“What? Even before official talks of the wedding?”

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“He must have been anxious, thinking that Lord Gretel would refuse. His Excellency, the Duke, cherishes young Lady Lobtina very much.”


“Oh, my Goddess. So the real story is that Young Master Deibrik cheated on her?”


I couldn’t help but smile. The two, who did not know, continued to talk.


“Lady Rihan?”


“She was a Winterglass then. If he had known this was going to happen, he wouldn’t have dared to do that.”


“…It will be a mess if the Duke finds out.”


“I know. Cheating on a Rihan, above all else… It’s scary just imagining it.”


I heard everything. They even summed it up in a single line: Jemon Deibrik had an affair.


I exhaled slowly, trying to soothe my uneasy stomach. Then I reached for the balcony door and turned my head. Cesio Deibrik was still in the same spot. 


My face flushed in embarrassment, thinking he heard the same words I did.


“Excuse me.”


I bowed lightly and left the balcony. As I went out, the two people gossiping immediately became aware of my presence.


I didn’t recognize them from their voice, but I did as soon as I saw their faces. They liked knowing other people’s secrets, but they didn’t make baseless lies. As our eyes met, their faces turned pale.


“Yo- Young Lady Rihan.”


I smiled with my index finger in my mouth as if to tell them to keep it quiet. I mean I wouldn’t be angry due to their words, but their expresión became even worse.


‘Is my face that scary? I didn’t mean to scare you guys.’


It wasn’t worth the effort to smile, so I lowered the corners of my lips and walked past the two of them.


We met lightly, and then we broke up when a good opportunity came along, but he toyed with me from the start.


“How different we are.”


I knew from the beginning that Jemon was not a good person, but a new wave of anger came over me like a tsunami. He cheated on me. No, perhaps he didn’t even see it that way. Jemon only hesitated when we parted ways, but the rest of the time he was shamelessly calm. I might be the only one who thought that we were dating.


Exactly what the two people said.


“Lady Terryl was so fond of him that he thought it was fine to date her for a while, then overlook her as it wasn’t a serious relationship.”


I wouldn’t have said something like that about someone I love. 


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When I found out that I was way behind his priority than being the Marquis, I thought I knew enough of the difference in our thinking.


It was an illusion. First of all, I was never worth any weight in his mind. He said it himself.


“Terryl, you’re precious to me but not as precious as my mother.”


“What a good talker you are…”


My stomach dropped. It didn’t even cross my mind that the story I heard might be untrue. Rather, I was so convinced of it, that it was unrealistic of myself. That was how Jemon Deibrik was. What I received from him wasn’t a simple farewell, but deception and ridicule.


Jemon was in the banquet hall. I looked around and soon found his unpleasant blue eyes staring back at me. He was close. 


His eyes shook as if seeing a ghost. I tilted my head and greeted him first.


“Hi, Jemon.”


“Terryl Winterglass…?”


‘Looks like he doesn’t know about Rihan yet.’


Well, it hasn’t been long since he entered the banquet. He approached, not realizing the faces of those around him turning pale.


“What happened? Why are you here? No, I mean, what happened three years ago?”


“You’re such a smooth talker that it’s hard to understand you.”


The slightly sarcastic remark caused Jemon’s face to crumple. But before venting his anger, he noticed something strange about me. His eyes blatantly scanned me.


“You wanna know about my outfit because it looks expensive?”


“…What happened?”


“Nothing much. I bought it with another man’s money.”


‘With my father’s money.’


It was a little joke, but Jemon screamed in dismay.


“You! Did you get married?”


“Oh, by your standards, one has to get married to be able to buy such a huge piece of jewelry. Is that how it is?”


“Don’t be so ignorant. Do you know how much that costs? So, are you married or not?”


“I also have a question for you, Jemon. A few years ago, did yo–”


“Oh, Jem-Jem is talking to a girl I don’t know!”

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Suddenly, a cheerful voice intervened. A gorgeous woman approached, the kind that has an impressive and cheerful appearance. Her curly hair has a vibrant pink color, and her plump cheeks have a slight blush. It was a striking color, but due to her short stature and droopy eyes, they made her quite attractive.


I had never seen her up close, but thanks to Grinell’s report, I instantly knew who she was: Lobtina Gretel, Jemon’s fiancée.


By the way… 




With a strange tone, I imitated the sound I had heard without realizing it. That was how she called him, right? Was that his nickname?


I was speechless, and looked at Jemon in front of me. Embarrassed, he bit his lip. Even his ears turned red. He spoke in a tone that conveyed his efforts in controlling his temper.


“Lobtina, didn’t you say you were looking for Adwin?”


“I don’t care. I looked for him, but I couldn’t find him. When my brother drinks, he picks a fight with others or sleeps everywhere, so he must be well somewhere. By the way, who is this person?”


