The story of the assassination of the Pope was immediately transmitted to his neighbor, the Kingdom of Esfort. The Royal Castle's meeting room was home to the King, Duke Eric, Magna Presidency, Earl of Garm, Cain, and the bishops dispatched to the country. When Bishop met Cain, he began kneeling and worshiping, so Cain rushed to sit down. Because of bishops who worship Cain each time they meet, recently they have been going to the church in Dorintl when talking to the gods. All seated, and the bishop begins explaining about Malinford.

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"Thank you for your urgent requirements and time today, regarding this Pope's assassination-"

Opening a treasure chest with a child hostage and taking some treasure. It was described that several guarded knights of the temple and the Pope were killed.

"So what is the important thing taken away? ..."

The bishop shook his head in response to the King's question.

"That's ... it's not exactly transmitted here. However, I think that the Pope's death will begin to select a new Pope."

"Population Election" is an election in the Malinford Papal country to choose a new pope from several cardinals next to the pope. There are currently four Cardinals, of which one will be chosen. Voted by the priests dispatched to the Malinford State and other countries, the one with the most votes will be the next Pope. However, the interior of the church is not one. It is a world of evil spirits where each cardinal creates a faction and controls each other. The bishop explained that it is inevitable that the Pope's position is so attractive. She says with a smile that she doesn't seem to have a career and intends to bury her bones in the Esfort Kingdom.

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T ran s l at e d by jp mt l.c o m "So what does the bishop do in the future?"

Cain asks the bishop. The bishop dispatched to this kingdom was a person who served the kingdom of the Esforts for many years, and was grateful to Cain for taking care of the urgency of governing Drintor.

"I'll be calling from the temple right away. My brother is one of the cardinals and I have to support him. I'm going to go back to the temple once." "Sure, yes. Is a personality like a bishop, so I'll support you in my kingdom. "

The bishop bows to the king's words.

"Now let me know if you call me again. I'll give you an escort if necessary. There will be many things ..."

The meeting was over with the King's words.


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The call to the bishop arrived in about a week, and the meeting, including the king, was again held. Members are the same as last time. T r a nslat ed b y jpm t l .co m

The bishop opens the summons and explains.

"Elections will take place two weeks later. I'll be in the capital in a few days, so ..."

The bishop put another letter from his bosom at the table.

"This is a letter from Saint to Cain. Please check." "Eh ... me? ..."

Cain picks up the letter on the table and strips off the beeswax. Inside there is a letter from the saint. Several copies of the events in the Malinford state were written, but ultimately a conclusion was written.

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――I want you to come to Marineford as a bishop's escort ...

Cain summarizes and gives an explanation to the King, who looks angry and crosses his arms and begins to suffer. Cain is a senior nobleman of the Esfort Kingdom from a standpoint and cannot easily cross the country. It is possible to return easily with the transfer magic of Cain, but if you go to Malinford as a noble, you need to contact in advance.

"... Your Majesty. I'd like to go with my bishop if possible ..."

"Wait a minute ... This letter is ... Um ... I see, that's it." "What is that ...?"

After reading through the letters to Cain, the king gently returned the letter to the table.

"Every letter from the Holy Lady will have the word" Cain. It's all. "

Cain, who still did not understand, tilted his head and asked Duke Eric to clap his hands.

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"Cain, I don't want the Saint to come as Cain von Silford Drintl. I want him to come as Cain. That's why I should go as an adventurer." Ah!"

The king nodded greatly to Duke Eric with a smile.

Tra ns la t ed by jpm tl .c o m "What would you say ... would be to accompany Lord Silford ...?" "I have a lot of thoughts, but there's no way I can do it from the Holy Lady. It's probably important Maybe you can go Cain? Of course, through the guild as a formal request ... "

The bishop asked with his eyes shining, and the king nodded reluctantly.

"... I am sent to this kingdom of Esfort to be able to welcome the apostles to the temple ... and it is the highest honor."

Cain could only smile at the impressed bishop.

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