Climb To The Top

Chapter 38

At 8 pm on Saturday, the sixth episode of “National Couple” was launched on time, but as soon as this episode started to air, there were dense crowds of fans swiping the screen on the barrage.

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“Dong Dacha biss1.”

“No Bi Lian.”

“Shady is disgusting.”

Dong Dacha is the director and the main person in charge of the program group, and fans of various trainees scolded him on the bullet screen.

Last Thursday, “National Couple” was exposed as a shady scene. It was popularly searched by fans three times in a row, but there was still no response from the “National Couple” program group.

Until 3 pm on Thursday, suddenly on Weibo, some related topics about the shady scene of “National Couple” all disappeared.

All information about the account called ‘vs1513461’ is cleared and it is blank when people click it.

The previous message of the ‘vs1513461′ under the blogger account also disappeared instantly.

If it weren’t for countless fans who still remembered the shady incident, they would almost have thought they were dreaming.

Afterward, when fans flocked to the official Weibo account of “National Couple” again, they found that the official Weibo comments were closed. They could not comment or send private messages, they could only repost. Moreover, after the program team turned off comments and private messages, all previous comments from fans were also cleared.

And this anger accumulated from Thursday afternoon to Saturday night.

The sixth episode of “National Couple” is the second round of elimination.

The elimination rule is that the ratio of trainees’ votes in the national judge’s personal channel last week to the total vote pool added with the ratio of the 500 on-site public judges’ votes to the total votes is equal to the comprehensive promotion ratio. Among the male and female trainees, the top six with the highest overall ratio were successfully promoted and the bottom two with the lowest ratio were eliminated directly.

In other words, in any knockout rounds, four trainees will be eliminated directly in one week. It can be said that the competition system is very cruel.

Soon, the review of the previous episode ended and the program entered the feature film.

Chief Instructor Zhang Ning was dressed in a soft pink suit and looked handsome and capable, and the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu next to her was also very handsome in his blue suit. The two stood hand in hand and walked from the right side of the stage to the center of the stage.

“Good Saturday evening, I’m Zhang Ning. Welcome to “National Couple”…”

“I’m Lin Ershu, nice to see you all again.”

After a brief introduction by them, the luxurious competition area rebuilt by the program team appeared in front of everyone.

The 16 male and female trainees were divided into two groups, led by Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin, who appeared from both sides.

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After the two teams stood still, Chief Instructor Zhang Ning announced the rules.

“This round of knockouts will still use the rules of the previous knockout…” Zhang Ning once again introduced the knockout system.

Immediately afterward, she glanced around at the trainees with sharp eyes, and said, “I will announce the results of the boys’ group knockout round and Instructor Lin Ershu will announce the results of the girls’ group knockout round. Now the results are in these envelopes in our hands. Those who called out, please come to the stage.”

“Now, I announce: the knockout rounds officially begin. The girls’ group will be announced first and Instructor Lin will announce the results of the girls’ group knockout rounds for us.”

Unlike last week’s knockout round where the boys’ results were announced first, this week’s knockout round announced the girls’ results first.

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, she signaled Lin Ershu to come forward.

Lin Ershu held a stack of light pink envelopes with serial numbers 1-8 in his hand. He took out serial number 4 and said warmly.

“Now I will announce the promotion results of the fourth contestant in the girls’ group.” He took a deep breath, opened the envelope in his hand, and said.

“The total number of votes in the total vote pool of all national judges is 2390w, and the fourth trainee won 283w votes, taking 11.8% of the total vote pool…” When Lin Ershu said this, his voice was calm and steady, without any fluctuations.

Xu Ya, who was standing next to Jiang Ting, thought it was Meng Yu or Hong Shiyu. After all, they both were always ranked fourth, but Xu Ya felt that it was more likely to be Hong Shiyu. After all, she and Chen Yi ranked third in the live voting in the last PK competition.

Here, when she was still analyzing, Instructor Lin Ershu had already read the next result.

