"Look a little. You're here."

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Cain was coldly dismissed and disappeared on the spot. The three left behind after Cain's disappearance can't escape their feet.

"Stag! Recovery magic ..."

Elive crawled and cried out to the stag whose feet were blown away. As if now remembered, Stag cast a healing spell.

"Hee, hee heel"

Stag first treated her feet. However, healing only stops bleeding. Extra heels are needed for missing parts. What's more, Stag was soaked every day without even praying to God. Lime's blessing was also stripped, and he was currently only able to use heels.

Elive and Betty crawl down on the stag, crawling with blood marks on the ground. Stag put his heels in order. All three have stopped bleeding due to recovery magic, but have no legs. He didn't have the right arm for Elive. In addition, white wolf and silver dragon are shining in their sight while protecting Enak.

Tr a ns lat e d b y jpmt l .c om "It was such a monster ..." "What's so far ..."

Elive and Betty muttered so, and Stag went along. All three regretted, but it was already late.


Cain approaches Dash and Himika, who are falling into the sea of blood.

"They're up to this point ..."

I laid them down on my back. Probably because she bleed too much. She was pale and unconscious, but was breathing a little. However, the lights of life were almost extinguished. Cain immediately casts a recovery spell.

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"Extra heel" "Extra heel"

T ra ns lat e d b y jpm tl.c o m They were wrapped in light, and after disappearing, the injured men lay down. He seemed to be completely cured and his breathing was calm. Cain breathed relief that they were safe.

"Was good……"

Sit next to them and watch them. Since she had shed that much blood, she wasn't in a state of returning consciousness. The place where the transfer took place is the guest room of the lord's house. Two unconscious people lie on the bed, lie on the comforter, and transfer immediately.

At the transfer point, the three men who were unable to escape due to lack of feet, while healing the wounds with recovery magic, were trembling. It ’s easy, I ca n’t escape, and I ’m staring at a wolf and a dragon. Surprising and awe-inspired by the sudden appearance of Cain, the three back.

"You guys ... you know what you've done ... Enaks that don't matter ..."

Cain approaches Enak, turning her gaze at a cold gaze that is unlikely to be ten years old. Enak has not returned to consciousness yet, but is breathing steadily. Stroking Haku and Gin, who were standing by Enak.

"Haku, Gin. Thank you for watching."

I told Haku and Gin that they both turned smiles that only Cain could understand. After repatriating Haku and Gin, he sat next to the sleeping Enak and waited for the guard.

From a distance, you can hear the running noise of the group. It gradually grew and about fifty guards rushed in. Behind it was a wagon to carry the assailants.

"The assailant at the lord's house.

The captain of the guard who runs first notices Cain sitting. Earlier, he was a guard who sat down in front of the cat's peace house. The captain who notices Cain rushes here first. Cain stood up and greeted the guards.

"Lord Lord, we've been waiting. Fifty guards have just come."

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Cain is grateful that he ran out of the guard post while breathing hard.

"Thank you, Captain. About fifty assailants are still fainting in the hall of the house, and the guys there are the main culprits."

Watching Cain point at the guard, the captain of the Guard opened his eyes and was surprised.

"Well, no way! Like Elive, Stag, and even Guild Betty!" T rans l a t e d b y jpm m

The guards then swallowed, seeing all three shaking against Cain with their limbs missing. The Guards bow to Cain and begin giving orders to the Guards.

"From Group 2 to Group 5, enter the mansion and bind the assailants. One team binds those who are there."

Forty people head for the mansion and tie up the assailants falling in the hall. The rest tied the fallen A-class adventurers and the Elives in turn.

"This is the Lord ..."

The captain mutters after finding a corpse with no head.

"These guys rushed to the cat's retreat, where I was staying, attacking their parents, grabbing the children who were sleeping there and trying to keep them hostage. Now I'm sleeping peacefully with recovery magic But until then, I was bloody and unconscious, my parents had just found it and treated him, maybe a little later, maybe she didn't help, and I might have confirmed that there were other injuries, Please! "

In Cain's words, the captain turned a cold gaze to the Elives.

"Never reach out to such a child ... Okay, as if you're looking at the cat's retreat, about five people. If there were any injuries, protect them and guide the guests who are staying."

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Despite giving instructions to the guard, his captain's sword is shaking. He seems to be angry that he has reached out to the general public. Guards who enter the mansion and tie up the assailants carry them out one after another. Cain points at one of the things being carried.

"It's one of the main offenders wearing this black hood."

Cain pointed at Rick. The guard strips the hood of the falling Rick. And the Guard, who saw his face, was surprised.

"This is Rick, the guildmaster of the dark guild in the slum. He was wanted but had never been caught. No way ... I mean he was a friend with these guys ..."

Again, the captain glared at the Elives. After confirming that all had been tied up and gathered in one place, the captain reported to Cain.

"We've all tied up. One fatal and the others are seriously injured, but I think it's a matter of life.

Tr an s l a ted by jp m t l.c om Cain nodded in the captain's report.

"Thank you, guards for this late gathering today. I'll do my best because I'm a little more. Give it to the captain, though it's a little. Drink it later or use it as you like. This is my feeling "

Cain hands a small bag of gold coins to the captain. The captain checks the contents, surprised, and turns to the guards.

"You guys! Did you hear me! I received a gold coin from the lord! After all this, give the drinks from the guy who has finished working. So don't be distracted until the end!"

"" "" "O !!!!!!!"] ""

Hearing the gold coins, the guards responded vigorously. The movement has become much better than before, and the captured wagons carry a series of captured assailants.

"It's all over. The cat's retreat has also been confirmed, and for the guests, the inn is still in that state, but for some reason everyone was in a deep sleep. Hmm."

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The Guard commander reported to Cain on behalf.

"I'll show up at the custody tomorrow. Keep me in prison for a few days. And I'll be glad to hear that the four chiefs will be taken to the royal capital."

"I see. I'll be waiting tomorrow."

Several guards guarded the manor house, and the remaining guards took the assailants. Finally, only Cain and Enak remained. Gently hug Enak, hug the princess, and return to the mansion. In the mansion, the maid who had been upset by the turmoil was surprised by the turmoil and was apt. Dozens of assailants are falling down in the hall, and it is strange that you will not be surprised if you enter the guard.

"It's okay. I'll talk tomorrow, so take a rest today."

Cain calmed the maids and went to the guestroom. When they opened the door of the room where Dash and Himika were sleeping, they were already awake. Both were hugging and crying as Enak was taken away. The door suddenly opened, surprised at the arrival of Cain, and noticed that Cain was carrying the princess.

"Ca, Cain ... Enak ..."

Dash and Himika, seeing the unconscious Enak, suddenly crossed their heads.

Tra n slat e d b y Jp m t "It's all over. I'm sorry to all of you. Rest, "he apologized to Cain's bowing, but heard that Enak was safe. Cain gently gave Enak to the dash. Enak's face seemed to sleep without injury, and Dash and Himica cried each other, crying and embracing Enak.

"Thank you Cain."

Cain nodded to the two bowing heads and left the room. He returned to his room, changed clothes, and was short on sleep, so Cain quickly released consciousness.

And the long night is over.

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