Climb To The Top

Chapter 47

After entering the room, Liu Zhongming chatted with Jiang Ting for a while. Jiang Ting kept laughing and praised Liu Zhongming all the time. But the camera kept spinning on Liu Zhongming’s body and the audience could clearly see Liu Zhongming’s trembling legs and clenched hands.

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Immediately afterward, the camera switched to Jiang Ting’s perspective of the small black room and the post-production of the program group asked questions.

“When you worked with Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin before, it seemed that you seldom praised them. Why do you always praise him when you worked with Liu Zhongming?”

Jiang Ting said with a serious expression after hearing this topic.

“I’m actually not a person who is very good at complimenting others, but when Zhongming first came to me, I could feel his nervousness. In order to let him relax, I kept talking to him with a smile. But in the process of contact, I found out that Zhongming is a boy who is extremely lacking in self-confidence and he needs the encouragement of others.”

Afterward, the program edited apart from Jiang Ting’s various encouragements to Liu Zhongming, and Liu Zhongming also obviously relaxed, even his legs were no longer shaking and his hands were gradually liberated.

“Then, when you comforted Liu Zhongming, was the evaluation between Chen Yi, Hong Shiyu, Lin Xinxiang, and Liu Zhongming true?”

The program group obviously had bad intentions for this question.

Jiang Ting said at the time that Chen Yi, Hong Shiyu, and even Lin Xinxiang’s performances were not as good as Liu Zhongming’s, a large part of which was to comfort Liu Zhongming, but once this question was asked, Jiang Ting could not answer that way.

Some of Jiang Ting’s fans saw the malicious intentions of the program group and sprayed the program group on the barrage.

“The program team is not a man, and then they will set Jiang Ting up and divert the shady incident. Tonight, Dong Dacha will be biss.”

“The show team is cold, really don’t want Bilian, can you ask this question?”

“It’s disgusting, the “National Couple” program group personally went off to step on several other trainees for Jiang Ting, Dong Dacha, you don’t have any intentions.”

Because of the recent shady incident, the program group has been trying to divert the attention of fans and secretly releasing all kinds of information, but fans are not without brains. When they saw the fake news, they immediately lost interest.

Forced into helplessness, the program group had no choice but to personally dig holes for many trainees, and through the devil’s editing, they tried to set off a melee among fans. The reason why Xu Ya and Sheng Kai’s makeup and costumes do not fit the theme of the stage performance already shows that the program team has taken action.

As for Jiang Ting’s group, they could not make it too obvious, so they could only secretly dig holes for Jiang Ting.

If Jiang Ting jumped into the pit to say that she was telling the truth, she hit three and offended three fans in one breath, and Jiang Ting’s fans came down and started a melee between fans.

If Jiang Ting did not jump into the pit, which also shows that Jiang Ting lied, not only to offend Liu Zhongming’s fans but also to cause ridicule from various fans. Jiang Ting’s fans must fight back and draw attention to the shady incident.

This kind of insidious little routine is no less than the devil’s editing. Some Jiang Ting fans who have been in the entertainment industry’s major variety show all year round immediately noticed the sinister intentions of the program group, and worried for Jiang Ting.

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Jiang Ting was silent for a long time before responding slowly.

“The trainees who can make it to this round are not only due to luck but also rely on their strength and their own hard work. But sometimes, a little bit of luck is also needed. For example, my partner in each round is very good. Not only am I helping others, but others are also helping me…”

In short, Jiang Ting talked a lot, but she did not mention what happened between the other three people and Liu Zhongming.

Anyway, she just doesn’t respond positively, what can the program group do with me?

What Jiang Ting said before depends on how the fans understand it. Some of them are willing to understand that Jiang Ting comforts Liu Zhongming, and naturally, there are also those who say that Liu Zhongming’s performance on several stages is indeed better than the three of them. But all this is no longer what Jiang Ting has considered.

Since she said those words at that time, she has no regrets. After all, what she said was the truth. If Liu Zhongming performed badly in every round, he would not have made it to the boys’ finals now. Coupled with the partnership of Liu Zhongming and Jiang Ting in this round, this has been regarded by many people as a walk to the final.

However, Jiang Ting did not want the program group to use her to bully others, so she simply changed the topic and fans could understand it as they liked.

