Climb To The Top

Chapter 41

Jiang Ting was still thinking about what she would do after the competition. At this time, on the stage, Chief Instructor Zhang Ning had already announced the results of the remaining four men in the boys’ group.

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“A total of 154w votes were received from the national judges, taking 7.5% of the total vote pool. A total of 367 votes were received from 500 public judges, taking 12.1% of the total. The overall score is 19.6%. Unfortunately, Trainee Luo Tianning, your schedule will stop here.”

Announcement of elimination or advancement to the bottom four, generally the two announced earlier will not mention the ranking for the time being, so when Zhang Ning announced Luo Tianning’s elimination, she did not announce his ranking.

His elimination was expected by everyone. Luo Tianning’s position in the boys’ group is equivalent to Ji Aijun’s in the girls’ group. He never fails on the stage, but he is not brilliant so he can’t attract fans and easily falls into the crisis of elimination. It’s just that it was officially eliminated today.

After he finished his elimination speech, Zhang Ning announced the next.

“A total of 209w was voted by the national judges, taking 10.2% of the total vote pool, and a total of 348 votes were received from 500 public judges, taking 11.5% of the total, and the overall score was 21.7%. Congratulations, Trainee Xin Jiu, successfully promoted.”

Xin Jiu of the boys’ group could not help but let out a wolf howl, “Yeah…”

Afterward, he hurried on stage to express his excitement to the fans.

“Thank you to all the national judges who voted for me. It’s such a surprise. You guys still like me even though you know I’m a talker. I really…”

After Xin Jiu came to the stage, he chartered endlessly, and Zhang Ning started to have a headache again.

Even on the barrage, Xin Jiu’s fans expressed cheerfully that Xin Jiu might be the first contestant in the whole program who talks too much and even the instructors can’t help it.

There is a kind of person who is average in strength but is born with a sense of joy, so it is easy to become a fan. This kind of person is Xin Jiu. Coupled with the attribute of his chatterbox, Xin Jiu has won the favor of many passers-by. Whenever he was on the verge of being eliminated, he was always miraculously pulled back, so his fans said he was lucky. However, the fans of his partner who cooperated with him have expressed that he was possessed by the spirit and it specialized in defeating the partner.

Looking at his partners in the two competitions, Meng Yu was quite outstanding in the team competition ‘Miss Similar’, second only to Jiang Ting and Lin Xinxiang in the team competition, and won a lot of fans. But in the double PK competition, she was taken aback by the opponent, and the stage performance was messed up. As a result, the second round of the PK competition is now on the verge of being eliminated.

Look at his first competition partner, Ji Aijun, who was directly eliminated by him. The reincarnation of the god of decline, who specializes in defeating his partner, is worthy of the name.

After Xin Jiu was promoted, there were only two people left, one was Lin Yu and the other was Xu Zhengxuan.

The former, Lin Yu, ranked third in the qualification competition. He pulled his hips in the double PK competition, fell directly into the dust, and won seventh place. Now he has entered the elimination seat. The latter, Xu Zhengxuan, ranked fourth in the qualification competition. In the double PK competition, he counterattacked the top circle and became third place in the boys’ group. But in this round, no one expected that he would also enter the elimination seat.

At this point, the two are vying for the last promotion spot.

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“A total of 1,780,000 votes were won by the national judges, taking for 8.7% of the total vote pool…”

When Zhang Ning announced the 178w votes, Lin Yu felt that the 178w votes seemed to be much higher than Luo Tianning and only a little lower than Xin Jiu. His eyes lit up, and he felt that what Zhang Ning announced this time would be his knockout result.

“Received a total of 315 votes from 500 public judges, taking 10.4% of the total…”

But when Zhang Ning continued to speak, Lin Yu thought in his heart, calm down, it should be his result, he was not far away from being promoted. After all, Xu Zhengxuan’s performance with Xu Ya’s performance was not as good as his performance with Zheng Qian. At least, the two of them undertook the pressure from Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin and finished the performance seriously.

However, Zhang Ning’s next sentence sent him into hell.

“…The overall score is 19.1%. Unfortunately, the eighth place Trainee Lin Yu, your schedule will stop here.”

Lin Yu was stunned for a few seconds. Then, he took a deep breath, covered his red eye, smiled stiffly, and took the stage to state his elimination speech.

