Climb To The Top

Chapter 46

It has been a week since the sixth episode of “National Couple”. This week, fans basically did not have much contradiction with each other except for the shady incident of tearing the program group together with the enemy.

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After all, the three major fans groups, such as Jiang Ting fans, Chen Yi fans, and Xu Jiayin fans are currently satisfied with their respective partners. Jiang Ting’s partner, Liu Zhongming, was chosen by Jiang Ting fans themselves.

Chen Yi’s partner, Meng Yu, although Chen Yi fans were a little dissatisfied at first, after the Support Club’s explanation, fans feel that Meng Yu’s strength is also good and she was a good match with Chen Yi.

As for Xu Jiayin’s partner, Lin Xinxiang, this is a couple that Jiang Ting once said is suitable for a partner. Although Xu Jiayin fans don’t like Jiang Ting fans, being able to say such a sentence from Jiang Ting mouth has already shown how optimistic she was about this group of partners, so they naturally felt relieved.

In addition, the remaining nine trainees fans are all added together and there are not as many fans as the three of them.

After the trailer ended last week, there was controversy among fans, including Jiang Ting fans and Liu Zhongming fans. After all, the post-editing of the program group was too terrible.

Almost every pair has contradictions. But after Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin’s teaser of the devil’s editing incident, fans can’t guarantee that is it their own cooking and other idols that are really in conflict? Or is the program group once again inappropriate for the devil’s editing?

Therefore, after a calm week, the seventh episode of “National Couple” came with much anticipation.

It was another Saturday night at 8 o’clock, the “National Couple” was launched on time, and the audience and fans clicked one after another.

The title begins with a review of the previous episode and a long series of advertisements are added. Some sharp-eyed viewers even noticed that a certain brand of mobile phone did not appear in the previous episode, but it actually appeared in this episode.

Is this dog show temporarily added to the advertisers? It seems this program is completely red!

After all, the show is already halfway through and there are still advertisers coming in to join in the fun. Either these advertisers are burning too much money, or the advertising traffic brought by this show is too large, so advertisers are willing to get involved halfway and come in to join in the fun.

After the advertisement ended, Zhang Ning, the Chief Instructor, led the other three instructors over.

She was wearing a bright red tube top dress, sexy and charming, coupled with that extremely aggressive face, greatly attracted the favor of the audience.

“Good evening, everyone, I’m Zhang Ning, welcome to watch “National Couple” again…”

The other instructors next to her also introduced themselves.

“I’m Lin Ershu…”

“…Vocal Instructor He Xi.”

“I’m the Arranger Instructor Wen Ya.”

After the introduction, the instructors took their seats. Zhang Ning quickly read an advertisement and then showed a charming smile.

“The third round of the “National Couple” double PK competition has officially started. Now, each group of couples is invited to send a trainee first and the order of the competition will be drawn.”

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During the competition, Jiang Ting did not go to the lottery. The last time she went to the lottery was purely because Xu Jiayin did not want to go. She had no choice but to go. This time she simply let Liu Zhongming go. Compared to Xu Jiayin, who looks perfect and gentle, but is a little arrogant, Liu Zhongming is much more obedient, so let him do what he wants.

The most important thing is that although Liu Zhongming is as obedient as Chen Yi, their two types of obedience are different. Chen Yi believed in Jiang Ting and was willing to trust Jiang Ting, so he took the initiative to cooperate with Jiang Ting; while Liu Zhongming purely admired the strong and often looked at Jiang Ting with adoring eyes.

To put it simply, during the cooperation, if Jiang Ting did not do a good job, Chen Yi will take the initiative to check for omissions and fill in the gaps and make up for them again; as for Liu Zhongming, everything Jiang Ting said is correct, whether this is good or that is good, Jiang Ting has no problems. Sister Jiang Ting is perfect.

Anyway, just blow it off.

Who can say no to such a handsome young man? Anyway, Jiang Ting could not say it.

After Liu Zhongming finished drawing the number, Jiang Ting took a look and saw that it was number 2, which surprised her. It was the first time she had drawn such a high number.

After a week of contact, Jiang Ting knew that Liu Zhongming was a trainee who had no self-confidence for a long time, so she always praised Liu Zhongming to help the other party build up his self-confidence. So, she took advantage of the opportunity to praise Liu Zhongming.

