Climb To The Top

Chapter 42

After Zhang Ning announced Meng Yu and Chen Yi, Arranger Instructor Wen Ya began to announce the second group of couples.

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“Hong Shiyu and Xu Zhengxuan, please come out. The number of votes for Hong Shiyu on the voting page of Xu Zhengxuan’s most anticipated couple is 24w and the number of votes for Xu Zhengxuan on the voting page of Hong Shiyu’s most anticipated couple is 32w. Congratulations, you have formed the couple for the next double PK competition.”

The two stood on one side. Xu Zhengxuan’s fans were a little dissatisfied and they complained about it on the barrage.

“Did the program group deliberately rectify Xu Zhengxuan? Choose partners who do not match Xu Zhengxuan’s style?”

After all, the last time Xu Ya and Xu Zhengxuan pulled the stage of dance music, but this time they changed to another dance music partner. Does this mean that they want Xu Zhengxuan to die?

But after the distribution map of their respective partners appeared, Xu Zhengxuan’s fans stopped talking completely. Because Xu Zhengxuan’s two leading female partners, Jiang Ting and Lin Xinxiang, are each marked in red with the words of their existing partners and the probability of cooperation between the two is higher than that with Xu Zhengxuan.

Other male trainee fans are uncomfortable.

Then, after this group announced, it was Zhang Ning’s turn to continue to announce and Zhang Ning didn’t hesitate.

“Lin Xinxiang and Xu Jiayin are on the list. Lin Xinxiang’s votes under Xu Jiayin’s voting page are 37w and Xu Jiayin’s votes under Lin Xinxiang’s voting page are 92w. Congratulations, you form a couple.”

After the two came out, they stood on one side, handsome men and beautiful women, and the picture was very beautiful. However, the two fans were a little sighed in their hearts.

Lin Xinxiang’s fans sighed that Lin Xinxiang once wanted to cooperate with Xu Jiayin, but there were too many people around him to squeeze in. And now Lin Xinxiang fans don’t want to let Lin Xinxiang cooperate with Xu Jiayin. The results of Lin Xinxiang’s cooperation with Liu Zhongming last week were good. Lin Xinxiang fans wanted the two to continue to cooperate. The number of votes on Liu Zhongming’s page went to more than one million, and the result on the last day, they were cut off by Jiang Ting’s fans. It was really a twist of fate.

As for the fans of Xu Jiayin, their hearts are even more complicated. They also said that the data of Jiang Ting’s new song was blurred earlier, and Xu Jiayin fans felt bad, and they made up their minds to choose a partner this week to focus on grabbing Lin Xinxiang. But when Jiang Ting’s new song data counterattack exploded on the back foot, they were slapped hard.

Especially now, there are still some sarcastic people who ridicule Xu Jiayin’s fans saying that they are losing the watermelon and turning back to pick up sesame seeds1, but the sesame seeds don’t want to be picked up by them. This is so fucking embarrassing.

After the announcement of the third couple, Wen Ya announced the fourth couple.

“Lei Yunyun and Xin Jiu are listed. Lei Yunyun’s votes on Xin Jiu’s most anticipated couple’s voting page is 12w and Xin Jiu’s most anticipated couple’s voting page in Lei Yunyun is 9w. Congratulations, you are the couple who will form the next double PK competition.”

This pair appeared and the two fans did not say anything. Seeing other fans teasing about the ‘elimination schedule’ one after another, the angry fans of the two immediately shared the same hatred and angered these people.

Immediately afterward, the video camera cut to the remaining four people.

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Xu Ya’s lips trembled a little. It was obvious that she was not very satisfied with the two of them. On the other hand, Sheng Kai looked excited. Who made him win fourth place this time? If he could cooperate with Jiang Ting in the next competition, then he felt that he could also think about the top two places.

Inexplicably, he felt that he should partner with Jiang Ting in this next stage.

But among the male trainees, no one does not want to cooperate with Jiang Ting. Liu Zhongming is naturally the same, his eyes are shining brightly. Compared with Sheng Kai’s utilitarian ambition, Liu Zhongming’s eyes are more yearning and respect for the strong.

All the trainees know Jiang Ting’s ability, aside from those songs, she is impeccable in singing, dancing, arrangement, and her charm, which can be described as the highest praise in the entertainment industry.

She was born to be famous.

Who wouldn’t want to cooperate with Jiang Ting?

Soon, the answer will be revealed.

“Xu Ya and Sheng Kai are on the list. Xu Ya’s votes under Sheng Kai’s voting page are 24w, and Sheng Kai’s votes under Xu Ya’s voting page are 21w. Congratulations, you are forming a couple.”

Sheng Kai’s expression turned cold in an instant, and Xu Ya even put a frown on her face. In the camera, the unhappiness of the two was edited and put on the show, completely amusing the fans who watched the video.

“Isn’t it good? The two of them cooperated in fourth place and the next episode was also fourth place. This is not scheduled for the final, why are you showing an ugly face?”

“Hahaha, look at it, does this scene look like: ‘Xu Ya said, I’m so unlucky. Sheng Kai said I’m even more unlucky’.”

After the two finished speaking, the Arranger Instructor Wen Ya said gracefully and gently.

“The rest of Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming do not need to be listed, you can form a couple by yourself. Jiang Ting’s votes on Liu Zhongming’s most anticipated couple voting page are 154w and Liu Zhongming’s votes on Jiang Ting’s voting page are 439w.”

