Climb To The Top

Chapter 12

The appearance of the staff has attracted the attention of many trainees. This is a closed training, so why would anyone look for Chen Yi?

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Chen Yi stopped his dance practice, wiped his sweat with the towel hanging around his neck, walked over to ask the staff, and said in a hoarse voice, “Who is looking for me?”

The staff was vague and hesitant.

“You’ll know when you go out with me.”

Seeing this, Chen Yi had no choice but to put down the towel and follow the other party out.

After he left, a group of men in the practice room whispered.

“It should be the program team looking for him. It seems that his voice problem has been noticed by the program team.”

“It’s a pity that Chen Yi ranked 10th in the qualification competition. He is so good at dancing.”

“Isn’t it really necessary to persuade him to dismiss him? Hey, he did not think he got sick.”

A group of people whispered about who was looking for Chen Yi. What’s the matter with Chen Yi? But in the end, this little episode only briefly attracted the attention of the trainees.

After that, everyone turned their attention again to Xu Jiayin and a group of female trainees around him.

Chen Yi walked out of the door of the practice room. Except for a photographer who recorded him, he did not find anyone else.

He looked at the staff who had been leading the way in front of him, curious in his heart, but he did not show it on his face. When he reached the corner of the corridor, he suddenly opened his mouth to ask.

“Who is looking for me?”

The staff looked in a hurry and dropped a sentence, “You will know when you arrive.”

Then, Chen Yi found that the staff took him from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor, the exclusive floor of the girls’ group practice room.

The staff walked in the middle of the corridor on the 2nd floor. He led the way in front of him, leading him to one of the practice rooms with 205 on the sign, and then stopped.

A strange emotion suddenly rose in his heart, he lowered his eyes and let the staff knock on the door.

Knock… Knock…

“Please come in.” A crisp voice came from the room.

The staff pushed open the door. Jiang Ting in the practice room was still playing with the audio USB disk and trying out the accompaniment.

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At this time, when she saw the person she was looking for come in, she quickly put down what she was doing.

“Thank you, sorry for your trouble.” She smiled and thanked the staff.

The staff didn’t say anything and left with a wink, closing the door before leaving.

There are cameras everywhere in the practice room, and there is a group of photographers sitting in the corner to shoot them. The program team is not worried that there is anything to say between the two.

After the staff left, Jiang Ting stretched out her hand toward the handsome boy in front of her with a generous face.

“Hello, I’m Jiang Ting.”

Chen Yi pursed his lips, he didn’t expect that the person looking for him was her. He stretched out his hand, shook that slender hand, and introduced himself in a hoarse voice.

“Chen Yi.”

After saying hello, Jiang Ting put down her hand and looked at Chen Yi, whose eyes were a little dodging, with a relaxed smile.

“Don’t worry, I’m looking for you for something. Let’s sit down and talk.”

Jiang Ting led Chen Yi to the chair and small coffee table in the corner. There was a piece of paper on the coffee table with the melody and lyrics written by her.

After Chen Yi sat down, she handed him the piece of paper and said, “Look at this first.”

After Chen Yi took it, he saw the melody and lyrics written on it.

“When I see your eyes, I’m a troublemaker…

When I stand next to you, I’m a troublemaker…”

When Chen Yi was reading the lyrics, Jiang Ting had already adjusted the sound, and she started to play the accompaniment.

Just as Chen Yi was fascinated, a very poisonous whistle caught Chen Yi’s ears.

Chen Yi raised his head, and Jiang Ting walked over with a smile on her face.

“Listen, it should be pretty good.”

Chen Yi closed his eyes and listened. He recalled the lyrics and melody in his mind, and gradually formed a complete song.

He has a clear understanding of the style of this song in his heart, the highly poisonous dance music style, Jiang Ting…the picture is not small.

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Three minutes later, the accompaniment stopped, and Chen Yi opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Ting.

“What do you mean?” His voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

Jiang Ting said casually: “It’s not interesting to just let you listen. How about we use this song for the competition?”

Jiang Ting is a strong person. When she was in the girls’ group, due to a large number of people, she could not make the girls’ group into her hall. She developed trust until she completely became the overlord of the girls’ group, with full control over all matters in the girls’ group.

Now that she has come to Chen Yi, she has directly decided on her partner. She never thought about Chen Yi’s disagreement, and the ‘we’ between the lines shows her domineering and self-confidence.

She was sure that Chen Yi could not refuse her.

Chen Yi looked at the piece of paper that weighed as much as a thousand catties in his hand, and there was joy and sadness in his eyes.

He was delighted that Jiang Ting, the most outstanding trainee in the girls’ group, actually asked him to be her partner. But when he thought of his hoarse voice, he suddenly became depressed again.

He restrained his expression, gradually calmed down, and apologized to the other party.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I have to disappoint your kindness. Forgive me for not agreeing to be your partner.”

After saying that, Chen Yi put down the lyrics in his hand, got up, and walked away. Because he did not dare to sit and stay longer. He was afraid that he would be shaken when he saw Jiang Ting in front of him if he sat for one more second. He did not dare to stay for a moment, because he could not guarantee whether he would be greedy for the song Jiang Ting came up with, so he could only leave.

His departure was beyond Jiang Ting’s expectations, making her a little stunned.

But then, in that split second, she realized the reason why the other party wanted to leave and secretly scolded herself for being stupid.

