Climb To The Top

Chapter 29

“Xu Jiayin, can you be full of love when you sing this line? Be more tender?”

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“No, Xu Jiayin, you should look at me softer. You are too stiff.”

“… I’m going to be mad at you. Feelings! How many times have I said, pay attention to feelings, Xu Jiayin. This is a romantic and happy love song. It is a song about a man and a woman who are passionately in love and are about to enter a happy marriage. Can you stop putting on a dead fish face?”

During their practice, Jiang Ting was transformed into a terrifying devil. Xu Jiayin was ashamed to criticize from head to toe.

“I’m sorry, do it again. I definitely won’t do it this time.”

In the vocal music classroom, Jiang Ting was sitting by the piano. Her hands hurt a little. She braced herself at the waist, and got up from the pianist position, breathlessly.

“Xu Jiayin, do you know what romance is? It’s the feeling of being in love that makes people feel happy. My brother, not a dead fish face like you.”

Xu Jiayin looked embarrassed, “I’m so sorry, I’ve never been in a relationship. I really can not understand it.”

Jiang Ting walked to the coffee table in the corner, unscrewed a bottle of water, took a sip, and frowned.

“Then I see that when you sing the lovelorn love song during the qualification round quite empathetically. Why do you become lost when switching to this romantic style song?”

Xu Jiayin also looked distressed, “I don’t know either, but…how do I say it. It really doesn’t hit me, I can not understand the kind of feeling you said.”

Love songs are almost the most difficult songs to sing in all musical styles because singers need to sing with emotions, and the songs need to convey the deep emotions that the listeners want to express. This is also the difference between why the big people in the music world can become top singers, while ordinary people can only be a singer on KTV.

Songs without emotion, no matter if they are ballads, pop songs, or folk songs, would not move the audience’s heart.

As for this kind of sweet-style love song, it is even more difficult, although it is very easy to sing and catchy. For example, Xu Jiayin, after studying for a long time, almost memorized the entire song, including Jiang Ting’s part, but the effect is average. In Jiang Ting’s words, if they competed at this level, they would have won fourth place just like Liu Zhongming.

The two of them can not adjust their state, so they can only rest.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

“Bang bang bang…”

Jiang Ting shouted: “The door is not locked, please come in.”

She saw that the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning and the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu came in.

The two looked at Xu Jiayin who looked distressed and Jiang Ting who was full of surprise and greeted them with a smile.

“Hello, how’s your practice going?”

Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin hurried forward to say hello.

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“Hello, both instructors.”

Zhang Ning stepped forward, hugged Jiang Ting, and said with a smile, “I heard that you guys seem to be in some trouble.”

In the corner of the other side of the two-person practice room, there happened to be a special shooting team, so they naturally knew the progress of the two-person practice. When they find a problem, they will report it to the director in time.

The director thought about it and decided that four instructors would go to the practice room of each couple for professional guidance.

Afterward, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning and Dance Instructor Lin Ershu learned from the director that Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin were in trouble, and they came to this group.

Jiang Ting seemed a little shy and hurriedly said after hearing the words of Zhang Ning, her instructor.

“There is something wrong.”

Dance Instructor Lin Ershu asked aloud: “Where is the problem?”

Jiang Ting looked at the camera and almost hit her face, said quietly.

“Xu Jiayin said he has never been in a relationship.”

The two instructors: “…” The expressions of the two were indescribable, especially Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor, whose heart was about to jump out.

First Chen Yi, then Xu Jiayin, what happened to Jiang Ting? Who does she see as a pair with her now?

Fortunately, Jiang Ting’s next sentence pulled back the hearts of the instructors. She seemed to know that the instructors misunderstood this sentence, so she quickly explained.

“I haven’t finished yet. Xu Jiayin said that he has never been in a relationship, so he did not have the experience and feelings between couples. Our competition song is a song that expresses the sweet friendship between men and women in love. A little love song with a cheerful style, but Xu Jiayin can not express this sweet feeling of love.”

“Let me listen to it first.” Zhang Ning frowned and said first.

