded his post, and then Xie Qinfeng forwarded Ding Yao’s, and even Gu Rong also came out to speak for them.

@Xie Qinfeng: Forward Weibo //@Ding Yao: Everyone can see the character of Yuanhang-ge and Xincheng-ge. If there is nothing wrong, who will beat people randomly? Some people should not rely on their seniority. Relying on their so-called qualifications in the industry for more than twenty years, just to make rumors and bully the younger generation [shrugs]

@Wei Xishuang: If someone makes rumors again, I will be the one who beats people up.

@Gu Rong: Xiao Liang is a very humble and serious person, very sincere and decent. Let’s forget about his private life, it’s nonsense.

This was very interesting. Everyone knew that Ding Yao was the prince of Shengxing, Xie Qinfeng and Gu Rong were also well-established movie actor and actress, plus Wei Xishuang, who was also a popular celebrity and now these people came out to help him Obviously the reaction was much more favorable than Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang fighting alone. As soon as they came out, most people quickly changed their tunes.

Liang Xincheng sent WeChat message to thank them one by one. In any case, these forwarded Weibo did help a lot.

Ding Yao replied that it was a trivial matter. He also didn’t like the stupid cameran either. He knelt and licked like a dog in front of his uncle, but it was really exciting for him to bully young actors with no background.

Xie Tanfeng told the truth that he mainly wanted to help Ding Yao.

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Gu Rong also said indifferently that it was just a little effort, so Liang Xincheng didn’t have to worry about it.

Wei Xishuang was the last one to reply: “This is the first time you have sent me a WeChat message :-D”


Liang Xincheng didn’t know what to say for a while, and another one was sent over there: “Are you so concerned about Xia Yuanhang? Not only do you help him clarify, but also help him thank others. Is he worthy of you doing this for him?”

“Things happened because of me, I should do these things.” As for whether it was worth it or not, Liang Xincheng didn’t want to explain it to outsiders at all.

“Tsk, it’s a pity that I wasn’t there at the time. Otherwise I could beat someone up for you, ah. If it was me, would you come out and speak for me?”

Liang Xincheng: “…”

Sure enough, he really was still not suitable to communicate with Wei Xishuang, a psychopath. But he asked himself, if it was someone else, would he really ignore Liu Fan’s persuasion and help the other party speak out? Liang Xincheng himself couldn’t say clearly, maybe he might or might not. But he would definitely have hesitation and concerns, and he wouldn’t just post Weibo without hesitation like now.

Xia Yuanhang saw all these things. After Liang Xincheng posted it, his manager was really relieved, but he felt very uncomfortable. He would rather Liang Xincheng keep silent than to have those who scolded him also scolded Liang Xincheng.

But Liang Xincheng said “It’s okay, you helped me, how can I not help you”. Liang Xincheng was so good, so good that Xia Yuanhang felt that he was serious and capable. He could see him in his eyes and remember him in his heart. 1An idiom meaning words and deeds will make an impression, and you can see a person clearly over time.

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He knew very well that those who helped forward it were all doing it for Liang Xincheng. Liang Xincheng was even more popular than him. It was not surprising. After all, Liang Xincheng was really good. Who wouldn’t like him?


The sour and sweet taste wrapped around Xia Yuanhang’s heart layer upon layer. Liang Xincheng was to him an accidental discovery, a treasure gradually dug out bit by bit. He didn’t care before, but now he hardly knew what to do before he could carefully put him in his arms and cherish him forever.

In the afternoon, Liang Xincheng went back to the company. In the evening, he was going to the airport to rush back to the crew of Hengdian, but was suddenly called back. It was the big boss Yu Mingxiu who personally summoned him.

Liang Xincheng and Yu Mingxiu hadn’t seen each other alone for a long time. It should be said that since Yu Mingxiu achieved his goal and embraced the beauty, Liang Xincheng had successfully retired. After that, the big boss was busy falling in love and even rarely went to the company, let alone caring about him who was only a little employee. Liang Xincheng didn’t expect that he would alarm Yu Mingxiu just by posting on Weibo.

