Climb To The Top

Chapter 39

“…won a total of 473 votes from the 500 on-site public judges, taking 15.7% of the total score. The overall score is 53%.”

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“Congratulations, Trainee Jiang Ting, you have successfully been promoted.”

After the Dance Instructor Lin Ershu finished speaking, Jiang Ting went straight to the stage.

She took the light pink envelope from Lin Ershu’s hand, which was stamped with a red seal with the words ‘successful promotion’. Jiang Ting rubbed these words and felt very emotional.

“Please give your promotion speech, Trainee Jiang.” Seeing that she seemed to have stayed still for a long time, Instructor Lin Ershu could not help reminding her.

Jiang Ting took the microphone given to her by the other party, walked up to the high stage where the trainees specially released their promotion speeches, and said softly.

“I kind of don’t know what to say. There are so many national judges…” Jiang Ting paused and then changed her words: “So many fans have voted so much for me, I don’t even dare to think that I have been loved by so many people.”

Living in an orphanage since childhood, Jiang Ting always gained very little but lost a lot. Life in an orphanage is not as bad as imagined, but it is not a paradise. There are some things, some things, you always have to fight. If you don’t fight, it will never belong to you.

It is even no coincidence that she accompanied a sister in the orphanage to the company for trial training, but she was favored and cultivated by the company.

At that time, if she hadn’t taken advantage of one of the arrogant female trainees to provoke her sister and pretended to be angry to stand up for her sister, she would not have been seen by the company’s leaders and was selected as a trainee.

Later, because she was young and sweet-mouthed, she would please the chairman’s daughter and become her good sister. In the end, the company cultivated her as a direct line ace for 10 years. Even if her contract lasted for 20 years, all of this, whether good or bad, was won by her, not given to her by others.

But the fans seem to be a little different. Although they were attracted by her performance, their love came so suddenly, so intensely and enthusiastically. It was the first time that Jiang Ting felt the extraordinary relationship between fans and idols.

She thought for a while, then continued speaking in a low voice.

“I don’t know why there are so many people like me, and even for a moment, I am afraid that why so many people like me? I will question myself, doubt myself, and fall into insecurity. But when I feel the sincerity and passion of the fans, I finally realized that there are so many people who like me, and every vote for me is full of your love for me.”

“Thank you, thank you, I am very happy to have you.”

“‘After the first rain, the misty water is full of smoke’. From now on, my fans will be called Jiangshui, Tingpan Jiangshui.”

“In the future, I and Jiangshui will accompany each other hand in hand to tide over the ups and downs of the rest of my life.”

“In the future, Jiang Ting will work harder for Jiangshui. Please watch me carefully.”

After speaking, Jiang Ting put down the microphone, took the promotion card, and left.

She has nothing else to say to her fans. The thank you word is too light and too many people say it, it seems superficial and false.

They like strong and hard-working idols, like idols with the best qualities in the world, like the kind of glory that can be their glory, which can be used as an example and goal for them to study hard. Although Jiang Ting is not that kind of person, she is willing to become that kind of person, struggle and move forward with it.

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This is a promise she made to her fans and she will spend her life putting it into action.

Before the video, the bullet screens that scolded the program group one after another were instantly covered by dense words about ‘Jiangshui’.

“Haha, so I will be Jiangshui from now on.”

“Little Jiangshui, come here to report, Tingting has given you a name.”

“We finally have a name, Jiangshui, Tingpan Jiangshui, the name is really beautiful.”

Jiang Ting fans finally could not help but frantically swipe on the barrage.

Jiang Ting does not have a company. It is said that it is her cousin who helped her. Since it was revealed by Uncle Papa, there is no news. The fans also tacitly did not disturb Jiang Ting’s only family member, and dig into everything about the other party.

Therefore, when other trainees with companies have their fan names, Jiang Ting fans never have a serious name that belongs to them.

Even among fans, they are called Tingting fans, Tingbao fans, and so on.

But now they have.

Tingpan Jiangshui, leaning on each other, we will ride out the ups and downs of the future together.

Jiang Ting fans broke out with great enthusiasm to respond to Jiang Ting and let the other party know that they love her.

The bomb dropped by Jiang Ting helped the program group attract some firepower by accident. At least during the time Jiang Ting appeared, the barrage was almost completely dominated by Jiang fans, and a few words of scolding disappeared in this huge barrage.

After Jiang Ting went down, Lin Ershu then began to announce the results of the knockout rounds for the remaining four female trainees.

“The 132w voted by the national judges, taking 5.5% of the total vote pool…”

The remaining four people, Meng Yu, Zheng Qian, Ji Aijun, and Lei Yunyun, took a breath and felt like their hearts were about to jump out. Who’s next?

“A total of 348 votes were received from 500 public judges, taking 11.5% of the total and the overall score is 17%…”

Lin Ershu’s words made Meng Yu, Zheng Qian, and Lei Yunyun breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, and it was not their turn.

At this moment, Ji Aijun’s expression became dazed.

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Is it her?

What will happen to her?

She won 132w votes from the national judges. Compared with the first place Jiang Ting’s 892w votes, the total votes of the other party was nearly seven times the number of votes she received. Compared with the huge difference in the number of votes before and after, Ji Aijun is lying to say that she is not jealous.

However, before she gets jealous, the dust settles.

“Sorry, Trainee Ji Aijun, your schedule will stop here.”

Ji Aijun’s head ‘buzzed’, she just felt the world was spinning.

She was eliminated.

