Climb To The Top

Chapter 51.1

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, the other female trainees looked at her in unison, which startled Jiang Ting.

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“What’s the matter? Is there something on my face?” Jiang Ting reached out and touched her face. She thought there was something on her face that attracted the attention of these female trainees.

Immediately after, she heard others speak.

“Captain, don’t you have an idea?” Xu Ya could not help but said.

“Yes, Captain, those of us who have been eliminated, just come back to help you, and we depend on you.” Zheng Qian said with a smile.

Meng Yu glanced at Zheng Qian with hatred and retorted in a loud voice: “What we depend on you, give that word ‘we’ away. It’s not up to you, it’s up to our Captain, you know? Have some eyesight.”

The female trainees in the girls’ group have come to this point and they really have a lot of b numbers in their hearts. Jiang Ting’s stage in every episode is the first and this show only wins the championship. Is this unclear whether to accompany the Prince to study?

Therefore, now no one dares to take the lead in the team competition. After all, no one can guarantee that they will be like Jiang Ting and will never miss.

What’s more, if the team competition is really going to lose to the boys’ group, it will be ridiculed by fans of the male trainees.

Compared with the first team competition, everyone in the girls’ group rushed to express their opinions. In the second and last team competition, everyone’s opinions were indeed unprecedentedly consistent and they all listened to Jiang Ting.

“Captain, if you have any opinions, just speak up. After all, it’s been so long and everyone has self-knowledge. Anyway, as long as we don’t lose to the boys’ group, we can do whatever you want.” Xu Ya laughed at herself, but in her words, she was soft on Jiang Ting for the first time.

Xu Ya’s words aroused the approval of several other trainees who were still participating in the competition. The big devil was on top of their head and there was really no way out. What’s more, this variety show is different from other variety shows. It only takes the first place among male and female trainees, that is, any ranking below the first is meaningless.

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The trainees of the girls’ group were crushed again and again by Jiang Ting and there was no hope of winning the championship. Naturally, they calmed down and could only tell themselves that they came to this show to gain popularity.

Seeing that a group of female trainees seemed to push everything to Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting paused and wanted to say something, but finally found that it seemed meaningless to say anything.

No matter which performance in the competition, it is impossible for Jiang Ting to give up the initiative to the other party. If she said some polite words, it would seem hypocritical, so she simply did not refuse.

“Okay then, I won’t go around with you anymore, I do have an idea here. Let’s listen to it first.”

Her words instantly attracted the attention of other female trainees. Meng Yu also winked at Lin Xinxiang, indicating that she knew Jiang Ting had an idea.

“I found that the styles of our girls in the previous competitions were either sexy, gentle, or playful, but I want to make a handsome stage performance this time. What do you think?”

“A handsome stage performance?” Lin Xinxiang murmured subconsciously.

Jiang Ting nodded: “Yes, maybe let everyone put on suits and perform on the stage to show the handsome and sexy side of girls.”

Her words aroused the amazement of the female trainees, who expressed their opinions one after another.

Zheng Qian blinked her eyes and said, “Performing on stage in a suit? Why can’t I imagine it?”

Meng Yu’s eyes were straightened and her face was full of excitement, “Okay, I like this idea, and now I have a picture in my mind.”

“I think it’s okay.” Lin Xinxiang also nodded.

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“No problem, it’s pretty good.”

In the end, Lei Yunyun, the weakest contestant in the competition, said timidly, “I’m afraid of dragging everyone down.”

Jiang Ting smiled and comforted her: “You will also be able to do this. You have also improved a lot this month. The main dance needs you to practice more and the other parts are not difficult.”

The song mentioned by Jiang Ting is a song released by a foreign troupe in her previous life, ‘Love Shot’. The song is beautiful, the dance is beautiful, and it is out of the circle, attracting major stars in the country and abroad to imitate and dance. But among the countless flips, only one member of the girls’ group entered Jiang Ting’s field of vision.

Compared with the original version, the stars who danced the Heavenly Group dance had their own shortcomings, including one of the girls’ group. However, a member of this girls’ group’s flipping and shooting exploded, and successfully went out of the circle, attracting countless passers-by fans.