“A total of 326 votes were cast by the 500 public judges in the double PK competition, taking 10.2% of the total score. The overall score is 22%. Congratulations, the fourth trainee, Xu Ya, successfully promoted.”

Xu Ya was pushed by Hong Shiyu. Hong Shiyu’s eyes were sparkling as if they were glowing, and there was an inexplicable strangeness in Xu Ya’s eyes, she frowned.

“What’s the matter?”

“Lin… Instructor Lin called you.” Hong Shi’s tone softened instantly, stammering slightly.

“Call me? Already called second?” Xu Ya was surprised.

Is it possible that she was in a daze for a while, and now she has announced second place?

When Hong Shiyu heard her words, she was speechless for a moment. What was she thinking? Did she start dreaming? Just as she was about to answer, she heard someone say.

“No, the fourth place was just announced.” Jiang Ting, who was at the side, said nonchalantly upon seeing this.

Immediately afterward, Lin Ershu was on the stage and spoke again.

“Congratulations, the fourth trainee, Xu Ya, has successfully been promoted. Please come up and get your promotion card.”

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With a ‘boom’, Xu Ya only felt that her face was burning hot and her mind was full of impossible words.

It wasn’t until Lin Ershu’s usually gentle face gradually turned cold and he called her name for the third time, that she woke up and hurried to the stage.

After taking the stage, Xu Ya didn’t react for a long time. It was Lin Ershu who reminded her to give her promotion speech, and then she could only speak out.

“Thank you to all the judges for voting for me. I will continue to work hard…”

When Xu Ya stepped down, she didn’t know what she just said. Her face was pale and her mind was full of doubts. How could she be in fourth place?

Even if it is not the second, it should be the third. How can it be the fourth?

Xu Ya was distraught along the way and returned to her seat in extreme disappointment.

Immediately afterward, Instructor Lin Ershu continued to announce the third-place voting results.

“The third place won 218w votes from the national judges, taking 11.8% of the total vote pool…”

When Lin Ershu announced this point, the girls knew that the national judges voted lower than Xu Ya but could counterattack Xu Ya and become the third place, it must be because the opponent’s on-site public judges voted high.

And last week, the girls’ group won the top three places in the on-site public judges, namely Jiang Ting, Lin Xinxiang, and Hong Shiyu.

Hong Shiyu was standing next to Xu Ya and she was very excited at the moment. This may be the closest she has ever been to the upper circle.

She was almost in the top three in the qualification competition but was robbed by Lei Yunyun who had a background. Since then, she has never been in the top three.

And today is the closest she is to the top three in the girls’ group. Even when she heard Xu Ya won fourth place, the first thought in Hong Shiyu’s mind was who was in third place this time? Is it her or Meng Yu? Now, it seems that she has a higher chance.

For a moment, these thoughts flashed in Hong Shiyu’s mind.

Immediately afterward, Lin Ershu continued to announce.

“…Received a total of 398 votes from the 500 on-site public judges, taking 13.2% of the total score and the overall score is 22.6%.”

“Congratulations, the third trainee, Hong Shiyu, successfully promoted.”

When Hong Shiyu heard Instructor Lin Ershu call out her name, her expression instantly became unbearable. Her tears fell like rain and she could not stop them.

She came to participate in this show and the pressure is too great.

Lei Yunyun has a background and Xu Ya’s dancing skills are outstanding. As for Lin Xinxiang, after the first PK competition, her singing was praised by the instructors as the voice of nature.

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Of course, these three people will never be able to compare to the extremely terrifying big devil, Jiang Ting, who is pressing on their heads.

Whether it’s dancing or singing, the opponent’s strength can press on everyone’s head, and the number of fans is several times that of those behind them. Coupled with the endless new stages, it is simply a monster, and every stage will explode.

There are so many great gods on the top of Hong Shiyu’s head, the pressure is really great. It can be imagined that when she broke into the top three of the girls’ group with her own strength, knowing that she was recognized by everyone, Hong Shiyu finally could not help but collapse.

After she took the stage, she cried a lot. She did not know who to thank, anyway, she thanked everyone.

