Climb To The Top

Chapter 17

The music ends.

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The lights at the scene came back on again and Chen Yi carefully lifted Jiang Ting. She could easily slip on the stage wearing high heels.

At this moment, the backup dancer brought up Chen Yi’s coat, he looked at Jiang Ting’s exposed arms and took advantage of the opportunity to put the clothes on her body. But, Jiang Ting did not care about this action.

An astonishing cry erupted from the scene again.

“Jiang Ting, mom loves you…”

“Chen Yi… Chen Yi…”

The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning lifted the hem of her skirt and walked up with the microphone.

“I did not expect your performance to be so good.”

She also took advantage of the situation to ask: “The audience, do you think their performance is good?”

She aimed the microphone at the audience.

The audience shouted in unison: “It’s wonderful.”

Before these two people appeared on stage, the audience fell asleep. Especially when watching the disastrous stage performance of Zheng Qian and Sheng Kai. Many people were waiting for the end of the recording. The audience kept standing on the stage and watching the performance off stage, their legs hurt too.

But they didn’t expect that the last group to play could give them such a big surprise. Especially when the girl stretched out her arm, the boy kissed her but was rejected by the other party. The ambiguous, charming, and heart-pounding dance moves make people shudder just thinking about it. Some girls who can dance wish they could find a partner and learn it.

In addition to the stage, the highly addictive songs and the sexy and hot dances have made this performance shocking. It has also made the barrage crazy.

The screen full of barrage phrases such as ‘AWSL’, ‘immortal stage’, and ‘too amazing’ is enough to prove how amazing the two’s stage performances are and how much they attract fans.

Watching the video again, the atmosphere at the scene was very hot, and the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning had to control the field. After the audience calmed down, she began to interview the two.

“How did you two come up with such a classic stage in the first place?”

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Chen Yi sang and danced, and the mic was a little shifted. He panted slightly, stretched out his hand to straighten the microphone, pulled the mic to his mouth, and said.

“It’s not the two of us, it was Jiang Ting who came up with it. Songs, dances, stage design, costumes, and props are all handled by one hand. I am purely touched. I am very grateful to have such a powerful partner. She is really great.”

Seeing this, Jiang Ting said modestly.

“No, no, what Chen Yi said was too exaggerated. I am not omnipotent. Among them, Chen Yi also helped me a lot. Without his assistance, I would not be able to cooperate on such a stage, and he is also very good. I feel very comfortable working with him. If possible, I hope to cooperate with him in the future. If everyone likes our stage, please vote for us!”

The two stared at each other and blew rainbow farts at each other. The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning gradually felt that something was wrong, her eyes were suspicious. These two were holding each other too much! Although she also admitted that this was an extremely classic fairy stage, but the dance moves were too ambiguous, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Zhang Ning, who once promised the program team to pay attention to the emotional problems of the trainees, decided to report this issue to the program team privately. If the two fell in love, then the show would be ruined.

The worry in Zhang Ning’s heart at this moment, the two of them don’t know, instead, they say good things to each other.

Chen Yi mainly felt that he was holding Jiang Ting back. Apart from dancing better, Jiang Ting was in charge of everything. He felt that he was useless, so he kept thanking Jiang Ting in front of the camera.

And Jiang Ting was thankful that she didn’t miss it, and her perfect stage performance with Chen Yi saved her life for the time being. From her point of view, Chen Yi has all kinds of bad things, all bad things (he doesn’t like talking, saw his mouth gourd). Just because he is obedient and willing to let her order him, he is a qualified and perfect partner.

If she is not bragging about him, who will she be bragging about. Of course, it is crazy bragging and also hinting that fans will vote for them. It is best for her partner in each issue to be Chen Yi, so then she can prepare for the competition with peace of mind.

Their performance not only attracted countless fans but also made the audience give a super high score.

Of a total of 500 public judges, 487 people chose to vote for them.

Exceeding the couple Xu Jiayin and Xu Ya, who currently have the highest votes of 425 votes, a full 62 votes.