“…just a friend.”


“Nonsense! Jem-Jem is too ostentatious to have friends.”


I didn’t even feel like holding back, so I laughed out loud.


Maybe because he couldn’t get mad at his fiancée, he was red up to his neck.


“Don’t joke like that. You know people will think it’s real.”


“If Jem-Jem really has a friend, do you think they’re sincere?”


“Please, Lobtina.”


Lobtina Gretel, who was naively teasing Jemon, looked at me. Her eyes widened like a startled rabbit, and she stared intently at me. 


‘She probably realized I was his former lover.’


After all, I was sure it wasn’t just one or two people in the banquet hall talking about Jemon’s old dark past.


“Lobtina, this person is…”


He opened his mouth to utter an excuse, but could not finish.


‘That’s right, you have nothing to say.’


He seduced Lady Gretel without breaking up with me. There was no way that she would know that, so she was also a victim. But, contrary to my expectations, she suddenly clapped her hands and smiled.


“You’re so beautiful!”


It was totally unexpected.

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“Just like a frozen lake in the middle of winter. I have never seen you before, what’s your name, miss? No. Let me guess.”


The compliment was weird, too.


“You’re the successor of Rihan, Princess Rihan, right?”




“Right?! Well, I’ve seen a portrait of His Excellency, Duke Rihan. You look exactly like him.”


“What kind of nonsense is that, Lobtina? Terryl–”


“That’s right.”


As if it was a regrettable mistake, Jemon tried to correct her, but I interrupted him, greeting her with a smile.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Young Lady Gretel. My name is Terryl Rihan.”


My brief introduction caused Jemon’s eyes to widen. Beyond the mere surprise, his face turned white, as if all the blood had been drained away.


“Wh-What are you talking about, Terryl. Your last name is…”


“See? I am right! And I guess you weren’t even friends. How can Jem-Jem not even know his friend’s name? And you think you were friends?”


“Be quiet, Lobtina! Now the situation–”


“Did you just yell at me?”


Her eyes widened. She didn’t seem to be angry but pointed out the obvious. Jemon quickly faltered.


“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scream, I was a little surprised… Because, Terryl, you told a strange lie.”


“Did I say a lie?”


“It’s not that I don’t know your last name, so that’s not a lie?”


“Look around, Jemon. Look at the expressions of the ones looking at you.”


He frowned but looked around. A cold, stiff atmosphere surrounded the three of us. The people around were frozen, looking at one person as if he was a madman. 


Of course, they were looking at Jemon.


“What? No, it can’t be. What do you mean you’re a Rihan…”


Muttering blankly, he seemed dumbfounded. Taking the opportunity, I asked the princess.


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“Princess Gretel, if you don’t mind, can I ask you a question?”


“Yeah, if it’s something I can answer”


“When did Jemon Deibrik confess his feelings to the Lady?”


“Wait, Lob–”


“Around winter four years ago, since it was half a year before we got engaged? But why?”


At the cheerful sound of her words, the atmosphere became colder and the cold air lingered in my heart.


‘Yeah, nothing to be surprised about.’


From the moment I heard the rumor, I was indescribably certain it was true.


I looked at the man who had a blatant expression of embarrassment on his face. Biting his lips, Jemon was even sweating. Seeing him flinching as our eyes met, I suddenly became curious.


‘Would you still have made such a face, if I stood here as the unattractive and poor Baron’s Lady?’


The answer was obvious. I stared at him, my lips twisted as I laughed.


“Jemon knows the reason well. In return, I recommend you listen to what kind of relationship your fiancé had with me. Even if it’s not through him, maybe through others.”


Jemon opened his mouth to refute my words, but the moment was cut at the perfect time as a signal rang.


“Entering, Temgria’s eternal sun, the Emperor, His Majesty the Great, and Temgria’s glorious moon, Her Majesty the Empress!”


As they heard the announcement, all the nobles bowed their heads. Including the nervous Jemon. I was the only one looking straight. Among the people who bowed their heads, I looked down at the top of his head and took a step.


A middle-aged man and woman entered the hall. It was my first time seeing them, but their status was certain.


If it had been before, I would have been trembling, and although my situation was a bit outstanding right now, I didn’t pay any mind to the Emperor.


So many new facts were overturning old ones in my mind, leaving me no room for other thoughts.


At that time, Dame Grinell, who had been dealing with the drunkard, quietly joined. She had a somewhat uncomfortable face and, being a person whose expression didn’t change often, I was a little concerned. 


No way. 


“…Did you kill him?”


“No, I did not disobey your order. It’s just…”


“What is it?”


“To take care of it quietly, I dragged him to another balcony without people, but he suddenly jumped over the railing and fell.”

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