Among the two instructors, Zhang Ning, whether it is status or strength in the music industry, she is a real fighter. Her words are naturally more confident than Lin Ershu, who was born into a popular boy group.

Jiang Ting nodded: “Okay, but Instructor, I need to add accompaniment, otherwise Xu Jiayin may not be able to sing.”

Zhang Ning said ‘um’, intending to hear which song they sang. Whether it was the song of Li Tianwang, Ming Hou, or others, Zhang Ning felt that she had the confidence to guide them.

She saw that Jiang Ting sat down beside the piano first, put her slender fingers on the piano, and the next second, the beautiful and melodious piano sound poured out.

After the prelude, Xu Jiayin sang the first note.

“Spring flowers bloom…

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Take away the winter sentimentality…”

The boys’ part is over soon, and along with the brisk piano sound, it is the girls’ turn to sing.

“The fragrance of spring flowers…

Take away the bitter cold of winter…”

The sweet and heartwarming voice is as smooth as milk, flowing into the ears of the two instructors. The girl’s voice carries the unique romance of lovers in love.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with the boy’s voice. But when the girl’s voice speaks, it is instantly suppressed. Zhang Ning frowns.

The strong contrast between boy and girl voices made Zhang Ning almost want to interrupt. But when the two sang together, Zhang Ning swallowed back what she wanted to say.

“Listen to me… walk with me hand in hand…

Create a happy life…”

After the chorus ended, Jiang Ting stopped playing and did not continue to sing the second part.

Xu Jiayin looked at the two silent instructors, feeling extremely uneasy. Before Jiang Ting always sang in sections and the two hadn’t sung together, so he did not know what the effect would be.

But after this simple rehearsal, he felt that the effect was not bad. But when he saw the faces of the instructors, his mood fell to the bottom again.

Zhang Ning glanced at Lin Ershu and motioned for the other party to speak first.

Lin Ershu, who was born in the top boy’s group, is not as strong as Zhang Ning, but he is not bad. He thought for a while and said.

“There is one thing, I don’t know if Xu Jiayin noticed it. There are some problems with your vocalization and your breathing is not stable. I just feel that your singing is weak and not confident enough. Of course, it is also possible that you are just rehearsing now, and you did not use your full strength.” The Dance Instructor Lin Ershu has a high EQ. He always leaves room for what he says and he doesn’t want to hurt the contestants’ self-esteem.

But Zhang Ning, another instructor, the Queen of Music, was not polite when she commented.

“Your breath was unsteady and you sang dryly and without emotion. Your previous singing style is not suitable for this song. My words may be a bit harsh, but your qualification performance, team competition, and even the song you collaborated on with Xu Ya last time were all better than this song.”

Xu Jiayin’s face turned white immediately.

Jiang Ting looked at it and felt a little unbearable. In fact, Xu Jiayin was not that bad, but when the two cooperated, it felt very inconsistent.

She can not say what’s wrong, but her intuition has always been accurate. Good is good, and bad is bad.

Jiang Ting, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder and strives for perfection, really can not stand Xu Jiayin’s singing style. But the singing method is generally a singing method derived from the singing habits of singers, and it is difficult to change it for a while.

Seeing this, she said to the instructors.

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“Instructor, can you find a way to adjust Xu Jiayin’s energy? I always feel that he can not get along with me. It’s not that he has no feelings, but… the feelings seem to be useless. The song needs a sweet but romantic voice, and Xu Jiayin’s voice seems to be born with the word romantic.”

His high-pitched voice often shocked the audience and fans, but this song just doesn’t need a high-pitched voice. It needs to be restrained, romantic, and happy. There is no need for shocking super high-pitched.

Jiang Ting was also melancholy. She thought that she had finally settled the obstacle of Xu Jiayin and she could play smoothly. Unexpectedly, Xu Jiayin’s stumbling block would at most move his butt, but in fact, he was still standing there, motionless.

As long as he can not perform this song well, then Jiang Ting can only say goodbye to it. No matter how good the song is, if it can not help her win the game and save her life, she can only put it on the sidelines.