“Thank you, everyone. Thank the fans who voted for me, thank my parents for raising me, thank the company for nurturing me, thank you to the team leader Jiang Ting who took care of me on weekdays, thank you to my instructors…”

Thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence, thank you all. With the help of others, they have made her who she is at this moment.

After Hong Shiyu finished saying the words of thanks, she returned to her seat again.

Xu Ya’s scrutinizing gaze next to her made her a little uncomfortable. After all, Xu Ya had always been a trainee in the upper circle and she was always a little weak in front of the other party.

After a month and a half of training, Hong Shiyu also put away her impulsive temperament that she used to be fearless, dared to throw her temper at the program crew, and dared to scold Lei Yunyun’s background.

At this time, Jiang Ting, who was next to Xu Ya, did not care about Xu Ya’s pale face and handed her a pack of tissues.

“Wipe your tears, we’re still recording the program group.”

After Hong Shiyu took the tissue, she hurriedly laughed, “Thank you, Captain.” Hong Shiyu has been calling Captain Jiang Ting since the team competition. Until now, the relationship between the two is naturally good.

As for the other side of Jiang Ting, she did not see Xu Ya’s face. She just felt that Hong Shiyu was crying like that, which was a bit pitiful.

Anyway, it is within her ability to help a bunch of people. Maybe when they are caught by the camera, they can still catch a wave of shots.

Whether Jiang Ting was helping Lin Xinxiang or Hong Shiyu, it was purely for the sake of getting on camera. It’s just that these girls who have just stepped into the entertainment industry are still very innocent and have not been polluted by the heart of profit. In the end, most of them have a good impression of her.

What’s more, even if Jiang Ting saw Xu Ya’s black face, she did not feel that she needed to act according to Xu Ya’s face.

After the announcement of the third place, Lin Ershu started to announce the second place.

There is no suspense when the girls’ group reaches the top two. Unless Jiang Ting retires now, Lin Xinxiang will be the second place until her death.

As expected, Instructor Lin Ershu said the second-place result.

“The second place won 309w votes from the national judges, taking 12.9% of the total vote pool; the double PK competition received a total of 423 votes from the public judges’ vote, taking 14% of the total score and the overall score was 26.9%. ”

“Congratulations, the second trainee, Lin Xinxiang, successfully promoted.” The result without any suspense has been predicted by everyone.

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But when Lin Ershu announced Lin Xinxiang’s national judges’ vote, all the trainees were still shocked.

Lin Xinxiang fans voted more than 3 million? Is she so aggressive? Remember the last time the girls’ group voted, except Jiang Ting, no one broke the 2 million votes mark. This time, she broke the 3 million line?

It can only be said that it is a werewolf.

This time, after Lin Xinxiang took the stage, compared to the last gaffe, she was much more stable.

She also imitated others and became polite.

“Thank you to the national judges who voted for me, the program team, the company…” After politely saying a lot of words of thanks, Lin Xinxiang’s last sentence became sincere.

“However, in the end, I have to thank my good friend Jiang Ting. If it wasn’t for her encouragement, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Thank her for helping me before. I will continue to cheer.”

After Lin Xinxiang finished speaking, she returned the microphone to Lin Ershu and returned to her position.

Jiang Ting stood in the middle, with Xu Ya on one side and Lin Xinxiang on the other.

Seeing her smiling, she gave her a thumbs up and praised her.

“Well done.”

The interaction between the two under the stage was cut out again by the program group.

Lin Ershu on the stage continued to announce.

“The total number of votes in the total vote pool of national judges is 2390w, and the first trainee won 892w votes, taking 37.3% of the total vote pool…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw the trainees stunned and incredulous.

“My God, 892w votes, is she so fierce?”

“How did her fans vote? That is 7 times my vote last week.”

“It’s the same people, why is there such a big difference?”


The author has something to say:

Someone suggested that the author should replace the number of votes with ‘w’, the reader looks good, otherwise, it will be too laborious to read the numbers, so it will be changed to this format in the future.

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