Climb To The Top

Chapter 40

After the results of the knockout rounds of the girls’ group were announced, it was the boys’ group’s turn.

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In the video, after Lin Ershu announced the elimination results of the girls’ group, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning stepped on her 7cm red high heels and returned to her position.

“The above are the results of the second round of the girls’ group knockout round. Next, I will announce the results of the boys’ group, starting from fourth place.”

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, she picked up a stack of light blue envelopes, took out the envelope with serial number 4 written on it, and opened it.

“The total number of national judges votes for the boys’ group was 2040w. The fourth trainee won a total of 235w votes from national judges, taking 11.5% of the total vote pool; and a total of 359 votes from the public judges, taking 11.9% of the total. The total score is 22.6%…”

“Congratulations, Trainee Sheng Kai, you have successfully been promoted.”

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, Sheng Kai looked surprised.

Who would have thought that he would improve by one rank this time? He did not have time to think deeply and hurriedly came to the stage to deliver his promotion speech.

On the stage, Sheng Kai confessed his true feelings ‘with tears in his eyes and from the bottom of his heart’; offstage, many trainees were discussing one after another.

The boys’ group is different from the girls’ group. Jiang Ting’s vote data is overwhelming and controls the audience.

Since the qualification competition ended and the competition officially began, the top four in the boys’ group can be described as a fight between gods, the gentle and perfect Xu Jiayin, Chen Yi who changed his life against the sky, the dark horse Liu Zhongming in the sprint, and Xu Zhengxuan with a fairy voice. These four people have their opponents. One fights with the second, and the third fights with the fourth. In short, either you kill me, or I beat you.

But never expected that one of the top four would fall behind. Let Sheng Kai counterattack?

Who is it? Everyone guessed.

It wasn’t until Zhang Ning continued to announce the third-place result that she revealed the mystery.

“The third trainee won a total of 273w votes from the national judges, taking 13.3% of the total vote pool; received a total of 423 votes from the public judges, taking 14% of the total. The total score is 27.3%…”

“Congratulations, Trainee Liu Zhongming, you have been successfully promoted.”

As soon as Zhang Ning said this, Xu Zhengxuan’s face turned pale.

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The first and second places in the boys’ group are basically the same as the girls’ group, with two fixed candidates.

The difference is that Jiang Ting is the first place in the girls’ group, while Xu Jiayin’s first place is a little unstable. Chen Yi behind him is threatening him all the time. If he is not careful, he may be counterattacked by the opponent.

So when Zhang Ning announced that the third place was Liu Zhongming, it was determined that Xu Zhengxuan had fallen out of the top four. Xu Zhengxuan fans on the barrage immediately found the point of attack.

Many people thought that it was the program group and Chen Yi who suppressed Xu Zhengxuan, but now it seems that Liu Zhongming is more likely. Thinking about Liu Zhongming’s promotion last week after cooperating with Lin Xinxiang, isn’t this enough to prove the dirty relationship between the program group and Liu Zhongming?

Thinking about this, Liu Zhongming occupied the new hatred from the heart of Xu Zhengxuan’s fans in this episode and robbed Lin Xinxiang’s old hatred in the last issue.

Regardless of the cheers of Liu Zhongming’s fans at the moment, they immediately scolded Liu Zhongming on the bullet screen for being despicable and shameless.

Liu Zhongming’s fans were about to celebrate their idols when they were suddenly scolded by these people, and they were stunned.


Fortunately, all of Liu Zhongming’s mother’s fans are not weak in fighting power. How can they tolerate Xu Zhengxuan’s fans running wild on their own territory? They also tore apart.

The shady story of a Weibo account broke the news. As a result, in this episode, people did not pay much attention to the data of the trainees. They just wanted to know if their family was being suppressed by the shady action.

Innocent people who are splashed with dirty water are not willing to be innocently wronged, and naturally, they have to fight back.

As a result, the people in the program group watched this episode of the show for half an hour, and the bullet screen was already torn apart. This kind of negative barrage has seriously affected the broadcast effect of this episode and also affected passers-by’s viewing experience.

There is no way, the people in the program group can only stay in front of the computer all the time to clear all the barrage related to the ‘shady’ incident.

In the video, Zhang Ning has already announced that she has reached second place.

“The second trainee won a total of 378w of national judges, taking 18.5% of the total vote pool; received a total of 398 votes from the public judges, taking 13.2% of the total. The total score is 31.7%… ”

“Congratulations, Trainee Chen Yi, you have successfully been promoted.”

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Hearing that he is still in second place, Chen Yi has no other thoughts, because even he did not expect that he would be able to reach second place. He is not a person with too much ambition.

He did not plan to participate in the show at first. He accompanied his friends during the audition for “National Couple”, but he did not expect that the other party was not selected in the end, but he was selected.

Chen Yi’s promotion speech was mediocre, expressing his gratitude to the fans and the support of his family, and then stepped down.

After he finished a few words hastily, Chen Yi fans still had a look of unsatisfactory expressions, feeling that they hadn’t seen enough of him. Then, Zhang Ning continued to announce.

