Cain, who moved to the first floor of the archeological site, walked slowly along the cobblestones and headed for the exit. At first, it was possible to return to the mansion as it was, but remembering that he had accepted the reception at the entrance of the dungeon and wrote his name, he decided to return to the first floor. In minutes, she reached the exit and Cain saw the sun for the first time in hours.

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"Well good weather."

Cain extended her body to the sky before heading to the reception. The receptionist who was worried when entering the receptionist was waiting. When he looks at Cain's face, he loosens his cheeks and gives a reassuring expression.

"Cain, you're safe. I'm really happy. I was surprised to hear that the party I just came back dived to the eleventh floor of the dungeon alone."

Cain is relieved to hear that the members of the Silver Wolf Fang who met there have returned safely. He left the building stating that he had left the dungeon. Outside, there were members of the silver wolf tusks loading the monster material into the wagon into the city. Airi, a member of the group, found Cain and smiled and waved. Members who follow Airi's gaze relax their cheeks when they discover that Cain is ahead.

"Cain-kun! You're safe. We've just returned. We'll be back in the town of Dlintle. Let's go back together!"

I was suddenly hugged by Airi who ran up.

Tr an s l at e d b y Jpmtl .com "Airi! Is that annoying? You've advanced to that floor. It must be stronger than us ...?"

And Destra came in from behind and stopped Airi.


Airi nodded at Destra's words and released Cain.

"Cain, I was saved that time. I'm going back to Drintor. Would you like to go with me?"

"Um ..."

Cain, who could return to the city in an instant with the transfer, did not need to take a wagon or the like, but decided to accompany him quickly with Airi's strong invitation. Because of the cobblestone maintenance, the stage coaches are regularly operated by the firm and Destin has paid for them, so Cain has boarded. Ride a horse-drawn carriage that can accommodate about ten people, and then a wagon loaded with materials collected by adventurers goes to the city.

"I heard the rumors and moved to this city, but it was the right answer. It seems that I can drink good sake this time." Tra ns la t e d by Jpmt l .com

One of the members speaks out looking forward to a banquet in the city.

"Yes, it's been a month since I came to the city, but earning money is different from when I was in a different city."

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Destra nodded at the words.

"Yeah, the security of the city is good! The adventurers are well supported and the best!"

Airi nods in the same way. Cain hears the word and nods as satisfied. The town was running almost all the way to Alex, but if he was doing well he would loosen his cheeks.

"But, Cain-kun, is the magic that year too advanced? Will you be our member?"

Airi tries to invite Cain to the member, but Cain shook his head.

"I'm an adventurer, but I happened to be in Dlintre today, but I'm usually in the royal capital. I'm sorry-"

Despite Cain's words that the members seem disappointed, Destra won the Airy.

"Airi, Cain is stronger than any of our members. If we team up, we're not strong enough."

Airi slightly darkened her expression in Destra's words.

"Cain, you're already an advanced adventurer if you have that skill. Otherwise you won't be allowed to enter the dungeon that year. And you alone ..."

Cain nodded silently at the words of the golden card Destra. I didn't mean to show it. While talking, the stagecoach arrived at Dorintl to the West Gate. The young guards who are accepting reception at the gate are handling them one after another while confirming their identity with guild cards.

"Let's get in, next!"

The silvery silver wolf fangs walk down the gate, showing their guild cards. Cain followed. Cain reluctantly took out the golden A-rank adventurer card and showed it to the guards. Trans lat e d by jp mt l .c o m

"Yes next! Wait a minute, that card is your-"

Golden A rank adventurers account for less than 1% of all adventurers. That was unusual even in the adventurer town of Dlintre. Even worse, I don't think kids will play cards. The alleged young guard stopped Cain. At that moment, a captain of the guard, who was watching the whole thing behind, came running.

"Let the child pass as it is"


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"I'll let you go"


The young guard was not convinced, but passed through Cain. Cain thanks the Guard's concern and bows lightly. With a little regret, the captain of the guard also slightly lowered his head. He was aware of Cain, and had been ordered to treat Cain the same as he was while adventurers. When it was revealed that he was the lord here, he stopped the young guard, thinking it was a fuss. Of course, the young guard, who was later explained by the captain of the Guard, screamed, knowing that the child was the lord.

"Cain-kun, let's go to the guild for cash."

