Townscape unified in white. In the center is a magnificent white chalk temple that everyone can look up and breath. It is the main hall of Malinford and can be said to be the center of Malinford. Two black men stand in a luxuriously decorated room. An old man in a white robe crouched on the floor. Some parts of the white robe are red.

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“…… Ugugugu ……”

The old man in the white robe snarled from the pain, but the men did not care and kicked the old man in pain.

"Is it tempting to open the treasure chest soon?" "... I can't do that ... I can't just open it."

The Pope refuses to open the treasure chest while enduring pain. But the assailants took the following steps. Another black man appeared from the door, holding an unconscious young girl in one hand. At the church headquarters, the orphans with blessing were raised as apprentices. There is a decent number of people to manage the large temples, deepening their religions while working down the road, and being dispatched to cities around the world as priests and sisters. The man has still caught three young girls. The girls are shaking, threatened by a man with a knife.

"If you can't open the treasure house, will you kill the kids in turn? How many Popes can you stand?"

A grinning black smiling man catches a girl and places the knife's blade against the girl's neck.

"... Wait! Don't hurt the kids ..." "I don't hear those words. Do you open them or not?" T ra n s l a t ed b y jpm tl.c om

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As the man's knife blade slid along the girl's cheek, a red line appeared on the cheek, from which bleeding occurred.

"... Kyo, Pope ..." "Huh. Next head? Are there two more?"

The man turned the knife edge from cheek to neck. "Mugu ... I understand ..."

The Pope clenched his fist and decided to open the treasure house. The girls were tied up and rolled on the spot, and the Pope took the lead and headed for the treasure house. The temple is quiet at midnight, and only the footsteps of the hallway echo. After walking for a few minutes, the door with the treasure house was visible. The temple's treasure house is strictly managed and unlocked by the Pope's magical power flowing through the crystal on the door. Each Pope is to perform a magic registration at the time of the replacement ceremony. A horn sounds when another tries to open it, and the temple knight is rushing in immediately.

"Let's open it early. If you don't open it, you know the little girls ..." "Wow, I understand ... Open it now ..."

The Pope raises his shivering hand on the crystal and sheds its magic. At the same time, there was a sound of unlocking.

T ra nsl a t ed by Jpmtl .com "Look, open it. Put it inside."

When the other man opened the door, saying he was confused, the inside was full of treasures, books, and jewelry.

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"College. You can play and live for a lifetime." "That's fine, find the object you want." "... I understand."

One puts a knife on the pope's back, and the other two look inside the treasure house.

"What is the purpose of you ...?"

When the Pope asks weakly, the man thinks a little with his hand on his chin.

"Okay, our purpose is 'The Summoned Jewelry'. Is it here?" "What, what !? That's ..."

The Pope opens his eyes for unexpected purposes. The Pope also wondered if pirates were aiming for treasure. However, it would be ridiculous if any of the most important summoned jewels for Malinford were brought out.

"Oh, there's an important box here? Look, it looks like a jewel. Probably this." "Oh, yes. I found the object ... what is this."

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The two fishermen in the treasure trove watched another treasure chest that was placed side by side. Is the treasure chest more important than the summoned jewel, or a chain wrapped around the treasure chest? Everyone felt it was important.

"I guess you can take this much, and the client will be pleased, isn't he able to get additional rewards?" "Well, that's good.

The two pack the two boxes into a magic bag, and then just put some treasure together.

"I need to get this much bonus."

The two men joined the popes waiting at the entrance.

"Is there anything you want?" "Of course. I packed it in a lot."

The man who pointed the knife at the Pope nodded with a slightly stunned expression. T r a nslate d by jp mt l.c o m

"Okay, I'm done with my business. The rest ..."

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The man smiled with a grin and thrust a knife into the Pope's back.

"Ugu ..."

The Pope spits blood and falls as it is.

"Hey, you can use recovery magic, so you have to get rid of it properly?"

Another man thrust a knife out of his bosom, confirming the Pope's death.

"If you return to the country, you can play forever. Let's go back soon." "Oh, I'll be fine until tomorrow. I'll escape soon."

The surviving Pope was left alone, and the black men disappeared from the temple.

next day. A priest picks up the Pope's room, uncovers the tied children, and reveals the incident. A stabbed pope was found in a treasure chest with the door half open, and the state of Malinford became a fuss and information spread all over the world.

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