Chasing the Light

Chapter 37: 37


The elevator went up one floor at a time, and Liang Xincheng and Xia Yuanhang each stood in a corner on one side, silently watching the numbers jump up and up. In the quiet space, even the increasing breathing could be clearly heard.

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If it weren’t for the surveillance cameras, they would have been entangled with each other at this time. The two kept a safe distance, and neither of them wanted to lose control first.

For the first time, Liang Xincheng felt that the time of less than a minute would be so long. When they finally reached the ninth floor, he followed Xia Yuanhang out of the elevator. As soon as he stepped out, Xia Yuanhang stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms.

The kiss with the burning breath fell on the neck, Liang Xincheng at least still had some sense: “Open the door first…”

Xia Yuanhang randomly pulled out the key, while holding Liang Xincheng’s hand, not letting go. After entering the door, it was too late to turn on the lights. He pressed Liang Xincheng to the wall of the entrance hall, and began to kiss him unscrupulously.

Lips and tongues intertwined fiercely, and the deep kiss almost engulfed the persons who were completely indulged in love instinctively.

After a long time, Xia Yuanhang’s tongue withdrew from the mouth of Liang Xincheng, who was gasping for air and almost out of breath, and kissed him again on his already glistening red lips. The kiss moved down to Liang Xincheng’s neck and licked it tenderly.

Liang Xincheng felt itchy, hugging Xia Yuanhang’s waist and laughing softly: “We haven’t eaten dinner yet…”

Xia Yuanhang’s hand, which was digging into the hem of his clothes, stopped, and fondled his delicate waist fondly.

Originally they planned to have dinner outside before coming back, but after going to the convenience store to buy something, both of them couldn’t wait, so they went home directly. Xia Yuanhang murmured in a hoarse voice: “You’re hungry?”

“En…let’s order takeaway later, ba.”

Looking at each other, Liang Xincheng blinked his eyes with teasing smiles, Xia Yuanhang secretly annoyed at himself for being too impatient. Liang Xincheng smiled and went to him, kissing the tip of his nose: “Do it, ba.”

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After the intense love making session, the two naked people still embraced each other tightly, enjoying the sweet aftertaste afterwards.

Liang Xincheng’s face was buried in Xia Yuanhang’s shoulder socket, with one leg sandwiched between his legs, his face was already flushed and he was still panting. Afraid that he would catch a cold, Xia Yuanhang pulled the quilt to cover them and then lowered his head to kiss Liang Xincheng’s face: “Shy?”

Liang Xincheng fondled Xia Yuanhang’s muscular arm, and said softly, “I’m a little happy…”

“Just a little?”

“En..very happy.”


“Silly,” Xia Yuanhang sighed slowly before kissing Liang Xincheng’s rosy lips again. He pulled his hand and gently clasped it: “Let’s be together happily in the future.”

“Okay.” The corners of Liang Xincheng’s mouth rose, he was really happy to hear Xia Yuanhang say ‘together’.

“Xincheng, have you ever thought about your future life plan?”

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“Yes, I have thought about it. I want to take my career to the next level, earn more money so that I can film my favorite works in the future, and I want to buy a house.”

“Is that all?”

“Otherwise? I didn’t dare to think about you and me. Your attitude towards me was so bad before, it’s useless to think about it.”

Xia Yuanhang knew he was in the wrong so he didn’t argue with him. He hugged Liang Xincheng for another good kiss, making him dizzy so he didn’t have time to complain.

“What you just said about buying a house? The money you saved is not enough to buy a house?”

“It’s enough for normal houses, but not enough for the one I like.”

Speaking of this, Liang Xincheng seemed to be very excited. He got up from Xia Yuanhang’s arms, got out of bed, went to the living room to pick up his jacket and came back. He took out his mobile phone and opened the photos he had collected for a long time, showing Xia Yuanhang a villa facing the lake in the prime area of the city that was so expensive that people didn’t even dare to think about it.


“It costs hundreds of millions, and I can’t get a loan, but I like it there. I will make more money and try to buy it within five years.”

Xia Yuanhang couldn’t laugh or cry; he sat up and rubbed Liang Xincheng’s hair: “How can you think of buying such a big house alone?”

“I feel safe.”

“Does the house feel safe?”

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“Of course, my biggest wish since I was a child is to have a house of my own, so other people won’t drive me away. The bigger the better, it has everything in it.”

Xia Yuanhang didn’t ask anymore, he already understood that Liang Xincheng was an orphan. He must have suffered a lot when he was a child, so he wanted a sense of security and a home of his own. He wanted these things more than anyone else.

Xia Yuanhang never thought carefully about what the word ‘orphan’ meant, but now he did not dare to think deeply. He just felt distressed. Obviously, there was a chance but he did not get to know Liang Xincheng earlier and came to his side to take care of him earlier.

Being embraced by Xia Yuanhang again, Liang Xincheng seemed to sense the change in his mood, and laughed softly: “It’s okay, it’s not as pitiful as you think. Didn’t I grow up to be this big?”

“In the future… it will be better.”


In the evening, the two who had just started eating meat couldn’t hold back and did it again. The exhausted Liang Xincheng didn’t wake up until almost noon the next day. He didn’t feel any discomfort. Last night Xia Yuanhang carefully helped him clean up, so he slept very well.

Xia Yuanhang was not there, his studio had something going on and he went there for a while. Liang Xincheng lay lazily on the bed, yawned and turned on the phone. Immediately, a new text message came in. It was bank transfer information. After seeing the transfer amount in the message prompt clearly, Liang Xincheng sat up in shock and quickly dialed Xia Yuanhang’s phone.

“Are you awake? Do you have a fever? I’ll go back right away. I’m already on my way. I bought lunch. Wait a little longer.”

Xia Yuanhang’s voice was very cheerful, but Liang Xincheng was uneasy: “Why did you suddenly transfer so much money to me?”

“Hand in my account to my wife, from now on my money is all yours. Don’t you want to make a movie and buy a house? Count me in.”

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Liang Xincheng was helpless: “You’re joking, right?”

“I’m serious, you can keep the money. Otherwise I will feel uneasy if I put it here.”

Liang Xincheng knew what Xia Yuanhang meant. His father’s incident still left him with a shadow in his heart. Those who worked in their business, especially those who were popular, got money very quickly. Before, Xia Yuanhang took only a film to pay back all the money his father owed people. His pay for a film was far more than that, coupled with endorsement income, even after the tax and studio share, he still had a lot. Even this time, he still could transfer eight figures to him. So, he could imagine how hard his father squeezed him before.

“Then you have to keep some money for yourself, right? There are a lot of things you need to spend money on…”

“I’ve kept the money I need to spend, don’t worry.”

How can Liang Xincheng rest assured? After all, it was like taking advantage of a soft hearted person, not to mention that this was not a small sum. Xia Yuanhang smiled and comforted him: “Why are you being so polite to me? Do we need to distinguish it so clearly? Why don’t we get married now, Xincheng? Can you help me manage the money and feel at ease once we get married?”

“…Are you proposing to me?”

“No, how can a marriage proposal be so casual, you should think about it first, ba.”

Liang Xincheng was completely speechless; since the money had been transferred, he would just accept it. As for marriage, if Xia Yuanhang was willing, he actually did not need to think about it, he would definitely agree to him.

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