Terryl Winterglass returned as Terryl Rihan after leaving the Capital. And, as my last name and status changed, so did my house.

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Unlike my former home, which had just two floors, Rihan’s residence in the capital was a four-story mansion. The northern castle had a different vibe, so I liked this place quite a bit; although it was sad that I had to prepare to leave before I could even have a peek around the magnificent mansion. In the evening, a ball was held to honor the new Emperor’s coronation.


Sir Grinell approached me as the maids were choosing the clothes and brushing my hair.


“Aren’t you tired?”


“If I get tired by just riding a carriage for about four hours, I should change my last name.”


“There will be another ball. You don’t have to attend as soon as you come to the Capit–”


“If rumors start to circulate then no one will be surprised.”




The red-haired knight blinked as she couldn’t grasp what I was saying.


“You have a general idea of how things were when I was a Winterglass. I’m curious about their reactions when they see me.”


They mocked me by calling me Cinderella since I was a girl who didn’t know her place and dated Marquis Deibrik’s second son. Their laughing and gossiping were common, and they even did it in front of me.


Some even placed bets on when Terryl Winterglass would be abandoned. But how would they react if Cinderella reappeared as Rihan?


I was aware that it was a childish expectation, but I couldn’t help it since I wasn’t such a noble person. As I said it out loud I felt a bit ashamed, I sounded like a mischievous child.


“Am I acting immaturely?”


“I’ll murder them all if you give me the word.”


“Now I understand there is someone much more childish than myself.”


“It was all a joke.”


What an odd joke. I had chills even though she smiled.


“First and foremost, I have a report for you. Someone is believed to have visited your old home not long after you left for the north.”


“Go ahead.”


“In his early twenties, a tall, blond man. He had inquired about Terryl Winterglass’ whereabouts.”


Even if it was only for a short second, hearing the description made me feel bad.


“I was suspicious, so I ordered a person to investigate him. They say he entered the Marquis Deibrik’s mansion.”


“Oh, as expected.”


It was just as I had predicted, but I wasn’t happy about it. Jemon Deibrik visited me? Why?


It’s not like I could comprehend what that jerk of an ex was thinking when he went to see his ex-girlfriend after being engaged to Lobtina Gretel. She was Duke Gretel’s youngest and most beloved daughter.


After watching him closely for years, it was only then that he agreed to the engagement with his daughter. It was clear that Jemon was crawling under Lobtina for a while.


After dumping me and having an engagement with her due to the threat Cesio meant to his position as the future Marquis, how could he do such a reckless thing?




I had no idea why he had come to visit me in the first place. Hopefully, he wouldn’t say something dumb like he still had feelings for me after throwing me away. I felt an uncomfortable sensation inside, but it wasn’t that big of a deal.


‘Even if he loses his mind and begins pursuing me, it’s enough for me to reject it.’/


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It had already been three years since I fell in love with Jemon and mourned our breakup. The emotions at that time were intense, but now I didn’t feel anything thinking about him.


Honestly speaking, it was okay to say it was love. However, it was simply another emotion in the end. It may have been different if he hadn’t deceived me, but it wasn’t my intention to say goodbye as soon as the marriage proposal arrived. The ending may have been unpleasant, but I could accept it because it wasn’t for me.


“Still, it’s not a face I’m eager to see. Is he coming today?”


“Yes, it’s a ball for the new Emperor, so… If you don’t want Jemon Deibrik to attend, I’ll break his legs.”


“I don’t mean to offend you, but your jokes aren’t to my taste.”


“This time I’m not joking.”




“I’m confident I can handle it.”


“I’ll simply pretend it was a joke.”




* * * *




It had only been less than a month since the 18th Emperor, Katriel, died. During that brief period, the Imperial Family held a funeral, and Avilus succeeded to the throne as the new Emperor.


The cause of the late Emperor’s death was soon buried thanks to a streamlined process. Nonetheless, Avilus was dissatisfied with the hasty coronation ceremony. Its purpose was simply to remove all evidence of the late Emperor’s death.


The ball to celebrate the coronation was lavishly decorated. The dazzling mood was fairly comical, recalling the position of the new Emperor, who was merely a puppet. That was my sole impression as I entered the banquet hall. Sir Grinell, who accompanied me, delivered the guard an invitation addressed to Rihan’s family.


He flinched, stuttered, and spoke out loud.


“Entering, Lo- Lord Rashed Ri- Rihan’s daughter, Young Duke Terryl Rihan, and Viscount Andora Fenrilheart Grinell!”


The hall became silent.


As a result, mine and Sir Grinell’s footsteps rang out quite loudly. The presence of ‘Rihan’ startled most people, but not all. Those who ridiculed Jemon Deibrik’s ‘Cinderella’ recognized ‘Terryl’ and held their breath.