Jiang Ting’s answer dissatisfied the program group and also dissatisfied some black fans who were looking forward to Jiang Ting’s jumping into the pit. The black fans bluntly said that Jiang Ting changed the subject and did not answer this question at all. She kept stepping on Liu Zhongming, and praised Chen Yi and the three, saying that Jiang Ting was blind, trying to provoke trouble among several fans.

When Jiang Ting fans saw this group of black fans, they were even more disgusted. They wanted to step on Jiang Ting whenever they had the opportunity. They were like bed bugs hiding in the gutter, making people sick to their stomachs.

Fortunately, Liu Zhongming’s fans know how to be human. Seeing Jiang Ting’s fans and black fans scolding each other, and vaguely trying to bully the other three fans, they simply took the initiative to take the blame.

“Thanks to the kind-hearted Fairy Jiang Ting, who has been comforting Xiaoming.”

“Can the black fans stop dancing, Mingming’s strength itself is not as good as the other three idols, Jiang Ting comforted a few words, the black fans are fucked?”

“Chen Yi, Hong Shiyu, and Lin Xinxiang have all helped Mingbao, thank the three kind idols, and finally thank the beauty Jiang Ting for their comfort.”

Liu Zhongming’s fans took the initiative to take the blame, claiming that their strength is not as good as the other three, indicating that Jiang Ting’s words were only to comfort Liu Zhongming, which was considered to calm the dissatisfaction of the other three fans. Otherwise, the black fans will bring the rhythm and maybe the fans of the five families will have to start a scuffle again.

You know, not long after the show came out, Jiang Ting’s words had already been carried by major forums and black fans misunderstood Jiang Ting in various ways and tried to provoke several families.

Liu Zhongming’s fans took the initiative to bow their heads and took a step back, which also satisfied several other fans.

People have to say that if some idols have few fans, but they are very loyal and their fans are reliable, then they are considered lucky. But it would be a headache if some idols have few scumbag fans and love to be demons, not to mention lying to others to suck blood, but also acting like idiots, trying to recruit their own idols everywhere.

Fortunately, all of Liu Zhongming’s fans are mother fans, even if there are some brainless fans, they will be urged by their family members in time, and if the supervision fails, they will be directly linked to the anti-black group. At least, because of the behavior of Liu Zhongming’s fans, Liu Zhongming is currently cooperating with Jiang Ting, and Jiang Ting’s fans have no ill will towards Liu Zhongming.

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In the pre-match video, the title of the song chosen by the two was revealed, which was called ‘Little Dimples’. It happened that Liu Zhongming’s fans found that Liu Zhongming had a pair of dimples on his face, which seemed to be very suitable.

In the practice room, Jiang Ting took the initiative to say that Liu Zhongming had dimples on his face and Liu Zhongming’s unconfident performance, all of which were cut out. The program team is well versed in the process of forming CPs, in order to leave enough space for the audience, it is also a lot of effort to let them imagine why the two of them performed this song.

Soon, the camera switched to the recording studio and then the audience really realized what kind of person Jiang Ting was.

She stayed with the Arranger Instructor Wen Ya and conducted the instructor around. Facing Liu Zhongming, her words were even more sharp and she did not care about Liu Zhongming’s grievances at all. She also bluntly said that the teacher who taught Liu Zhongming to sing was misleading these children.

Coupled with the extremely depressing background music matched by the program group, Jiang Ting looked like a big devil.

All the fans on the barrage commented, “Is Jiang Ting so scary? Light a candle for Liu Zhongming.”

“@Liu Zhongming’s fans, how do you feel?”

“@Liu Zhongming’s fans replied: I am very sympathetic to Mingbao, but I am also very grateful for Fairy Jiang Ting’s advice because she is all for Mingbao’s good.”

Fortunately, in the pre-match video, the cold face buff initiated by Jiang Ting soon passed away.

In post-production of the program, a line of characters appears on the black screen.

“From morning to night, Jiang Ting finally smiled.”

In the video, the Instructor Wen Ya leaned on the chair and dozed off, while Jiang Ting, who was standing beside her, finally showed a smile on her face and praised Liu Zhongming again.

“Well done.”

At the same time, the two of them smiled knowingly, and the pre-match video stopped.

And the camera cuts back to the stage again.


In the center of the dark stage, a large screen suddenly lit up, and then a short video was played.

In the video, the camera pans to the sky and the light rain is gradually falling. A man and a woman are wearing school uniforms and waiting for the bus at the station.