“It’s pretty good.” Jiang Ting said.

Liu Zhongming smiled shyly after hearing this and added, “The ones in front of us are Sister Xu Ya and Brother Sheng Kai.”

Jiang Ting let out a ‘hmm’ and asked, “Remember what I taught you during the rehearsal, you know?”

Liu Zhongming nodded.

“Yes, I’ve remembered it all.”

“Okay.” After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she and Liu Zhongming stepped off the stage to prepare to go.

After the results of the draw came out, the video also listed the order in which the six groups of couples appeared in the program.

“The first group: Xu Ya, Sheng Kai

The second group: Jiang Ting, Liu Zhongming

The third group: Hong Shiyu, Xu Zhengxuan

The fourth group: Meng Yu, Chen Yi

The fifth group: Lin Xinxiang, Xu Jiayin

The sixth group: Lei Yunyun, Xin Jiu. ”

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The order of the six groups of appearances appeared on the public screen of the show, Jiang Ting’s fans were stunned, and they put question marks on the barrage.


“Am I blind? Is Ting Bao the second one to appear?”

“Sister Jiang Shui in front, you are not blind, it is Tingting and Liu Zhongming.”

After Jiang Ting’s fans were surprised, they were greeted with cheers and excitement. Regardless of whether the program group manipulated the order of appearances in the previous few times, it was still the result of the actual lottery.

However, from the qualification round, Jiang Ting played in a relatively low order each time. Even in the team competition, the boys’ group played first and the girls’ group came later. Today, Jiang Ting’s fans are excited because the order of appearance is so high for the first time.

After the lottery was over, the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning first introduced Xu Ya and Sheng Kai and then played the pre-match video practice before the stage.

Because the devil’s editing of the fourth episode of the program group was too scary, there were all kinds of black Xu Jiayin in the trailer, which caused Jiang Ting’s fans to chase and scold Xu Jiayin for a week. After that, whenever the trainees in the trailers of the program group clashed, the fans did not dare to start a war at will.

Halfway through the game, there were 12 trainees left, which is enough to show that the trainee fans who have reached this period are not easy to get along with, and naturally they cannot be the same as the previous few times.

Therefore, when Xu Ya and Sheng Kai fans saw that Xu Ya and Sheng Kai seemed to have a fierce quarrel in the trailer of the last episode, they did not pay much attention and even thought that it was another disgusting devil editing of the program group.

However, the pre-match video slapped their faces.

Xu Ya and Sheng Kai quarreled over the song selection, it is even more intense than in the trailer.

These two people were already tough, but when they collided together, it was even more thunderous and neither of them would back down.

Xu Ya partnered twice, once with Xu Jiayin and once with Xu Zhengxuan. The former Xu Jiayin was more stubborn than her, plus Xu Jiayin was the number one in the boys’ group, Xu Ya was convinced. In the latter, Xu Ya forced Xu Zhengxuan to listen to her choice and chose the dance style that he was not good at, which led to their failure on stage.

This is enough to show that as long as Xu Ya has a trace of confidence in her heart, she will never give up the control of the stage no matter what.

As for Sheng Kai, his heart is higher than the sky and his life is thinner than paper.

Except for the second place in the qualification round, his rankings in all aspects have plummeted since then. If Xu Zhengxuan and Xu Ya hadn’t made a mistake in choosing a song last time, causing Xu Zhengxuan to drop to fifth place, Sheng Kai would never have counterattacked Xu Zhengxuan. When he saw that his partner was Xu Ya who caused Xu Zhengxuan to fall to the elimination seat, Sheng Kai’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

After the two cooperated, Sheng Kai saw that Xu Ya had always favored her in choosing songs, and became even more angry, so he simply spoke out.

“I won’t listen to you. If I listen to you again, won’t I become the same as Xu Zhengxuan who was harmed by you?”

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In an instant, his words made Xu Ya laugh angrily and she immediately turned against the other party.

“When you talk about me, I suggest you review yourself. Zhen Qian, who cooperated with you, was eliminated after listening to your song selection?”

The two stabbed each other with knives and their words were rude, especially Xu Ya, who directly pulled Zhen Qian out and whipped the corpse.