It was pretty strange.


Neither the environment nor the people had changed significantly, yet this place, which had terrified me, was no longer the same. Was it because Rihan’s prestige invaded my head, or because I learned to handle the sword? Or was it my father who brainwashed me? It wasn’t an unpleasant change, whatever it was.


Some hyenas attempted to come and greet me but were bitten by Grinell’s deadly glare.


‘How should I spend my time till the Emperor arrives?’


I picked up a glass from a passing servant’s tray while I pondered. As I sipped my sparkling champagne, I noticed a familiar face entering the balcony. We weren’t very close, but I was pleased to see him.


I was ready to take a step when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.


“Wi- Winterglass?”


They spit out my name blankly and closed their lips; they didn’t mean to call me, and I knew it. In its own way, it was enjoyable. I smiled delightedly.


“Young Lord Tante, it’s been a long time. How have you been?”


“Th- you- yes.”


With a confused expression, he responded vaguely. He acted as though he wasn’t sure if the person introduced as ‘Young Duke Rihan’ was really me. His attention anxiously scanned the side to see if any more people were coming. I was amused by the way he stared at me, so I showed him my kindness.


“For personal reasons, my last name has changed a little.”


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“Th- that means the young Lady really is Rihan’s…”


Determined, a cunning spark flashed in his eyes this time. He lowered his tone and entirely changed his demeanor.


“How are you doing? You mysteriously vanished three years ago, and I was quite worried. You always were rather mischiev–”




I just asked him one question, yet his relaxed expression stiffened. To be honest, I tried to put some momentum into my words.


“It’s very kind of you to worry about me for three years without forgetting me. Unbelievable.”


“Oh, haha, yes, I was a little worried, yes.”


“Ah right, Lord Tante, congratulations.”


“What? About what?”


“You won the bet. ‘Within two years, Jemon Deibrik will throw away Terryl Winterglass.’ You bet on that, didn’t you?”


As I smiled and swirled the glass around, the champagne circled and mirrored the pale face of a man.


‘How dare you talking confidently in front of me as if I had forgotten everything.’


“It’s incredible that you even got the two years right.”


“No, no, well, I mean, that bet was just a joke!”


I swallowed the entire liquid of the glass in one gulp.


“Please, wait patiently for a congratulatory gift.”


I placed the empty glass in his stiff hand and turned around.


The banquet had just begun, so only one balcony was occupied. I saw him come in, thus he should be there. And at the moment I was about to knock on the door,


“Deibrik what, huh? That’s right, the Marquis’ little trash! You’re so inferior you can’t even speak? Why aren’t you answering me?!”


I heard a shout from the inside. With an anxious expression, I opened the door immediately.


“Are you ignoring me?”


There was a drunken man who acted erratically, and a man who was disturbed by it. The person I was looking for was the latter.


A tall, platinum-blonde-haired man in a wheeled chair. Cesio Deibrik.


Not knowing that the balcony door was opened, he was staring at the man standing in front of him. Coincidentally, at that moment, the shouting man raised his arm as if to slap him. Cesio moved his lips. He couldn’t speak, however, he seemed to try to say something.


‘Railing… jump over…?’ No, it wasn’t the time for that.


As I belatedly came to my senses and was about to grab the man’s arm, Sir Grinell, who read my intentions, grabbed the drunkard’s wrist. The man, who failed to hit Cesio, looked back with a ruddy visage.


“What the hell? Wanna be part of this? You held on to get hit instead, right? I won’t let you go!”


Without even listening to him, Sir Grinell looked at me. It was obvious what she meant.


“Don’t break it.”




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Instead of releasing the unidentified drunkard’s arm, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out. For a brief period, there was a loud sound, but as soon as the balcony door was closed, silence fell over. Cesio Deibrik, who had just discovered my presence, and I were the only ones remaining.


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, Your Master Cesio. I came to greet you.”


He appeared surprised. His crystal-clear eyes glistened with golden light.


Cesio Deibrik didn’t seem to have changed much during the last three years. His face had thinned and his eyes had deepened. Nonetheless, he had a beautiful face, as if it had been meticulously drawn with a delicate brushstroke. I didn’t know why, but I was very pleased to see his face.


Perhaps it was the joy of returning to the capital after a lengthy absence. Or was it because I was thankful for the handkerchief he lent me the day I left Deibrik’s mansion?


The inside of my heart was immersed in a strange and unknown feeling.


—Thank you for your help, Young Lady Winterglass.


Cesio expressed his gratitude by carefully writing in his notebook.


“It’s no longer Winterglass. I mean… I found my father. Now I’m Terryl Rihan.”


As if surprised, his hand stopped for a brief moment and pressed the pen again.


—I’m glad you look good.


It was a sweet way to congratulate me.


