Climb To The Top

Chapter 5

The ‘Show Time’ qualification round was over, and the Chief Instructor Zhang Ning walked to the stage. She took the card in her hand, reading the advertisement in one breath, and started her own chicken soup.

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“The first round of the competition is over, congratulations to the trainees.” The trainees applauded.

“But this is just a starting point, not an end point. The trainees who have achieved excellent results, please continue to maintain it. While the trainees who have unsatisfactory results, you have to work hard to move forward. One success or failure does not mean anything…”

Probably afraid to discourage the enthusiasm of this group of children, Zhang Ning changed her stern tone from before. Her voice was soft, and her attitude was like a spring breeze. In short, before the end of the competition, she comforted the group of trainees.

After rambling for a while, Zhang Ning fluttered and dropped a bomb.

“Ten days later, boys and girls will be divided into two teams for team competition. The winning team will receive an extra 10,000 points for each person.”

Suddenly, the boys and girls at the scene began to panic.

“Team competition? Is it really about to start?”

“Boys and girls are divided into each one team, how does this compare?”

Zhang Ning probably thought the scene was not chaotic enough and continued to stir things up.

“And within these ten days, you will not only have to perform the team competition, but also have to complete the double PK competition. The first round of trainees need to choose their own partner candidates, and the two team up to complete the cooperative song. Everything is voluntary, and the program team will not interfere.”

As soon as this depth charge came out, the contestants went crazy.

“My God, I’m going crazy, the time is so tight?”

“Not only do I have to complete the team competition in ten days, but I also have to complete my own duo collaboration song? Isn’t this killing people?”

“This is too difficult, the program group is going to play dead.”

After a few minutes, the trainees calmed down. Zhang Ning said that the trainees would officially settle in the dormitory. After reading the commercial again, she announced the end of the recording.

In the evening, the trainees moved into the dormitory building prepared by the program team. Two people share a room. The girls have a light pink bedroom, and the boys have a light blue bedroom. The boys and girls dormitories are just upstairs and downstairs, on the 4th and 5th floors respectively. The first floor is the reception hall, meanwhile the second and third floors are decorated into several practice rooms. In short, the program team has contracted a building, which seems to have cost a lot of money.

Jiang Ting’s roommate is Lei Yunyun, the only girl in the girls group who is not very strong, but ranks third in qualification competition. When choosing a dormitory, Jiang Ting randomly picked an empty room and lived in it. After that, I found that no one came.

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Until half an hour later, Lei Yunyun came in dragging her luggage with red eyes. As soon as Jiang Ting saw it, she knew that there was something wrong, but she didn’t meddle in other people’s business, greeted the other party, and went to bed early after washing up.


On the second day, ten girls from the girls group came to the practice room on the second floor to discuss the team competition.

Someone suggested, “Let’s decide the song first?”

“Well, yes. I think Lin Wei’s ‘Sexy Girl’ is good, and it is more suitable for the competition”, said Hong Shiyu, the fourth place in the qualification competition.

Li Ling, who ranked sixth in the qualification round, quietly raised her little hand and said shyly, “That, I’ve never heard of it.”

Zheng Qian, who was ranked 9th in the qualification round, had a slightly resisted expression and said in stiff tone: “This song is too fast, and the dance is very difficult, we only have ten days, not only to perform team competition, but also PK competition, I am afraid there is not enough time.”

As soon as Zheng Qian’s reason came out, no one spoke. Because this is a good reason, no one can raise objections.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Xu Ya asked back: “Then, which song should we choose?”

Zheng Qian stopped talking and turned into a wilting gourd.

“Why don’t we choose Zhang Qing’s ‘For You’, it’s a lyrical song, catchy and easy to sing, and it doesn’t really need dancing…” Lin Xinxiang, who was last in the qualification competition plucked up the courage to suggest.

But it was interrupted by Ji Aijun, who was ranked 5th in the qualification round. “‘For You’ is not suitable for the competition. Using this song in the team competition can easily be defeated by the boys’ team.”

After that, everyone nominated songs one by one, but they were passed one by one.

In short, each of the ten people has their own ideas and their own thoughts.

After half an hour, the girls’ group didn’t even know which song to choose, let alone rehearse.

Everyone was silent, Xu Ya sighed and tentatively said: “Hey, since we can’t decide, why don’t we choose a captain first and let the captain decide.”

“Yes, I agree.” Hong Shiyu responded first, followed by the others.

A group of people wasted half an hour, finally gave up deciding which song to choose, turned around and started to choose the captain again.

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Jiang Ting, who was sitting in the corner, looked at this group of people and had only one feeling in her heart, it really hurts.

Before, when she saw that the girls were selected to decide whether the boys or girls would first perform in the qualification round, a group of people were arguing, and she knew that these girls were not fuel-efficient lamp1. But she never imagined that at this critical moment and they were still wasting time here?

There are only ten days in total, and I want to win the team competition and the PK game. How could there be such a good thing in the world?

Seeing this group of people still dawdling, Jiang Ting couldn’t take it anymore.

“As for the selection of the captain, whoever wants to be the leader will recommend herself and stand up. Don’t hesitate. We’ve wasted half an hour, everyone, please speed up.”

Jiang Ting’s sudden voice startled the others, and the scene froze instantly.

Because Jiang Ting is not familiar with this world, she didn’t speak for the first half hour, she just listened silently. And she herself is not only the first in the girls’ group qualification round, but also the first among all the trainees. As a result, her image in the eyes of many trainees belongs to the kind of person who is very cold and difficult to contact.

