Climb To The Top

Chapter 49

The first is the stage between Hong Shiyu and Xu Zhengxuan. Probably because of Xu Ya’s loss last time, Xu Zhengxuan will not back down this time. When Hong Shiyu proposed to choose a song in the style of dance music, Xu Zhengxuan directly refused.

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His reasons are good.

“I’m not good at this kind of stage. If you don’t want to be eliminated, I suggest you don’t choose this kind of stage.”

Suddenly, Hong Shiyu was choked.

Last week, Hong Shiyu was able to advance to the top four. A large part of the reason was that the stage with Chen Yi won third place in the public judging vote, which increased their promotion rate.

This time it was changed to cooperate with Xu Zhengxuan. If the live stage fails, then she is 100% scheduled to be eliminated. Hong Shiyu, who struggled for a while, finally chose to back down.

The two finally settled on a ballad song. On the stage, Hong Shiyu was wearing a water-green floor-length dress and Xu Zhengxuan was wearing a black suit, which could be regarded as a grand performance.

But the whole song was too difficult. Xu Zhengxuan took a lot of pressure, but it showed his dignity as a vocalist and his part was quite brilliant; while the part of Hong Shiyu was suppressed by Xu Zhengxuan all the time, resulting in the female voice parts are on the weak side and sound uncoordinated.

Nearly half of the music reviewers are in the public judges, the voting is naturally very harsh, and the final two score is 375.

Hong Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the results. It seemed that the results were only a little lower than the previous round. She felt that there should be no problem.

Unexpectedly, there were still people who were eliminated at the bottom of the knockout round in the previous round. In this round of boys’ and girls’ groups, only four trainees were able to successfully break through and advance to the finals. She seemed to relax too early.

After the two performed, it was Chen Yi and Meng Yu.

This group of couples is the first dance music stage in this episode. However, it is not a dance music stage in the style of ‘Troublemaker’.

In the pre-match video, Chen Yi showed his ability for the first time. He first analyzed Meng Yu’s songs and stage style, and finally, combined them with his own style. He finalized a rock-and-roll dance-style song.

During this period, both of them talked about rap. Meng Yu’s rap was reflected in ‘Miss Similar’ before. But what surprised many people is that Chen Yi’s rap ability is also very strong, but he did not show this tendency at all before.

Chen Yi was different from the sexy and lustful stage style of the previous few times. He and Meng Yu interpreted this famous song in an alternative way. The cool, dark, and wild stage of the two instantly attracted a large number of audiences.

Even the instructors in the post-production of the show were surprised and commented one after another, saying that Chen Yi had broken through himself. At the same time, this is also the first time that Chen Yi has shown his true strength in the show.

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He is equally strong, quiet, and taciturn. It doesn’t mean that his strength will lose to Xu Jiayin.

After the stage performance of Chen Yi and Meng Yu, 500 public judges gave an unprecedented high score: 456, second only to the stage score of Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on Hong Shiyu’s forehead.

Because she began to realize that she might be in danger.

At present, this stage is not only benefiting Chen Yi but also his partner Meng Yu.

The six girls in the girls’ group, which was she, Meng Yu, and Lei Yunyun are basically in the elimination schedule. As for Jiang Ting, Lin Xinxiang, and Xu Ya, even if these three make mistakes on the stage, they can rely on their fans to advance. Especially Xu Ya. Despite her low ranking in the last issue, she has more fans than Lin Xinxiang. At the end of this stage, it will be the knockout round and Xu Ya’s fans will definitely do their best to make Xu Ya advance to the final.

Then she, Meng Yu, and Lei Yunyun are in danger.

But now, relying on Chen Yi, Meng Yu successfully counterattacked, with 456 points, and what about Hong Shiyu?

She relied on Chen Yi to counterattack last week and this week she wanted to rely on Xu Zhengxuan, but it seemed unreliable.

Hong Shiyu felt a little bad at the thought that she might be eliminated.

After Chen Yi and Meng Yu’s performance was over, it was the fifth group’s turn to perform, Lin Xinxiang and Xu Jiayin’s group.