He didn’t change his expression, nor did he praise me for my luck, as Lord Tante did. It was an unexpected reaction, but I liked it for its calmness.


We exchanged a few more words, but the atmosphere quickly grew uncomfortable. Although just slightly, he had previously helped me, so I wanted to greet him because of the gratefulness that remained inside me; that was why I came without much thinking although we weren’t really close in the first place.


I couldn’t even tell this guy how much I suffered in the North, so we rapidly ran out of subjects to talk about. The delay as Cesio scribbled in his notepad was much more awkward because it was in-between. I ultimately came into Jemon while trying to find a topic of conversation.


“Are you here with Jemon?”


Only after speaking did I know how ridiculous I sounded. Fortunately, he replied calmly as always.


—I came with my father today. Something came out so he returned first.


“Well, that’s a relief for me.”


Even though it was the Marchioness who openly humiliated me, it was the Marquis who stared at me as if I was a worm. He never said anything harsh, but his stare was constantly filled with contempt.


Due to the environment I grew up in, I was quick-witted, and I could understand how he perceived me. Now that I think about it, it was a terrible family. I should also leave the man in front of me.


Coincidentally, at that moment, a call rang from the outside.


“Entering, Young Marquis Jemon Albert Deibrik, and Young Lady Lobtina Maryday Gretel!”


As soon as the servant announced it, they came right in. I unintentionally frowned, but as I became aware of Cesio’s presence, I softened my expression.


“Then I’ll get going now. I apologize for bothering you when you were resting.”


—Will you be okay?


He didn’t say anything else, but the message was evident. He was concerned about my meeting with Jemon. In addition, he was with Lady Gretel.


‘He really is kind.’


I purposely laughed and said jokingly.


“Why? Are you worried I’ll kill Jemon?”


—He’s Deibrik’s heir. It would be a hassle if he disappeared.

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“Then shouldn’t you be the next Marquis?”


—I… you’ve changed.


“I don’t need to be conscious of other people anymore, so my true nature has come out.”


I was half-serious, but he gave me a light smile. I smiled back at him and casually asked.


“By the way, Young Master Deibrik. Have you ever helped me? You caught me just as I was about to fall down the stairs…”


He blinked, his face suggesting he had no idea what I was on about.


“As expected, that didn’t happen, right? I had a strange dream.”


That day, as far as I recall, I did not meet Cesio Deibrik. The day I heard Jemon draw a line between us, and waited in the parlor for an hour before coming home since Jemon insisted on staying with his mother. I returned in a gloomy mood, and the few servants I met on my way out mocked me. Because it was an excessively realistic dream, I suppose I was perplexed for a second.


I bid a farewell and turned around. However, I couldn’t immediately open the balcony door:


“Do you think Lady Rihan knows?”


Because I could hear someone whispering about me right outside the door. I had a hunch it would be an important story. I focused on the sounds. Using my mana, I was able to clearly hear the faint voice in my ears.


“Would she have left Deibrik unscathed if she had known? The Rihan family’s infamous reputation is pretty astounding.”


“There’s no way blood could flow backward. Even as a Winterglass, she never pretended to be submissive.”


“But what actually happened? How could someone who was not even the direct descendent of a mere Baron be a Rih–”


“Shh, Lady Tembril. Watch your mouth .”


“Ah, I’m sorry. It wasn’t on purpose.”


I could overhear two young women chatting.


“If she doesn’t know, I hope she stays the same in the future. What would happen if she discovers that Lord Deibrik pursued Young Lady Gretel from the start?”


“What? Didn’t the family only just start talking about marriage?”


“Didn’t you know?”


“I just, I thought you were just talking about that nonsense he always said. Lady Terryl was so fond of him that he thought it was okay to date her for a while because it wasn’t a serious relationship.”


“Oh, come to think of it, I remember how she was mocked, but I’m talking about a different story.”


They murmured in a low tone.


“Actually, he had been seducing Lady Gretel for half a year before he broke up with Lady Terryl. He sent her flowers, letters, and everything she set her eyes on, he gave her as a gift.”


“Oh, but his relationship with Lady Rihan was well-known. How come Lady Gretel was oblivious?”


They must have thought of her as an innocent person. The girl’s voice sounded disappointed, but the adversary refuted it right away.


“No, Princess Lobtina is a bit slow-witted. And the gossip was always dim, that’s why she didn’t know anything.”


“In truth, she couldn’t say she was in a position of coveting another woman’s man, is that why she moved forward?”


“She was uninterested at first, but eventually accepted him. Ah, also, well, you really shouldn’t talk about this anywhere else but,”


Their hushed tones grew quieter.


“My maid’s relative works at Glensa. As a result, she knew a little bit about it. You see, it is said that as soon as Lady Gretel accepted him, the Young Marquis pushed for the article to be released.”

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