Climb To The Top

Chapter 18

At first, Jiang Ting and Chen Yi’s fans did not realize the ferocity of CP fans. Then, strangeness gradually appeared in the two fan circles.

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Why are there some inexplicable words in their Chaohua such as “Oh, I like Ting Ting so much, but I like Chen Yi more after watching the stage”, “Brother Yi and Jiang Ting are so good, if they get together, I will definitely bless them” and so on. These inexplicable remarks.

Some hosts have banned Chaohua fans from mentioning other idols, but this phenomenon seems to be repeated.

Especially many new fans, who have not yet become die-hard fans, were suddenly hinted and hooked up and entered a magical place.

It is called CP Chaohua.

CP Chaohua is the territory of celebrity CP fans.

The Jiang-Chen CP was born on Saturday night and directly occupied the top spot. Although they are young and the creation time is only a few days, they are already crowded and the flow of people is even more active.

CP fans have always been a group that everyone shouts and beats at. The real fans hate them and their existence has the lowest status in the fan circle.

But in the difficult living environment of CP fans, no one thought that one day they would be able to win CP openly.

When the song ‘Trouble Maker’ became popular, countless CP fans who fell in love with this pair went to watch the show.

Then they found out, hey, the program “National Couple” is completely different from other coquettish programs.

This show encourages CP fans to knock CP? It’s still that kind of upright knock.

In various circles, either the CP fans that have no results in cooking, or the CP fans whose CP has been torn by the cooking team, or the CP fans who are half-retired from the Buddhist star-chasing circle. Now, they were all attracted by this pure and unpretentious program group.

Knock, no knock, knock, God knows they finally got it.

Following the programs specially prepared for CP fans such as “I Knot”, “My Love” and “Su Lian”, a show that gave the green light to CP fans was born.

Moreover, the CP was formed by the program group itself. This is good. In the future, the CP fans will be famous and no one has the right to say that they have blood sugar.

Immediately, countless CP fans came to Jiang-Chen CP Chaohua, and they found the organization without any effort.

As for there are only fans who do not let them knock? In a word for CP fans, this program is a program of an upright group CP. The real fans do not allow it, who are you?

It’s just that each CP fan has just started to be established, and it is not so overbearing at present. Most CP fans follow the old CP fan rules and enclose their own family.

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Of course, they do not want to fight with the real fans of the idol. They think it’s a waste of saliva. But it will not be the same as before, being indifferent to being ridden on the head.

Therefore, one day, two days…n days, when the real fans are unaware of or hadn’t realized what a huge group it was and how much energy is hidden inside, CP fans are developing themselves in obscurity.

The famous matchmaker website, Station B, has countless high-quality scissors and fairy UPs. When these UPs fell in love with this pair of CPs, they waved their big scissors mercilessly to the end, cutting out beautiful plots one by one.

After watching the third episode of the double cut, fans had only one thought.

“Isn’t that shocking kiss at the end too blatant, hehe…”

“Ah ah ah, blow it up, blow it up for me.”

“What fairy love, I’m sour, are you sour?”

Not only Station B, but also Weibo, Tieba, etc. countless awesome scissors masters made videos, pictures, and texts overnight. They edited various “sugars” in the program and shared them with subsequent fans.

Some of the fast-paced masters even watched the first two episodes of the program repeatedly at 0.5 times the speed of looking for candy. You must know that in the first two episodes, the two were not in the same scene. Just this…you can find dark sugar, and they are really convinced by their nuanced eyes that are comparable to Sherlock Holmes, each of which is a magnifying glass.

In the first episode, someone saw that during the qualification period, when Jiang Ting was called by the executive assistant to prepare to perform, she happened to pass by Chen Yi. Chen Yi glanced at her, and the two wiped over the shoulder.

It is estimated that Jiang Ting herself did not realize that there was such a scene between her and Chen Yi. As a result, this scene exploded on Station B. It was called “love at a glance” by countless CP fans, and the playback volume reached 178W1. It was also passed on to CP Chaohua and CP Tieba.

Immediately afterward, when Jiang Ting got a perfect score in the qualification round, Chen Yi’s act of applause was seen as the beginning of love. Fans reasoned: Isn’t admiring someone a prerequisite for liking her?

Look again, in the second episode, Chen Yi’s voice was hoarse during the qualification round, Jiang Ting’s frowning expression was confirmed by CP fans because Jiang Ting was worried about Chen Yi, and “love” blossomed.

Combined with the names of the two who are familiar with each other in the third episode, the title of ‘Brother Yi, Old Chen’ makes the blood of CP fans even more excited.

Call it out, AWSL, it’s true, what kind of fairy combination is this?


On the other hand, Jiang Ting, who was in the filming location of “National Couple” at this time, has no idea of ​​the reaction of the outside world to their performance. At this point, she is recording the game.

At this moment, there are a total of 20 trainees on the filming site, 10 boys and 10 girls, wearing the light blue or light pink trainees’ costumes of their respective teams, standing on both sides.

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Immediately afterward, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning and the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu appeared on the stage together with a microphone and some envelopes. The trainees applauded excitedly when they saw it.

“Hello, Teacher.”

Zhang Ning smiled and greeted kindly: “Hello, everyone.”

Lin Ershu also smiled warmly, “Meet again, fellow trainees.”

Most of the trainees were unaware of what this recording represented and they were still laughing and joking. However, there were also a small number of people who realized what was in the hands of the instructor and secretly thought something was wrong.

After saying hello, Zhang Ning looked at the camera and recited an oral broadcast as usual. Then she raised the envelope in her hand and dropped a bomb lightly, saying.

“Now, the results of the first round of the PK competition have come out. Among you, two male trainees and two female trainees will leave. The results are in these envelopes in my hand.”

