Climb To The Top

Chapter 26.2

Immediately afterward, the camera turned and came to the practice room. The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning, wearing a beautiful floral dress that showed her figure, looked at the eight men and eight women in front of her and said with a smile.

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“Now, let me announce the partner of the week that the national judges have chosen for you. Those who are called, please stand in a group.”

“First of all, Xu Ya and Xu Zhengxuan are listed. You are one of the most anticipated couples selected by the national judges. Xu Ya’s vote under Xu Zhengxuan’s most anticipated couple voting page is 19w and Xu Zhengxuan’s vote under Xu Ya’s most anticipated couple voting page is 7w. Congratulations on forming a new couple.”

The two looked at each other and said nothing. After they got out of the queue, they stood together.

After fans of both sides saw this scene, fans of Xu Ya scolded the barrage and fans of Xu Zhengxuan felt a little guilty.

The former watched Xu Zhengxuan’s fans run to embrace Jiang Ting’s thigh and cast a total of 530,000 votes on Jiang Ting’s voting page. Later, they found out that the voting time was only two days away. After their family could not win Xu Jiayin’s fans, they switched to Lin Xinxiang and received 130,000 votes.

But Lin Xinxiang fans were scolded by Xu Zhengxuan fans for sucking blood before. Lin Xinxiang fans held their breath and discussed with Liu Zhongming fans early to form a partnership. After all, both idols are in the vocal group and it is easier to cooperate. Lin Xinxian fans naturally do not want to cooperate with fans of Xu Zhengxuan. And also helped Liu Zhongming’s fans to vote for Liu Zhongming on Lin Xinxiang’s page, making the two of them more likely to cooperate than Lin Xinxiang and Xu Zhengxuan.

In other words, Xu Ya is just the spare tire of Xu Zhengxuan’s fans. It is not the spare tire of Jiang Ting, but the spare tire of Lin Xinxiang. Xu Zhengxuan’s fans’ actions have disgusted Xu Ya’s fans.

But the deal is done, Xu Ya fans can only hold their noses to accept the fact that Xu Zhengxuan will become Xu Ya’s next partner.

Next, Zhang Ning read a few more sets one after another.

Ji Aijun and Xin Jiu, Meng Yu and Luo Tianning, and Zheng Qian and Lin Yu formed a couple.

The votes of these three groups are very low. It is obvious that their fans belong to partners who are dissatisfied with each other, but they can not win the fans of other families. They can only pick a good partner as soon as possible.

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Then the camera moved to the remaining four men and four women, and some fans said on the barrage.

“If it wasn’t for the addition of Lei Yunyun, wouldn’t this be the Shura field?”

“Hey, it should be pleasing to the eye to replace Lei Yunyun with Xu Ya.”

Soon, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning glanced at the remaining people and continued to announce: “Lei Yunyun and Sheng Kai come out.”

In that instant, Sheng Kai’s face instantly became ugly.

“Lei Yunyun’s votes on Sheng Kai’s most anticipated couple voting page is 36w and Sheng Kai’s votes on Lei Yunyun’s most anticipated couple voting page is 3w. Congratulations, you have formed a new couple.”

After listening to the instructor’s announcement, Sheng Kai’s face was darker than the bottom of the pot. With this data, it is obvious that Lei Yunyun’s fans forced him to stuff their idols.

And his fans only cast 3w votes under Lei Yunyun’s page, which is enough to prove that his fans are not satisfied with the cooperation between the two. How can this become a pair of partners? Sheng Kai could not understand.

But even though he did not understand, Sheng Kai still had to team up with Lei Yunyun.

The two stood together, Sheng Kai’s face was so stinky. On the video barrage, Lei Yunyun fans were directly scolded by Sheng Kai’s fans. One thought the other was a waste and was only holding back.

But soon, as He Xi continued to announce, the barrage was occupied by fans of other people.

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“Lin Xinxiang, Liu Zhongming, come out.” When the two heard the name of their new partner, they were in a good mood. They were both vocal and could talk easily. But Lin Xinxiang was good at lyrical songs and Liu Zhongming is better at R&B music style.

The fans of the two chose each other because they failed to grab Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin respectively. Liu Zhongming’s votes under Lin Xinxiang’s voting page were as high as 24w. On the contrary, Lin Xinxiang also voted fully under Liu Zhongming’s voting page as 27w. They can be considered to complement each other.

Next, before the instructor announces, many fans already know the answer. The barrage is already terrible.

“Xu Jiayin’s fans are shameless, Xu Jiayin is a dog.”

“Chen Yi’s fans are cheap, and Chen Yi’s waste sucks blood.”