This group is especially wonderful. The audience’s expectations for this group of couples are second only to Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming. After all, Lin Xinxiang and Xu Jiayin seem to have never missed the stage these few times. Of course, Lin Xinxiang’s performance during the qualification round was not very good, so this group is not only popular, but the audience’s expectations for them are also high.

It’s just…

In the pre-match video, Xu Jiayin’s stubbornness is really unbearable for ordinary people. Lin Xinxiang’s fans have asked Jiang Ting fans on the barrage.

“@JiangShui, who can tell me how Jiang Ting collaborated with Xu Jiayin on the last stage?”

“Jiang Ting is really strong, can she convince Xu Jiayin? Absolutely.”

“Xu Jiayin is too strict, why didn’t he think about his partner?”

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Lin Xinxiang’s fans are half ridiculed and half complained about Xu Jiayin’s desire to control too much.

Xu Jiayin is different from Jiang Ting. Although Jiang Ting has a strong personality and has always dominated the stage of the two of them, she can accurately analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the trainees and help them make adjustments. Once she finds out which aspects of the other party’s weaknesses, she will not selfishly choose the stage that is good for herself but not suitable for others. Therefore, even if Jiang Ting’s black fans saw it, although they scolded her fiercely, they had to say in their heart that Jiang Ting’s character was not bad.

But Xu Jiayin is different from others. Xu Jiayin has strong abilities, so every time he chooses songs, he can’t help but prefer difficult songs. It seems that Lin Xinxiang’s overall strength has not been considered.

Lin Xinxiang’s voice is very unique in the show, but it does not mean that her singing ability is very strong. Although she is a talented singer, she is only a rough jade at present. Without systematic carving, it did not burst out with all its brilliance.

In some places, she was not capable enough to express herself, but she did not dare to tell Xu Jiayin, so she could only hide in a corner and cry bitterly.

In the pre-match video, because she practiced a high-pitched voice a few times, she could not make it up and Xu Jiayin sprayed her head with blood. When the camera interviewed her privately, Lin Xinxiang’s eyes were full of tears, which made Xu Jiayin’s face even more odious. After Lin Xinxiang’s fans saw it, even Buddhist fans could not bear their idols being ‘bullied’ by others and immediately started scolding them.

But how could Xu Jiayin’s fans allow each other to scold them? Xu Jiayin and Lin Xinxiang haven’t performed yet and the two fans have completely torn their faces apart.

The two fans did not realize that the devil’s editing of the program group was coming again. For example, Xu Jiayin’s snarky words were not ugly, but just pointed out Lin Xinxiang’s shortcomings. Coupled with the indifferent expression edited by the program group, Xu Jiayin’s face appeared disgusting.

And the scene where Lin Xinxiang cried was not complaining about Xu Jiayin, but because she felt that the knockout round was approaching. Her ability was not enough. She felt that she was holding Xu Jiayin back and she was under a lot of pressure to cry. But after the devil’s editing, Lin Xinxiang accused Xu Jiayin.

Soon, the pre-match video ended and the two began to perform on stage.

Lin Xinxiang’s orange mopping gauze skirt was beautiful and elegant; Xu Jiayin’s red velvet suit jacket was handsome and elegant, and they sang a classic love song together.

However, after Xu Jiayin’s adaptation, the song became more difficult. Compared with the plain original version, the song after the collaboration between the two has more falsetto notes. Coupled with the release of the high-pitched part, the mood of the whole song soared instantly. Until the end of the song, it seemed that the audience woke up from their dreams, followed by involuntary applause.

When the perfect stage of the two appeared, the fans of the two gradually settled down. In the “National Couple” show, the two fans fought against each other, mostly because one of them sucked blood, or the stage failed, and they blamed each other.

With two strong contestants like Lin Xinxiang and Xu Jiayin, the stage they performed on was very superior, then all the conflicts between the two fans before became calm and turned into nothingness.

