Climb To The Top

Chapter 22

This wave of slapstick operations made Chen Yi’s fans disgusted. The whole Chaohua, Tieba, and major forums have begun to boil and they are all talking about this matter.

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Secretly came to stab them, but it made all of Chen Yi’s fans bloody and heartbroken.

Numerous fans posted posts on Weibo Chaohua and the big fans even dissed one after another.

Yisheng has you v: “I have never seen such a brazen person. If you vote in an upright manner at the beginning, crush our votes with absolute votes, and we lose to the other party, we won’t say anything. But let’s see what the other party does. Immediately when the voting channel was just to be sealed, let our fans relax their vigilance, and then a group of old bastards stabbed our family in the heart. They simply sealed it as ‘knife insertion teaching’.”

The big fan with 200,000 fans suddenly jumped out to stand in line, which made Chen Yi’s fans angry. They are all star-chasing girls and have experienced a lot in this circle, but who would have thought that chasing a star could still play 36 tricks?

Is this a show of ‘Ming Xiu Plank Road, Darkness Chen Cang’1 for Laozi?

Immediately afterward, one after another big fans ended up sarcastically and blatantly speaking out.

Accompany brother Yi to the end of the world v: “I understand what a certain family played today. All emotional people are cultural people and they gave us a good show for free. It’s a pity that we are all white prostitutes2 and don’t pay people. But the acting skills of the falsetto3 sisters, why are you a fan star? Why don’t you go and act yourself, play a sinister and cunning scheming woman that doesn’t want any face? Guarantee that the falsetto sisters will debut and become an instant hit.”

It can be seen that these last tricks made Chen Yi fans very angry.

The two family fans have formed a grudge and the scolding war between fans is even more terrifying.

And other fans also saw with their own eyes the sudden ‘magic stroke’ of Xu Jiayin’s fans. While they are laughing at Chen Yi’s family’s self-proclaimed victory but in fact losing their front hooves, at the same time they were shocked by the deep scheming and sinister cunning of Xu Jiayin’s fans.

There are even many fans who believe that although voting does not limit when to vote, the draft voting in recent years, generally as the boss of trainee fans, has staged a crushing game. Most of the fans’ votes were unmatched, just like Jiang Ting in the girls’ group. But who knew that the fans of Xu Jiayin in the boys’ group were so weird that they could not do a good job in front of them, so they used sly tricks.

It’s just chasing a star and it’s not about business wars, but also engaging in reversals? Is it necessary to play so insidiously?

The top executives of each fan circle are even more nervous, always vigilant about the trend of Xu Jiayin’s fan circle.

They are afraid that when their family faces up with Xu Jiayin’s fan circle one day, the other party will make a sneaky trick and their family will be unprepared. What will happen… thinking about it makes people shudder.

Thinking about it this way, all the fan circles are in a bad mood and they are all on their guard.

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In an instant, the reputation of Xu Jiayin’s fans also stinks in the eyes of fans.

Meanwhile, the president of Xu Jiayin’s Fan Support Club and the major management have completely ‘standby’ at this time.

The group of them, each with a computer on, watched Xu Jiayin’s votes increase at a rate of 10,000 per minute. At the last moment, 108,000 votes were sealed.

Among them, the head of Xu Jiayin’s Propaganda Department was dumbfounded, looked at her president with admiration, and said.

“President, is this your arrangement?”

“What did you say?” The president of the Xu Jiayin’s Support Club looked bewildered.

“President, you are really amazing. You actually hid 100,000 votes, and you didn’t take it out until the last minute. I admire you.” The head of the propaganda department was simply overjoyed.

God knows how excited they were at the last moment.

Unexpectedly, they did it.

“President is awesome.” The leader of the shooting and voting team shouted.

The people below also blew up one after another.

“I’m convinced, the president is really awesome. I’m really convinced.”

“Did the president expect this scene a long time ago? The president is clever.”

Listening to everyone’s fanatical praise, the president of the Xu Jiayin’s Support Club shouted.

“I didn’t do it.”

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The head of the propaganda department was stunned and murmured: “No… It’s not you, so how did we get this ticket?”

The president of the Xu Jiayin Support Club also looked puzzled, “I want to know too. In addition, Yingzi, whether there are still votes in the voting teams of our major support clubs, others don’t know, but don’t you know? Why are you making fun of me?”

The leader of the voting team, code-named Yingzi, had a look of embarrassment, and then he said seriously: “The president is right. Our support club has indeed no hidden tickets. Not a single one. The last 100,000 tickets were indeed not done by our people.”

The people on the scene froze immediately.

Then, before everyone in the Xu Jiayin Support Club figured out who organized the last wave of premeditated 100,000 votes, their WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Tieba, and major communications messages rang out.

“President, it’s not good. Chen Yi fans came to slaughter our Chaohua.”

“Minister, Tieba has exploded.”

“Team leader, Chen Yi’s fans are crazy. Now they are madly posting black pictures and blacking Jiayin everywhere.”

The members of the support association can not care about anything else and hurriedly check online.


After the number of votes was overtaken that night, many big fans of Chen Yi turned on the microphone and scolded Xu Jiayin fans for being insidious, playing tricks, and using some disgusting methods to manipulate votes.

Immediately afterward, Chen Yi’s Support Club got the news and found that the situation was gradually uncontrollable. In addition, a group of high-level girls from the support club were also angry in their hearts and they did not want to control the situation. So they thought of tearing up vigorously, and even turned their heads to persuade the president of the support association.

