Climb To The Top

Chapter 27

After the fourth episode aired, Jiang Ting’s fans frantically attacked Xu Jiayin. At this time, Jiang Ting did not know about it.

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She stood in the practice room assigned to her by the “National Couple” program group, looking at Xu Jiayin who was talking non-stop. Her expression was indescribable.

Since the two were assigned to a group, they had a bad relationship because of the misunderstanding last time. After that, the atmosphere was finally eased because of the black hot search. But to cooperate with Xu Jiayin… Jiang Ting wanted to die.

Compared with Chen Yi, who is indifferent on the outside and soft on the inside, Xu Jiayin has a pair of bright starry eyes, which seem to emit a warm gleam when looking at people. But when looking closely, there is a bottomless depth hidden under those long and narrow phoenix eyes. The bottomless cold moonlight is hidden under the eyes, which is unreachable.

After the two calmed down, they began to discuss the selection of songs for the competition. Jiang Ting looked at Xu Jiayin, who looked gentle and polite but stubbornly did not trust anyone, which gave her a headache.

He is not like Chen Yi, who does what she says. At most, what is inappropriate, Chen Yi silently makes it up. Xu Jiayin himself is a very thoughtful person and he is also very stubborn. Jiang Ting discussed the song selection with him, and for half an hour, her mind was only listening to the other party’s mouth.

“Jiang Ting, how do you think we use the song ‘Miss You’? The classic dance song of Queen Qi Mi.” His eyes were full of anticipation.

Jiang Ting sighed and shook her head.

Xu Jiayin’s head drooped down immediately. Then, he thought of a song again, and said with great interest, “Then ‘Love Who’, sung by the singer Miao Nan. It was popular all over the country at the time. Do you like it?”

Jiang Ting raised her hands and made an x ​​in front of her chest.

The expression on Xu Jiayin’s face was a little ugly. But he always maintained his demeanor and said reluctantly, “Then let’s think about it again, think about it again.”

Jiang Ting slandered wildly in her heart. Can she say that she has never heard any songs that Xu Jiayin mentioned?

And the other party kept asking her if she liked it? Ask her how she feels? How dare she tell the truth, she can only keep rejecting Xu Jiayin.

But it’s not enough to keep rejecting Xu Jiayin like this. If there is a devil editing in the later show, will she not be hacked to death for her ‘difficult’ look?

Jiang Ting, who wasted half an hour, knew that she could not wait any longer. She had to take the initiative and hold the initiative in her hands.

She coughed twice, pulled Xu Jiayin’s gaze back, looked directly into the other’s eyes, and said.

“Xu Jiayin, before choosing a song, I want to ask you something.”

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Xu Jiayin wondered, “What’s the matter?”

Someone who again started a routine partner, without blushing said, “Why did you want to cooperate with me before? I’m very curious.”

When Xu Jiayin heard this, his face suddenly turned a little red. His eyes were a little dodgy and his tone was twisted.

“You… what did you say?”

“I said why you wanted to cooperate with me at the time. I was very curious, tell me the reason. Anyway, we are partners now, so it doesn’t matter if you talk about it.” Jiang Ting smiled and approached Xu Jiayin.

Xu Jiayin thought about it for a while and thought it was right. It was not something that people could not tell. His expression suddenly became serious and he said sternly.

“Actually it’s nothing. I just think you are very strong and I want to work together once in the competition.” Having said this, Xu Jiayin’s tone gradually softened. “During the last PK competition, I stood in the audience and thought about it. If I have the opportunity, I must cooperate with you.”

Jiang Ting is very strong. No matter in terms of strength or popularity, she is far away from other trainees.

Xu Jiayin looked like a gentleman on the surface, but he was a proud person in his heart. After he came to this show, he was invincible among the male trainees, he did not even pay attention to Chen Yi.

Only Jiang Ting, this strong and terrifying girl, came under his nose.

With ten years of dance skills, coupled with a unique high-pitched voice, these two treasures are enough to make her invincible, but it is not enough. The trainees felt that the most terrifying thing about her was that she suddenly took out several explosive songs, which are extremely popular and have super explosive power on stage.

A qualification round, group competition, double PK competition, wherever she is there, there is always an overwhelming victory.

He looked at Jiang Ting full of anticipation.

Jiang Ting probably understood what Xu Jiayin meant. The other party really had no other idea. She was a good match for him, so he felt that the two should cooperate once.

Tsk tsk, Xu Jiayin’s rainbow farts made her a little happy. But it could not stop her determination to control the stage this time.

She weighed Xu Jiayin’s character, launched an attack from another direction, and began to lead Xu Jiayin’s thinking to the topic she wanted to change.

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“Well, I see. Then you say, if we cooperate, the song should still be in the style of dance music, don’t you feel bored?”

Xu Jiayin: “…”

Seeing Xu Jiayin stunned, Jiang Ting knew the time had come. She stepped forward to start brainwashing Xu Jiayin in all directions.

“Look at what Chen Yi and I performed last week were dance music styles, and what you and Xu Ya performed were also dance music styles. Don’t you think…we will perform dance music style songs next time, and it will easily make the audience feel bored?”

