Chasing the Light

Chapter 33: 33


After a full day of filming on set, when he finally finished his night scenes and relaxed, Liang Xincheng felt light-headed and his whole body was wilted.

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When he returned to the hotel, he ran into Wei Xishuang in the lobby on the ground floor. The other party came over to greet him, but Liang Xincheng responded lazily. Unable to muster the energy to say more, he nodded at him as he went into the lift with his assistant.

Half an hour later, when Liang Xincheng was already planning to sleep after a simple shower, the doorbell rang.

It was Wei Xishuang who came, ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night again. Liang Xincheng frowned and asked him what was the matter, but Wei Xishuang only smiled. As if he was afraid of misunderstanding, he hurriedly explained: “I just saw that you look very pale, are you sick? I’ve brought you some medicine.”

After he finished speaking, he handed the plastic bag containing the medicine in his hand to Liang Xincheng. He came downstairs to deliver the medicine at this late hour. Liang Xincheng was too embarrassed to say anything else, so he took it and thanked him: “It’s nothing serious, I’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.”

However, Wei Xishuang suddenly raised his hand and touched his forehead. Liang Xincheng subconsciously took a step back, making Wei Xishuang helplessly say: “Don’t be nervous, I won’t do anything to you. Your forehead is very hot, you are having a high fever. I think taking medicine may not work, you have to go to the hospital.”

“No need, it’s not a big deal.”

“The fever may burn your brain.” The concern in his eyes was not fake, but he was jokingly pointing to his temple. “You might not be able to get better for a few days if you’re holding out like this. It’ll affect the filming and delay the progress. You might as well go to the hospital and get a couple of injections, maybe you’ll be fine tomorrow.”

Liang Xincheng still wanted to say no, but Wei Xishuang had already taken him by the shoulders and pushed him out the door. He then took the jacket hanging on the coat rack by the door and put it on him. “Let’s go, I’ve got a car. I’ll take you to the hospital. Your assistant is also waiting downstairs.”

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Liang Xincheng, who was exhausted and dizzy from a high fever, did not react until he was pushed into the elevator: “When did you contact my assistant? How did you get his contact information?”

Wei Xishuang smiled a little: “How hard can it be to ask for a contact. He said you had a high fever and refused to go to the hospital. You also don’t have any medicine with you, and the pharmacies are all closed at this hour, so you really want to hang in there, ah?”

Liang Xincheng did have this thought, but since they were now in the elevator, he wouldn’t struggle much anymore.


Half an hour later, Liang Xincheng was lying in the hospital bed, having an IV drip infusion. Wei Xishuang was sitting next to him playing with his cell phone, while Liang Xincheng’s assistant had gone to pay the bill. So, there were only two of them in the ward. Liang Xincheng was a bit uncomfortable and reminded Wei Xishuang: “You should go back first, Xiao Qian will be fine here.”

Wei Xishuang looked at him with a smile on his face: “Is it so uncomfortable to be alone with me, ah? At least, give me a chance to express myself, ah.”

Liang Xincheng seems to be used to his unserious tone:“Okay, you have behaved well enough. Thank you for tonight.”

“In that case then can you give a reward?” Wei Xishuang looked at him with a wink and a smile in his eyes.

Liang Xincheng: “…”

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“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to kiss me. Give me your personal WeChat account. Isn’t that too much, ba?”

Liang Xincheng was speechless. After hesitating, he obediently took out his phone and used another account to add Wei Xishuang’s WeChat.

He actually was a very soft-hearted person. His impression of Wei Xishuang had really changed quite a bit. But, of course no matter what kind of thoughts Wei Xishuang had towards him, he didn’t take it to heart, nor would he be likely to respond. He just didn’t mind having one more friend.


After that, the two of them chatted for a few more minutes about what was going on. Liang Xincheng, who could not resist the sleepiness and tiredness, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Wei Xishuang sat quietly by the hospital bed as he watched him, smiling helplessly.

The next day, Xia Yuanhang saw the news on the Internet that Liang Xincheng had a high fever and was admitted to the hospital overnight and got an infusion. However, the focus of the news was not that Liang Xincheng was sick, but that the person who accompanied him to the hospital in the middle of the night was Wei Xishuang.

Seeing the news photos of Liang Xincheng who was helped into the hospital by his assistant and Wei Xishuang, Xia Yuanhang was anxious and immediately dialed his phone number.

Liang Xincheng, who had just come back from the hospital at six o’clock in the morning and lying down for a few hours, was woken up by the call with a splitting headache. However, seeing Xia Yuanhang’s name displayed on the phone, he was instantly awake.

“What’s wrong?”

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Hearing the heavy nasal sound in Liang Xincheng’s voice, Xia Yuanhang was even more worried: “Are you sick? Do you have a high fever? Are you feeling better after going to the hospital?”

“How did you know, ah?”

“Someone in the hospital took a photo of you, I saw the news.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. The fever has gone down a bit with the infusion. I was just sleeping.” Liang Xincheng’s voice was still confused, but he couldn’t hide the smile in it; Xia Yuanhang’s concern obviously made him feel very appreciated.

Only then did Xia Yuanhang realize that it was only past nine o’clock in the morning. Liang Xincheng must still be resting after going back to the hotel from the hospital, but he was the one who woke him up: “Did I wake you up?”


“En, but that’s okay…I’m glad you called me.”

Xia Yuanhang’s heart softened and his voice became more gentle: “Take two more days off from the crew. Rest well and resume work when you are completely fine.”

“I know, I took a leave.”

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“Are you…alone in the hotel?”

“Who else is here? Xiao Qian also went back to rest…Oh, you mean Wei Xishuang? He did send me to the hospital. We stayed in the same hotel. I have nothing to do with him.” You didn’t have to look at Liang Xincheng to guess that the news on the Internet would definitely mention Wei Xishuang. Xia Yuanhang had misunderstood his relationship with Wei Xishuang before. However, at that time, he and Xia Yuanhang were almost like strangers, there was no need to even explain, but now, he did not want Xia Yuanhang to have any possible misunderstanding about him again.

“I know. It’s a good thing he’s there to give a hand, I should thank him for that…”

Xia Yuanhang’s voice was a bit ambiguous, and Liang Xincheng gave a laugh as he listened: “Also, don’t worry, it’s not as serious as you think. It’s not the first time I’ve had a high fever. The last time when I came back from Macau it was even worse than this. It’s nothing.”


He didn’t say more. But in fact, both of them knew why Liang Xincheng had a high fever that time and he said it on purpose at this time.

The corners of Xia Yuanhang’s mouth rose silently, as the full and indescribable feelings kept surging in his heart. It was a pity that his movie just finished yesterday and he had to go to Shanghai tomorrow to attend an event. He promised Liang Xincheng to visit the crew before, but he had never been able to do so.

“Whether it’s serious or not, you should rest well. Take your shots and medication on time and don’t tire yourself. Your health is important.”

Liang Xincheng closed his eyes, Xia Yuanhang’s words were in his ears and the scorching heat kept pressing into his heart.

“En, I know.”

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