A person who can firmly hold the position of president of the support club basically has a good brain. Plus she has the capital to pursue stars, otherwise, if there is a president who does not have a brain, will her idol not be hacked to death?

For example, when most of Chen Yi’s fans were fighting with Xu Jiayin’s fans, the first thing that the president of Chen Yi’s Support Club thought of was the consequences and impact of this incident.

First of all, their family enjoyed the advantages brought by the cooperation stage with Jiang Ting, which led to booming popularity and Chen Yi’s new fans also continued to flow innumerably. They did not know how many people suffered from jealousy behind the scenes.

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Now, they have lost the opportunity to cooperate with the ‘Treasure Girl’. It is conceivable that the future will be difficult.

But things have reached this point and there is no way to save them. They can only maximize their interests. Most importantly, they must also find ways to retain fans.

Maybe it’s a rare good opportunity to fight with Xu Jiayin’s fans, coupled with being ridiculed by other fans, this will also be more conducive to their abuse and solidification of fans. Maybe bad things can turn into good things in the end.

Thinking about this, the president of the support club loosened her frown. She not only told her thoughts to the senior management but also perfected the plan with many senior management.

First, contact the big fan group, and let each big fan continue to follow the rhythm. Secondly, let the publicity team and the graphic team work overtime to produce black material. They must nail Xu Jiayin and Xu Jiayin’s fan base to the pillar of shame. In the end, she incited fans’ emotions in various Chen Yi Support Club fans groups, until she gave the order to start slaughtering Xu Jiayin’s Chaohua and blasting posts in Xu Jiayin’s Tieba, to make sure that Xu Jiayin’s black material spread throughout the fan circle.

After each department performs its duties, in ten minutes, everything is ready.

The president of Chen Yi’s Support Club publicly posted on Weibo.

Chen Yi National Support Club v: “It’s deceiving people too much. Chen Yi fans are never afraid of losing, but they are never allowed to be humiliated and played with like this. I can’t bear it, I don’t need to bear it anymore.” The accompanying picture is a mocking emoticon package wearing a watch, with a line of words written underneath, ‘wqnmlgb’4.

She didn’t scold Xu Jiayin’s fans for not being human, but just a sentence that she couldn’t bear it, no need to bear it anymore, and an emoticon package with a picture of “I f*cked your mother” completely ignited the anger of fans. They immediately went and made a post in Chen Yi Chaohua and Tieba to explode the slaughter version.

Some people also deliberately took ugly pictures of Xu Jiayin that had not been released and went to Xu Jiayin’s Tieba, Chaohua, and major forums to spread the news that Xu Jiayin was a plastic surgery freak. Some new fans who are not determined are really scared by the photos.

By the time Xu Jiayin’s Support Club reacted, things were already in a big mess. Everyone saw that Chen Yi’s fans were fighting them endlessly and even the major division of the support club had come down. It’s really… the beam knotted bigger5.

The executives of Xu Jiayin’s Support Club looked at Chaohua and Tieba in a mess, and their faces were extremely ugly.

There are even a lot of innocent new fans questioning them.

For Xu Eryin v: “Why do you use such a dirty method? Do you have to be so tired to chase a star? I’m trying to deceive myself, but I don’t know, do you think it’s a spy war? Are you tired or not? I’m tired if you’re not tired, I’m not in the fan circle anymore, it’s all intrigue. It’s better to be a person who silently likes Jiayin and I will silently vote for Jiayin. But the fan circle is really not interesting, not mixed anymore. Goodbye, sisters.”

When people click on the comments below, more than a hundred replies like ‘+1’, ‘Me too’, and ‘If I knew earlier that I might as well be a loose fan’. It can be seen that many fans have also been affected by the viral brainwashing of Chen Yi’s fans.

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After all, star-chasing girls are people, not machines. Some people silently give data for stars because they like this idol, some people like Buddhist star-chasing and they don’t like to fight, and some people are willing to fight for the people they like and could scold other fans, all show that she is chasing stars, not fan circles. When the behavior of fans circles makes them feel disgusted and they can’t accept it, they will choose to leave.

Xu Jiayin Support Club wanted to cry but wanted to tell this group of fans that they did not do this.

After about a few minutes, Xu Jiayin’s Support Club calmed down and knew that this matter should be dealt with, after all, they were afraid that a large number of fans would be lost. Afterward, a countermeasure was urgently discussed.

“Go to the group and win over some people, also blackmail them back, and post it. In short, give me a fierce counterattack.”

“Contact the marketing account, stir up the scandal between Chen Yi and Jiang Ting, and pull Jiang Ting’s fans into the water. It’s so lively to watch the show, it’s time to come down and act in person.”

“Chen Yi’s black material pictures and texts will be published as soon as possible, and let everyone have a copy, and spread them widely.”

The president of the Xu Jiayin’s Support Club resisted her anger and gave everyone a task.

Someone said something silently at this time.

“Didn’t you investigate last time? Chen Yi doesn’t seem to have any black material.”

The president of the Xu Jiayin’s Support Club was furious and shouted: “Can’t you do it without black material? Do you want me to teach you? Falling in love, cheating, having a financial backer, or being taken care of by others. Do you want me to tell you how to hack him?”

Suddenly, a group of people dispersed like birds and beasts.



Translator’s Comment:

What a black-hearted person! Why do you involve our innocent female goose? (◣_◢)

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