For some reason Cain, handed to Airi, gives up and nods that she is unlikely to have a veto. The members of the Fang of Silver Wolves also seemed to be expecting cash for the defeat of Minotaur, a B-ranked rank. For some reason, he walked around the city with Airi's hand and came to the adventurer's guild. Airi opens the door and walks through the guild hall without worrying. Cain was attracted by Ayri's eyes, and glanced jealous from around him. Airi was not too beautiful. Of the members, Destra and Airi headed for the reception, and the other members headed for the bar next to the guild. Cain, of course, is holding hands with Airi and heads to the reception together.

"I'd like to ask for cash for the material. Minotaur on the 10th floor of the dungeon."

Destra proudly tells the receptionist. The cheers rose when he heard that he defeated Minotaur, who is also said to be the middle boss of the class. Cain also announced that he had defeated Minotaur and was given a voucher at the material storage. The yard behind the guild has a role in buying and demolishing demons that adventurers have defeated and distributing them. Cain, along with the silver wolf fangs, accompanied the demon yard and was instructed by guild officials to place the demon material in a designated location. The members of the Silver Wolf Fang leave the wagon as they are used to the designated location. Magic bag After all, we do not have an item box or something, so we will place materials with the best cash rate. However, since Minotaur's material was expensive everywhere, it seemed that he took it partially cut. Minotaurs placed were common with reddish-brown skin.

"That .... It's a different color ..."

Cain muttered while watching the material being placed. Airi has finished placing her material and has returned to Cain.

"What? Cain-kun, what's the material?"

Tr an s la t ed b y Jp mtl .c om "Um ........"

I was worried about what to do, but decided to use minotaur material without help.

Magic bag I put the demon material out as if it had been taken out of a winded bag. There came out a Minotaur, whose skin color and size were completely different from those of the Minotaur with silver wolf fangs.

"" ["" ............... "" ""

"Is this a Minotaur ...?"

Guild officials and adventurers in charge of dismantling Cain, who fearfully asks, are stupid at seeing the headless Minotaur. Finally, the severed neck is placed in the back of Minotaur's chest.

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"This is ... this is the Minotaur Aug, a higher-ranking species of Minotaur! S-rank material! Call the guild master right away!"

Staff who had been working elsewhere once stopped working and came to look into the material, which was rarely seen. The young staff rushed to call for the guildmaster.

"Well, S rank ...?"

"Cant Believe It……"

Gradually, staff and adventurers crowded around the Minotaur Aug material. Cain wanted to escape, but Airi was firmly holding her arm. Soon the guild master rushed to the material storage area.

"If it is an S-rank material ...? Is it true?"

Guild Master Liquisets was impressed by seeing the material. The material is not scratched at all and the neck is just cut. Such materials would be expensive. And Liquisetsu glanced with Cain, who defeated him.

"Oh, lord."

"Guild Master! Have a meeting with other materials!"

T r a nsla t ed b y Jp mtl .co m Cain, who interrupted Rixets' voice, approached and listened to Rixets to prevent him from being a lord.

"Don't say lord here; it's adventurer Cain."

"--Okay, Lord. Let's deal with that."

The two spoke secretly and nodded.

"But it's a wonderful Minotaur Org. I've never seen it in such a beautiful state.-This is Ryo ... No, Mr. Cain ..."

Rixets mutters while looking at the material. And Cain began to talk to Rixets in a whisper.

"Actually, there are still many monster materials on the fifteenth floor ...

Land Dragon With a large number of staff and adventurers, he did not intend to release more than a hundred or more than twenty meters.

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"--Yes, then let's listen individually."

Rixets turned around, looking over staff and adventurers and telling them to scatter.

"It's just this material, can I take a little time?"

Cain nodded at Rikisetsu's words. Originally, the material was about to be secretly released, but thanks to the caught by Airi, the material was constantly released. As expected, I did not intend to release any more.

"Cain-kun, this is an S-class material? Did you come out in that dungeon !? If this came out at our time ..."

Airi, a member of the silver wolf fangs that are still nearby, shook in memory of the situation when he fought with Minotaur.

"Yes ... I came out in the boss room there."

The members turned their faces blue. If you go wrong, if it came out at your own time, it must have been annihilated.

"I want to talk to the guild master from now on, so this is ..."

I was going to talk to Riksets once, but a receptionist ran to it.

"The guild master, the customer is here ... Oh, Lord! I'm sorry."

Everyone stops at the words of Ness, the receptionist.

「「 「「 Ryo, Lord !? 」」 」」

Ness drowned in her silence with Rixets.

"The Lord has seen Baron Alex the Deputy, will you see him?"

And it was even more challenging.

The words Cain and Rixets sighed.

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