In an instant, the scene was silent.

After hearing what Zhang Ning had finished speaking, some trainees only felt that they were chilling from head to toe. They did not expect the knockout round to come so quickly.

Some people think that they performed well last week, so it should be no problem to advance; some people think that they made a mistake in the PK competition and are afraid that they will be eliminated this time. The expressions on the faces of the two parties were completely different.

After Zhang Ning looked at it for a while, she continued: “Now, Instructor Lin and I will announce the results of the male and female trainees’ PK competition respectively. I will be in charge of the male trainees, and Instructor Lin will be in charge of the female trainees. Now, the ranking of the male trainees will be officially announced first.”

After saying that, Zhang Ning took out a light blue envelope from her hand, opened it, took a look, and began to speak slowly.

“The total votes pool of the national judges is 119,732,168 votes. The sixth trainee gets 9,324,658 votes which takes 7.8% of the total vote pool; the 500 public judges vote for a total of 376 votes at the double PK competition which takes 9.5% of the total score. And the total score is 17.3%. He is…”

Zhang Ning’s sharp eyes swept across the circle of male trainees. Until finally, her eyes fell on someone on the left.

“Congratulations, the sixth trainee Xin Jiu, you have successfully advanced.”

Xin Jiu’s pupils trembled, his face suddenly flushed red, his hands formed fists, and he shouted: “Ah, I’m in.”

Last week, he failed in the PK competition, made a fool of himself, and also implicated his partner. His heart was so depressed that it was unspeakable. He was even prepared to be eliminated today, but he never expected it.

Xin Jiu’s eyes were slightly red. At the urging of other trainees, he stepped forward to receive his promotion card.

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After Zhang Ning handed the envelope to him, Xin Jiu took it with both hands, obviously very excited. She handed him the microphone and asked him to say a few words.

After Xin Jiu took the microphone, washed his nose, could not help crying, and said: “I will try my best next time. Thank you to the national judges who have always supported me, and thank you to the fans who voted for me. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I would have been eliminated..”

Seeing that Xin Jiu’s talkativeness seemed to be endless, Zhang Ning could not help but cough secretly.


Fortunately, Xin Jiu has a high EQ and is very good at reading people’s eyes, so he quickly ended his words of thanks.

Soon after, Zhang Ning announced the promotion data of the fifth rank.

National judges vote 1.34 million which takes 11.2%; public judges vote 354 which takes 9.2%. The total score is 20.4%, which is not low data.

But when the trainees saw this man, there was an uproar in the audience. They became restless.

“Isn’t that true? Really?”

“How can this ranking be so low?”

“This score does not seem to be equal to him, does it?”

The trainees feel sorry for the other party inside out and feel that such a score is not worthy of the other party.

This person is the man who won second place in the qualification round among the male trainees, Sheng Kai.

After hearing Zhang Ning’s instructor announce that he was in fifth place, Sheng Kai’s face was particularly ugly. He really did not expect that the fifth place would be him.

Even if he made mistakes in his performance last week, most of them were Zheng Qian’s fault. It was Zheng Qian who dragged him down. Why should he choose to bear the responsibility for her mistakes? Is it because they are a group?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had lost his mind before so Zheng Qian could bewitch him to work together.

But he also did not think about why he was bewitched by the other party. Is it because he fell in love with Zheng Qian’s face and could not resist the beauty; or because he was not strong-minded and was fascinated by the other party’s coquettish and soft words?

Sheng Kai has completely forgotten how he praised Zheng Qian’s beauty, how comfortable working with each other, and what a good partner she was.

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At this moment, he could not accept his ranking from the top two in the qualification competition to the fifth in the PK competition. Such a big gap made him subconsciously push all the responsibilities to Zheng Qian as if this washed away all the responsibilities on himself.

Sheng Kai accepted his “promotion card” with trembling hands. When he delivered his speech, he only said thank you to the fans and that he will continue to work hard next time, and then hurriedly stepped down.

Jiang Ting watched him leave the stage gloomily, his pair of star-like eyes narrowed slightly, so this is his true face? No wonder it is not tolerated at all.

Tsk tsk, Chen Yi is really pitiful to be a roommate with such a person.



The author has something to say:

I repeat: The heroine in this article has no CP, no CP, no CP, no male protagonist, no emotional line, straight steel, career woman.

As for the CP fans in the text, they belong to the program group. Please see the show named “National Couple”. They are fake CPs of the fans’ own group, not the author’s CP, so there is no emotional line.

What’s the difference:

The difference is that if it is my author’s own group CP, then there is a male protagonist and a love line.

If it is the CP of the show group, then the heroine can not only attract real fans, but also CP fans. After unbinding the CP, she will immediately become a bunch of die-hard of real fans. The entertainment industry also does this, the reservists for die-hard fans after ‘feeding fat and killing’.

In addition, the heroine will not always cooperate with Chen Yii, and the next game will be replaced. Maybe there will be a bunch of CP fans with other people waiting for the heroine to harvest.

Some people say that the female protagonist is biased toward Chen Yi, and Chen Yi is the male protagonist. I am wronged, and the female protagonist is also biased toward Lin Xinxiang. Is it possible to be nice to Lin Xinxiang, just to engage with lily?

If you are in the entertainment industry, you will never have a few friends, and you must have a friendship line. The heroine is a straight, professional woman, but not the temperament of ‘who is popular and who plays’.

Of course, if readers simply can not accept the fake CP fans in the show…then there’s nothing I can do.

Because this is not a women’s team draft, this is a two-person men’s and women’s draft, which naturally comes with CP fans, this is a dead setting, and I can not change it.

I, the author, am miserable.

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