Despite being tired of Cain's weightless action, senior management was steadily preparing to announce the engagement. Finally, tomorrow was the day of the engagement party. Nobles, including Garm in Gracia, are entering the capital one after another. When it comes to announcement involving the royal family, it is customary for nobles from across the country to come together. Regarding Cain's costumes, merchants sent from the country gathered and measured to make clothes for the ceremony.

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"I have to make it for the ceremony every time ..."

Koran calms down Cain who complains.

"It's true that the royal family has announced their engagement. Nobles from all over the country will come together. I've become an earl, and if I don't wear proper costumes, I can't look cool ... and today, Tiffana I'll meet my parents. ''

"Yeah, that's right ..."

The arrival of Tijuana's parents, who had never met before, has arrived in the Imperial City, and was slated to go for a greeting and meeting. Cain, wearing sleeves in his new outfit, stepped into the carriage, worried about seeing his first meeting with Tifana's parents. The carriage with Cain arrived at the Royal Castle soon after. Tijuana has a mansion as a duke in the royal capital, but has been designated by the other party and today he has met at the Royal Castle. As she remembers Tiffana's parents for the first time, she follows the maid and follows her. Soon after, the maid knocked in one reception room.

"You've seen Earl Silford."

"Get in" Tr ansl at ed b y jpm tl.c o m

There was a slightly lower voice from the other side of the door. After confirming his voice, the maid opens the door and stands sideways. Among them are Tijuana and Edin, and in between are two men and women of the same age as Tijuana and Edin. Cain sat down as he was guided. As an elf, his father has long, pale green hair behind his ears. It looks the same as Edin, but the intensity of the light is outstanding. And even among the slim elves, the muscles were as hard as they pushed up their clothes. Next to him is a slender woman with silver hair stretched to her waist and still looking at her twenties.

"I'm Count Cain von Silford Drintl. I'm the first to see Duke Liberty."

Cain greeted him and bowed to them.

"Sir Cain, look up and look good."

A voice came from Duke of Lathan sitting in front of him. Cain raises his face as the word suggests. Duke Lathan didn't say anything and continued to look into Cain. A silent space continued for about two minutes, and suddenly Duke Lathan loosened his cheek and nodded.

"I was worried because I heard from Tiffana that I was younger, but I chose a good partner."

Duke Lathan smiled at Tijuana. Then he turns to Cain and opens his mouth. Tr ans l at e d b y Jpm t m

"Sir Cain, you're so loved by the gods. There's no complaint against Tijuana.

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After hearing the words, Edin put his hand on his forehead and muttered, "After all ..."

"As a father-I still want to see your ability."

The smile was the first time I met Tijuana at the training ground. Cain reminded me of Tiffana's face. (Tifana is brain muscle ... maybe ...)

Already smiling before the battle, Duke of Lathan was hitting his head from behind.

"It's absolutely ... you're going to introduce yourself first.

A beautiful young girl sitting next to her looks at Duke Lathan. Duke Lathan stepped as if he remembered.

"Well, this is rude. I'm Lathan von Liebert. My wife, Tina, is next to me."

"Tina von Libert, Cain-sama, mother of Edin and Tijuana."

Nobody notices even if she is said to be Tifana's sister, and Tina smiles and greets. As expected, it was due to the age, and there was an adult sexuality different from Tijuana, and Cain dyed his cheeks a little unexpectedly. After their greetings were over, they came to the main subject.

"When I first got a letter from Tiffana, I thought," I've finally found it. " I will not disagree. Even if he is not a regular wife ... However, I was interested in hearing that he was a young adult and stronger than Tijuana. ''

Edin advises Duke Lathan, who speaks with a smile.

"Cain, ah, no, Lord Cain will go up to the S rank as per this adventurer's application, so there is no problem in terms of ability. Regardless of the personality and of course the state of the territory We've heard from Rikisetsu, and I think it's a good property with no flaws. "

"I would like to find such a cute girl if I was younger."

Tra n s l a t e d b y jp mt "Cho! Tina!"

"I'm kidding!"

Cain relaxes her cheeks while listening to the conversation between Duke Lathan and Tina.

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"But Tiffana has lived swords all the time, so I don't think she can imitate a noble lady right now, but I'm glad she's good. Her personality looks like her husband and she looks like this ..."

After all, Tina seemed concerned that her daughter had always been raised as a knight and was said to be the strongest in the country.

"The Majesty has already acknowledged me, and I have no particular problems."

"Yes! I've been simulating with Cain many times a week, because I love each other."

Duke Lathan, who misunderstands the dignified Tijuana, makes her face stiff.