Yu Mingxiu looked a lot lazier than before. It could be seen that he was living a happy life after the spring breeze had obtained its wish.2An idiom, meaning ‘One has attained success and is well-contented’ Liang Xincheng greeted him before Yu Mingxiu motioned to him to sit down: “I watched the live broadcast yesterday. You are very good. It’s really rare to get the Golden Pine Award so soon.”

Liang Xincheng smiled: “Most of the credit goes to the company.”

“You don’t have to be too modest, what’s yours is yours. But what about what happened on Weibo today? Why did you post that kind of stuff?”

“Xia Yuanhang beat him because of me. I can’t pretend that I don’t know anything.”

“What about the last time? What does the matter between him and his father have to do with you, why did you help him out?”

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Liang Xincheng probably didn’t expect the big boss to bring up old accounts with him. He froze for a moment before replying: “We are friends…I just don’t want to see him being wronged, so I helped him where I could.”

Yu Mingxiu frowned slightly: “You should know that the company has spent so much effort to cultivate you, not because they want to see you act willfully and emotionally over and over again, doing things that harm your public image, and increasing the workload for your agent and the company.”


Yu Mingxiu’s tone was serious, but Liang Xincheng didn’t really care: “Did Liu-ge tell President Yu about me?”

Yu Mingxiu asked him rhetorically, “Don’t you think you are wrong?”

Liang Xincheng smiled: “I am very grateful that the company is willing to support me, but what I have earned for the company in the past few years is also worthy of the company’s contribution. As for the matter of Xia Yuanhang and me, this is my personal matter. I have a sense of proportion. I hope the company will not interfere with my personal matters too much.”

“The wings are hard now,3Used as metaphors for people who have to rely on others at first, but when they finally have the abilities, they forgot the people who used to help them before and you’re even negotiating terms with me,” Yu Mingxiu said as he clicked his tongue, but he didn’t seem to be angry, “Do you know why I signed you in the first place?”

“Because I can cooperate with you…”

“There are so many people who can cooperate with me, can’t I just pick any one of the many people in the company?”

Liang Xincheng shut his mouth. He and Yu Mingxiu met at a dinner party. Although he didn’t want to touch those unspoken rules before, if he had the opportunity to get a small role just by going to drink with someone and smiling, he was still willing to go. At that time, he didn’t expect to be so lucky that he would run into the boss of a big company like Yu Mingxiu. Someone pestered him endlessly at the dinner with bad intentions. It was Yu Mingxiu who helped him out. Later, he was lucky enough to enter the company and got a lot of support.

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At first, Liang Xincheng also thought that Yu Mingxiu had something different in mind for him, and he hesitated whether to do it, but he really couldn’t bear to give up the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Later, when Yu Mingxiu asked him to cooperate with the play, he still felt uneasy for a long time. Until it was confirmed that Yu Mingxiu was indeed a gentleman, and he was not playing hard to get with him.

“You are very tenacious, and at a young age, you can endure hardships and dare to work hard. You also don’t have any bad intentions. Of course, your own conditions are also good, so I decided to sign you, but where is the hard work in you now? With an impulsive mind and a hot blood, do you think you can survive in this circle for a long time?”

Yu Mingxiu probably hated that the iron didn’t become steel. Liang Xincheng had to admit that what he said was actually quite right. However, back then he would fight so hard for a belief in that way and now he was also impulsively fighting for the same belief. He couldn’t say it.

“I just want to help my friend, I didn’t think too much…”

“What kind of friend of yours is Xia Yuanhang that you are so concerned about?”

Being questioned by Yu Mingxiu, Liang Xincheng licked his lips with a little guilt. After hesitating, he decided to tell the truth: “I like him, I thought you could understand this kind of feeling, President Yu.”

This time it was Yu Mingxiu’s turn to lose his words. After a long silence, he sighed: “Forget it, you should take care of it yourself.”

After Liang Xincheng left, Yu Mingxiu received a message from Du Shen: “Have you finished educating your kid?”


Yu Mingxiu smiled helplessly as he replied to him: “It’s a pity. I wanted to cultivate him well, but I didn’t expect him to be a fool with a love brain.”

1An idiom meaning words and deeds will make an impression, and you can see a person clearly over time.2An idiom, meaning ‘One has attained success and is well-contented’3Used as metaphors for people who have to rely on others at first, but when they finally have the abilities, they forgot the people who used to help them before

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