Ness, who looks strange and amazed at everyone's appearance, talks to Rixets. Of course, I was proud to be proud of being able to treat Cain not as an adventurer, but as a lord.

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"Guild Master! Baron Alex is waiting for you."


And Ness whose head is beaten by Liquisets.


Rixets sighs at Ness holding her head in pain.

"You're ... I'm sorry, Cain. I've been bald because of this guy."

"I can't help ..." T ra n s l at e d by Jpmt l .c om

Cain looked around and saw Airi, as well as members of the Silver Wolf Fang, other adventurers, and even the demolition staff, surprised faces. Nes was in a state where only one person couldn't understand.

"Well, Cain-kun is the lord !?"

"Cant Believe It……"

The words from Airi and Destra, who had a surprising expression, were their limits. Airi only needs to be surprised, but Destra and other members have pale faces. He remembered how to treat the aristocrats, including what they did when they were in the dungeon. Rixets, who gave up, stood in front of Cain and talked to his face.

"You know, Cain is the lord. But he's also an adventurer. Cain isn't very visible. -It may be difficult ... but of course what I just talked about is useless. "

When Rixets speaks, she looks at Cain. Cain nodded and stepped forward.

T ra ns la te d b y Jp m "As you can see, I'm Earl of Cain von Silford Drintle. I'm a lord, but I'm also an adventurer and a student of the Royal Capitals. Please feel free to contact me when you are out. "

Cain smiles with a smile, but everyone around her is holding her face. He thought he was a strong adventurer kid who defeated S-rank monsters, but he was also the lord of the city he lived in, and the Earl who was classified as a senior noble. There will be some surprises.

"Ha, ha, Earl ... Cain-kun, Earl ..."

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Cain left Eiri, who did not understand well, elsewhere to escape with Rixets, and headed to the reception room.

Upon entering the reception, Alex and Letia were waiting.

"Well, Cain, no, Count Cain, came back? I heard from Dalmatia that I had entered the dungeon alone, and I wanted to talk to the guildmaster ..."

"I'm back, Alex, just fine. No problem ... but there were some problems ..."

When Ryxetsu hears the contents in a whisper, Retia sighs with her hand on her forehead.

"Well, let's do the thing later, but if the material of this monster is the S-rank Minotaur Rogue ..."

Cain puts her mouth to Sitia sighing.

Chiryu: "In that case, I encountered a flock on the 15th basement floor, so more than a hundred of that material …… and ……”

Chiryu: "Wait a minute, Cain, S rank demons, more than a hundred A ranks !? Also ... you have no weight ..."

Listening to Cain's words, Alex had no choice but to touch his forehead.

"In fact, it came out later, and it came out like a dragon whose whole body was covered with a rock shell, so that ..."

Rixets and Letia react to the words.

Tr a ns l a ted b y jpm tl.c o m "Wait a minute! The whole monster is covered with rocks like a turtle shell and is more than 10 meters long-"

Liquisetsu controls Excitement Letia by hand.

Iwaryu "Cain-sama, I think that's probably the case. It is a natural disaster class monster that is treated as an SSS rank depending on the length. I've never seen it, but ... Did you defeat it?"

Cain nods silently at Liquisetsu's gaze. As expected, Rikisetsu also makes her face stick. I was surprised at the size of the rock dragon, but Cain was surprised to know that it was classified as SSS rank by defeating with a single blow. He breathes a relief when he does not leave the guild.

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Rock Dragon "Cain-sama, right now, rank A? We will apply for the S rank immediately to the royal capital. There will be no problem if your Majesty also confirms the results. It is impossible to take over in this city as expected You need to be picked up at the royal capital, and the guild will contact the royal capital headquarters. "

Already a decision, Letia quickly left the reception room to prepare the paperwork. After giving up, Cain leaves the adventurer's guild after checking the current infrastructure and problems. As expected, I couldn't walk home on the way back, so I got on the carriage that Alex was riding.

"I know that Cain is strong ... but there's no SSS class, isn't it just surprising to have such a natural-grade monster in the dungeon in your territory?"

The carriage went to the mansion while listening to Alex's stupid bitterness. It was a dungeon to relieve stress, but after listening to complicated information and being careful to return to the mansion, Alex was cautious of weighing himself, and Cain greeted everyone and depressed the king a little. It moved to the capital's residence.

Within a few days, Cain was called by the Royal Castle. Cain goes to the Royal Castle by chariot and passes through the usual drawing room. Edin, the adventurer's guildmaster of the royal city, was sitting in the room first. Edin sees Cain's face and relaxes her cheeks. My brother-in-law, "Ya-kun. I've already reported to Ojo. This time, it's a matter of course.

