Chasing the Light

Chapter 38: 38


As the end of the year approached, the movie wrapped up and Liang Xincheng was completely free. The next movie would be in the spring of next year, so he could rest for quite some time.

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Xia Yuanhang’s work was also on hold. Therefore, they had a lot of time every day to stay at home and live a two-person world; sometimes at Xia Yuanhang’s home, and sometimes at Liang Xincheng’s home. Although having two apartments was a bit wasteful, they hadn’t considered letting go of one of them. It would be inconvenient for outsiders to live next door. After all, they were still secretly in a secret relationship, and they didn’t want people to pry into their privacy.

Even if two people were at home, even if they didn’t leave the door, they felt very happy lying on the windowsill together, looking at the snow and chatting. More often, they hugged each other and made out. Though, they didn’t go until the last steps every time. Sometimes, just a simple kiss was enough.

In this snowy and cold winter, how lucky it was to be able to snuggle up to each other to keep warm.

Liang Xincheng’s birthday was at the end of November. He hadn’t celebrated this day since his parents passed away. In the past two years, some fans helped remind him about it. Before, Liu Fan suggested that he should hold a birthday party for his birthday this year, to give back to his fans. After thinking about it, Liang Xincheng wanted to spend this birthday quietly with Xia Yuanhang.

On his birthday, Xia Yuanhang personally cooked for him. During this period of time, they almost started a partnership at home. Neither of them was good at cooking, but they had a very professional spirit. After learning how to cook from an app, they worked hard and cooperated with each other and finally, they achieved a small success.

The dishes made by Xia Yuanhang were all Liang Xincheng’s favorite, and the ordered cake was delivered at noon. Xia Yuanhang didn’t like sweets, but Liang Xincheng liked them very much.

Xia Yuanhang had long discovered Liang Xincheng’s preference for sweets. He not only liked to eat sweet and greasy cakes and snacks, but also loved candies. He always carried a kind of fruit candy with him. It was a miracle that his teeth didn’t go bad.

Xia Yuanhang was not a fan of fruit candies but very much liked the sweet smell of fruit in Liang Xincheng’s mouth. Every time he saw Liang Xincheng eating candy with the looming pink tip of his tongue, he couldn’t help but lean up to him and kiss him, and sometimes deliberately grabbed half of the candy in his mouth. Liang Xincheng always complained that he didn’t want to eat when he gave it to him but why did he always grab what he had in his mouth? Xia Yuanhang couldn’t help laughing, because Liang Xincheng’s mouth was sweeter. He didn’t like sweets, but he liked Liang Xincheng.

They all had a very satisfying meal at that dinner. Liang Xincheng ate half of the birthday cake by himself, while Xia Yuanhang only reluctantly ate a small piece. Liang Xincheng asked him curiously: “You definitely didn’t eat the cake I gave you for your birthday last year, right?”

“No…” Xia Yuanhang mumbled over, unable to say that he actually asked the assistant to throw it away.

“I knew it,” Liang Xincheng tapped some cream with his fingers and applied it to the tip of Xia Yuanhang’s nose, “Idiot.”


Xia Yuanhang nodded: “Well, I am indeed a big idiot.”

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For the sake of his sincerity in admitting his mistakes, Liang Xincheng didn’t care much about it. Xia Yuanhang took out the prepared birthday gift, which was a very beautiful diamond earring. When they were not together some time ago, he went to this brand’s business event and caught a glimpse of this earring. Liang Xincheng had a pierced left ear, so it must be very beautiful for him to wear this.

Taking out the earrings, Xia Yuanhang carefully helped Liang Xincheng put them on. Liang Xincheng approached him with a smile: “Does it look good?”

Xia Yuanhang kissed his earlobe: “It’s beautiful, it suits you very well.”

“It’s a pity that you don’t have pierced ears. Why don’t you buy one more for us to wear as a couple?”

“If you want, I can do it.”

“Forget it, let’s leave it like this, keep it low profile.”

Xia Yuanhang was his and he did not need to prove it to others, as long as they knew it themselves.


Xia Yuanhang kissed Liang Xincheng’s lips again: “Whatever you say, I will listen to you.”

After that, it was natural to be intimate and lingering, and it took a long time for them to stop messing around. After calming down, Liang Xincheng lay in Xia Yuanhang’s arms, holding him and pecking his lips from time to time, whispering fleshy love words.

After the intimate session, Xia Yuanhang picked up Liang Xincheng’s mobile phone that he had thrown by the bed and handed it to him: “There is a new WeChat message. You can reply to it.”

Liang Xincheng glanced at it. It was from Wei Xishuang: “Happy birthday, I just came back from overseas. How about going out to have a late-night snack together? Celebrate your birthday.”

Liang Xincheng raised his mobile phone to Xia Yuanhang: “Did you see it just now? How do you think I should reply?”

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Xia Yuanhang coughed a little, not having the heart to admit that he did care a little: “You can do whatever you want…”

“Are you still jealous?”

“A little bit…You have a good relationship with him?”

“It’s okay,” Liang Xincheng replied casually, and quickly replied to Wei Xishuang, “I’m sorry, it’s too late and I’m going to bed, next time.”

