Chasing the Light

Chapter 39: 39


In mid-December, Liang Xincheng attended a fashion dinner. After winning the Golden Pine Award for the best supporting actor award, his status in this circle had gone up a lot, so he was arranged to sit at the main table together with Xie Qinfeng. There were several bigwigs in the circle sitting at the same table as him, as well as the big sister of the organizer of this dinner, the fashion queen, Mei Lin.

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Mei Lin seemed to like Liang Xincheng a lot. She introduced him to a circle of people and smilingly asked the bigwigs to take care of Liang Xincheng, her junior. Liang Xincheng was very calm; he was not nervous in such a scene, neither overbearing nor humble, polite and decent, and his words and deeds were impeccable.

It was just that he drank a bit too much wine. After toasting a round of wine and sitting down, he was already a little flushed. Mei Lin put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently, smiling and reminding him: “If you are uncomfortable, you can go to the lounge to rest for a while.”

“It’s okay, thanks for your concern Mei-jie, I’m fine.” Liang Xincheng bent down to pick up the tissues that had fallen to the ground and broke away from her hand without a trace.

Mei Lin smiled fondly and putted to the direction of a foreign man at the other main table: “That’s the CEO of G Brand China. Their company intends to find a young brand ambassador and I am responsible for helping them to match up. Your image positioning is quite suitable for their brand, are you interested in giving it a try?”

The G brand was a top European luxury jewelry brand. The brand ambassador was indeed a great temptation for an artist like Liang Xincheng, but it was not something that could be obtained with a simple ‘giving it a try’.

Liang Xincheng knew what Mei Lin meant. Ever since he and Xia Yuanhang attended Mei Lin’s private party together, Mei Lin had shown her undisguised interest in him. Today’s dinner party, where he was seated at the main table, was a deliberate attempt to flatter him. However, even if he would offend the queen of fashion from now on, there was no way he would accept her ‘good intentions’

Liang Xincheng gently shook the red wine in his hand, slightly lowering his eyes: “Of course I’m flattered to have this honor, but this kind of thing, it’s good to let it go with the flow. Speaking of Brand G, I like the G brand myself. My boyfriend even said that he would buy a G ring when we get married in the future, haha.”

Mei Lin’s expression only changed for a moment, and she soon returned to her elegant and bright smile: “It turns out that Xiao Liang is secretly in a relationship. If your fans find out, how many little girls’ hearts must be broken.”

Liang Xincheng bit his lips and smiled shyly, the blush on his face became more obvious: “That can’t be helped, who made me like him so much. My boyfriend is too handsome. I’m still worried about him being snatched away by others…”

Anyone who saw this shy posture would know what was going on, so Mei Lin didn’t ask any more questions. She got up to entertain others.

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Liang Xincheng breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his head to send a WeChat message to Xia Yuanhang: “The fashion resources I got flew away, and I probably offended someone. If I can’t mix in the circle in the future, you have to support me [crying]”


Xia Yuanhang asked him what happened, and Liang Xincheng explained briefly that the Queen Mei Lin had taken a fancy to him and tempted him with top fashion resources, wanting him to be the little wolf dog but was rejected by him. In order to make Mei Lin give up, he told her that he was gay and also implied that he was actually a little zero1just in case there is someone who doesn’t know. Zero = bottom, One = top which probably made Mei Lin give up.

“You say, why is she so blind? If she wants to find a little wolf dog, she should find someone like you. Why did she focus on me?”

Xia Yuanhang was distressed and helpless, but he could understand Mei Lin’s thoughts. Liang Xincheng’s sweet mouth could really coax people, and it was easy to make people like him. It was not surprising that a mature woman like Mei Lin would fall in love with him.

“It’s fine if the resources are gone, there will be better ones later. If you really can’t mix in the circle, I have no problem supporting you for life.”

Looking at Xia Yuanhang’s reply, Liang Xincheng couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips. In fact, he didn’t regret it at all; it wasn’t his thing in the first place. There was no need to think about it. He just wanted to act coquettish with Xia Yuanhang.

Xie Qinfeng, who had finished socializing, came back to the table and sat down. Seeing Liang Xincheng blushing badly, he kindly poured him a glass of lemonade and handed it to him: “Drunk?”

Liang Xincheng shook his head: “No, I just blush easily.”

Xie Tanfeng nodded, and they chatted casually. Liang Xincheng smiled and asked Xie Tanfeng: “I heard that Teacher Xie’s studio has invested in the ‘Bounty Order’ IP, right?”


Xie Qinfeng glanced at him calmly: “What? Are you also interested?”

