Climb To The Top

Chapter 28

After Xu Jiayin left, Jiang Ting took out a piece of paper, which was the score of the competition song “Today You Will Marry Me” that she had decided to take out after performing with Chen Yi last week.

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Most of the talent variety shows are watched by young people. The dance music style is indeed very popular and the popularity of ‘Trouble Maker’ is also inevitable.

However, other contestants will follow suits, such as Chen Yi and Hong Shiyu, Xu Ya and Xu Zhengxuan, Meng Yu and Luo Tianning, Ji Aijun and Xin Jiu, and Lei Yunyun and Sheng Kai. In this PK competition, almost all contestants intend to choose a dance music stage.

It is conceivable that the next episode of the show will be full of dance music styles, how scary it is.

If the performance is good, it is fine; if the performance fails, it is equivalent to public execution. Especially in dance music style performances, not only the songs should be explosive, burning, and pleasant to hear, but the dance should also be done carefully. If the dance goes wrong and the performance is not neat, basically the whole performance will be ruined.

When she learned that Chen Yi and the others had to choose a dance style under such great pressure, Jiang Ting could only say awesome.


She was delighted to be the first person to eat crabs1 and changed her stage style.

“Today You Will Marry Me”, a song that was popular all over the country back then, and now has become a must-sing song at weddings, is her trump card in this PK competition.

With romantic and happy lyrics, catchy melody, and relaxed and cheerful music style, she dares to say that the song will be a hit after the competition. Maybe it will not be so popular on the day of the competition, but the poisonous and infectious nature of the songs after the competition is definitely stronger than the first three songs.

Unfortunately, before she could think about how to set up the stage, there were more obstacles on the way, Xu Jiayin.

He was like a sharp sword inserted straight into the middle of the road, standing in front of her. Not only making it difficult for her to get through but also making it difficult for him to get through with her.

Jiang Ting sat bored in the practice room, threw the piece of paper on the ground, hugged her knees, and muttered to herself.

“Xu Jiayin, can you listen to me?”

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Jiang Ting is not the kind of person who is arrogant and thinks that she is a bad guy, invincible in the competition, and everyone else has to listen to her.

Rather, she has her own stage plan. Each of her first songs has different audiences and interests, such as the instructors selected according to their strength that day, the 500 public judges who pay attention to stage performances, and even what kind of fans she wants to enlist after the competition. As well as the favorability of passers-by and the popularity of songs after the game. She will consider them one by one to ensure that she is invincible in all aspects of the game.

Therefore, if Xu Jiayin’s choice of songs meets her requirements, it is not impossible for her to back down and give the initiative to the other party.

But the problem is, whether Xu Jiayin is a partner or an opponent, he has no one else in his eyes and he wants to cooperate with her wholeheartedly. In addition, the cooperation process was very bumpy. After finally cooperating, the other party took her to the altar, thinking of her as too perfect and too powerful, which led to the fact that the two people’s concepts can not get along with each other until now.

Jiang Ting stayed in the practice room thinking about what to do next. Regarding Xu Jiayin, which of the two of them will retreat first? If you are not willing to back down, what about the competition? Is it going to be deadlocked?

Jiang Ting thought that she could not let the two deadlock. If she really could not, she would tear themself apart and ask the program crew to change partners again.

For Xu Jiayin, this is nothing more than an insignificant talent contest; but for her, it is a part of her life, a mountain that she must climb. Only by climbing over can she have the possibility of surviving; if she can not climb over, what awaits her is a dead end, and she must not let it go.

Jiang Ting’s face was slightly gloomy. She prepared for the worst in his heart, the fish died or the net was broken2.

Fortunately, things were not as bad as Jiang Ting imagined. There was still a turning point because Xu Jiayin came back soon.

When he came back, he looked apologetic and kept bowing to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Jiang Ting, I’m the one who delayed you. I have to admit, you’re right. We only have five days left in the game. It’s very wrong for me to continue to insist on the previous idea, without considering our current situation. I would like to sincerely apologize to you here. In addition, there is still time, so I can change it.”

Jiang Ting looked at the slightly damp hair on both sides of the other party and knew that the other party probably went to the bathroom to wash his face and was completely awake.

She knew that she could temporarily put down the boulder in her heart since Xu Jiayin was willing to give in. She did not continue to say anything, and in turn, persuaded and comforted the other party.

“It’s okay, don’t mind if what I said before is a little serious. After all, we are partners. We need to communicate well with each other to create a wonderful stage together.”

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Xu Jiayin put away his stubbornness and impracticality. When he faced Jiang Ting again, he was like a different person. He began to ask Jiang Ting’s opinion.

“Then Jiang Ting, what style of songs do you think we should choose for this stage?”

His change is obvious. Although the former Xu Jiayin was convinced of Jiang Ting’s strength, he still believed in his judgment more. So he always says which song of the king and queen is very good first, and then asks Jiang Ting if she likes it and what she thinks.