Chen Yi fans and Xu Jiayin fans, in order to grab a Jiang Ting, tore out of the circle, and both inside and outside the circle was stunned, saying that these two fans are awesome. At least for the first time, they saw the reason why the two fans were tearing apart, not on their idols, but they were tearing out of the circle because of their idols. This is unheard of. This is the first time they have seen it. Many fans are interested in watching it.

But this is not over yet. Ever since Xu Jiayin’s fans stabbed Chen Yi at the last moment, they have forcibly made a death feud with Chen Yi’s fans. Coupled with the fact that Chen Yi won second place this time, he is about to catch up with Xu Jiayin. The new hatred adds to the old hatred. Xu Jiayin fans will not let Chen Yi go, and they are about to trample this fate-defying horse to death on the barrage.

In the program, Zhang Ning continued to announce, “Chen Yi and Hong Shiyu are listed. You are one of the most anticipated couples selected by the national judges.”

Chen Yi’s fans have been voting for Jiang Ting for the past week. Whether it is his voting channel or Jiang Ting’s voting channel, Chen Yi has always been number one until the last 10 minutes.

But Hong Shiyu fans do not know what they think. They not only vote for Hong Shiyu under Chen Yi’s voting channel but also vote for Chen Yi under their voting channel. Until the last moment, the number of votes on both sides was almost the same, and they were all 15w votes, which made Hong Shiyu get it by accident.

Actually, Hong Shiyu fans didn’t even think about letting their cooking cooperate with Chen Yi. But they made two plans. One side was Liu Zhongming, and the other side was Chen Yi, the former partner who was with her last time. It’s a pity that Lin Xinxiang’s fans snatched it halfway. The latter was Liu Zhongming’s spare tire from the beginning, and the performance style matched Hong Shiyu very well, and some of them voted for Chen Yi. In other words, Hong Shiyu fans were divided into two groups, and votes were divided. But after the votes were divided, they got it. It can only be said that it was a surprise.

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Seeing the joy of Hong Shiyu fans on the barrage, Chen Yi fans became angrier.

In the video, instructor Zhang Ning looked at the remaining two, Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin, and said with a smile.

“The two of you don’t need to say. They will automatically form a couple, but the data still needs to be said.”

The instructor Zhang Ning looked at the data on the card on the stand, took a deep breath, and said.

“Jiang Ting’s votes on Xu Jiayin’s most anticipated couple voting page is 45w, and Xu Jiayin’s votes on Jiang Ting’s most anticipated couple voting page are…” She paused for a few seconds, and slowly spit out a number, “108w.”

Zhang Ning only roughly announced the number of votes for each partner. The actual number of votes is accurate to the number of each person, which is marked in the bottom column of the screen. The audience can see the votes of all trainees voting data.

The trainee on the screen was once again stunned. But this time it was not because of Jiang Ting’s high vote count, but Xu Jiayin’s vote count.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jiayin fans cast more than one million votes for Xu Jiayin to cooperate with Jiang Ting.

Tengfei Entertainment adopts one ticket per member. Non-members can watch programs but have no voting rights. And a member asks for 15 yuan, that is to say, if a ticket is equal to a member, it is equivalent to 15 yuan. Then just this time Xu Jiayin fans voted for Xu Jiayin and threw 15 million yuan. Everyone was shocked by what Xu Jiayin fans thought. It requires Xu Jiayin’s persistent belief in cooperating with Jiang Ting.

Of course, there is no comparison with Jiang Ting’s hanging in the previous issue. Fans cast 5 million votes, which directly made Tengfei Entertainment a profit of more than 75 million yuan.

It can be said that the money that Tengfei Entertainment invested in “National Couple” earned it back in less than two episodes. The general manager said in the work group every day that the “National Couple” program was a cornucopia. He said that he had a sharp eye and was invested in this program.

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After the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning announced the trainees’ partners for the next period, the fans watching the show also found that the progress bar could not hold up, and welcomed Zhang Ning’s kind smile.

“…see you next time.”

The show once again inserted commercials. Fans who were waiting to watch the trailer impatiently watched the commercials, quickly pulled the progress bar, and came to the preview at the end of the show.

But it was Xu Jiayin’s indifferent voice at the beginning.

“That doesn’t work.”

“Why not?” Jiang Ting asked rhetorically.

Immediately afterward, the screen switches to other people.

But before the fans were still pondering what happened between Xu Jiayin and Jiang Ting, the camera returned to their practice room.

But this time, they saw Xu Jiayin with a cold face, strode out, and left the practice room.

Jiang Ting crouched alone in the practice room with her knees hugged. She brushed her hair out irritably. She seemed to be on the verge of collapse. She said in a low voice with exhaustion in her tone.

“Xu Jiayin, can you listen to me?”

In an instant, Jiang Ting’s fans completely exploded. Whether it was Weibo Chaohua, Tieba, or major fan groups, all exploded.

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