Xu Jiayin thought about it for a while, then shook his head, “I don’t think so.”

Jiang Ting: “…”

After being choked by Xu Jiayin’s serious answer, Jiang Ting could not hold back her emotions, and she asked back.

“Why don’t you think so? Besides, the dance music style is not only good in songs but also in dance practice. We don’t have enough time for rehearsal, there are only five days left.”

The messy things between the two have already wasted two days, so Jiang Ting did not plan to take the dance music route this time. She bought a romantic male and female duet song “Today You Will Marry Me” from the system that was popular all over the country. But she never expected that before she could suggest it, she fell on Xu Jiayin’s stubbornness.

Because Xu Jiayin does not like this style at all. Except for ballads and dance music, other styles of music are not in his consideration at all.

Xu Jiayin was puzzled when he heard Jiang Ting’s words.

“We are now at a critical moment in the competition. It is easier for dance music to win the love of the audience. As for the rehearsal time, it is not a problem. With the strength of the two of us, five days should be enough.” Immediately afterward, he brainwashed Jiang Ting in turn.

“Look, the first and the second day are familiar with the songs in the morning and dance practice in the afternoon. The third day is a rehearsal with the team, the fourth day prepares everything for the stage, and the fifth day is our debut day. I think It should be fine.”

From Xu Jiayin’s mouth, he had almost arranged everything.

Jiang Ting laughed at the other party’s words for a while. It was the first time she met such a stubborn person when she participated in this show. Her expression was a little helpless and her tone was even more self-defeating.

“Okay. Then which song do you think we should choose?”

Xu Jiayin thought about it for a while and then came up with another song.

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“’Fall In Love’ by foreign singer Mina, what do you think?”

Jiang Ting’s voice was weak, “Let’s listen to the song first.”

The program group gave each group a mobile phone. Each group of trainees can use this mobile phone to choose songs and dances, but they cannot disclose training information on social software such as Weibo and WeChat. Let alone use it for entertainment.

After Xu Jiayin searched for the song ’Fall In Love’, Jiang Ting sat next to him and watched the world’s classic songs.

“…fall in love, fall in love

I’m a bastard, and I’m in love with you…”

When she heard the song, Jiang Ting frowned and asked.

“Are you sure you want to choose this song?”

Xu Jiayin turned his head and looked at her, “What’s wrong?”

“The high pitch is too high, will you sing this part or I will sing it? You can sing this part without a falsetto. But with a real voice, it will appear that your voice is too high-pitched, and the audience will feel uncomfortable. If I sing…” Jiang Ting paused at this point.

“Can’t you sing?”

Jiang Ting shrugged and put her hands back, “I can’t sing.”

Xu Jiayin: “…” He had a surprised expression of ‘you’re messing with me’, leaving Jiang Ting speechless.

“I don’t know if you have overestimated my strength. But I want to say that I can not sing this song, and to be precise, you can not sing it either. We will be dancing and singing. If you want to perform this song perfectly, or even surpass the original version, it is impossible for five days.” Jiang Ting said firmly.

Can you imagine a Rihanna-style high pitch that’s so high? Even singing and dancing, for five days, still want to surpass the original? Go to sleep, baby, stop dreaming.

She is a human being, not a god. Even if she is in control, every time she chooses a song, it is within the range that she and her partner can bear. In addition, she has 10 years of basic skills, so she can digest all the songs. It’s not just a random choice.

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But Xu Jiayin, this boy just has a fever in his head, and his head is hot.

Jiang Ting even wondered if she put too much pressure on the other party so that the other party regarded her as the wrong person? Think she can do anything? If that’s the case, it’s really… a big misunderstanding.

Xu Jiayin was so shocked by Jiang Ting’s words that he stopped talking immediately. His expression was a little dazed.

Jiang Ting did not want to waste time, so she simply asked him.

“Xu Jiayin, almost all of your song selections have a problem, that is, singing and dancing are extremely difficult. Don’t you think it is unrealistic to perform a stage that is extremely difficult and surpasses the original version in five days?” Jiang Ting’s tone was stern, and there was even a hint of accusation.

Immediately afterward, she took a deep breath and continued to ask him.

“I have another question to ask you. In your impression, is my image too… how should I put it, too idealistic, so that you think I am almost omnipotent? But Xu Jiayin, I have to tell you. I’m a human, not a god. I don’t have that great supernatural power and I can not understand a difficult stage in 5 days. So, I’m sorry, I let you down.”

Xu Jiayin was stunned by Jiang Ting’s words, especially the last sentence. Xu Jiayin, who was full of intense exhaustion and apology, was a little breathless.

He wants to refute the other party, it was not like this. But he recalled his words and deeds, and it seemed that what Jiang Ting said was true.

But was he wrong? He just wants to cooperate with Jiang Ting on an unprecedentedly perfect stage. Is he really wrong?

Xu Jiayin could not figure it out. He just felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

He looked reluctant and said something to Jiang Ting, “I’ll go outside to calm down.”

Immediately afterward, he left the practice room as if he was running away.


Translator’s Comment:

Xu Jiayin, what a bear child!

Let’s see how Mama Jiang Ting fixes you! (︶︹︺)

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