Later, after watching the other party’s direct shot, Jiang Ting understood why there were so many members in the girls’ group, but only her direct shot exploded.

Her dance moves are crisp and neat, her dancing strength is both firm and soft, and her temperament is sometimes lazy and sometimes rebellious, but her expression always reveals an unattainable indifference and handsomeness, which makes her look full of aggressiveness. This contrasting cuteness naturally attracted the attention of countless passers-by and Jiang Ting was one of them.

The more concise answer is, it’s not a girl to dance.

Therefore, when the instructor announced the start of the second team competition, this dance immediately appeared in Jiang Ting’s mind.

A dance in which boys act full of lust, but girls act cool and handsome. However, the interpretation of the original song is quite difficult. Jiang Ting began to think that if she really wanted to choose this song, then the allocation must not be equal to that of most members of ‘Miss Similar’. There must be a focus, such as being responsible for the treble, responsible for dancing, responsible for rap, and so on.

Moreover, dancing is not difficult for people like Xu Ya and Hong Shiyu who have strong dancing abilities, but it should be a hell-level challenge for Lei Yunyun and Lin Xinxiang.

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Jiang Ting thought about it for a long time and finally felt that her thoughts might be a little irresponsible. She did not seriously consider the acceptance of other members. She frowned and said.

“Forget it, for the time being, let’s not consider the song I’m talking about. After I thought about that song carefully, although the song was nice, it was too difficult to perform. Performing it, trainees who don’t have enough dance foundation will find it very difficult. And, I have another song here, a lady-like song, and the performance is relatively simple, so everyone should consider this song.”

Jiang Ting did not explain it, but this explanation has the taste of no silver three hundred taels1 here. Doesn’t she just say that the rest of you are not good enough, this song is too difficult, I’m afraid you can’t do it?

As soon as these words came out, it was like stabbing a hornet’s nest, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among the female trainees.

“Captain, you are looking down on people.”

“Captain, if you think the song is good, then it must be beyond our imagination. If I don’t perform, I’m afraid I will regret it in my life.”

“Yes, it’s the one you said before. I’m tired of ladylike performances, Captain, let’s do something different!”

They are all young girls, who can not withstand the “You can’t do it” revealed in Jiang Ting’s words. Even if Jiang Ting’s original words don’t mean that, it was indeed to balance the strength of each trainee. But in the eyes of this group of girls, they just dislike their lack of strength, so naturally, they refuse to admit defeat.

Even the timid Lei Yunyun expressed her opinion.

“As long as the task assigned by you, Captain, I will complete it well.”.

Leaving aside the power of capital behind Lei Yunyun, she is not an annoying and coquettish young lady. Lei Yunyun knew that her strength was not good, but she usually practiced very hard. People could see the progress of the other party from the second phase of the team competition.

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In the double PK competition, she cooperated with Shi Yi, and Shi Yi’s stage mistakes implicated her; when she cooperated with Sheng Kai, it was Sheng Kai who got scolded the most; in the last issue, she cooperated with Xin Jiu and she even made up for Xin Jiu’s mistakes in time. It is enough to show that the other party has been working hard to improve.

At least, the two-month competition has also tempered these trainees, making them each have a leap forward.

After hearing that everyone wanted to choose the previous song in unison, Jiang Ting frowned again, feeling that she was causing trouble for herself.

She tells the others that she thinks about it first.

Jiang Ting fell into deep thought. She thought for a long time and felt that it was undoubtedly unrealistic for her group to use seven days of practice time to surpass the original version. Besides, they are female trainees, and imitating the original version makes them look even more different.

After all, the original version is a boys’ group and the members all exude male sexiness and desire hormones. But if these female trainees imitate the evil smile of the original version, Jiang Ting will tremble all over. The picture is too beautiful, she dares not think about it, it is too greasy.

After considering all aspects, Jiang Ting felt that if a girl performed this song, it would definitely make a breakthrough, and maybe, she could make a fuss in other aspects.

Jiang Ting thought about it for a long time and a thought suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She had an idea in her heart, her eyes fell on everyone, and she chuckled.

“Since everyone wants to choose the first style, let’s make the first stage.”


Translator’s Comment;

The next part is about the boys’ group. Do you think their group will be as harmonious as girls’ groups? ^,^

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