There are people who used to be fans of Zhen Qian. When Zhen Qian was eliminated, they switched to other trainees to follow the program. When they heard Xu Ya’s words, they immediately expressed their opinions.

“The former Zhen Qian fans said: Xu Ya, this is a bit unkind.”

“The only fans of the show, the whipping corpse is okay.”

“Hahaha, I’m going to be laughed to death by Xu Ya’s mouth. It’s too poisonous, specifically poking Sheng Kai’s heart nest.”

The two were torn apart in the pre-match video before the stage. Not only did they not affect the senses of passers-by, but they also directly attracted a wave of fans to Xu Ya, who made star chasers mostly female fans. Anyway, Xu Ya was not their own cooking, plus watching each other scare people online is quite funny.

It was a pure surprise.

Except for some sour words from Sheng Kai fans on the barrage, it looked very harmonious, but after the performance started, the direction of the wind changed.

Although the audience was well prepared for this stage to be rotten to the extreme, they never expected it to be rotten to the sky.

The two of them did not know if they were out of their minds or if they were influenced by Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin’s group in the previous issue, they actually abandoned their advantageous dance style songs and chose a little sweet song that did not suit their style.

However, they overestimated their ability to interpret the song.

Xu Ya’s cold and glamorous temperament coupled with Sheng Kai’s affectation of melancholy made a complete performance into a performance that was torn apart and contradictive, which really confused everyone.

The makeup and costumes of the two are close to the stage of the first two dance music styles, but the song and the set probably want to refer to the beautiful stage of Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin in the last stage. It looks beautiful.

When the singer’s makeup, costume style, and stage background conflict, the overall effect becomes unsatisfactory.

Looking at the two people’s faces and singing love songs to each other, the audience suddenly felt an indescribable sense of distortion. Don’t they both feel that something is wrong?

Can you smile while performing? Is this putting on a pair of Sima faces to blind the audience’s eyes?

After watching it, some other fans immediately asked about it in the barrage.


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“Didn’t the pre-match video say that they chose dance music? Now, I’m blind?”

“@Xu Ya fans, Sheng Kai fans, hurry up and tell me who’s to blame for this stage?”

“Xu Ya: I am so miserable; Sheng Kai: I am even worse.”

On the barrage, there were first fans ridiculing, but gradually it turned into Xu Ya’s fans and Sheng Kai’s fans throwing blame at each other. In short, it’s not my idol’s fault, it’s all about your idols being overconfident and blind bb, and they don’t want to listen to our family’s retort.

Xu Ya and Sheng Kai’s performances are actually good just by listening to the two of them sing, at least the singing is quite complete and has no obvious flaws. But if you look at it with the stage, it will really blind everyone’s eyes.

The soft and beautiful lights of the program group shone on the faces of the two people, making it even more catastrophic; in addition, there seemed to be conflicts between the two that had not been resolved, and the cooperation was even more messed up.

During the performance, Xu Ya did not even want to look at Sheng Kai, a sweet song was performed by Xu Ya with a cold look. As for Sheng Kai, who is also a showman, Xu Ya ignored him, he simply pretended to be pitiful and melancholy.

The weird stage of them can be regarded as one of the worst performances in the audience since the show started, and it can be bad.

In the end, the public judges gave a relatively high score: 313.

After the public judges scored, the two left the stage and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly heated up. The Chief Instructor Zhang Ning walked up to the stage with a swaying skirt and said with a smile.

“It seems that everyone knows who the next couple will be on stage. Then I won’t say much. Since you are looking forward to their performance, let’s hand over the stage to them now. Let us welcome Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming to bring us their songs.”

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, the fans who were watching the show with their mobile phones found that the video went black, and then, the pre-match video of the two appeared.

The first sentence of the opening sentence is that Liu Zhongming stood timidly in front of the door of Jiang Ting’s practice room, wanting to knock on the door but not daring to knock.

“What should I do? I’m so nervous.” Liu Zhongming said with a vibrato.

Then, after hesitating for a few seconds, Liu Zhongming summoned the courage to knock on the door.

“Knock… Knock…”

A female voice came from the other end.

“The door is unlocked, please come in.”

Liu Zhongming opened the door and walked in.

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