“The total number of votes in the boy group’s national judges’ vote pool is 2040w, and the first trainee won the national judges’ vote with a total of 356w, taking 18.5% of the total vote pool…”

Chen Yi fans noticed with sharp eyes, hey, this is wrong, Xu Jiayin’s fans voted 356w, which is not as high as their family’s vote of 378w?

A series of ‘This is the first? The number of votes is not as high as Chen Yi’, ‘Is it a mistake?’

Immediately afterward, Zhang Ning continued to announce,

“A total of 473 votes were obtained from the public judges, taking 15.7% of the total, and the overall score was 33.1%…”

“Congratulations, Trainee Xu Jiayin, you have successfully been promoted.”

Chen Yi fans were instantly happy when they saw it. Xu Jiayin fans were always shouting waste fans and blood-sucking fans all day long and they were not clean either.

Everyone was overwhelmed with excitement, laughing at Xu Jiayin on the barrage.

“Oh, it turns out that Xu Jiayin also relied on Jiang Ting to keep first place.”

“The word blood-sucking will be passed on to Xu Jiayin in the future, Xu Fan doesn’t need to thank you.”

“Sister Falsetto1 said bluntly if she didn’t have money to vote. But don’t slap your face and pretend to be fat.”

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Fans are not blind, Xu Jiayin won first place this time, if it weren’t for the stage where Jiang Ting collaborated with him, the 500 public judges voted too high and gave him too many points, and the first place in the boys’ group would be replaced.

Now it’s all right, from now on Chen Yi fans and Xu Jiayin fans will not be nobler than the other. Jiang Ting fans can stand up and scold, they are all a bunch of fucking vampires.

In case Jiang Ting’s fans scolded Xu Jiayin’s fans before, the other party still had plausible words. Turning their faces to connotate Jiang Ting’s collaboration stage with Xu Jiayin’s song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’, said that the preliminary data is not very good, and it also dragged down their family.

Look at the results of this knockout round, Xu Jiayin’s first place was saved by Jiang Ting and his high votes on stage, where did they have the face to criticize Jiang Ting?

When it was Xu Jiayin’s turn to give a promotion speech, Xu Jiayin mentioned a name.

“First of all, thank you to all the national judges who voted for me, thank you for your support.”

“Secondly, I have a lot of things to say in my heart. Last time I stood here, I was looking forward to working with someone, and I did.” When Xu Jiayin said this, he felt a little emotional.

“After working with her, I found that she is indeed excellent and I learned a lot from her. At the same time, I also deeply realized my shortcomings.”

“Thank you, my partner, Jiang Ting, you have taught me a lot. Let’s work together in the future.” Xu Jiayin looked at Jiang Ting with shining eyes.

The corner of Jiang Ting’s mouth curled up, applauding for the other party, looking in a good mood. In fact, she was communicating with the system in her mind.

“System, if I won the championship, I will stay in this world, really form a group with a certain boy?”

[After the mission is completed, Host can choose to enter the next world or take vacation time in this world.]

“The program group in the end will let me and a male trainee debut, do I want to debut?” Jiang Ting looked a little hesitant.

Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi are both good people. There is no machismo or other bad problems, but she still does not want to form a couple’s debut with any of them.

First of all, when she came to participate in this show, the system forced her to come here. In order to save her life, Jiang Ting worked hard to complete the tasks assigned by the system.

Secondly, even if she really wants to participate in a variety show for her debut, she probably won’t choose a male and female double talent show as her debut talent show.

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After all, Jiang Ting’s solo heart has not changed, whether it is in the previous life or the present.

If you can solo, who is stupid and wants to form a team? Do you think that you have earned a lot of money and want to divide it into several shares and send them to others?

In short, if it weren’t for the system, Jiang Ting would never have participated in this kind of double draft or team draft.

After Jiang Ting’s question was passed to the system, the system was silent for a long time.

Just when Jiang Ting almost thought that the other party had malfunctioned, he heard a strange electronic sound.

[According to Article 18 of the mission regulations, if the host reaches the top of the variety show championship, the mission is completed; and after the variety show competition or before the debut signing, the host can choose whether to sign for the debut. Host, signing or not, will not affect the host’s main line of winning the championship task.]

The system’s words reassured Jiang Ting.

It basically shows that, except for the task of climbing to the top that must be completed, Jiang Ting can make decisions on other matters.

“Okay, then I’m relieved.”

Coming to a strange world to participate in a program and being controlled by the system for life and death is already tragic enough. Jiang Ting doesn’t want her future to be controlled by the program groups in this world.

What’s more, the program group in this world is not a good thing. They treat her very well on the surface, so good that many trainees are jealous. But in private, whether it was conniving with Sheng Kai and Shi Yi to violent Chen Yi at the beginning, or urging the trainees and instructors to inquire about DQ’s whereabouts.

It’s all explained that the program team is uneasy, unkind, and unreliable. As long as the interests are large enough, anyone can sell it.

She will not easily entrust her future career to such an irresponsible team.


The author has something to say:

Just say one thing, please don’t sympathize with this kind of spicy chicken show group, and finally be pitted by the heroine, because the show group was the first to cheat the heroine.

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