Climb To The Top

Chapter 21

Jiang Ting was puzzled by the fans’ votes. How did they get her and Xu Jiayin together? But she did not know that the fans were also annoyed.

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At the end of the third episode of “National Couple”, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning announced a major event at the end of the program.

She said: “All the national judges, there will be a cruel knockout round next week. In addition, the individual ticket channel is temporarily closed this week; and the most anticipated couple channel will be opened.”

“Please vote for the two trainees you like. The two sides with the most votes will successfully form a partner; if the player with the most votes has already successfully formed a team first, the trainee with the second largest number of votes will be selected to form a team. Dear all national judges, please vote for your favorite couple, who they partner with will depend on your votes… Let’s see you next week.”

Zhang Ning’s words immediately set off a big battle between the fans of male trainees. After the most anticipated couple channel was opened, the male trainee fans of each family saw a green light and had a crazy expression as they were about to vote for their idols.

As for what drove them crazy, it was naturally Jiang Ting’s voting page. This ‘Treasure Girl’ who is currently recognized by various fan circles as possessing the ability to turn stones into gold, can even take a “trash” like Chen Yi to soar, so what about other people? Just thinking about it, the fan of male trainees started to move.

Fans clicked on the most anticipated couple channel page. They found that it was different from the previous channel where male and female trainees were mixed and matched to build a pyramid-shaped channel.

On the bordered page outlined in gold and silver, two groups appeared in the middle, namely the girls’ group and the boys’ group. The two groups classified the 20 trainees by gender and arranged them according to the ranking in the initial qualification competition.

Jiang Ting, as the most popular trainee in the program, naturally has to give her a face and put her in the most conspicuous first place. Under her photo is her name and next to her name is a vote button written in red lettering.

If fans want to vote, click the button, and a hidden card will appear under Jiang Ting’s name.

The invisible card contains photos and names of the ten male trainees in miniature versions. Fans can vote under the name of the male trainee who they want to see Jiang Ting collaborate with. The boy with the highest number of votes will be able to cooperate with Jiang Ting.

After seeing the new rules, Xu Jiayin’s fans, who have the most fans in the boys’ group, are all united and determined to snatch back the ‘Treasure Girl’ and bring their family Xu Jiayin to a higher level.

The president of Xu Jiayin’s National Support Club together with the presidents of regional support clubs, immediately published a Weibo post on the Weibo of various support clubs, calling on fans to vote for their own cooking and Jiang Ting, so that the two could have perfect cooperation.

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In addition, the major management frantically shouted at people in Chaohua, Tieba, and even various major groups to vote for Jiang Ting, while promoting, but also brainwashing fans.

“Chen Yi, that trash can be changed by Jiang Ting against the sky. If it is replaced by our Jiayin, won’t it be a big hit?”

“We will be convinced if we lose to Jiang Ting, but if we lose to Chen Yi, will we be convinced? Tell me, if we lose to the trash, are you convinced?”

“Not convinced.”

“If you are not convinced, go and vote for me. As long as you did not die, you will vote for them.”

This time, Xu Jiayin’s fans were ruthless. Under Xu Jiayin’s voting page, Jiang Ting’s votes were brushed to 10w, and she was far ahead of other female trainees.

Then they began to concentrate on voting under Jiang Ting’s voting page and kept changing numbers. In one night, they reached 18w support votes for Xu Jiayin, and the number is still rising.

But Chen Yi’s fans are not vegetarians either. There were too many new fans coming to the stage this time, and they surpassed them with 20w votes in an instant.

Immediately afterward, the fans went crazy.

The rules of the program group are if both parties voted for each other’s first choice, they will form a successful team.

The voting group of male trainees voted like crazy. They called people to go to Jiang Ting’s vote page to vote for their own cooking and then went to their cooking voting page to vote for Jiang Ting, striving to win the ‘Treasure Girl’.

In this way, on the fourth day, the votes of each family went back and forth for four days, and the number of votes almost continued to be around 5w or 60w. Now, the number of votes of Chen Yi’s family is a little higher and just reached 70w. But they are not far behind the others and they can catch up if they want to.

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At this moment, Xu Jiayin’s fans made a trick. They actually saved a lot of votes and haven’t voted yet.

These days, their fans have been going to Xu Ya’s Chaohua homepage to scold and fight every day, which consumes the activity of their own Chaohua fans, so the number of votes is only 51w. And when other fans pretended to be fans of Xu Jiayin and asked them why they did not vote, the management made a statement on Weibo.

XuYourLife v: “…The fans ran out, the votes were not enough, they could not vote, they were aggrieved. Look at the popularity of our family’s Chaohua, they have become lower…” Xu Jiayin’s big fan’s words seem to be shouting to fans, but they deceived other fans. Everyone thinks that it seemed that Xu Jiayin Chaohua’s popularity was indeed low.

But no one expected that on the fourth night, when everyone’s voting data was almost the same at around 5w or 60w, Xu Jiayin’s fans smashed a big bomb and stunned everyone, directly smashing the voting data to 90w.

