Climb To The Top

Chapter 50

After the program was broadcast on that day, the most popular topic on Weibo on the “National Couple” program page is not the stage performance of many trainees, but the topic of #”National Couple”FinalSystem#.

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All the big fans posted on Weibo with hot search topic tags and questioned the program group.

Jiang Shui stops at Tingpan v: “@”National Couple”, don’t you look a little ugly? Two rounds of performances and team competitions in the finals? Can the trainees survive?”

Glittering World v: “@Program Dog Planning, can you be a person? Before the shady incident has passed, you will start to squeeze the trainees?”

Jiayin will always be my little baby: “The pressure of the trainee final is too much, the team competition plus two rounds of the final, and the trainees have to finish the performance in a week? This God can’t do it! @”National Couple”.”

After Zhang Ning said the final system, the trainees thought about it, then this is not right! Even if the program group is divided into two episodes, the final trainees should only have one week of preparation time and they have to prepare for the team competition and the final. This is too disrespectful to treat trainees as human beings!

Contestants are also human, not machines, so don’t they need rest? The program group is not distressed, but the fans are still distressed.

In an instant, the fans of the top trainees all felt sorry for their idols.

The shady incident of the program group has not been settled yet and the incident of the finals system is added to make it even more troublesome. Seeing this, the program group responded overnight to the final system incident that the trainee fans were dissatisfied with.

“National Couple” official Weibo v: “Don’t worry, everyone is worried that the trainee’s training time is not enough will not happen. Because the team competition and the final rounds are held separately. Before the knockout competition, the trainees gather together to prepare for the team competition. After the knockout round, there will be two weeks of rehearsal time until the final, allowing the trainees to prepare for the two rounds of final performances. The final will be a live broadcast of the votes of all the national judges. Finally, thanks to the national judges for their supervision and attention to this program. All the staff of “National Couple” will continue to encourage you to move forward.”

The program group officially posted a very affectionate Weibo. Although some fans are still arguing, most fans saw that the program team has such a b number this time. The Weibo that fans have come forward to ask for an explanation for a few hours before slowly stopping.

After Jiang Ting fans saw the response of the program group with a strong desire to survive, they went back to their Chaohua, Tieba, and forums to continue discussing Jiang Ting’s beauty and new songs.

Jiang Ting’s 24w big fan chatted in Chaohua at 12:00 p.m., posted a Weibo and the top ten data of the Tengfei Music chart, and the new song ‘Little Dimple’ once again squeezed into the ninth place.

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Ting Xin Jiangshui v: “Sisters, have you seen it? It seems that it has only been four hours. Ting Ting’s new song has soared to ninth place on the Tengfei Music Chart. The rise is too fast!”

Jiang Ting’s 101st boyfriend replied to Ting Xin Jiangshui: “It’s not that the sisters replied, it should be that the last song laid a solid foundation for passers-by and attracted passers-by to listen to the song. I started with the song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’. The song is completely in the pit of Tingbao.”

The beautiful girl goose Tingbao v: “I see, the song ‘Little Dimple’ is really good, but what about the stage, it feels a bit shabby, not as good as the previous episodes.”

Ting Xin Jiangshui replied to The beautiful girl goose Tingbao: “I think it’s pretty good. Ting Ting and Liu Zhongming’s short video tortured me badly. It’s so fucking cruel. Fortunately, it’s a happy ending.”

The beautiful girl goose Tingbao replied to Ting Xin Jiangshui: “Really? Why do I think the ending is a tragedy? You didn’t find that Liu Zhongming has a shadow in the video, but Ting Ting has no shadow at all.”

Suddenly, a group of people gathered together under The beautiful girl goose Tingbao’s comment.


“?? Real or fake?”

“Damn it, I just saw it, it really has no shadow!”

The beautiful girl goose Tingbao directly posted a Weibo and attached various screenshots from the video for analysis.

The beautiful girl goose Tingbao v: “At the beginning, Tingbao closed her eyes in the video and her hands fell to the ground, which means that the person is completely gone. Let’s look at the video at the end. The girl in front of Liu Zhongming’s desk is not Ting Ting, which further shows that Tingbao’s seat has been changed. Could it be that a student’s car accident is just hospitalization and the teacher will let other students take her seat? Obviously not, after all, there are so many students in the classroom, do you have to occupy a seat with an owner? Finally, look at this picture. When Liu Zhongming stood up and looked at Ting Ting, there was a shadow under his feet, but what about Ting Ting? There was no shadow under his feet. Doesn’t this mean that this is a tragedy? In my opinion, everything in the short video is probably imagined by Liu Zhongming.” Various screenshots are attached.

Below, there are countless comments from Jiang Fan.

Hug me Ting: “It’s very scary to think about it.”

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Sweet Maltose: “My God, it’s really creepy, I thought it was a happy ending.”

Salt and sweet Fairy Jiang: “Didn’t you find that Jiang Ting’s last call to Liu Zhongming was nothing like the previous one? I always thought that someone else called Liu Zhongming, but Liu Zhongming imagined the other party as Ting Ting.”

Because of the Weibo of ‘Beautiful Girl Goose Tingbao’, all kinds of guesses have come out and the comment of ‘Salt and Sweet Jiang Fairy’ is the most liked. And a large group of people said that they felt the same way, the more they listened to that voice, the less they looked like Jiang Ting.

In the end, a total of 35 seconds of the video was made up by fans into a tragic sadistic story, completely unaware that this short video really had a happy ending.

