Climb To The Top

Chapter 13

On the second floor, in practice room 205, the sound was playing the accompaniment. Jiang Ting first demonstrated to Chen Yi the boy dance moves at the beginning.

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“When the whistle sounds, snap your fingers handsomely, then make a wave, turn both wrists, step your legs, and turn around. The posture should be handsome, the eyes should be charming, and the camera should release your charm. Imagine that you are the most handsome.” She said, her eyes still firing at herself in the mirror.

After she finished, she asked, “Do you understand?”

Chen Yi’s face was strange, and he always felt that something was wrong. Handsome… Shouldn’t it be an adjective for boys?

But the dance moves at the beginning are not difficult, he did it according to Jiang Ting’s movements. Jiang Ting was satisfied, and said again.

“I’ll play the accompaniment, you follow along.”

Then, the accompaniment sounded, and Chen Yi danced again.

Jiang Ting frowned and said dissatisfied after watching it.

“The eyes are wrong. You have to be handsome, you have to be charming. Do you know how to be charming? You did a pretty good job on the qualification stage before.” After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she even started to teach him by herself. The big eyes flickered, teaching him how to discharge towards the camera.

Chen Yi looked at Jiang Ting who fell into workaholic mode, and felt that it was so difficult for him. How could he have such a partner?

The two danced little by little, starting from the body, shape, movement, eyes, and all aspects of the dance.

Fortunately, Chen Yi’s ability is good, and he remembers things very quickly. One morning, he remembered seventy-eighth of his dance moves.

In the afternoon practice time, when he finished learning the dance of the boys which Jiang Ting taught him, he was ready to dance together with Jiang Ting.

Feeling Jiang Ting’s breath so close to him, suddenly, a ‘duang’ sounded in his mind, and he suddenly stopped.

The opening part of the song ‘Trouble Maker’ is the boy’s opening. After the boy’s solo dance, the two stood sideways on a horizontal line. Chen Yi put his hands in his pockets in an unruly gesture, and Jiang Ting stood on tiptoe with a sexy and charming foot. Then, accompanied by rhythmic drum beats, Jiang Ting put her right hand on Chen Yi’s shoulder, and tapped Chen Yi’s chest with her left hand, ending the opening set.

However, with just a few seconds of close contact, Chen Yi can’t do it. When Jiang Ting tapped his chest, his face flushed and his body subconsciously pushed Jiang Ting away.

Jiang Ting was confused by his series of bewildering actions.

She hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter?”

Chen Yi looked flustered and quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, I’m not used to being so close to girls.”

Jiang Ting: “…” What a joke he is making.

However, looking at the flushed handsome face of the other party, Jiang Ting knew at this moment that he was not lying.

She felt that her head was big in an instant, this guy must not have gynophobia.

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She sat on the ground and frowned: “This song has a lot of intimate dance moves, you can’t stand it, so how do you dance next?”

Chen Yi was even more embarrassed by what she said, he lowered his head and looked ashamed.

“I’m so sorry, I’m dragging you down. Don’t worry, it’s because we’re not familiar with each other yet. It’s definitely not going to happen next time, let’s try again.”

Jiang Ting was in a better mood after being persuaded by him and felt that what he said was quite reasonable. Some people are just shy, just try a few more times.

However, the opening dance is over.

Jiang Ting was expressionless, remembering that she had just put her hand on Chen Yi’s shoulder when she was startled by the figure that retreated like a ghost, and even her hands were stiff up in the air.

Chen Yi: “…” Can he say he didn’t mean it? Purely a conditioned reflex.

The atmosphere in the practice room gradually became awkward, and Chen Yi spoke helplessly.

“My fault, my fault, come again.”

However, the rehearsal progress of the two frequently occurred, as if they had entered a bottleneck, and it was very difficult.

Jiang Ting was expressionless, watching Chen Yi ask her to repeat over and over again, and she also cooperated and practiced over and over again.

But once, twice, three times… After n times of practice, Chen Yi’s expression became more and more flustered, and Jiang Ting’s face became more and more ugly.

Until the cooperation failed again, Jiang Ting took a deep look at Chen Yi, and then left the practice room with a sullen face.

After Jiang Ting left, Chen Yi in the room knelt on the ground, looking lonely.

He began to hate himself. Why couldn’t he cooperate with his partner and practice well?

Obviously, they are partners, but he can’t do such simple cooperation. If it were any of the trainees in the boys’ group, he is afraid they would do better than him.

Chen Yi complained to himself in the practice room and said sorry to Jiang Ting madly in his mind.

