Chasing the Light

Chapter 40: 40


The day after New Year’s Day, Xia Yuanhang and his agent went to meet with the film crew of ‘Bounty Order’ to sign the contract.

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In the end, it was indeed beyond Xia Yuanhang’s expectation that he was able to successfully win the role. Before he went there, one of the assistant directors who knew him well told him that Xie Qinfeng, one of the producers, was the one who finally decided on him for the role of the male first.

This news surprised Xia Yuanhang even more. Although he had some friendship with Xie Qinfeng, they were not familiar enough to let the other party take risks to help him, but in any case he did have to thank Xie Qinfeng. So when he saw him, the first thing he did was to thank Xie Qinfeng.

Xie Tanfeng looked calm: “You don’t need to thank me, thank Liang Xincheng, he recommended you to me.”

Xia Yuanhang was stunned, Liang Xincheng never mentioned this matter to him. Although he didn’t know how he told Xie Tanfeng, Xie Qinfeng’s willingness to help him was really rare, so it must have taken a lot of effort.

Xia Yuanhang was a little helpless and a little bit distressed. In fact, he would rather not have this role than having Liang Xincheng beg for him in a low voice. That little fool, how could he be worthy of him.

After that, Xia Yuanhang had been a little absent-minded. After successfully signing the contract, he accompanied several producers, directors, and producers for a meal. When it was over, Xiang Qiao took the opportunity to ask him in a low voice: “What’s wrong with you? Why were you so distracted?”

“Nothing, let’s go back.”

Xiang Qiao drove the car by himself, and he and Xia Yuanhang separated when they came out of the hotel; Xia Yuanhang’s car drove out from the underground parking lot. Seeing the screenwriter Lan Fengqing standing at the door of the hotel to make a call, he drove the car over and stopped beside her, lowering the window: “Where is Sister Lan going?Do you need me to give you a ride?”

Lan Fengqing bent down and gave an address, asking him with a smile: “Would it be too much trouble for you? Forget it if it’s not on the way.”

“We’re going the same way, I’ll drive you there.”

The other party didn’t refuse, just said thank you and opened the door to get in the car.


Lan Fengqing was the screenwriter of the film ‘Bounty Order’ and the author of the original novel. She was a woman in her thirties with an ordinary appearance and a low-key and gentle personality. At the dinner table just now, she hardly said much, only smiling along with others. Xia Yuanhang had a good impression of her.

“I’ve read the original novel before, and the difference with the script is quite big, but it’s well-written.”

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Xia Yuanhang casually looking for topics to chat with her, Lan Fengqing smiled: “I myself feel that the novel is much better.”

“Well…It is true that the original novel is better in terms of plot control. A lot of content has been deleted from the script, and some things have been added. Some places may be a little unnatural.”

“That can’t be helped,” Lan Fengqing sighed helplessly. “You know the rules in this circle are like this. Investors have the final say. I have tried my best to keep what I want to express as much as possible.”

Xia Yuanhang nodded: “I understand. Actually, I have also read the novels written by Lan-jie before, the earliest one ‘Little Er Bao’s Miracle and Fantasy World’. It was very popular when I was in school. I have a friend who likes it very much. He bought every edition for the collection and read it many times. ”

Lan Fengqing was surprised to hear that: “You even read that book? It was written more than ten years ago. Your friend likes that one?”

“Yes,” Xia Yuanhang said seriously, “he likes it very much.”


Lan Fengqing was a little emotional: “I wrote that book when I was in college. Many people say that it is too wild and unconscionable, and it is very chuunibyou. Nowadays, that style of novel has long been out of popularity. Actually, I like it very much myself. Being able to reprint it a few times is purely for the sake of the publishing house which has been cooperating with me for many years. In the future, it’s almost impossible to sell it. It’s quite rare for your friend to always like it.”

“I also think it’s actually quite good, Lan-jie has not thought of making it a film?”

“Of course I want to, but that book, how to say it…It’s sort of an obsession of my own. I don’t want to change too much if I want to put it on the screen. If the script is changed beyond recognition because of investors’ opinions, then forget it. There is also the issue of actors. I also want to choose them by myself. It’s not a popular theme to ask for so many requirements, no one will be interested in filming at all. And I don’t want to be careless. It takes a lot of money to create so many fantasy scenes. I asked someone to estimate; if I really want to make it a film, I have to have at least 200 million investment not including the actors’ remuneration. But for movies with this kind of theme, I’m afraid the box office won’t be able to recover the cost at all.”

Xia Yuanhang pursed the corners of his lips lightly when he heard the words. He didn’t say any more, only comforting her: “Maybe someday someone will be interested in this theme, and maybe they will be able to invest.”

“Ha, I hope.”