His subtext did not give Jiang Ting too much choice. As soon as he shot, he decided which song to choose and which direction to focus on. Let Jiang Ting have no way to start.

And this is also the disadvantage of two people with strong strength and strong personalities when they meet together. On the surface, it looks like you are good to me, but in fact, no one is willing to back down.

Until Jiang Ting caught Xu Jiayin’s loopholes, he overestimated Jiang Ting’s strength, and at the same time overestimated his strength. The mind is too heavy, always thinking about unrealistic things, and never looking at the problem down-to-earth.

The invisible battle between the two was resolved by Jiang Ting and disappeared. At the same time, it also meant that Jiang Ting finally got the initiative she wanted.

In the end, she had the final say on this stage.

Xu Jiayin’s initiative to back down, let Jiang Ting begin to launch her plan step by step.

“It’s like this. I don’t know if you have heard of it. There are currently 8 groups of trainee couples, and five of them have chosen the stage of dance-style songs. You should know what it means if you add us?”

Jiang Ting’s words made Xu Jiayin frown. There are actually five groups of candidates who chose the dance genre? Coupled with them, the competition will be too big. It is difficult to say which group of shocking counterattacks will produce irreversible variables.

“If there are too many dance music-style songs, it is easy for the audience to have aesthetic fatigue.” He said word by word.

Jiang Ting nodded and continued: “So I was not optimistic about the dance music style from the beginning, and almost every song you choose is a very difficult dance music style.”

The king and queen of this world can become a singer, of course, not by the praise of the fans, but by real strength. In addition, their voices have undergone years of precipitation and honing, and every classic song has also passed years of assessment. In the beginning, Xu Jiayin either recommended the song of the king of heaven or the difficult song. It is unwise to completely ignore the state of the voices of the two of them, whether they can sing the songs of those big guys.

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Xu Jiayin did not speak, but his expression was obviously not good-looking. Jiang Ting ignored it and began to elicit her purpose. She said with a sonorous and powerful voice.

“So, this time I don’t plan to take the dance stage, change a new song style, and create a wonderful stage that is different from ordinary people. This is my purpose in the second round of the PK competition.”

“What kind of stage do you want to be on?” Xu Jiayin asked her back.

“The lyrical song is definitely not acceptable. Although it is said that extremes are the opposite, and dance music is popular so we can do the opposite, we also need to consider the audience and 500 public judges after the competition. Unless the lyrical song is particularly good and the songs that are particularly moving can only possibly break out of the encirclement of dance music, I am not considering the stage of lyrical style.”

“What do you mean?”

“It will be good to make light-hearted pop music and add a suitable stage effect. Did you see Liu Zhongming and Hong Shiyu on stage last week? I want to make a stage similar to theirs, with an enhanced version.” Jiang Ting asked him.

Xu Jiayin recalled the R&B style stage of Liu Zhongming and Hong Shiyu last week, which seemed to have an unexpected effect. The two had a cheerful stage with a slightly sweet and lazy style and won fourth place in the live competition. Especially Liu Zhongming, who ranked seventh in the qualification competition. After that competition, he was pushed to fourth place by the fans. He slowly agreed in his heart.

“Do you have a suitable song choice?” He raised his eyes and asked Jiang Ting.

He saw Jiang Ting ‘cough cough’ twice, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

Xu Jiayin was puzzled and worried, “Why are you coughing? Is your throat uncomfortable?” If there is a problem with the throat during the competition, it is basically ruined.

Xu Jiayin’s words were heard in Jiang Ting’s ears, and she almost choked to death. Then, she quickly explained.

“No, I’m a little thirsty. Don’t worry about that for now, I haven’t finished talking yet.” She looked embarrassed and forcibly changed the subject.

“Then go ahead.”

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“I don’t have any recommended songs.” Jiang Ting said word by word, looking at Xu Jiayin.

Xu Jiayin was stunned and could not help but ask.

“No recommended songs?”

“Yes.” Jiang Ting nodded.

Xu Jiayin: “…” She did not recommend any songs, and she talked about it so much? Is she playing tricks?

For a moment, Xu Jiayin felt that something was wrong. He even found it unacceptable and his tone was weird.

“You don’t have a recommended song, so you still…” He wanted to say, so what are you talking about? But he was interrupted by Jiang Ting.

He only heard her, her bright eyes shone brightly and said softly.

“I don’t have a recommended song. But I have a song here. It hasn’t been published yet, so naturally, I can’t recommend it to you.”

Xu Jiayin was completely stunned. His mind was full of thoughts: Who am I? Where am I? Am I listening to what the other person is saying?


Translator’s Comment:

Hahahahaha… What a funny reaction!

I think Xu Jiayin has a momentary amnesia about Jiang Ting’s ability.

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