After all, Cain sighs, supposed to be Drintl. After a short period of time, the King, led by Prime Minister Magna, Duke of Eric, and Deputy Knight of Dime, came in. They stood up once and waited for the kings to sit down.

"-Cain ... Lord, I just said that, are you still doing it? I read the contents of the S rank application and thought that my heart would stop!"

Aside from the exhausted king, Prime Minister Magna began reading the application.

Chiryu: "A-rank Cain currently does not see more than one hundred A-ranked, S-ranked minotaurs orgs, and ruined SSS-ranked natural disasters at the ruins of Rugar in the Drintor territory. However, it is not possible to respond to the excessive number with the adventurer guild of Drintl, so we hope to pick up at the royal capital guild or the castle. It is necessary to raise the rank to S or higher as soon as possible.

Magna sighs deeply after placing the paper she has read in front of Cain.

"Count Cain, is this application correct?"

T r an s lat ed by Jpm Cain just nodded to Prime Minister Magna's words. The King also heard the contents read by Prime Minister Magna and made an expression that seemed stunned.

"I will pick it up all in the country. There is no easy place to buy such materials. I also accept the promotion of the S rank. I can use the SSS with the first generation, but the goods have an order. First of all, it ’s the S rank. ”

Cain nodded in the King's words.

"So, can you actually show me?"

"I know. I just need a big place."

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The Cain, including the King, have moved to the training camp of the Knights of the Guard. In the past, the space for monsters was not enough. Even the trained knights who trained cannot be surprised at the sudden appearance of the nation's heavyweights, including the king. The Deputy Commander Dime talked about the situation and opened the space once.

"I don't think there's a problem if you have this much space.

The earth dragon Cain stands in the center of the widely opened space and emits monster materials one after another. Forest Monkey, Forest Wolf Herd, Forest Kong, and out. Only three monster mountains were completed. The guard knights who watched the situation around are exquisite. Of course, the king and all those who were present had the same expression.

"The last is a bit big, so please stay away"

Watching Cain's words, the kings watched Cain a few meters away. Rock Dragon And Cain finally came out. It was over 20 meters in size, nearly 10 meters tall, and had only its neck cut off. He laid his neck aside.

"This is the end ..."

Apart from the neat Cain look, everyone in this place could not speak. The guard knights who surround him talk in a whisper.

"I know Cain-sama is strong ... but that's impossible ..."

"Even if you start a war alone, you can lose this country ... I don't feel like winning."

"While they are strong like monsters, were we trying to simulate ...?"

T ra n s l a ted by Jp mtl.c o m The king, who was staring at him, finally opened his mouth.

"Cain, I'm tired. Lord, do you want to be the King instead?"

Prime Minister Magna also exclaims the words. Cain is suddenly told to become king and decides immediately.

"I absolutely dislike it! I am satisfied with my current life!"

In the words of Cain, Prime Minister Magna strokes her chest.

"It looks like you're dreaming. Magna, I've left it to you."

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The king walked away with a tired look.

`` Eric asks the king ''

Duke Eric nodded at the words of Chancellor Magna and returned to support the king.

"Cain, that's really this much ... this is too unexpected. Even though the country is moist, we need to spend as much. Can we wait a bit for the assessment?"

Everyone looks at this mountain of monsters and opens their mouths to be stunned. How many advanced A-rank adventurers can hunt this amount? No, who can believe that it has been said that a boy who has not yet grown up has hunted intact the amount that the nation has raised all its power and made a great deal of sacrifice. Cain told Magna that there was no problem.

Iwaryu "I will bring the assessor later. However, can you leave me out? As expected, this can not be carried. Let's see the time and ask for it."

"I see. I can get it out as soon as I tell you."

After answering, Cain gently touches it and puts it in the item box. Rock dragon Over 20 meters, but disappeared in an instant. Watching the situation, cheers from the guard knights rise.

"The rest of the material will be transported to the knight.

"Yes, yes ..."

Dime nodded while saying his face to Prime Minister Magna.

"Cain is safe to return today. Let's bring in his messenger. I'll look at His Majesty."

Prime Minister Magna said so and returned to the castle. The back was the same exhausted figure as the King. The guard knight and Cain are left, and Dime tells Cain apologeticly.

"Cain, as expected this amount ... can you help me carry it?"

After that, once all the demons were stored in the item box, and the demons' materials were split and stored so that they would not rot.

Exhausted by Cain's weightless actions, the king and the Prime Minister slept for about two days, and all work stopped.

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