The number of votes was directly faulted, and it was successfully ‘Climb To The Top’.

Jiang Ting took advantage of the situation to pull Chen Yi up, walked towards the seat of the Black Gold Throne, and formally sat on her own seat.

At this time, the camera shifted towards her, and her eyes became sharper. When she looked at the camera, she looked like a sharp sword. Those talking eyes seemed to be staring at everyone in front of the camera and said, no one will be there anymore. Everyone said that no one could stop her from radiating light.

It was from this moment that Jiang Ting was hailed by later generations as the woman who never stepped down from the Black Gold Throne once she succeeded in ‘Climb To The Top’.

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On Saturday night, Weibo was very lively.

Many people are confused by the hot search topics they don’t know. They click on the #1 hot search topic, #troublemaker#. The first one is the marketing account, but this marketing account is different.

Auntie in the entertainment industry v: “The song ‘Trouble Maker’ is so good, and the dance is so beautiful. Come to the stunning stage of the female goose and male goose, Jiang Ting and Chen Yi. If these two people are not popular, it is hard to tolerate.” The staged video of ‘Trouble Maker’ is attached.

In just half an hour, the number of likes on the marketing account reached 200,000. Angry fans scolded the marketing account for being shameless for rubbing the heat, and at the same time praised their female goose under the comments of the marketing account.

“Ahhh, plmm1 kill me with a stage, blow it up.”

“Oh my God, what a beautiful stage, fairy songs, fairy dances, fairy combinations, hit me directly…”

“The female idol in the video is called Jiang Ting. She is salty, sweet, and has excellent skills. Come and vote for my sister!”


Jiang Ting and Chen Yi’s stage exploded and directly became the number one hot search. It is not the kind of the buying popularity, but it is purely the enthusiasm of the fans. Even many marketing accounts randomly sent a message about them to gain popularity, and the number of likes quickly exceeds 10,000.

As a result, Jiang Ting’s fans are very busy tonight. Under the trending searches and news about Jiang Ting, they organize people to control the comment at any time, so as not to get red eye disease and be blacked by those who want to. One must know that Jiang Ting was just a little bit popular, and there were some boring marketing accounts that fabricated all kinds of fake news to gain popularity, which made fans angry half to death.

After finally staying up until midnight, the heat gradually subsided. The fans were busy until five or six in the morning, planning to catch up on sleep.

As a result, when they woke up at noon the next day, they found that the sky had changed. It was more lively than last night.

Overnight, Jiang Ting and Chen Yi’s cooperation was spread all over the major websites and forums. People were talking about them everywhere and everywhere people said they were their fans.

Even now the topic of #troublemaker# is still in the top 10 trending searches on Weibo, and it has not dropped.

As for the song itself, it was directly placed in the top five of the major music charts. Fans abruptly took this song to the top of the list, and at 3 pm, it was squeezed to the top of the list.

After fans put the new song on the top of the list, some new fans took a closer look and were stunned.

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Hey, why is the second-ranked ‘Miss Similar’ so familiar?

This…Isn’t this the song that their Jiang Ting sang?

The new fan suddenly showed a wry smile. After a long time, it turned out to be a fight within their family.

Compared with young people who prefer ‘Trouble Maker’ with its wonderful dance and poisonous melody, passers-by fans who listen to the songs prefer the song ‘Miss Similar’. As a result, the popularity of the current top and former top songs on the major music charts is in an anxious posture of not giving in to each other. No one is willing to give in to the other.

You know, this song was played everywhere last week, and the popularity was too high. During the week, the three streamers released new songs one after another. They defeated their opponents one after another, but they fell into the hands of ‘Miss Similar’, pressed down by the opponent, and couldn’t turn over.

That is to say, the performance stage of ‘Trouble Maker’ is too magical. The dance moves are even more amazing and was stunned to be brushed on the list by fans. Otherwise, with the performance of ‘Miss Similar, it is really not sure who will be on the top of the list.

In terms of data, the dividends of this song brought Jiang Ting and Chen Yi far more than that.