“Phew, I just got a vote for 178w just now and it was more than 1 million votes higher than my last time. I didn’t expect such a high number of votes to be eliminated. It seems that my brothers are much better than me, but thank you, I have received nearly 2 million votes from the national judges… Come on, brothers and sisters.”

No matter what, it is the iron law that the winner is won and the loser is eliminated. No matter how Lin Yu fantasized that he would continue to promote, he could not live up to reality. No matter his strength or popularity, he was far worse than Xu Zhengxuan and he was convinced that he lost.

Finally, Zhang Ning announced.

“Won a total of 254w votes from the national judges, taking 12.4% of the total vote pool, and received a total of 326 votes from 500 public judges, taking 10.2% of the total, and the overall score is 22.6%. Congratulations, the fifth trainee, Xu Zhengxuan has been successfully promoted.”

After Xu Zhengxuan took over his promotion card, he was full of mixed feelings. He dropped to the fifth, the first… He was very concise when he released his promotion testimonials.

“I have let down the hearts of the fans who voted for me. I will continue to work hard.” Xu Zhengxuan is not a person who likes to show off. He is the kind of character who lost last time and will regain it next time. This sentence has already shown all his attitudes.

And in the video, Xu Zhengxuan fans were even more furious. Some fans attributed Xu Zhengxuan’s poor performance to the shady activities of the program group and believed that the program group teamed up with Liu Zhongming to suppress Xu Zhengxuan. While some fans pointed their finger at Xu Ya, clearly stating that it was Xu Ya who dragged Xu Zhengxuan down.

Xu Ya fans didn’t want to take the blame and directly stated.

“What kind of virtue did Xu Zhengxuan perform in the last episode? Do you still need us to post screenshots?”

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“People who don’t know how to dance, what idol auditions do they participate in? Why don’t they go to the broadcast host?”

“Funny, who dragged whom in the last episode? Anyone with a discerning eye knows, do you have the face to fight back?”

However, before the two fans had a battle, the following program firmly caught everyone’s attention.


With half an hour left in the sixth episode of “National Couple”, the knockout round was over. Then, it came to the selection of the partner for the third round of the double PK competition.

As soon as the camera turned, the two beautiful instructors, Chief Instructor Zhang Ning, and Arranger Instructor Wen Ya smiled and came to the practice room where the contestants gathered.

“Hello, everyone, it’s time to re-selection of partners. Next, let’s take a look at the partners selected by the national judges for you. Those who are called, please take a step forward. Just like last time, the two stand together ”

“Meng Yu comes out.” Zhang Ning called out Meng Yu’s name, looked around the boys, and then she called lightly, “Chen Yi comes out.”

“You have become one of the most anticipated couples selected by the national judges. Meng Yu’s votes on Chen Yi’s most anticipated couple voting page are 109w and Chen Yi’s votes on Meng Yu’s most anticipated couple voting page are 33w. Congratulations on forming a new couple.”

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, the post-produced fans’ vote distribution map of the two appeared on the video. When countless people saw Chen Yi’s 278w under Jiang Ting’s voting page, they were stunned and asked questions on the barrage.

“What’s the situation? Chen Yi’s voting data under Jiang Ting’s voting page is as high as 278w, but he failed to form a team with Jiang Ting?”

“Is this vote miscalculated? The chance of Chen Yi and Jiang Ting cooperating is as high as 45%, which is higher than the 23% chance of cooperation between Chen Yi and Hong Shiyu. How did this become Chen Yi and Meng Yu’s cooperation?”

Most of the people who posted this kind of barrage were passers-by fans who did not participate in the voting.

As for Chen Yi fans, who had voted, they did not say a single word. At most, they brushed words like ‘Chen Yi come on’ on the screen and did not even dare to mention Jiang Ting’s name at all.

Compared to Xu Jiayin’s cooperation with Jiang Ting, Xu Jiayin’s fans still dislike Jiang Ting’s new song data. Many of Chen Yi’s fans prefer Jiang Ting.

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Because quite a lot of Chen Yi fans watched their duo performance and finally fell in love with Chen Yi. Many Chen Yi fans themselves don’t have many ill feelings towards Jiang Ting. Even vaguely look forward to the cooperation between Chen Yi and Jiang Ting again.