Jiang Ting doesn’t have a shadow because of the sunlight. Plus because of the filter and angle, the shadow is on the door behind and the filter is merged and hidden. As for the change in Jiang Ting’s voice, it was purely because the director made her take dozens of consecutive shots in order to take Jiang Ting’s most beautiful scene that day. She shouted dozens of lines in a row and her voice finally became hoarse.

But it was such a coincidence that caused her fans to think too much and many people increasingly agreed with this statement, thinking that this is a sad song sung by a couple. Some people even over-interpreted their performances on stage.

For example, Jiang Ting was wearing a white skirt with a small daisy on her head, while Liu Zhongming was wearing a school uniform, which doesn’t match at all.

Some people speculate that Jiang Ting’s white dress and little daisies indicate that she is no longer in this world; while Liu Zhongming’s school uniform indicates that he is still alive in this world and continues to go to school. The secret love between the two has not yet blossomed and bears fruit, but it has become an eternal separation between man and nature. The song she sang with Liu Zhongming is estimated to have been imagined by Liu Zhongming.

These over-interpreted remarks occupied the comment area of ​​Jiang Ting’s new songs. Some audiences who just listened to the song because they did not know it was finally entertained by fans to watch the stage performance.

Even Tengfei Music, after the competition, worked overtime to re-edit the stage video of Jiang Ting’s new song. The previous video version of Tengfei Music only had the performances of Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming on stage, and in the re-made version, Tengfei Music also added two short videos.

After several hours of fermentation, the evaluation of Jiang Ting’s new song even set off a scolding war in the comment area. Of course, it is not an evaluation of the quality of Jiang Ting’s songs, but a debate about whether this song is a sweet song for couples singing duets or a lyrical song for couples who torture their hearts.

Some people only listen to the songs, they only think the songs are sweet, romantic, and beautiful; some people have seen the original stage and two short videos and when they hear this song, they can’t help but think of Jiang Ting’s blood-stained picture and feel that this is an ironclad lyric song. The fans of the two sides are torn apart and neither is convinced by the other.

Many Jiang Ting fans saw the controversy in the Tengfei Music comment area and many passers-by fans emerged and began to realize that Jiang Ting was moving into the field of mainstream music step by step. She is not limited to “National Couple” program shows.

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At present, even if she leaves the blessing of the “National Couple” program, she will be able to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. For the time being, they don’t worry about Jiang Ting’s road after the show ends.


These are the various worries of Jiang Ting’s fans. Jiang Ting, who is still in the rehearsal room at this time, doesn’t know it. She is worrying about what to do in the team competition.

“Captain, do you want some water?” Hong Shiyu took a glass of water and handed it to Jiang Ting.

Jiang Ting shook her head: “Thanks, I don’t need it for now.”

The other five female trainees surrounded her in the center, looking at her sad face, they could not help but speak out.

“What’s the matter, do you have no clue about the team competition?” Xu Ya asked aloud.

If Xu Ya still had ambitions to surpass Jiang Ting in the first few episodes, then the finals are coming soon, Xu Ya really doesn’t have the energy to challenge Jiang Ting.

She is now focusing on attracting fans. After the competition, she will make her solo debut. Although her performance is not as good as Jiang Ting, she has a lot of fans.

The company also gave her a message to let her calm down and there will be a steady stream of resources for her in the future. They also vaguely expressed that they wanted her to establish a good relationship with Jiang Ting and that it would be best to get a few songs from the other party to be the title song for herself.

But when Xu Ya heard it, she sneered. If she really wanted to get a song out of Jiang Ting’s hand, it wasn’t certain who the title song would go to in the end. But the company is right in saying that there is no harm in having a good relationship with Jiang Ting.

Therefore, this time, Xu Ya also restrained her previous arrogance and tried her best to face Jiang Ting calmly. So when the program group announced that they were going to have a team competition, the girls’ group members got along fairly well.

Jiang Ting sighed, then frowned, she asked.

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“Where are the others? Haven’t they come yet?”

Meng Yu shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I called at 11 in the morning and said it would be there in a while. It’s 1 a.m. and nobody’s there yet?”

As soon as they finished speaking, the assistant of the program group led the eliminated four people into the practice room of the girls’ group, panting.

“Sorry, sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road, we are late.”

Jiang Ting stood up, taking the dominant position in the scene, and said proactively: “No, no, it’s good if people come.”

Then, she walked towards the four girls behind the program assistant, hugged each other in turn, and said.

“Welcome back to Qianqian, Aijun, Lingling, Yujia, and drink some water first.”

Jiang Ting acted resolutely and let Lei Yunyun and Lin Xinxiang pour water for the four of them. She greeted the four girls to sit down again. Hong Shiyu, Meng Yu, and Xu Ya also cared about each other.

The four of them came back after being eliminated, with mixed feelings in their hearts. But seeing the members of the girls’ group warmly entertaining them, they gradually let go of their hearts and the scene became lively again.

Several people chatted with each other, and after they were eliminated, they began to praise the remaining trainees. Especially Zheng Qian, who used to be one of Jiang Ting’s three loyal licking dogs, and now she is even raving about Jiang Ting. She even wanted to take a few selfies with Jiang Ting and post them on Weibo to show off their ‘good sisters’ friendship.

However, Jiang Ting did not like this kind of ‘superficial sisterhood’, so she refused directly on the excuse that the program group did not allow photos to be taken during the competition.

After an hour, everyone was talking about the past.

At this time, Jiang Ting coughed a few times, pretending to be inadvertent, and said.

“It’s almost time, let’s discuss this team competition first!”

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