“Congratulations, you have formed this round of couple partners.”

The words of the Arranger Instructor Wen Ya shocked all the trainees. Last week, Xu Jiayin only had more than one million votes on Jiang Ting’s voting page.

And this week, not only did Liu Zhongming’s votes under Jiang Ting’s voting page exceed the sky, breaking the 4 million mark. Even Jiang Ting has a high number of votes under Liu Zhongming’s voting page, with a total of 154w.

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However, why does Liu Zhongming have more votes under Jiang Ting’s voting page than his fans vote for Liu Zhongming?

Could it be that Liu Zhongming fans prefer Liu Zhongming to cooperate with Jiang Ting, so they don’t vote when Liu Zhongming cooperates with other people?

But the logic is wrong! It doesn’t make any sense! Are Liu Zhongming fans crazy? Trainees don’t vote on the personal voting page, but vote crazily on the partner page? Aren’t they afraid that their idol will be eliminated?

The trainees are stunned by this kind of sleazy operation.

Even Liu Zhongming himself began to doubt, how could his fans vote for such a high partner? Could it be a bunch of fake fans?

The confusion of the trainees in the video is also written on their faces and the fans of Liu Zhongming on the barrage are even happier. After the next stage, it will be the final.

To cooperate with Jiang Ting, is this not scheduled for the final? What are they afraid of?

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up.

A group of mother fans on the barrage, speaking earnestly.

“Xiao Ming, listen carefully to Sister Jiang Ting, do you understand?”

“Thank you, Jiangshui, for giving our family Zhongming a chance to cooperate with the fairy Jiang Ting.”

“Liu Zhongming, hold sister Jiang Ting’s thigh tightly. You must cooperate well and study hard.”

Liu Zhongming is young and tender-faced and most of his fans are mother fans. At least better than girlfriend fans like Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin.

They know what Jiang Ting fans like to hear and what they don’t like to hear.

For Jiang Ting fans, the most annoying thing is the couple’s bondage. After all, Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin are about the same age as Jiang Ting and they have a sense of CP when they cooperate. And idol fans are most afraid of scandals about their idols. Once they are entangled in such messy scandals, Jiang Tiang fans can be disgusted for a whole day.

But Liu Zhongming’s fans are much more sensible. First, sister Jiang Ting, it is obvious that the two idols are sisters and brothers. They also showed that their own Liu Zhongming was not strong enough, hoped that he could learn more from Jiang Ting in the cooperation, and put on a low profile.

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At least, most of Jiang Ting’s fans currently have a good sense of Liu Zhongming and Liu Zhongming’s fans.

Especially comparing Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin’s girlfriend fans, it was really bad enough before. Suddenly, there was someone who wasn’t a demon and some people still felt a little comfortable.

After Zhang Ning and Wen Ya announced their partnership, the show officially came to an end.

Countless fans are anxiously waiting for the trailer.

After the long commercial, the program group edited an ultra-long 60s trailer for an unprecedented time. The sound of “hissing” electricity sounded and the camera switched to the practice room of each player.

First, Xu Ya and Sheng Kai seemed to have a heated discussion about something, and then Chen Yi and Meng Yu practiced dancing. It seemed that Chen Yi had sprained his foot. Then, Lin Xinxiang looked at Xu Jiayin with a distressed expression, saying you can’t do it…

A couple of teaser clips passed and fans of Liu Zhongming and Jiang Ting waited patiently.

Finally, the two appeared.

It’s just that the two of them appeared in a different venue than the others, they appeared in the studio.

At this time, Jiang Ting was standing outside, next to her is Arranger Instructor Wen Ya, Jiang Ting said to Liu Zhongming.

“Zhongming, this paragraph is unclear, please repeat it.”

Liu Zhongming just sang a sentence but was interrupted by Jiang Ting.

“Zhongming, sing the first sentence using the method I taught you before, and start over again.”

Liu Zhongming persevered and continued to sing the sentence just now.

But Jiang Ting interrupted again.

“No, continue.”

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The Arranger Instructor Wen Ya next to her looked at Jiang Ting with a serious face and had to speak out to dissuade her.

“Jiang Ting, why don’t you take a break? Maybe he’s in a bad state, let’s take a break!”

Jiang Ting paused for 2 seconds, then raised her head and said to Liu Zhongming in the recording studio.

“Zhongming, do you want to rest?”

They saw Liu Zhongming raise his head, bloodshot in the whites of his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

“I can do it.”

Jiang Ting took over the scene again and spit out two words coldly.

“Come again.”

At this time, a line of words appeared at the end of the program: ‘From morning to night, Jiang Ting finally laughed’.

In the recording studio, Wen Ya yawned drowsily, Jiang Ting still stood, smiled at Liu Zhongming in the recording studio, and gave him a thumbs up, praising him.

“Well done, Zhongming.”

Liu Zhongming also showed his signature dimpled smile again.

Trailer, last 10s.

Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming appeared in the recording studio together. The two wore headphones and stood side by side, talking and laughing.

In the video, there is also a piece of music that has never been heard before. The light, beautiful, and romantic main theme of the music, matched with the exquisite and delicate sound of musical instruments, is inexplicably eye-catching.

Immediately afterward, they saw Jiang Ting in the video saying sternly and began to sing.

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