As a result, each session of Chen Yi’s Support Club determined Chen Yi’s main attacking partner. But when the voting channel started, a large number of loose votes went directly to Jiang Ting. The number of votes was so high that even the support club was helpless.

Who made the stage of ‘Trouble Maker’ so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In terms of nationality and popularity of the song, it is not as good as ‘Today You Will Marry Me’. In terms of the depth of the lyrics and touching people’s hearts, it is not as good as ‘Miss Similar’. In terms of performance difficulty, even Jiang Ting, who only sang ‘Side to Side’ in the 60s in the qualification competition, was far behind. However, this extremely poisonous song, which exploded the stage of the audience, attracted a large number of fans for the two of them.

In the end, the support club simply broke the jar and voted for Jiang Ting just like the loose fans, maybe they could catch a leak.

So when everyone called Jiang Ting bad due to the poor data of Jiang Ting’s new song a few days ago, Chen Yi’s fans did not care about that.

Cast, cast desperately. In short, be sure to grab Jiang Ting.

There are no competitors in this issue, Xu Jiayin fans all dislike Jiang Ting, while other male trainees have no capital to grab Jiang Ting. Naturally, their family is invincible and indomitable.

In just five days, Chen Yi fans cast 2 million votes on Jiang Ting’s page and the voting data of others has not yet passed the half-million level.

Chen Yi fans can be said to be proud of the spring breeze and they just feel stable. This next stage must be the cooperation between Chen Yi and Jiang Ting.

At this moment, on the fifth day, Thursday night, the ‘shady incident’ broke out, attracting the attention of Chen Yi fans.

The next day, the last day to vote. There are only six days of voting per week. After the competition, the voting box will be closed by 8 pm on the second Friday of the second week.

On the last day of voting, when all the fans were engrossed in fighting with the program group, Liu Zhongming’s votes on Jiang Ting’s voting page began to soar.

When Liu Zhongming’s votes quietly rose from 43w to 100w, no one noticed.

Immediately afterward, it rose from 100w to 200w. At this time, the program group removed the trending search for ‘Shady Incident’ and closed the official Weibo comment area, which once again attracted the firepower of various fans.

When Chen Yi’s fans turned around, they found that their Chaohua was full of remarks:

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“Yiyi’s vote is going to be overtaken, sisters, come and vote.”

“Liu Zhongming’s family has 324w votes, and let’s all come back to vote, don’t care about black or not.”

“Liu Zhongming’s fans are really insidious, and they actually follow Xu Jiayin’s fans’ trick? Come back and vote.”

Chen Yi fans panicked, what’s going on? Why is Liu Zhongming’s voting data so high in just one day? It is estimated that the speed of swiping tickets is not as fast as him!

Immediately afterward, Chen Yi fans rushed to catch up, but the number of votes there was even stronger. Gradually, someone came back to Chen Yi Chaohua to report.

“Don’t vote. That’s not voted by Liu Zhongming fans, but Jiang Ting fans.”

“Jiang fans can’t think about it so much? Why do they vote for Liu Zhongming?”

“Who knows, it’s alright, don’t vote. In terms of voting ability, our family can’t fight for the vote with them. They are all a group of emotional voting machines. In the last issue, Jiang Ting’s personal vote is said to have almost voted for more than nine million. Let’s see if we can rob others!”

The rational Chen Yi fans call on everyone to turn their heads to others. After all, Liu Zhongming has already received more than 3 million votes on Jiang Ting’s voting page, while Chen Yi’s voting page on Jiang Ting has only more than 2 million votes.

It seems that there is only less than one million votes difference, but within half a day, they have to surpass the opponent’s votes and firmly suppress the opponent. Chen Yi fans feel that they have no such ability for the time being.

However, the rational fans in Chaohua only account for a small part of Chen Yi fans. After all, the fans who vote are not just playing Weibo and Chaohua. In various entertainment forums, Tieba, Chen Yi fans groups, even loose fans who simply love the combination of Chen Yi and Jiang Ting, as well as countless CP fans, these fans add up to a huge base, not just a small group of Weibo fans can change perceptions.

On Friday night, a few minutes before the voting box was closed, many Chen Yi fans took a quick look and found that Liu Zhongming had as high as 439w votes on the Jiang Ting voting page; while the number of votes cast by Chen Yi fans in a week was only 278w.

At that moment, they once again felt the powerlessness that they experienced only last week.

It’s so fucking suffocating!

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