They heard her say such a sentence suddenly, everyone was shocked, and they didn’t dare to speak.

Gradually, the eyes of the group of girls fell on Jiang Ting, their eyes lit up, and they opened their chat boxes and made crazy recommendations.

“That’s right, that’s right, everyone’s time is limited, let’s speed up. I personally think the captain is still… Or, you can do it.” Hong Shiyu said quickly. In this competition, the person she admired the most was Jiang Ting. When she heard about the selection of the captain, she only felt that no one was qualified to be the captain except Jiang Ting, who got full marks.

Zheng Qian frantically nodded, “Yes, I agree too.”

“Me too.”

“Me too.”

“I thought from the beginning that no one could be the captain of the girls’ team except you.”

Xu Ya: “…” Xu Ya, who wanted to fight for the nomination of the captain, watched other female trainees unanimously recommend Jiang Ting, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

But, when she saw that Jiang Ting was recommended by others except her and Jiang Ting herself, she was worried about the camera, and said something wrong.

“Yes, like everyone else, I also think you are very suitable to be the captain.”

Jiang Ting looked at the faces full of expectations. She didn’t want to cause trouble, but she finally thought about it.

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She looked around and cleared her throat.

“Then I would like to thank everyone, since everyone chose me, it would be a bit false if I declined. Then, I will be the captain.”

“In addition, whoever wants to put forward other suggestions early, for example, who wants to be the captain, but is afraid of facing problems, then you don’t have to worry, other people can understand. After all, being the captain is hard work, it’s not a good job. Whoever wants to be, don’t be polite.”

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the remaining nine trainees, and when she saw that no matter what these girls were thinking, they were all happy with ‘I support you’ on their faces, so she also didn’t say anything. In short, as long as they are willing to cooperate with her to complete this team mission, she will not force anything else, let alone put on the airs of the captain and manipulate others.

“It seems that everyone has no objection. Then let’s move on to the next issue, where should the focus of the two competitions be?”

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately asked.

Li Ling looked curious, “What do you mean?”

“Yeah, Captain, I don’t understand what this means?” Zheng Qian followed closely and called out the Captain on purpose. She likes to have a sense of presence, but because of her low ranking, anyone can hate her, and now she plans to switch to a thigh-hugging2 route.

Seeing the girls sitting in a circle, Jiang Ting simply drew a rectangle, and then divided the rectangle into two squares.

The team competition is written on the left, the PK competition is written on the right, and a line of words is written on it, a total of 10 days.

She pointed to the team competition on the left and said: “We only have 10 days of training time in total, and it is impossible to train in 5 days for the team competition and 5 days for the PK competition. Neither side can get along well.”

“So, there must be a focus. Should we go all out to win the team competition, or should we use all our time to win the PK competition?”

When everyone thought about it, they suddenly felt that they understood a little bit, but they still didn’t understand something. So they continued to listen to Jiang Ting’s explanation.

“A game is a game after all, it’s about the score, and it depends on the result. Winning is very important.”

“If everyone’s focus is on the team competition, then we will spend a lot of time on team rehearsal. And the way to win the team competition is to have a uniform group dance. Everyone has to spend a lot of practice time for group dance, especially for the team dance. The uniformity, formation and details of the dance are very important. Once the formation is out of order, the team competition will basically collapse. Therefore, if the focus is on the team competition and everyone’s training the time is about 7 days, and the PK game has a lot less training time.”

As soon as these words came out, someone suddenly screamed, but before they could speak, Jiang Ting continued.

“But if we choose to focus on the PK competition, then we can ignore the results of the team competition. That is to say, it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose in the team competition, and you don’t need to bother to practice the dance, as long as we have a few uniform movements.  The selection of the songs does not need to be a difficult song, as long as it sounds good, it’s okay. In this case, the rehearsal time will be greatly shortened. Basically, I set the rehearsal time for the team competition with this plan as 3 days. Then the remaining 7 days is for your own preparation time for the PK competition. Although the training time for the PK competition is not too much, it is still enough, and everyone can rely on the PK competition stage to attract fans. After all, the team competition only lasted three to four minutes, and it is estimated that there are not many shots for everyone. But this approach has a flaw.”

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“What is the flaw?” Lei Yunyun listened to Jiang Ting’s resolute words, but she felt that she didn’t understand it, and subconsciously said.

Jiang Ting looked at her and looked a little apologetic: “If the contestants are not strong enough, it is easy to overturn in the PK competition. You must know that there are too many people in the team competition, maybe you may be able to mix up.” In order to ease the atmosphere, Jiang Ting took the initiative to make a joke and smiled, and the others also laughed.

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, most people felt that it must be to focus on the PK competition. What if they win the team competition, everyone in the girls group gets 10,000 points, and their opponents are all girls in the same group. You get 10,000 points, and others also get 10,000 points. Isn’t that the same as not adding?

There is only one person hesitating on her face, thinking for a while, looking hesitant, and said:

“Can’t you win both the team and PK competition?”


The author has something to say:

The ranking of the first girls’ qualification competition is attached, so as to recognize the people. (PS: Boys’ rankings are attached when boys appear.)

Jiang Ting: 40 [1]

Xu Ya: 36 [2]

Lei Yunyun: 34 [3]

Hong Shiyu: 33 [4]

Ji Aijun: 30 [5]

Meng Yu: 29 [6]

Li Ling: 28 [7]

Pan Yujia: 25 [8]

Zheng Qian: 22 [9]

Lin Xinxiang: 13 [10]

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