Climb To The Top

Chapter 23

In just one night, when most of the hot searches on Weibo were bought, the hot search of #ChenYifansandXuJiayinfansToreUp#, abruptly forcing the two fans to tear up.

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At noon on Saturday, many passers-by clicked to open it and found that it was two little star fans who they did not know, so they did not pay much attention. The follow-up hot search popularity was not very popular and it was ranked 22nd. As for the trending searches with star tags on the top rankings, basically, they don’t cost money.

Although the main focus is on Chen Yi fans and Xu Jiayin fans fighting each other, who knows that things will develop slowly, and it will involve the “National Couple” program group.

First, Chen Yi’s fans exploded Xu Jiayin’s plastic surgery black material and they posted it on Weibo, Tieba, and major forums. Immediately afterward, Xu Jiayin’s fans counterattacked and broke the news that there was a golden pig behind Chen Yi and he was in love in high school.

Afterward, Chen Yi’s fans expressed nonsense, and immediately gave feedback from high school alumni and teachers.

Yiyi has me, I have Yiyi v: “Sb1, who said that Chen Yi was in love and cheating in high school. When you made up black material, didn’t you inquire about who he is? A good student in the experimental class of the third key high school in City S. You f*cking black him for cheating on love, do you have a bad brain and can only make up fake stories? Passers-by come to the comments of teachers and alumni.” Attached are the speeches of various school teachers and classmates found by fans.

“Chen Yi is my classmate, a top student. I didn’t expect him to become a trainee after the college entrance examination.”

“Chen Yi and I were at the same table in the second year of high school. He never fell in love since he was a child. There were a lot of love letters in school and he did not even read them.”

“I taught Chen Yi mathematics and I am his third-year mathematics teacher. Chen Yi was a good student, and he never got close to any girl in high school. However, he has a sister who is two years younger, and sometimes the two come home from school together. ”

Seeing Chen Yi’s black material being dismantled, Xu Jiayin’s fans are not discouraged. Okay, let’s break it down, we have other tricks.

Following that, overwhelming news from the marketing account spread all over Weibo.

Entertainment eight mother-in-law v: “It is expected that there is a man and woman out of the circle who are in love in a draft show. After watching it, hide it.”

Tiantian Entertainment v: “I heard from the insiders of “National Couple” that there are two very popular male and female contestants who seem to be in love. It seems that this is not allowed.”

Circle Master loves to pick up v: “Stone hammer2, recently a pair of trainees (female J and male C) of a variety show were discovered by the program group to be in secret love, and may be withdrawing from the competition. ”

Due to the overwhelming news, immediately afterward, the hot search of #ChenYi-JiangTingwasInLove# exploded and raised into the top 11.

Jiang Ting fans were stunned when they saw this airborne hot search.

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Suddenly, countless new fans said it was impossible.

Ting Xin has you v: “Good girl, we don’t accept this black money, we accept it without conscience.”

He Bian Jiang Shang v: “Isn’t the taste of bad money very good? To make Jiang Ting hot search until the top 11, which one is she blocking the way?”

Jiang Tingting loves you for a lifetime v: “Let me be at peace, who shamelessly collects dirty money from black people?”

In the beginning, fans were still refuting rumors everywhere, and it did not take long for Jiang Ting’s Support Club to receive the news.

Liu Yu squinted her eyes just now when she asked her former little sister to find out who was blackening her goose again.

In the WeChat work group of Jiang Ting Support Club, Liu Yu said.

President of Jiang Ting National Support Club: “I have made it clear. It is Xu Jiayin’s fans who bought the hot search about falling in love. But the main purpose is not to harass our family, but to harass Chen Yi. Our family is purely implicated.”

The leader of the anti-black team immediately posted an emoji with Jiang Ting’s anger and burning eyes and she didn’t know where she took the picture, said.

“Are Xu Jiayin fans crazy?”

People from other departments also spoke up.

“This is too brainless! Or is it because they think that we can not find out who did it?”

“Tsk, look at the last ten minutes before the sealed time of voting, they are trying to stick to our family. It’s disgusting enough.”

Liu Yu looked at the angry look of everyone, and replied, “Okay, let’s organize the situation first and don’t give marketing accounts a look.”

For this kind of black topic, fans need to criticize the most, because if you are not careful, you will be led to the rhythm, and the news that the two are in love is considered to be true. And many fans no matter what the news is will criticize and comment first, which also ruins the goodwill of passers-by. This reflects the strength of the support club managers very much.

A capable support team will help their cooking circle passers-by’s favorability, while the backward support team will do the opposite. Fortunately, Liu Yu was also the manager of Jinbai’s support club before. She is very familiar with this set and knows when to accuse and when not to accuse.

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After Liu Yu finished speaking, someone asked below.

“But President, what about Xu Jiayin’s fans? Let’s leave like that?” Other members of the support club were also dissatisfied with what Xu Jiayin’s fans had done this time.

After seeing it, Liu Yu felt unhappy when she remembered the votes that had been sealed.

Damn it, it’s pissing me off to mess with my female goose, but she can’t touch him at the critical moment.

She suppressed her anger and sent a message.

“As for Xu Jiayin’s fans, I will teach them a lesson after a while. Now Ting Ting’s partner has been selected and there is no way to change it. We can not tear up the two fans and make it difficult for Ting Ting in the competition. Wait for the next partner selection vote and give them a good look.”

Her words were met with strong approval from others.

Many fans of Jiang Ting followed in the footsteps of the support club and ran to accuse and refute the love theory.