After that, the others were stunned.

Can you still play like this?

Some fans of Chen Yi watched helplessly as Xu Jiayin’s fans swiped their votes, nearly doubling the number of votes. Immediately angry, their family finally voted until they reached 70w, but you are suddenly throwing a big bomb, this is too much.

Afterward, Chen Yi’s fans and Xu Jiayin’s fans tore apart. They are calling friends on Chaohua, Tieba, and forums, and also brushed the number of votes to 90w.

The two started a life-and-death voting battle. Watching this silent battle, some trainee fans began to despair, and finally gave up silently and voted according to fate.

But as fans of Shi Yi’s family, they can not let go even if they want to give up. Once they give up, Shi Yi will be hopeless.

At this time, seeing that Chen Yi’s fans could not vote, the real fans of Chen Yi saw that the situation was not good, so they sneaked to Jiangchen CP Chaohua to report the news, implying that CP fans would help to vote.

Jiangchen CP fans at the top listened, this is still worth it, if Xu Jiayin snatched Jiang Ting, then they will have nothing in the future. Suddenly, one by one, the votes rose to 100w on the fifth night.

On the sixth day, when Xu Jiayin’s fans saw it, they immediately tweeted mockingly.

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Xu Xu Xiangyin v: “Hey, yesterday there were trash fans who ran over to our house and scolded us for being shameless. They did the same thing last night, they did something ‘shameless’. Collecting tickets, you are allowed to do it, but we are not allowed to do it? Or are you pretending to be saints here? If you have the face to do it, you must have the face to recognize it. You want to set up a memorial archway when you are a female cousin1. The ones I’m talking about here are the fans of the trash family, please don’t take the same number as others…”

The management of Chen Yi’s support club, who also has 10w fans, ‘Yi Yi Sheng Hui I’ll accompany you’, was furious after seeing it and said directly.

Yi Yi Sheng Hui I’ll accompany you v: “Fuck your motherfucker, our family does not do this kind of thing, don’t scold us for the dirty things you do. In addition, last night all the votes were cast by loose fans. We do not take the blame for hiding the votes. What’s more, 100,000 votes are also worth hiding in our family? If we hide the votes next time, there will be no less than a million votes to talk to our family. A group of scheming women. Your cooking is just a pile of stinky shit, you still want to pick up Jiang Ting, and you don’t open your dog’s eyes to take a good look, maybe people do not like it?”

The fans of the two parties confronted each other in the air. One was ‘You don’t want a face in your family, you have to set up a memorial archway when you are a female cousin’. And the other was ‘mouth full of dung wants to blame and climb Lao Tzu’s family (roll)’.

Because last night only a small part of CP fans was dispatched, it did not alarm all the other fans. The two sides tore up but because everyone had no evidence of the other party’s hidden votes, they could only continue to vote while fighting.

On Friday at 7:50 pm, which is the sixth day after the end of the previous competition, the votes are being sealed.

Chen Yi’s fans, who did not have any votes in their hands, finally voted for 105w. When they looked at Xu Jiayin’s 98w votes, they were relieved.

With the gap of 7w votes, even if Xu Jiayin’s family saves the votes, they would not be able to vote in ten minutes.

Xu Jiayin’s fans are a little helpless. After finally casting 98w votes, they are only 7w short.

Damn it, it’s only 7w away. It’s too cruel to see expectations shattered. Countless Xu Jiayin’s fans bought accounts and became members, hoping to work harder, but the voting time is only ten minutes left. The time is too short, it is too late.

Just then… a miracle happened.

Immediately afterward, all fans watched helplessly. On Jiang Ting’s voting page, Xu Jiayin’s votes continued to rise at an average rate of 10,000 votes per minute.

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Xu Jiayin’s fans were stunned, Chen Yi’s fans were also stunned, and other fans were also overwhelmed by Xu Jiayin fans’ bragging about taking out the hidden tickets. Now, they are not afraid to play off.

Chen Yi’s fans began to panic as they watched Xu Jiayin’s votes continue to increase. They hurried to call people to go to Chaohua to vote. No matter what kind of fans or CP fans are, you need to be able to vote, even if it is a black fan.

Damn, if someone does this at this critical juncture, they won’t be able to rest in peace.

A small number of fans of Chen Yi who gathered at the last minute voted less than 2w votes, turning 105w votes into 107w votes, but it was of no use.

They can see that Xu Jiayin’s votes are still growing at a constant rate of 10,000 votes per minute, 1w, 2w…10w.

Finally, at 8 p.m. on Friday, the votes were instantly sealed, and the voting channel was temporarily closed.

Chen Yi’s fans watched as Xu Jiayin sealed the channel with 108w votes at the last moment. With a difference of fewer than 10,000 votes, they beat Chen Yi’s 107w votes, and some fans collapsed.

Countless fans of Chen Yi sat in front of the computer screen, trembling with anger, gnashing their teeth, and cursing ‘shameless’.

At this moment, the two sides have completely settled their feud.



Translator’s Comment:

I smell something fishy here! What do you think?

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