Climb To The Top

Chapter 30.1

It is another Saturday night at 7:50. Countless fans turned on Tengfei Entertainment, anxiously waiting for the launch of the fifth episode of “National Couple”. Especially Jiang Ting fans, who have been waiting for this week to scratch their hearts and lungs.

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Soon, eight o’clock arrived, and the fifth episode of “National Couple” was officially launched.

The “National Couple” with hundreds of millions of investments has renewed the stage. The wide venue, exquisite scenery, and colorful lights make the audience shine.

The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning was wearing a silver deep V fishtail skirt, showing her graceful figure. She held the microphone and greeted the audience.

“Welcome to “National Couple”, I am the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning.”

Then, she re-introduced the three instructors sitting in the opposite instructor area, Dance Instructor Lin Ershu, Vocal Instructor He Xi, and Arranger Instructor Wen Ya. The three of them turned towards the audience and greeted them, which immediately set off an upsurge of the audience under the stage.

After the instructors greeted the audience, the camera returned to the stage. Zhang Ning held her hand card and said in a serious tone.

“In the second round of the double PK competition, a total of 16 trainees participated and were divided into 8 groups of couples. 500 public judges will vote on the spot. If the vote is better than the previous group, they will ascend to the ‘Couple Throne’ position and become the best couple contestants who have successfully ‘Climb To The Top’ in this episode.”

Due to the investment of hundreds of millions, the program group spent a lot of money to shape a new stage, including the black and gold throne, which is also more gorgeous and expensive than the last time. The camera switched to the seat at the highest peak in the contestant area and saw the graceful and domineering black and gold throne that caught the audience’s eyes at a glance.

“Finally, the number of votes by the national judges in the individual voting channel last week and the number of votes by the 500 on-site public judges, each accounted for 50% of the voting rate. Then the two will be added together. The six trainees of each male and female with the highest voting rate will be successfully promoted. Meanwhile, the two trainees of males and females with the lowest voting rate will be eliminated. Therefore, for the 500 public judges on the scene and the national judges in front of the screen, your vote will decide their fate. Please vote for your favorite trainees.”

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After Zhang Ning finished announcing the rules of the competition, she started to read the advertisement.

But soon Zhang Ning announced a pre-match draw. This part is to show the program group’s loyalty to the fans, implying that the program group ‘never’ cheat. But whether it was cheated or not, the fans do not know the specifics. However, it makes the reputation of this show much better than other talent shows. At least all aspects of this show data are more transparent. For example, the exchange of tickets is easily debunked by fans.

After the fourth episode, four people have been eliminated, two men and two women, just to form a couple. The remaining eight couples need to choose one person to draw lots before the game.

It’s just that there was a strange scene in the lottery draw this time. In the lottery draws at the last PK competition almost all were drawn by male trainees, which left a deep shadow in the hearts of the male players. This time they sent female trainees one after another. Even in Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin’s group, Jiang Ting went up to draw lots.

However, the only boy in the eight groups who drew lots was Xin Jiu. His partner was Ji Aijun. Seeing that Xin Jiu wanted to go to the lottery, Ji Aijun did not care, and let him go up to the lottery. Who would have thought that the most embarrassing person in the last lottery was Lin Xinxiang, in this episode was replaced by Xin Jiu.

Fortunately, Xin Jiu was thick-skinned enough. He did not care and was squeezed into a team of all girls to draw lots, but he was not timid at all. His performance was much better than that of Lin Xinxiang in the last competition.

After the group was established, it was soon the trainees’ turn to draw lots.

When Jiang Ting fans outside the video saw Jiang Ting on the show, they murmured in their hearts: The program group finally gave their female goose a shot.

If the program team knew what Jiang Ting’s fans were saying, they might have been aggrieved. Jiang Ting talked a lot in the practice room. Whether it was Chen Yi or Xu Jiayin, they could not escape her magic voice. However, every time during the competition, she has a cold look on her face, like: “Sister Jiang doesn’t speak”. Even if they want to cut some special scenes for her, there is no way to cut them. Do you blame them?