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“I’m not interested, I’ve read the original novel, and none of the characters in it are suitable for me, but my friend is interested and auditioned for it.”

“Your friend? Xia Yuanhang?”

Liang Xincheng nodded: “Mr. Xie can say something about the casting, right”

The original ‘Bounty Order’ was an ancient jianghu novel, which was very popular on the Internet. This time it was adapted into a movie and Xie Qinfeng’s studio was one of the main producers, so he did have a lot of say in the casting. Xie Tanfeng himself didn’t plan to act, so several traffic niches were vying for the role of male lead. This was the role that Xia Yuanhang was competing with Wei Xishuang that he said before.

Xie Tanfeng smiled and did not express his opinion. Liang Xincheng poured him half a glass of wine and clinked glasses with him lightly: “Teacher Xie, can you take care of Xia Yuanhang?”

“Fair competition. Are you worried that he won’t be chosen?”

“I’m not worried if it’s really a fair competition, but he’s had some negative press lately, and Teacher Xie knows that…”

“In that case, don’t I have to consider carefully whether to use him or not?” Xie Qinfeng looked at Liang Xincheng with amusement, seemingly interested in him coming to speak for Xia Yuanhang.

Liang Xincheng lowered his voice and said slowly and deliberately: “Mr. Xie, before you and the paparazzi exchanged material for material, pushing Xia Yuanhang into the limelight and implicating me. Does this count as you owe us once?”


Xie Tanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Liang Xincheng who still seemed to be respectful in front of him, but the words he said were not very pleasant. He thought to himself that his initial opinion of this kid was actually correct; he actually was young but had quite a lot on his mind.

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“Where did you know that?”

“If I know it, then I know it.” Liang Xincheng smiled, “But Yao Yao doesn’t know, I didn’t tell him, don’t worry.”

Ding Yao didn’t know that Xie Qinfeng was responsible for the leak of his WeChat records and had been feeling very sorry for Xia Yuanhang. If he knew the truth, there would be some trouble between Xie Qinfeng and him. Liang Xincheng’s words were already a threat to Xie Qinfeng.

“You have a lot of guts…”

“Teacher Xie you misunderstood, I don’t have any malice towards you. I have always respected you. If Teacher Xie is willing to help me this time, I will also help you.”

Liang Xincheng’s tone was completely sincere, making Xie Qinfeng raising his eyebrows: “You’re helping me?”

“Teacher Xie likes Yao Yao, right?”

Xie Qinfeng’s unperturbed face finally had a crack as he frowned and said: “Don’t say anything in front of Yao Yao about this. He is still a child who doesn’t understand these things.”

Liang Xincheng almost laughed out loud; sure enough, his guess was right. These two people had a crush on each other but both thought that the other did not understand their feelings. It was too funny.

“Yao Yao has told me a lot about Teacher Xie in private, he said he likes you too. Don’t you believe me?”

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Xie Qinfeng sat up straight and looked at Liang Xincheng in surprise, who nodded: “He likes you but doesn’t dare to say so, worried that you only treat him as a little brother. What I said is true.”

Liang Xincheng looked calm, and he really didn’t seem to be lying. Xie Tanfeng slowly poured the wine in the glass into his mouth. After a moment of silence, he said: “Yao Yao regards you as a good friend. For his face, I will help you with this favor.”

“Thank you, Teacher Xie.” This word of thanks was said by Liang Xincheng with sincerity.

Xie Qinfeng’s mood was obviously much happier: “After all this talk, why in the world did you go to such lengths to help Xia Yuanhang?”


Liang Xincheng’s smile was light: “Because I like him, just like Teacher Xie likes Yao Yao.”

It was after eleven o’clock when the nanny car took Liang Xincheng home. Xia Yuanhang came downstairs in advance to pick him up. As soon as the car door opened, Liang Xincheng jumped into the arms of Xia Yuanhang who was waiting outside the door, hanging on to his neck and rubbing against him. Xia Yuanhang lowered his head and kissed him: “Drunk?”

The assistant in the car reminded Xia Yuanhang with a complicated expression: “He drank a little too much at the dinner, better give him some honey to wake him up.”

“Got it, thanks.”

The drunken man who was clinging to himself was half dragged and half carried into the elevator, and after the door closed Xia Yuanhang flicked his forehead helplessly: “Go up and spank your ass.”

Liang Xincheng gave a cheeky laugh, leaning to Xia Yuanhang’s ear and whispering: “Xia Yuanhang, I like you so much.”

Xia Yuanhang’s heart softened, and he kissed his lips: “I know, baby, I like you too.”

1just in case there is someone who doesn’t know. Zero = bottom, One = top

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