After sending Lan Fengqing to her destination, before the other party got off the car, Xia Yuanhang took out a brand new copy of ‘Little Er bao’s Miracle and Fantasy World’ and handed it to her, saying with a smile: “Can I trouble Lan-jie to sign it for my friend?”

“No problem,” Lan Fengqing readily took out a pen from her bag and flipped open the cover of the book, “What’s your friend’s name?Let me write a ‘to’ sign.”

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“Xincheng, Liang Xincheng.”

Lan Fengqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled: “Liang Xincheng? I admire him too. I’ve seen all of his works, but unfortunately I’ve never had the chance to work with him.”

Xia Yuanhang smiled and nodded: “There will be opportunities. Does Lan-jie think he is suitable for the role of Xiao Erbao?”


Lan Fengqing stopped her pen to think seriously and smiled again: “Actually, it’s quite suitable.”

Liang Xincheng didn’t have much work during this period while Xia Yuanhang went out to work. He was too lazy to cook and ordered take-out instead. When he was full, he lazily nestled in the sofa to watch a movie. Wei Xishuang’s WeChat came in when he was yawning and drowsy: “I heard someone say that the male lead for ‘Bounty Order’ will finally settle on Xia Yuanhang. Is it because you talked to Xie Qinfeng?”

Liang Xincheng thought to himself that Wei Xishuang was quite well-informed: “Sorry, I stole your role.”

“Why do you want to help him so much? Don’t you think this is unfair to me?”

“This role competition is originally based on the ability of each. But, during this period of time, Xia Yuanhang’s negative news has been constant, and there have been water armies and marketing accounts on the Internet with a rhythm to smear his reputation. Your team has made a lot of efforts, ba.” Originally, Liang Xincheng didn’t bother to say these things, but since Wei Xishuang asked him to be fair, he just said it honestly.

“That’s just a means of competition.”

“I know, I’ve taken roles from people in that way, too. I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it, but I had contacts that could help him so I helped, and it’s just a normal means of competition.”

He didn’t get any reply from the other side. Liang Xincheng thought he had given up, so he got up and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. However, when he came back, there was another new message on WeChat.

“You and Xia Yuanhang, are you guys really together, ba?”

Liang Xincheng admitted frankly: “Yes.”

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“Sure enough…is he that good? Is it worth it for you to do this for him? How is I worse than him? I like you very much, why do you refuse to give me a chance?”

“I’m not very good either, and I’m not worthy of your liking.”

“You are so unfeeling even in rejecting people, I have liked you for more than a year anyway.”

Before getting to know Liang Xincheng, Wei Xishuang was indeed a swinger who didn’t avoid meat and vegetables. At the beginning, he also approached Liang Xincheng with the idea of making an appointment, but later Liang Xincheng really got into his heart and he had the idea of settling down. It was a pity that Liang Xincheng was completely unmoved, and he rarely even gave him a good face.

“But I have liked Xia Yuanhang for ten years.”


When Xia Yuanhang came back, Liang Xincheng had just finished his coffee. When he heard the sound of the key opening the door, he immediately ran to the entrance to greet him. Xia Yuanhang, who just came in, put his arms around his waist: “What did you have for lunch?”

“I have food delivered.”

After the two people exchanged a sticky kiss, Xia Yuanhang took off his coat and hung it up, and sat on the sofa with Liang Xincheng in his arms.

“What’s wrong?”

As if sensing that something was wrong with Xia Yuanhang’s mood, Liang Xincheng rubbed against his face: “Who upset you?”

“No, there’s a gift for you.”

Xia Yuanhang handed him the book signed by Lan Fengqing: “Take a look, are you satisfied?”

Liang Xincheng opened the wrap paper with joy, and on the title page was a beautiful line of handwritten words by Lan Fengqing: “To Xincheng: Don’t stop chasing your dreams. May you realize your dreams and create miracles like Xiao Er Bao. ——Lan Fengqing”

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“Satisfied! So satisfied!” Liang Xincheng excitedly hugged Xia Yuanhang’s head and barfed hard on his face, so happy that his face turned red.

Xia Yuanhang smiled and squeezed his hand: “It’s good that you like it.”

“Then what’s wrong with you? Why are you so weird?”

“Nothing…Xincheng, you helped me get this role?”

“You know, ah?”

Xia Yuanhang sighed, and the tip of his nose brushed against his cheek: “Why are you so stupid…”

“Nothing, Teacher Xie is very easy to talk to; I just told him a little about Ding Yao and he agreed to help me. Since you have signed the contract, just act well.”

Xia Yuanhang couldn’t say anything more; his heart was full of the emotion of wanting to love Liang Xincheng a little more and a little more: “Yes, I will work hard.”



T/N: 14 chapters left! I’ll try to continue to update this every day!

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