Ten minutes later, when Chen Yi saw that Jiang Ting had not come back, he rubbed his face, drank another sip of mineral water, and began to pack up.

Perhaps, it’s time to leave.

Immediately afterward, two people suddenly entered the practice room. Chen Yi looked at the woman and Jiang Ting who entered in front of him and was stunned.

Jiang Ting frowned as she watched him pack up.

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“What are you doing?”

“I, I thought you…” Chen Yi stuttered in a hoarse voice.

Jiang Ting glanced at him and said to the physical instructor who she specially asked the director to dig from the program group next door.

“It’s him. As soon as I touch him, he hides. He may have a phobia of women. But we will have a competition next week. There are a lot of intimate contacts in choreography. If we can’t solve his problem, the consequences…” Before she finished speaking, the instructor naturally understood.

The physical instructor was borrowed by the director from the program “I Am an Actor” next door, specializing in cultivating the tacit understanding between actors and making each other intimate.

Next door is the recording studio of the “I Am an Actor” program group. Last night, these female trainees were pulled by the director of the other program group to make a cameo appearance to the audience. At that time, Jiang Ting also went. When she passed backstage, she accidentally saw the physical instructor in the practice room talking about how to cultivate intimacy and tacit understanding between actors.

So, when Chen Yi had this problem, Jiang Ting suddenly thought of that instructor. Jiang Ting had no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor1 and pestered the director to invite the other party.


The director was very good at talking, and after a few words, she brought her back.

The physical instructor first asked the two people to play a small game, and then asked the two people to wrestle their wrists without doing anything in the afternoon.

Jiang Ting’s strength was not as strong as the opponent’s, so the instructor asked her to use both hands. Gradually, Jiang Ting’s expression became ferocious, and she was exerting force with both hands.

At this time, it was Chen Yi’s turn to be overwhelmed.

Then, the teacher asked Chen Yi to use both hands, and Chen Yi did so. Jiang Ting was a little angry, but she couldn’t beat him, and suddenly became angry.

Immediately afterward, the teacher asked Jiang Ting to bite Chen Yi’s shoulder through the clothes. Jiang Ting said nothing, just one bite. Chen Yi hurts and he has no time to distance himself from Jiang Ting.

The teacher asked Chen Yi to break Jiang Ting’s head away with all his strength, so as not to let her bite him. Chen Yi freed one hand and grabbed Jiang Ting’s neck from behind, trying to separate her from his shoulders. But he was afraid of hurting her again, which made Jiang Ting bite harder and harder in the end.

Finally, the teacher called to stop, and both sides let go.

The two, who seemed to have fought, quickly let go of each other, gasping for breath.

Afterward, the teacher asked Chen Yi with a smile: “Look, isn’t it much better now? You took the initiative to put your arms around her neck just now.”

Chen Yi also suddenly recalled just now, as if… much better.

Next, the teacher’s successive small games made the two of them exhausted. First of all, they have to grab things from each other, such as headscarves, chairs, and mineral water. In short, both parties tried their best to grab these items from each other’s hands.

Immediately afterward, the teacher asked Jiang Ting to sit on the ground, and Chen Yi lay on her lap and pulled out Chen Yi’s white hair. If there was no white hair, she could also pull out black hair, making sure that Chen Yi felt a headache.

In the end, Chen Yi was asked to help Jiang Ting do the splits. This body is not Jiang Ting’s original body. The teacher asked Chen Yi to press Jiang Ting’s back. Jiang Ting, who was in pain, scolded Chen Yi for not being a thing. While being scolded, Chen Yi apologized, but he didn’t relax at all in the movement of pressing down with his hands and devoted himself to helping Jiang Ting do the splits.

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However, scolding can easily eliminate the sense of distance between the two.

In short, after two hours, the two lay down on the ground out of breath, lamenting that this fucking little game is still physical labor.

However, the effect is remarkable. Probably because they fought together, shared weal and woe2 together, and scolded each other, the atmosphere between the two became intimate with the naked eye. A teacher is really a teacher.

Taking advantage of the teacher’s presence, the two struck while the iron was hot and practiced the joint dance again.

This time, with musical accompaniment.

“Woooo…” The familiar whistle sounded, and Chen Yi started his solo dance.

The two changed their positions and stood side by side.

The knocking sound in the accompaniment came “Bang bang bang…”, Jiang Ting put her left hand on Chen Yi’s right shoulder and tapped Chen Yi’s chest with her right hand.

Immediately, the two separated for a personal dance part.

Then they gradually walked towards each other again, facing each other. Chen Yi pinched Jiang Ting’s chin, Jiang Ting’s right arm wrapped around the back of Chen Yi’s neck, and the fingers of her left hand climbed from Chen Yi’s chest to his shoulder.