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But the fans do not care if the program group is aggrieved or not. Anyway, they just can not see their female goose, only see that our female goose broadcasts less than others. What is the program group doing?

The lottery order was drawn according to the number of votes cast by the national judges last week. Jiang Ting’s 559w votes were the highest among all trainees, so she was the first to draw.

In the video, Jiang Ting immediately took the lead and took the initiative to go to the draw, but the luck was not very good. After drawing the seventh one to perform in the PK competition, Jiang Ting was speechless.

With another performance at the end of the competition, if it wasn’t the first time she drew lots, she would have wondered if there was a shady messing with her.

Lin Xinxiang was the second in the last national judge’s vote. Before the lottery, everyone knew that Lin Xinxiang hated the first and last order. This time, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning deliberately asked her with a joke.

“Lin Xinxiang, if there are only the first and last appearances left today and you have to choose it, which order would you choose?” Instructor Zhang Ning wants to take the opportunity to enliven the atmosphere at the scene and make a splash.

Whoever imagined it, Lin Xinxiang cooperated with her very much. She looked at the camera and said very seriously: “If it’s normal, I don’t want to choose any of them; but if it’s today, I hope our group will start performing right away.” She does not want to face Jiang Ting’s group at all. Even if being the first to perform is better than performing behind Jiang Ting’s group.

In the first three stages, whether it was the qualification round, team competition, or PK competition, she lived under the shadow of the great devil all the time. But compared to the last performance today, if she was really compared and crushed by the big devil nakedly, she estimated that her mentality will collapse when she is the last one to appear.

Zhang Ning was choked by her, but did not say anything, and let her continue to draw.

In the end, damn, Lin Xinxiang actually got the first appearance. Lin Xinxiang, who was usually afraid of being the first to appear on the stage, showed a satisfied smile for the first time. She ran over to stand next to Jiang Ting, showing that she had been drawn to be the first to appear on the stage.

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After that, it was Xu Ya’s turn to draw lots. Xu Ya is also an arrogant person at heart. For a long time, Xu Ya does not feel that she is inferior to Jiang Ting. Maybe she is less lucky than the other party and she has no strong backing behind her to help her compose new songs. But when the lottery was drawn and Instructor Zhang Ning asked her what number she hoped to draw, she blurted out.

“As long as it is not the 8th performance.” Her performance is very real. Especially when she draws the fifth performance, she is still slightly relieved.

Immediately, she realized that when she faced Jiang Ting, she was subconsciously timid.

After that, there was no need for Zhang Ning to ask questions. When drawing lots, almost everyone had to read a sentence silently to the camera.

“Don’t let me draw the 8th.”

As the only boy in the lottery, Xin Jiu’s national judges voted as high as 93w, so he was ranked fourth and got the third performance order.

After that, Meng Yu, Lei Yunyun, and Hong Shiyu finished drawing in turn, and they did not get the eighth appearance.

At this time, there is only one last candidate left on the stage, Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian stood stiffly on the stage, her expression seemed to be crying but not crying. Her body seemed to be a little trembling.

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When Zhang Ning urged her to get the last ball in the draw, Zheng Qian had only one thought, she was afraid she was going to get cold1.

Her partner, Lin Yu, was full of annoyance at this time. He felt that if he just drew by himself, he might be better than Zheng Qian’s order of appearances. But there was no way to tell Zheng Qian because Zheng Qian did not draw at all. When it was her turn to draw, there were only 8th left, which really made the two of them have nowhere to cry.

Soon, after the lottery ended, Zhang Ning asked the trainees to go down to prepare. She took the opportunity to insert an advertisement.

Fans are impatient to watch advertisements. Those who have members directly pull the progress bar to skip, but those who do not have members can only wait for the end of the advertisement to continue watching.

After the advertisement, Zhang Ning stood on the stage and announced the official start of the second round of the double PK competition.



Translator’s Comment:

Jiang Ting: “Author, where is my luck as the heroine??” Is there any heroine as pitiful as me?

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