Not far away, but near. Jiang Ting and Chen Yi both have Weibo, and Weibo was kept out of the way by the show team. The two were in the dormitory and could not use Weibo. So that the account is empty, there is only a Weibo or a short video self-introduction. The general idea is that they are trainees participating in the National Couple, so everyone should support them.

But it was such a Weibo that basically grew grass so that the two gained countless fans overnight.

From the appearance of Jiang Ting in the first episode to the outbreak of the third episode last night, only two weeks have passed, Jiang Ting’s fans have risen to 2.73 million.

But now, with this stage, in just one night, her number of fans has increased by one million. Now it has risen from 2.73 million to 3.8 million, and it is still growing, and even more and more fans.

As for another beneficiary, Chen Yi, before the third episode of the program was broadcast, his Weibo followers did not exceed 200,000. After the third episode was launched, the number of fans directly exceeded one million the next day.

Watching Chen Yi, a scumbag in the show, be changed by Jiang Ting against the sky which caused the number of fans skyrocketed, the heart of Jiang Ting’s true fans was about to break. Some extreme fans even ran to scold Chen Yi as a waste, lying on Jiang Ting’s body to suck blood the whole time.

However, the fans of Chen Yi’s family did not care. Even when they saw Jiang Ting fans running to their family to insult Chen Yi and new fans followed suit, the old fans even came out to persuade them.

The old fans expressed their comfort to the new fans, saying: “It’s okay, let Jiang fans scold, this stage is indeed a big advantage for our family. And A Yi himself said that he did not participate in the stage and listen to Jiang Ting’s arrangements throughout the whole process. This is a fact, lie flat and let them laugh.”

“Haha, that’s right, don’t talk to the irritable Jiang Fan. If they can scold A Yi to cooperate with Jiang Ting next time and make another big hit on the stage, why should we be mad at Jiang Fan? Hahaha, anyway, we have the stage in our hands, laughing at a mad dog. If everyone has the skills to fight with others, why not vote for A Yi, don’t you want to see cooperation between the two again?”

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The number of fans of the two Chaohua has exploded, and new fans appear every second. Therefore, Chen Yi’s old fans can’t care about the verbal abuse from Jiang Ting’s fans. One is that they don’t have the energy to provoke; the other is that they also know how powerful Jiang Ting’s fans are.

If you want to piss off the other party, it is not impossible to collectively vote for others and Jiang Ting. In addition, their family also took advantage of it, so it’s okay to be scolded. If such a good thing can happen, they wish Chen Yi would be scolded by Jiang Ting’s fans every day.

It’s best to scold him at every stage, and then Jiang Ting will come up with better songs to compensate Chen Yi and support Chen Yi. Tsk.. when they think about it, they immediately feel comfortable.

The treacherousness of Chen Yi’s fans made Jiang Ting’s fans mad. It was the first time they saw a fandom that did not want to fight with others. Not only did they not care at all, but they even smiled and said welcome again. What an embarrassment and a trance.

The last group of Jiang fans can only speak ruthlessly. They all said that they will start voting for their favorite couple in the next issue and will never let Chen Yi and Jiang Ting cooperate.

The excitement between the fans of the two families was also noticed by the fans of the other families. They all watched secretly, wishing that the two families would be torn apart, and then let them find a leak.

Unexpectedly, there was a lot of thunder and rain, and Jiang Ting’s fans threw a few cruel words at the end and it was over.

Are you kidding me? What about the trouble?

Jiang Fan, who is growing every day, has given up so soon? Impossible.

At this time, none of the fans expected that the advantages brought by this stage to Jiang Ting and Chen Yi attracted not only the two only fans but also a special group.

It is called CP fans.

When someone saw the performance of the two on the Internet and found that the two had not formed a Chaohua, they formed a CP Chaohua as quickly as possible.

Also gave a fairy combination name.

Jiangchen (Jiang Chen) CP: As the name suggests, a combination of gods and immortals descends into the mundane world.


Translator’s Comment:


Please don’t take advantage of our female goose!!

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