“He seems to be interested in you?” Xia Yuanhang didn’t forget what Liang Xincheng once said. Wei Xishuang wanted to make an appointment with him but he refused.


“I’m not interested in him,” Liang Xincheng kissed Xia Yuanhang’s chin and whispered softly, “Stop being jealous, I only like you.”

“En, I know.”

Xia Yuanhang casually mentioned that he was competing for the same role as Wei Xishuang for a very good IP. He had already auditioned and now was waiting for the crews to decide on the final candidate.

“Is there a good chance?”

“It’s hard to say, there should be no problem at first, but I have had a lot of negative news recently…”

Although the previous incidents were finally clarified, they did have a negative impact on Xia Yuanhang’s public image. He also lost several endorsements for this reason. The management would also consider these. In contrast, Wei Xishuang’s recent momentum was quite good. A work of his that was released last month had won a much higher box office than expected, so the outlook would be very optimistic by the industry.

“Then what should we do?”

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“Don’t worry, there are other opportunities without this. There will be a way out..”


Xia Yuanhang regretted telling him this: “It’s my birthday today, let’s not talk about it anymore, be happy, good boy.”1乖 (guai): This usually used for baby/children but when used in this context, there’s a pampering tone to it. I checked online it can also mean darling, lovely, so I guess if from this kind context, it can also mean those. But, I will just leave it as good boy/be obedient because honestly, I can’t even think any equivalent word for this in English]

Liang Xincheng was really worried at first, but he was instantly amused by Xia Yuanhang’s coaxing tone. After patting him, he sat up and picked up his underwear to put it on. He went to the closet to find a white shirt belonging to Xia Yuanhang and put it on before sitting cross-legged back on the bed. After gesturing to Xia Yuanhang to go to the side, he picked up his mobile phone and took a selfie.

He was very satisfied with the result and handed it to Xia Yuanhang to see: “How about I post this on Weibo as a birthday gift for fans?”

In the photo, Liang Xincheng was wearing Xia Yuanhang’s shirt that was one size bigger. The top two buttons were not buttoned, revealing a large white chest, and the lower body was even more bare. The pillow held in his arms covered his thighs, revealing two bare white calves, which were more appealing to the imagination. His hair was disheveled and the face was still flush after making love, coupled with a pair of eyes that were still rippling and the red lips that were still glowing with water, it was too attractive.

Xia Yuanhang frowned: “You want to post this on Weibo?”

“Can’t I?” Liang Xinsheng leaned over and hugged Xia Yuanhang’s arm while shaking it: “Don’t be so stingy, I can’t even show it to my fans, ah?”


Xia Yuanhang helplessly pointed to his neck: “There are still traces.”

“Just photoshop it off.”

Ten minutes later, Liang Xincheng posted the photoshopped photo on Weibo and the fans really went crazy. Looking at the crazy licking of the screen in the forwarded posts and comments, some of them even cried and shouted to throw down Liang Xincheng. Xia Yuanhang felt that he was about to be drowned in vinegar again.

Next time, no, there would be no next time. Liang Xincheng would longer be allowed to post such photos online.

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Liang Xincheng was amused by Xia Yuanhang’s reaction and fell into his arms, showing him the content he had found out: “Look how good these fans are. They are so quick to pick out that the earrings I’m wearing are the flagship product of the jewelry brand you endorsed earlier this season.”

He and Xia Yuanhang had always had a lot of CP fans. Although a lot of people no longer shipped them after the previous WeChat voice message incident, there were still a small number of people who refused to give up. Afterwards, their several unexplained interactions had revived these people. By the time Xia Yuanhang beat someone for him and after he posted twice in support of Xia Yuanhang, the group had now grown to an amazing extent.

“There are still people who are betting on when we will follow each other.”

Xia Yuanhang rubbed his hair with some distress: “Do you want to follow each other?”

“Let’s just leave it like this, it’s quite embarrassing.” Besides, quietly paying attention to each other was probably kind of fun.

Xia Yuanhang found a Weibo post he posted during Chinese New Year and asked him, “Were you alone that day? This photo was taken on the street in the middle of the night?”

Liang Xincheng glanced at the photo he took on the street on Xia Yuanhang’s birthday on the second day of the Lunar New Year: “You found out, ah…”

“You also know that these fans are very powerful, it is impossible not to find it,” he embraced Liang Xincheng, somehow feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. “Xincheng, baby, when exactly did you start to like me?”

Liang Xincheng sniffed and smiled lightly: “Not long ago, just a little earlier than you.”

He didn’t tell the truth. The ten-year secret love was too bitter, and it was hard to talk about it. He and Xia Yuanhang had just been together. He didn’t want to tell Xia Yuanhang at this time and put too much pressure on Xia Yuanhang. Anyway, as long as they would be together in the future, and he also already got the person he wanted to love the most, what else was there to be dissatisfied with.

1乖 (guai): This usually used for baby/children but when used in this context, there’s a pampering tone to it. I checked online it can also mean darling, lovely, so I guess if from this kind context, it can also mean those. But, I will just leave it as good boy/be obedient because honestly, I can’t even think any equivalent word for this in English]

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