When the instructors criticized Xu Jiayin, she had already started to think about alternative songs. But alternative songs of the same type are either not as good as “Today You Will Marry Me”, or are not as popular as the other party, or are not suitable for competition at all.

“Because of Love” and “Hiroshima Mon Amour” are all love ballads sung by classic male and female duets, but they are not suitable for competition. This kind of song with a slow rhythm and gentle lyrics needs to be savored by the listener to feel its charm.

But on the stage, how can the public judges have the time to savor it carefully?

Jiang Ting’s distress is not shown for the time being. But at this moment Xu Jiayin is uncomfortable.

From his singing style to the emotion of the song, he was scolded by the instructors from head to toe. What is even more frustrating is that even he himself doubts whether he can sing such a simple song well.

The instructors could see the expressions of the two of them. Compared with the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu, Queen Zhang Ning’s ability to train people is obvious, otherwise, she would not have been invited by the program team as a stabilizing force.

“I’ll teach you a method of vocalization. Use it here and hold your breath.” Instructor Zhang Ning pressed hard on the position above Xu Jiayin’s navel, and then asked, “Does it hurt?”

The corner of Xu Jiayin’s mouth twitched, and subconsciously said, “It hurts.”

“It’s the right thing to hurt. This is this place. Take a breath, hold your throat, and then restrain this breath, don’t let it go. The pronunciation of the first word must be breathy, the kind of elastic and slightly echoed sound.”

Instructor Zhang Ning pulled Xu Jiayin to the side for special training. The Dance Instructor Lin Ershu on the side picked up the sheet music placed on the piano, and after reading it for a while, he asked Jiang Ting.

“Is this another unpublished song?”

Jiang Ting nodded.

Lin Ershu picked up the music score and watched it repeatedly as if looking for something until he spoke out.

“Why didn’t I see the author’s signature?”

Jiang Ting smiled and did not answer, pretending to be busy with other things.

She was too lazy to explain. This is not the first instructor to ask about the composer. Previously, from several competition instructors to the rival trainees, they wanted to knock on the side to find out who the composer was and invite him to sing.

But Jiang Ting could not create a composer who wrote these songs for no reason in this world. So she just pretended to be silent. Whatever you like to understand, even if I do not talk to you, you can not do anything to me.

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Seeing Jiang Ting not answering, Lin Ershu also changed the topic and stared at the score carefully.

“This song is pretty good. It looks like you’re going to win first place again next week.” His smile was as warm as a spring breeze.

Jiang Ting does not want to have too much communication with the male instructor, because the scene can easily be edited by the black fans. In addition, if the female trainee runs to the male instructor with crowded traffic to show courtesy, it is easy to be hacked by the opponent’s fans. Besides, she is the kind of person who is crazy in front of acquaintances, but does not want to say a word in front of strangers and has nothing to communicate with them.

“I don’t dare. I can only say that we work hard and do our best to obey destiny.” Jiang Ting took a step back, trying to speak as little as possible.

Her avoidance of suspicion and her indifferent tone was naturally seen by Dance Instructor Lin Ershu.

The other party paused for a while and wisely stopped talking, then quietly listened to the other side of Zhang Ning’s teachings Xu Jiayin.

The two of them were sitting on the side. No one spoke and the scene was extremely embarrassing.

A long time later, there was a sudden burst of violent applause.

“Yes, Xu Jiayin, you are very savvy, just sing like this.”

Jiang Ting turned around and saw Xu Jiayin singing a cappella.

“Spring flowers bloom…

Take away the winter sentimentality…”

In an instant, Jiang Ting’s eyes lit up when he sang the first-word “spring”.

The corners of her mouth curled into a smile, and a charm called ‘confidence’ bloomed on her overly beautiful face.

She knows that she can win the next game again.



Translator’s Comment:

-Small Stage-

Chen Yi: “.. I can hear her calling my name 80 times a day…”

Xu Jiayin: “I lost count of how many times she called me in a day.” So miserable…

Jiang Ting: “…” Do you guys think I like to call your name? Hmph…

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