Just as Chen Yi opened the door and was about to leave, a shout came from behind him.

“Chen Yi, there will always be a day when you recover from your illness. Not to mention there are still seven days, enough time to restore your voice.” Her voice stopped Chen Yi from leaving, and he froze in place.

Immediately afterward, Jiang Ting’s voice became calm and she said it very seriously.

“I need your help. Stay, Chen Yi. Let’s be the strongest combination in this show.”

Chen Yi tightened his grip on the doorknob and was silent for a long time. After a long time, disappointment gradually appeared in Jiang Ting’s eyes, and suddenly she heard a hoarse male voice.

“Okay… I promise you.” In addition, ‘thank you, Jiang Ting’ he whispered in his heart.

Thank you for choosing me.

Thank you for keeping me.

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Chen Yi returned to the boys’ practice room to pick up things. A group of female trainees still surrounded Xu Jiayin. With a smile on his face, he put the towels and sundries he used into his backpack and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, everyone in the practice room hurried up to ask.

“Brother Chen Yi, do you really want to leave?” Liu Zhongming, who ranked seventh in the qualification round, was very young and still underage and had worries in his eyes.

He has a poor foundation in dancing, so it was very difficult when he started to learn to dance for the team competition. At that time, Brother Chen Yi saw him and taught him how to dance. When Chen Yi saw that he still could not learn it, he taught him how to break down the movements. For three consecutive days, it was Chen Yi who helped him with the movements and details. He was very grateful to him in his heart. Therefore, when others said that the program team might want to persuade him to quit, he gradually became worried.

Liu Zhongming felt a little sad when he saw that Brother Chen Yi was packing up.

After Liu Zhongming finished speaking, Xin Jiu, a clever little ghost, was startled and complained: “No way, the program team is too impersonal. You are sick and your voice is not good. Do they want you to retire?”

Chen Yi frowned after hearing this and quickly interrupted everyone’s unreliable guesses.

“Who said I was going to retire?”

A group of people gathered around one after another and asked in a hurry.

“Aren’t you going to leave? Then why are you packing?”

“That’s right, just now we all guessed that the program team was looking for you to talk about it.”

Seeing that the boys’ group seemed to argue with Chen Yi, Xu Jiayin, as the captain of the boys’ group, naturally had to be responsible for every member, so he took the opportunity to break away from the group of female trainees. He walked over to Chen Yi and said with concern.

“Why? Did something happen to Chen Yi?”

Chen Yi shook his head and replied: “It’s okay, everyone saw that I was packing up and thought I was going to retire, but that’s not the case. I just found a partner and planned to find her for rehearsal. In addition, Captain, I will review the group dance every day. If our group needs a rehearsal, the Captain can come to practice room 205 on the second floor to talk to me. I can cooperate at any time. However, now I still have something to do, so I won’t talk much, let’s go first.” He said in a hoarse voice, but his tone was full of excitement.

Chen Yi said, put on his bag, and left.

After he left, a group of male trainees started a heated discussion.

“Hey, I didn’t expect Chen Yi, who ranked last to find a partner before us.” Lin Yu, who ranked third in the qualification round, laughed.

Yin Ziyu, who was ranked sixth in the qualification round, rubbed his chin and said, “I’m quite curious who his partner is?”

“It seems that there were only nine female trainees in our practice room before. Hey, no, why are there eight female trainees now?” Xin Jiu remembers the number of female trainees who first came to the boys’ practice room. But counted again, only to find that there is one less.

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Sheng Kai’s qualification score in the boys’ group is the highest except for Xu Jiayin. He also has his ambitions and his favorite partner. An overly beautiful face appeared in his mind. He looked around again but found that she didn’t seem to be coming.

When he realized who Chen Yi’s partner might be, his expression gradually became ugly, and he trembled.

“Chen Yi’s partner won’t be her.” Sheng Kai didn’t name him, but all the boys knew who he was talking about.

Suddenly, all the male trainees looked in the direction of the female trainees.

After Xu Jiayin heard Sheng Kai’s words, he couldn’t tell what he felt in his heart. He couldn’t tell how he had been waiting for that person for the past three days, but she never showed up, even… At this moment, she has become Chen Yi’s partner.

There was bitterness in his brows and eyes, he just felt that he thought too highly of himself, was dazzled by the flattery of a group of female trainees, and thought that the other party partner had to be him.

The complex mood of disappointment and embarrassment caused him to know that the result might not be so good, but he still decided to ask clearly.

Xu Jiayin asked the girls carefully: “Excuse me, who uses practice room 205 on the second floor?”

The girls looked at each other with surprise on their faces. In the next second, they showed a relieved expression, just when someone wanted to answer aloud.

At this time, Lin Xinxiang, who had just returned from the toilet at the door, heard Xu Jiayin’s question and raised her hand timidly.

“I… I know, it seems that our captain uses it.”

Her words completely extinguished the expectations in the hearts of the male trainees. Everyone knew who the captain she was talking about was.

She is the only trainee in the whole program who got full marks in the qualification round.

Her name is Jiang Ting.


The author has something to say:

This chapter is also known as: “Everyone loves to hug her thighs”


Translator’s Comment:

Deng.. deng.. deng… ┐(・。・┐) ♪

Are you surprised? Are you surprised?

Translator also want to hug the big thigh (/// ̄  ̄///)

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