The camera is close, the man and the woman happen to be Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming.

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Liu Zhongming snatched the schoolbag that Jiang Ting used to cover her head to hide from the rain. Jiang Ting was anxious and angry. She was wearing a school uniform and school skirt, pure and beautiful. Soon, she stepped forward to chase Liu Zhongming who snatched her schoolbag in front.

Then, the camera switches again.

In the noisy classroom, Jiang Ting wore a ponytail and sat at the desk earnestly to do her homework.

Liu Zhongming sat behind her with a foolish face. He deliberately took out a pen and poked Jiang Ting’s back. Jiang Ting frowned and paused, but refused to talk to him and continued to do his homework.

Liu Zhongming’s expression was a little discouraged. He looked very bored until his eyes fell on Jiang Ting’s scattered hair and he was stunned.

He put down the pen involuntarily and carefully pinched a strand of hair in Jiang Ting’s ponytail with his hands. He twisted and played with it on his fingers.

At this time, a gust of wind chimes sounded, and in the short video, the campus’s youthful feeling rushed to the audience, infecting the audience.

The short video continues.

The bell rang for the end of the class. Jiang Ting finished packing her school bag and was about to leave when she saw Liu Zhongming lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

At this time, someone happened to ask Jiang Ting to go with her, but Jiang Ting refused.

After everyone in the classroom left, Jiang Ting squatted beside Liu Zhongming’s desk, her face happened to be facing Liu Zhongming’s profile.

Looking at the shallow dimples on his face, Jiang Ting smiled inexplicably. Her smile was clear and beautiful, like a pure white gardenia, which made people’s hearts flutter.

Then, everyone saw that she stretched out her right index finger and quietly poked Liu Zhongming’s dimple.

The camera cut close to Liu Zhongming’s face, his long eyelashes seemed to flicker slightly.

When Jiang Ting wanted to continue poking his dimples, his eyelashes rose and his eyes were completely opened, and the two looked at each other. Immediately afterward, Jiang Ting was grabbed by Liu Zhongming and laughed, and the two started playing again.

In just 20 seconds, all viewers who watched this short video felt the pure love between the two boys and girls from the bottom of their hearts. They seemed to like each other.

Next, came the bloodiest part, but it still caused countless fans to cry.

The two passed by the intersection after school and went home, fighting together all the way. This scene cuts to a large truck without a driver. Because of the steep slope, the car automatically slides down.

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Liu Zhongming stood in front with his back to the audience, still laughing with Jiang Ting. He was mischievous, looking at Jiang Ting with sparkling eyes, but he could not see the danger from the left at all.

At this time, Jiang Ting saw the truck sliding rapidly, her face changed drastically, and she suddenly shouted: “Be careful.”

She ran forward and pushed Liu Zhongming away.

With a ‘bang’, the video screen went black.

Immediately afterward, a camera slowly opened its eyes and saw a dilapidated truck, a trash can smashed into pieces, and a school bag that had fallen far away.

The camera switched to the distant view again, Jiang Ting’s body trembled and fell into a pool of blood. When Liu Zhongming saw it, his expression was inconceivable, and then he panicked. In front of Jiang Ting, he saw that she was covered in blood, but he didn’t know what to do.

His tears fell for some time, his expression collapsed, and he shouted piercingly.

“Ambulance, ambulance…don’t…” He stepped forward and hugged Jiang Ting, his hands stained with blood.

The camera switches to half-open eyes again, which tells people that this is Jiang Ting’s perspective. At the same time, the audience saw a blood-stained hand slowly reaching out to the dimple on Liu Zhongming’s face and tapping it lightly.

But the next second, the hand suddenly fell to the ground.

In an instant, the audience burst into tears and Jiang Ting fans in front of the screen shouted wildly on the barrage.

“My God, no.”

“Don’t die!”

“I can’t do it anymore, I’m in tears.”

Immediately afterward, the familiar sound of wind chimes came again.

But different from the wind chimes that appeared for the first time, which brought fresh and beautiful breath to the audience and fans, the wind chimes that appeared for the second time brought people a feeling that was sour, sweet, and cruel.

Meanwhile, the short video is coming to an end.

With a ‘bang’ sound, the big screen was instantly black.

A beam of bright white light hit the left corner of the stage, revealing a familiar figure, and the familiar sound of wind chimes rang again in the ears of the audience.

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