She stood there for a while. A wry smile appeared on the corner of Ji Aijun’s mouth, hey, it’s okay to go now.

Each of the top four is a hard stubble and each of the remaining three has its own abilities. She is the only one who can’t dance and she still has a male voice when she sings. Even if she did not make a mistake on the stage several times before, she still does not attract fans.

The program “National Couple”, unlike other programs, does not rely entirely on fan votes to decide whether a person will stay or not.

Half of it depends on fans and half depends on on-site public judges.

For the former, no matter how high the number of fan votes is, if the live stage collapses and the number of public judges’ votes is low, such as Xu Ya, the ranking will drop again and again.

In the latter case, the votes of the on-site public judges are good every time, but the number of fan votes is low, similar to her, she has entered the eliminated seat.

In this program, the two voting methods complement each other and neither one is weak.

After Ji Aijun came to the stage, although her face was not very good-looking, she was still recording the show after all. After saying a few heartfelt words, she left the stage graciously.

Anyway, she has already been eliminated, so what’s the use of being unwilling and sloppy?

The departure of Ji Aijun indicates that only one of the next three will leave, which means that the probability of elimination is only one-third. Basically, both Zheng Qian and Meng Yu locked in Lei Yunyun, who was ranked eighth in the previous period.

They are all looking forward to their promotion.

However, Lin Ershu continued to announce.

“A total of 194w votes were received from the national judges, taking 8.1% of the total vote pool; a total of 359 votes were received from 500 public judges, taking 11.9% of the total, and a total of 20% overall. Congratulations, Trainee Lei Yunyun, successfully promoted. ”

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Zheng Qian: “…” Her mouth widened, with an expression of disbelief.

Meng Yu: “…” She looked even more surprised.

The expressions on the faces of the two people were very funny and they changed several expressions in just a few minutes.

And Lei Yunyun was indeed stunned for a moment, with an indescribable daze on her face. Has she been promoted?

Reminded by other people besides her, she hesitated a little, stepped onto the stage, and delivered a promotion speech.

“I really didn’t expect that I would be promoted. I almost thought I heard it wrong. Thanks to the judges who voted for me and to my family for supporting my dream on the road of music…”

After saying a few words of thanks, she returned to her seat.

And Zheng Qian beside her was completely panicked.

Was Lei Yunyun actually promoted? She, who was eight last week, actually got promoted?

Isn’t it Meng Yu who is now competing with her for the last promotion seat?

Her competitor is Meng Yu???

My God, once this thought appeared in her mind, Zheng Qian collapsed.

Meng Yu, recognized by the girls’ group as an all-around trainee under Jiang Ting, is very strong. It was even said that based on personal hard power alone, Meng Yu was much stronger than Hong Shiyu.

She also has rap ability. If it wasn’t for the first PK competition being held back by Xin Jiu, which caused the number of fans to not increase, Meng Yu should have been ranked in the upper circle.

Zheng Qian’s face turned pale for a while, then turned blue for a while. Beads of sweat overflowed from her forehead, showing the anxiety and tension in her heart.

Immediately afterward, Lin Ershu continued to announce.

“Won a total of 207w votes from the national judges, taking 8.6% of the total vote pool; received a total of 367 votes from the public judges, taking 12.1% of the total, and the overall score is 20.7%…”

Zheng Qian didn’t even need to listen to the next words, she knew what the result was.

Lei Yunyun has advanced with an overall score 20%, let alone 20.7%?

In the last issue, her public judges’ vote was only 315 votes. So how could it be her who is reading it now?

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Hehe, she is about to be eliminated!

As expected,

“Congratulations, Trainee Meng Yu has successfully been promoted to fifth place.”

“At the same time, it won a total of 155w votes from the judges, taking 6.4% of the total vote pool; it won a total of 315 votes from the public judges, taking 10.4% of the total, and a total of 16.8%…”

“Unfortunately, Trainee Zheng Qian, with the eighth place, will stop here.”

After listening to the words of Instructor Lin Ershu, Zheng Qian only felt that her eyes were dark, her legs were weak, and she suddenly felt a little unstable.

She was completely eliminated and she was eliminated in eighth place.

The previous Ji Aijun and Lei Yunyun, one was eliminated in seventh place, and the other was successfully promoted to sixth place. She was the eighth-place elimination contestant who was not as good as them.

While Zheng Qian was standing still, Meng Yu had already stepped up to the stage to give her promotion speech.

“I’m really grateful all the way, thanks to the fans who voted for me. I will continue to work hard, and in the next competition, I will…”

Meng Yu gave an inspirational speech that she would work harder and then stepped down.

Zheng Qian was still immersed in the bad news of her being eliminated, unable to extricate herself, no matter who shouted, she could not wake up. At this moment, her whole person has fallen into a vicious circle of collapse and she can’t get out of it at all.

But the audience watching the video did not know, especially Zheng Qian’s fans. After seeing Meng Yu’s promotion speech, there was no Zheng Qian’s elimination speech at all, and they were immediately stunned.

“What’s the situation? You don’t even say a word after being eliminated? This is obviously a problem.”

“Program group biss, the knockout game is cheated into this B-like, vomiting.”

“I now really believe that there is something shady about the program group, and Zheng Qian was eliminated as the eighth place. This is definitely a ticket exchange.”

Although Zheng Qian is not the most popular player in the program group, she also has some diehard fans.

Seeing that Zheng Qian was eliminated, even her elimination speech was cut out, and the fans were completely angry.

‘Shady remarks’ reappeared on the barrage.

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