"Hey. Are you a visitor at such a time? I'm dressed quite a bit. I'm not calling you."

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Cain greeted with a smile and a black smile. At that moment, the glance of a group of assailants in the hall glanced at Cain.

"" "" "" ... "" "" "

Each other stares silently. The target, which was supposed to be sleeping, came out in armed appearance. Then, while Cain's gaze turned toward him, something unexpected came out from the side. Of course Haku and Gin. Gin was a little longer, partly because it was an atrium hall. It's still about two meters long. On both sides of the targeted child are a white wolf and a silver dragon.

"Eh," "What's that ?!" "Dragon !? Don't listen!" "What's the size of that wolf !?"

No one can be surprised. Nobody had heard such a story.

"Haku! Gin! Don't kill me! Go!"

T r an s l ate d by Jp m tl .co m "Wow" and "Cuy"

Upon hearing the words, the white wolf and the silver dragon jump out of the stairs and plunge into the group, shouting for joy. As the Haku runs, the assailants in front of you fly and fly in the sky. Gin flies off the assailants one after another with his claws and tail while flying around the hall. Rick, the dark guild master of the executing unit, stunned the situation.

"Well, what is this ... I can't ..."

It should have been a job just to assassinate one of the lords of the city, but was attacked by a white wolf and a silver dragon. I haven't heard of a big wolf so far, and even a dragon, no matter how small, seems like a disaster.

"You guys run away!"

Rick shouted involuntarily. I had to say that. It was that moment. A voice is suddenly heard from behind.

"I'm not going to let everyone go."

Rick turned around unexpectedly. Behind him was Cain, who had just seen the catastrophe from the top of the stairs. T r ansl a t ed b y jpmt m

"That's like that ..."

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At that moment Rick's consciousness was being reaped by Cain.

Cain watched from the second floor until the end to identify the leader of the assailant. Nearly fifty assailants in the hall were already defeated by Haku and Gin, and no one was conscious. Only the roar of the assailants was echoing in the hall. After confirming that no one could stand up, Cain turned his eyes to the red area in the field of view.

"The rest, or the outsiders, Haku, Gin, wait a bit here. Look at those falling guys."

Instructing Haku and Gin, Cain opened the front door and left. And walk towards the main gate. Cain calls out to the two guards standing asleep.

"I'm sorry to be late. There was an assault from the back door. I'm already repelled, can you go to the guard post and have as many guards as possible called?"

The guards, surprised at the sudden appearance of the lord Cain, heard the story, and ran one at the lord's house and one at the post. He explained, of course, that guards heading to the lord's house had Cain summons. It's surprising if a white wolf and a silver dragon suddenly appear in front of you.

Cain stood at the front gate where no one was left and talked to the people who were hiding together with red marks.

"I know I'm hiding there. Do you want to be forced out or come out of yourself?"

Silence lasted for a moment, and came out of the shadows, unthinkable. A few suspected assailants, followed by the priest Stag, the subguildmaster Betty, and last but not least-Elive.

"No way, they all colluded ... I wouldn't understand unless inspections came in directly."

Cain looked at the faces he had gathered and sighed greatly.

"Noisy! If you didn't come to this city, you would be the same!"

A stag is screaming.

T r a ns l at e d b y Jp mt l .com "No way, it's so strong, but this member is all A rank here."

Betty came out while saying so. The five raiders here besides the Elives are like active adventurers. The five spread around Cain.

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"I don't feel bad. This is also a request. You can get good money."

A man who seems to be the leader of the adventurers talks. And finally, the live came out.

"We've grown up in this city. Will the lord of the brat who came later like it? Will you throw away your weapons?"

Cain tilts her head to Elive's words. As Elive called behind, a man came out of the shadow. While dragging something with your right hand. Cain opened his eyes the moment he saw it.

What led me was a cat-eared girl. Yes, it is Enak. Enak lost consciousness while shedding blood from his face.

"I prepared it just in case, but it was nice."

Elive turns his face here with a laugh. Cain silently threw her sword. Everyone was relieved to see it. The adventurers around me.

At that moment Cain disappeared.


Pa ---- N! !

At the same time as the sound, the head of the man who was dragging Enak was flying off. The assailant whose head has disappeared falls as it is.

"" "" "Hah !?" ""

Everyone was stunned. The person who should have been in front of me suddenly disappeared. Then, the hostage that was behind was gone, and the man who captured the hostage died instantly.

T rans l a te d b y jpm tl.c om Cain returned to her original position, holding Enak. He stared at the swollen face of Enak.

"I'm sorry, Enak, look at these eyes."

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"Extra heel"

As soon as Cain cast the spell, Enak was shrouded in divine light.

"Well, no, no, that's ... advanced recovery magic ..."

Stag was surprised to see the advanced recovery magic cast by Cain. Advanced recovery spells can only be cast in churches more than bishops. The bishop is a senior officer dispatched from the Malinford State to each country one by one and overseeing the church headquarters in the capitals of each country. There is only one in this effort kingdom. The child used such advanced recovery magic. I can't be surprised.

After confirming that he had healed, Cain removed the blanket from the item box, laid it on the ground, and laid it down slowly. And he got up after stroking Enak's head.

"Haku, Gin, come"

At that moment, a white wolf and a silver dragon came out of the mansion.

"Can you protect this child?"

Hack and Gin sang a little, as if Cain's word was enough, and surrounded him to protect Enak.

"It's a dragon to a white wolf ..."

The assailants here, ignorant of the catastrophe inside, were surprised by Haku and Gin.

Then, from the rising Cain, the killing spreads in all directions at once. It is a real killing that is completely different from the killing you saw in the adventurer's guild. At the moment of the killing, the adventurers who surrounded Cain in the immediate vicinity blew and stunned. The three elives, who were a little farther away, wet the ground like a flood from the lower body, and shook with a butt mochi.

"You guys ... what happened to Enak's parents ..."

Cain approaches the three one step by step, with a cold gaze. Tr ansl a t e d by jpmtl .c o m

"I do, I don't know ..."

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Elive said something like that. Cain shakes hands silently. At that moment, my right arm blew away. An arm away from Elive's body was flying in the air.


"Listen again. What happened to my parents ..."

"Hey, really ..."

Before I was able to say it, my legs were cut from my knees. Elive cried when he saw his situation.

"My arm is ぁ ぁ ぁ and my feet are !!"

Cain turned his eyes on Betty and Stag from the shouting Elive. At that moment, their faces were frozen.

"Wow, we don't know ... Elive did it. Wow, I don't care."

When I finished, Betty's legs blew away. And the stag was no longer below the knee. Cain turned his back on the three screaming in pain.

"Look a little. You're here. Haku, Gin, look at these guys."

Cain was coldly dismissed and disappeared on the spot.

Then, Cain is transferred and stands in front of the cat's retreat. The door is broken, and there is no light inside the inn and only the moonlight is in. Cain enters as it is. Tables are destroyed in the store, and chairs are scattered everywhere. The interior is broken, and it is clear that there was a battle here.

"Dash! Himika! Where are you !?"

Cain goes into the back of the store looking for them. Then, at the innermost part of the kitchen, I found two falling people. Dash was lying down, both in cover, to protect him. The back of the dash had been cut, the clothes were torn, and the limbs were bending in strange directions. And there was a sea of blood around them.

Cain was stunned to see him.

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