"--Isn't that really early? Isn't it just yet engaged and Lord Cain wouldn't be an adult?"

Cain notices that he misunderstands and immediately denies.

"Wait a minute. It's a mock battle, so a mock battle!"

Duke Lathan was surprised at Cain's words and shyly scratched his head.

"Already! If you are!"

Tina, thinking about the same thing, laughs and hits Lathan's shoulder.

Let's play mock, "Is that so ... OK, I'm with Lord Cain."

Duke Lathan talks to Cain with a wide smile. T ran slated b y jp mtl .co m


Cain nodded while smiling at the duke of Lathan.

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They went out to the reception and went to the training grounds of the Guard Knight. Tiffana goes ahead to tell the guard knights he is training to make room. The guards knights seemed to take a break and sat down at a distance. Once, Duke of Lathan and Cain rented the changing room of the Knights of the Guards and changed clothes before heading to the training ground. On the way, he met a person in charge of dismantling the demons Cain put.

"Oh, Cain-sama, now that the demons that have been put in have been dismantled, can I get the rest?"

The duke of Lathan was accompanied, so he refused, but Lathan won by hand.

"Well, the monster that Cain defeated. I want you to show me once. Okay, I'll accompany you."


The three go to the demon material storage, and Cain puts the demon out of the item box at the designated location. Chiryu has already been delivered in several parts, the rest is only 10 SSS class. Earth dragon Cain first lined up ten bodies on the ground. As expected, Duke of Lathan also drinks saliva. A monster of rank A is spectacular if it is lined up. Then he went a little side and Cain released the last monster. Rock dragon The body length is over 20 meters, the body height is 10 meters, the item box with no neck is put out, and the last cut neck is laid down.

"This, this, this ..."

Even the Duke of Lathan has never seen a monster of this size. It would be stranger to have a chance to see the monsters that are rated SSS, which can be said to be a natural disaster grade.

Iwaryu "This is designated as an SSS rank. If this monster comes out, will it be possible to defeat even if all the army goes out ..."

The knight who is in charge of dismantling also gives an explanation to Duke Lathan while looking up at the size of the rocky mountain.

"This is the monster, Lord Cain ... maybe ... alone?"

"I heard that."

T ra n sl a t ed by m Duke Lathan listens to the explanation from the Guard Knight and opens his eyes. Then he looks at Cain. Cain nodded ashamed. Lathan laughed at the appearance.

My step-son want to see"

After all, Duke of Lathan was the same fighter mad as Tijuana. After leaving the material storage area, they went to the training area. Lathan was already smiling when she went to the training ground. Edin and Tina tilt her head. They met with a wooden sword in the empty space about 10 meters away.

"Sir Cain, I borrow my chest.

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Strengthening The duke of Lathan hangs in an instant, squeezing at a distance of ten meters and flashing his sword at the top. Enhancement Cain also instantly received a duke of Lathan's sword. As expected, the swords were sharper than Tijuana, the magical power was cast down on the wooden sword, and Cain was surprised. Cain felt he was definitely stronger than Tijuana, which is said to be the strongest in the country.

"Sir Cain, as expected."

A smiling Duke of Lathan once distanced and spelled magic. As in Tijuana, winds swirl around Duke of Lathan.

"Here is the performance. Let's go!"

Duke Lathan approaches Cain at a different speed than before. (Still stronger than Tifana)

The whole body is wrapped with magic so that you can see it, and you can see that magic has passed to the tip of the sword. Enhancement of thinking ability Cain also chanted "" and conversely approached Duke Lathan. If Cain, whose status cannot be measured, becomes serious, he will come back instantly. He instantly cut off the wooden sword of Duke of Lathan, strengthened by magic, and thrust his throat.

"Is it so far ..."

In Cain's words, Duke Lathan dispelled the magic, lifted his hands from the wooden sword, and posed for the surrender. Cain also dismisses the wooden sword that protrudes into the throat and unravels the magic she has on her body.

"No, I've come. I'm so far. I'm out of my hands and feet.-Don't let your guard down."

Duke Lathan suddenly tries to enter Cain. Cain instantly took his right hand, went into his pockets and threw the duke of Lathan with one back. Everything is thanks to physical skills. At the moment of throwing, pulling his arms makes Duke Lathan feel like he is wearing a butt cake.

"Isn't this too bad ... it's really surrendering"

Duke Lathan rises up laughing and removing the soil from his clothes.

"No complaints. You can leave Tijuana with confidence. Thank you, Lord Cain."

Duke Lathan bowed deeply to Cain. Cain was surprised at the appearance and bowed in the same way.

"Thank you very much."

The two raised their heads and shook hands, returning to where Tina and Edin watch.

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