It can also be said that Xu Jiayin and Lin Xinxiang used their strength to completely extinguish the flames of war that the program group’s devil editing wanted to cause.

In the end, the score of the two was 448 points, which was slightly lower than that of Chen Yi and Meng Yu.

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After watching the five sets of performances, some audiences sighed at the barrage.

“This episode seems to be about fighting with gods.”

“Yeah, even the group of Xu Ya and Sheng Kai looks good.”

Putting aside the problems of the two’s clothing styles and expression management, Xu Ya’s group performance is also much better than that of the previous episodes.

“The next round is the final. It seems that everyone has used their trump card!”

But after the next group of couples appeared on the stage, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

The last couple to play was Lei Yunyun and Xin Jiu. The combination of these two was a disaster.

The most frightening thing is that the two of them did not know it. Before the stage, in the pre-match video, they cheered, encouraged, and praised themselves. At first glance, the audience thought they were fully prepared and looked forward to the performance of the two of them.

Then, the stage of the game slapped the audience hard in the face.

“I take back what I said just now. There are still jerks among the current trainees.”

“How did Xin Jiu and Lei Yunyun stay until now?”

“Needless to say, these two must have made some kind of py transaction with the program group. Otherwise, the program group would not be able to keep these two until now.”

In the middle of their performance, Lei Yunyun’s dance was reversed with the backup dancer and they bumped into each other. Fortunately, the backup dancer was clever and quickly supported Lei Yunyun and pushed her to her own position.

But then it was Xin Jiu’s turn to forget his words. Fortunately, Lei Yunyun took over the part of the other party’s singing and rounded it up.

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But although the mistakes of the two were made up, the audience was still dissatisfied.

After all, the remaining five groups of contestants are all very strong. But this group is the only one who joins in, which is weird no matter how they look at it.

The final score of the two was 287. The public judges experienced the first five groups of music feasts, but they were fed and poisoned at the end. They immediately gave the most severe judge points.

After Lei Yunyun and Xin Jiu saw the scores, Lei Yunyun finally could not help crying and Xin Jiu’s face was not very good.

Among the six groups of trainees in the audience, they were the only couple who fell below 300 points, which shows how much the public judges did not like them.

After the six groups performed, Chief Instructor Zhang Ning appeared on the stage again, read a long advertisement, and said.

“At present, all six groups of trainees have completed their performances. Among them, Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming, who received the highest number of votes from the 500 public judges on the spot, successfully defended the Black Gold Throne of this round with 471 votes. At the same time, this is the third time that trainee Jiang Ting has returned to the Black Gold Throne. Let us congratulate them…”

Zhang Ning successively introduced the trainees’ practice progress of the previous week and finally announced the next knockout round.

“The previous double-scoring system is still used in this round. At present, the number of votes by all national judges last week has been sealed and the votes of the public judges in this round have also been sealed. The next issue will enter the final knockout round of “National Couple”.”

“In addition, after the knockout round, the former trainees will be recalled to carry out both boys’ and girls’ team competitions. The team that wins the team competition will receive an additional 100,000 national judges votes for the trainees in the same group during the finals and the final will be after the group competition.”

“The final is divided into two rounds. The top two trainees who are most looking forward to becoming the couple selected by the national judges this week will be used for cooperation. This week, everyone, please vote for your favorite couple. Let’s see you next week!”

When Zhang Ning said, the program group also made a template map in the post-production.

For example, if there are six male trainees B, C, D, E, F, and G under the voting page of female trainee A, and male trainees B and C have the highest number of votes on the voting page of female trainee A, then male trainee B and C will become the female trainee’s partner, and both groups of couples will perform.

If someone doesn’t understand the video, please ask in the comments below the video.

Pink Flower Butterfly: “What do you mean by this final system? What two groups of couples?”

Someone replied: “You understand that everyone who enters the finals has to perform two stages with different trainees of the opposite sex.”

“Then don’t you want to exhaust the trainees to death?”

The partner system of trainees in the finals instantly ignited discussions among fans after the game.

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