Then the two walked forward together, Jiang Ting in front, Chen Yi in the back, and the two swayed in tacit understanding. Immediately afterward, switching actions, Jiang Ting’s hand stroked Chen Yi’s right cheek, and Chen Yi put his arms around her waist.

At the climax stage, Jiang Ting stood still, stretched out an arm, and looked proud. Chen Yi lowered his head and started to kiss her shoulders from the back of her hand, but Jiang Ting pretended to refuse.

After this classic and incomparable movement was completed, the physical instructor and camera team were stunned for a moment. The cameramen took pictures all day, never expecting that the effect after they danced together would be so amazing.

In the end, the two returned to their personal dance part back to back.

Listening to the music, the two also stopped their movements, and everyone at the scene applauded.

Jiang Ting and Chen Yi looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

It’s done! The instructor is not invited for nothing.


Since overcoming Chen Yi’s ‘fear of women’ problem, Jiang Ting’s group has gradually improved. In just two days, the two have mastered all the movements, which fully demonstrates their super strength.

Next, they started to match the dancers. Jiang Ting taught her female dancers and Chen Yi taught the male dancers.

Next, they started to match up with the backup dancers. Jiang Ting personally taught her female backup dancers, and Chen Yi taught the male backup dancers.

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Fortunately, the backup dancers had a solid foundation and learned dance moves very quickly. The whole group began to enter the rehearsal.

In addition, to make her partner’s voice get better early, Jiang Ting did not dare to let the other party talk more, nor let the other party practice more. Every night after the practice task was completed, let him rest early.

She even asked the program team to order a vegetarian meal for Chen Yi. For this reason, she especially got a thermos pot in the practice room, and asked the program team to make a pot of rock sugar pear porridge every day, and put it in the practice room for Chen Yi to eat. After eating for several days in a row, Chen Yi almost vomited.

On the fifth day, the good news continued one after another. Chen Yi woke up, cleared his throat, and found that his voice was back to the clear and loud voice before the game. He immediately smiled.

So far, the two have completely entered into a full-scale running-in. Jiang Ting took Chen Yi to re-record the accompaniment, which strengthened the crispness of the whistle at the beginning and the thump of the door knock and added a lot of high-pitched female voices in the middle.

No way, in the original version when female members chorused the high notes, the female members’ voices gradually disappeared. The limitation of her voice conditions caused her to sing with the boy during the climax stage, which was firmly suppressed by the boy. During the live show, her singing in the high tide section was crushed by the boy, so the girl could only work hard in dance and expression management.

But Jiang Ting would not do this. The stage she set up was not to set off Chen Yi. Of course, she had to strengthen her part.

In addition, some movements in the original dance were too large, so Jiang Ting changed them. Not to mention Chen Yi couldn’t do those one or two movements, she felt that she couldn’t do it either. Don’t torture people, just change it, anyway, one or two movements will not affect the explosion of this dance.

Until, on the last day, during the evening rehearsal, Jiang Ting checked the lighting, stage props, and costume accessories over and over again. If something was wrong, she immediately called the program team. After tossing for a long time, she tossed the program group to death. Finally, the effect presented satisfied her.

After the last rehearsal, the two left the stage. She looked at Chen Yi, who had been tossing around by her these days, working hard without complaining, and not dragging herself down, stretched out her hand, her eyes were starry, and her tone was sincere and said.

“Thank you, partner. It is a pleasure working with you.”

Chen Yi was stunned for a while, recalling the first scene when they greeted each other. The handsome boy’s face gradually smiled, and he reached out and shook each other’s back.

“No thanks, because… I feel the same way.”


The author has something to say:

The female protagonist has no CP and is dedicated to her career. You don’t have to worry about the appearance of the male supporting role, and the male supporting characters are just colleagues, and at most, become friends.

When I just wrote this chapter, the author always felt that it was a bit difficult to make two unfamiliar boy and girl suddenly dance such an intimate dance, and dance out of the original version or even better than the original version. Alright… So, I just saw that there is an instructor in the actor’s seat, and I arranged a method for the two actors to arm-wrestle and increase the sense of intimacy.

And I watched every stage of the original version, and found that the original version has a not-so-obvious point, that is, at the beginning of the original version, two people could not let go, and some large-scale actions were faked, but later it is more and more open, and the large-scale actions are also solid, which is enough to show that the cooperation of two people also takes time to run in and build feelings (friendship).


Translator’s Comment:

Love (friendship) is on the air!! Kyaa…  *shy*shy* ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯

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