But who knows, they gave each other steps, but the other side kicked their noses and scolded Jiang Ting together.

I promise you and I will last forever v: “Waste cooking, waste fans, cooking depends on kneeling and licking women’s top positions, fans can’t even vote for us and can only be shrewd. Hehe, it’s pitiful. But think about it now, can the orphan be willing to take your waste to the top? I’m afraid that the skill is good, let’s lick the orphan comfortably. Maybe, the news of the waste and the orphan falling in love is true?”

After Xu Jiayin’s 90,000 fans posted this rhythmic Weibo, the number of retweets exceeded 30,000 and the comments were 1,000+. All of which were abusive to Chen Yi and Jiang Ting, especially the most popular comments. A fan of Xu Jiayin asked who the orphan was.

Someone answered that it was Jiang Ting, who was born as an orphan, who overcame his father and mother’s fate.

Because the body Jiang Ting used in this world was tailor-made regarding her previous life, she was naturally an orphan.

Only in the show, Jiang Ting did not take advantage of this identity to sell miserably. Although many fans also feel sorry for their female goose since she was a child, they did not mention it when they saw the other party, and they were not willing to give Jiang Ting’an a poor little person. Well, naturally, no one mentions this.

But the big fan of Xu Jiayin’s Weibo with the “orphan” rhythm completely pissed off Jiang Ting’s fans.

The dog is a jerk, so shameless, right? Specially poked at their back scales.

Suddenly, without waiting for the support club to arrange it, Jiang Ting’s fans followed suit. Following the appearance of Chen Yi’s fans yesterday, today a large group of fans rushed to Xu Jiayin Chaohua, Tieba, and major forums.

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After the top management of the support club knew the news, Liu Yu was even angry. She was furious.

“This group of sluts, do you think I’m easy to bully, so I’ll let you see who is bullying whom?”

Liu Yu began to mix with the fan circle and chase stars when she was not an adult, and her family is rich. She is a rich second generation, her parents are busy with work, and she has no one to take care of her. She was stunned to get into the management of the Jinbai Support Club by herself, which shows that her means are not ordinary.

This time it made her angry, and the front foot said that this matter was put up with for the time being. But who knew that the back foot of the other party slapped her fiercely with a big mouth, completely slapped her awake, and let her know that there was no room for softness in the fan circle.

As soon as she made her move, she did even better than Chen Yi’s fans. What to explode and where to post, is simply trivial.

She completely ignored their bb3 and created the black material. Using AI face-changing, creating news about Xu Jiayin’s various party pictures in the gay circle, and black materials about the gatherings of celebrities in the gay circle. She immediately contacted the marketing account to arrange the draft. Immediately, #XuJiayinGay# hot search in 10th place, then the popularity went straight to the top of the hot search.

If you want to play with her, you have to play with the big one. Star chasing is all about throwing money away. She has money and is chasing Jinbai, that white-eyed wolf who spent nearly ten million yuan. Isn’t it trivial to spend hundreds of thousands on her female goose?

Generally, the news of ‘the idol is gay’ is fatal when it is shot, and it appears to destroy the career of an idol. Therefore, when people in the circle who are familiar with this kind of routine see this kind of black hot search at first glance, they are still wondering who this little star has offended and punished him so cruelly.

The matter gradually became more and more violent, and the trouble became bigger and bigger. In the end, it was not only the three fans who could bear the responsibility.

Even the “National Couple” program group, which is undergoing fully enclosed filming, was shocked.


“Director, something happened, look at the hot search on Weibo.”

The director’s assistant hurried over to the shooting base and handed the phone to the other party.

The director of “National Couple” took the phone, and when he saw the first trending search, he was in a bad mood and said in a trembling voice.

“#XuJiayinGay# What is the situation of this hot search? Is it true or false?”

The assistant director also had a painful look on his face, “I don’t know, and there is another one below.”

He clicked on the hot search and saw various pictures of Xu Jiayin appearing at the celebrity meeting in the gay circle appeared on the marketing account, as well as a blurred photo of Xu Jiayin and a man who seemed to be kissing. For a moment, the director’s brain was a little congested and he began to feel dizzy.

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Fortunately, he stabilized and continued to read the comments below, and fans explained one after another.

“I don’t know who blocked Xu Jiayin’s way and was hacked. These are all P4 pictures, and the original picture is here.” The original picture is attached.

The director clicked on the original picture and looked at it. When he saw the original picture, he exclaimed, luckily it was not true.

After reading a few more comments, he was completely relieved. Every photo had its original source. It seemed that Xu Jiayin was really hacked.

He just doesn’t know whose way Xu Jiayin is standing in his way, so ruthless.

After browsing the hot searches for a while, he probably fully knew that Xu Jiayin’s hot search was hacked. So the director began to return to the main page, looking for the ‘one more’ that the assistant said.

He glanced down, and when he saw the fifth trending article, ‘#ChenYi-Jiang TingwasInLove#’, he only felt that his heart was beating violently and he could not wait for it to explode in the next second.

His eyes were darkened, his whole body trembled with anger, and he quickly shouted, “Go…go and call Jiang Ting and Chen Yi for me.”

“Oh yes, and… and Xu Jiayin, also called over.” After saying this, the director fell to the ground and his eyes were straight.



Translator’s Comment:

At first, I thought Xu Jiayin fans were so miserable. It’s not their fault that the votes were suddenly raised.

But how could they involve our Jiang Ting in this dirty water?

So disgusting!

Now, Xu Jiayin’s hot search was in the first place.

I can only say: You deserved it! (╬≖_≖)

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