Climb To The Top

Chapter 6

“Can’t we win both the team and the PK competition?” Xu Ya asked in confusion.

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Jiang Ting glanced at her and could probably understand the other party’s thoughts. Xu Ya was the second in the ‘Show Time’ qualification round, and her overall strength was not bad. In addition, she was also ambitious and arrogant. She has the capital and the strength to win two competitions together, but… others may not have it.

Seeing this, she thought about it for a few seconds, and then said tactfully: “Our rehearsal time is too tight, and the basis for winning two games has to consider the power of most people. In the team competition, we will compete with the boys group. In the PK competition, we must not only compete within the group, but also with our own partners, so that we cannot let the opponent hold us down. So, if the strength is not enough and the rehearsal time is not enough, it is estimated that there will be big problems in the two competitions.”

“In addition, if you lose both competition, there will be fewer shots, becoming a green leaf1 for others, not being able to attract fans, and not having a topic to talk about, these are all disadvantages of losing the game.” Jiang Ting said to show them all the disadvantages and let them weigh the pros and cons for themselves.

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she looked at the expressions of the people around her, sighed, and said no more.

As a captain, she led everyone to clarify the direction, and told them all the things they should pay attention to, and did what they should do. But in the final analysis, they are all here to participate in the competition. Everyone has their own rules and choices in their hearts, and she can’t force others to make choices.

On the other side, these girls are holding a sigh of relief in their hearts, and they understand Jiang Ting’s ‘tactfulness’, which means that some of us are not very strong, and don’t be too heavy-hearted. In general, keep your hands steady and focus on one competition first. So whether it’s for fame, profit, or to prove themselves, they have their own idea in mind.

Gradually, someone spoke.

Ji Aijun measured the gains and losses of losing the competition and said, “I think, if you choose the PK game, everyone has a higher chance of winning.” She felt that so many shots in the team competition were scattered between ten people. She may not be able to get many fans by herself. On the contrary, she has a higher chance to stand out in the PK competition. If all the practice time is devoted to the team competition, it will not be worth it.

“That’s right, I think it’s better to choose the PK competition, the team competition is fine, and we just make the boys win. Isn’t it the same as not adding 10,000 points each?” Meng Yu said seriously.

In the final analysis, the competition still depends on the strength. For example, Jiang Ting and Xu Ya are ranked high in the qualifying competition, and the attention of fans will definitely be higher than them in the future. But she felt that she was not bad, but she did not perform well in the qualification round due to nervousness. So she did not believe that she was at the level of sixth place. Meng Yu felt that at least her strength could beat eight Lei Yunyun, because of that she decisively chose to focus on individual competition.

“I also choose a PK competition, the PK match can show everyone’s true strength, and the team competition is not enough.” Zheng Qian smiled and rolled her eyes, and followed suit.

She knew one thing, if she won the team competition, the girls in the same group added 10,000 points each, and no girl trainees would be eliminated. But the PK competition is different, whoever wins will advance, and whoever loses will be eliminated. She didn’t want to lose, but she was in a very dangerous situation, at the bottom of the rankings. She could only hope to win this turn around battle.

“Me too.”

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“Me too.”

The following people also expressed their opinions one after another. The middle-ranked trainees in the qualification round only felt that they could fight and make a wave, and they were not satisfied with the current ranking. However, the trainees who ranked at the bottom wanted to rely on the individual competition to make a comeback, and naturally they also looked forward to focusing on the PK competition.

Only Xu Ya’s strength is a little worse than Jiang Ting’s, but a bit higher than others. Seeing that everyone already chose, she felt a little dissatisfied. But she couldn’t say anything. After all, she couldn’t win the team competition alone, so she could only swallow in a sullen stomach.

However, she made up her mind to teach Jiang Ting a ‘lesson’ in the PK competition, so that she knew that getting a full score in the qualification round was nothing.

After the girls made up their minds, Jiang Ting’s first move as the captain is considered complete.

Next, she began to play the second move.

She continued: “Okay, now that our goals are clear, we can start planning. It’s just that it’s not convenient for me to intervene in the PK game. You can come and practice hard when the time comes. But I’ll be more mindful of the team competition.”

After she finished speaking, she erased the words on the two squares on the ground and re-written two words: song selection.

“Next, you can choose the song for the team competition. Let me say here first, although we do not consider the result of the team competition to win, but if there is a possibility of winning, we can’t let it go.” Her words made the others laugh, and they all spoke back.

“Of course.” Li Ling said with a smile.

“You must have it~” Pan Yujia spoke in dialect with a long ending, and everyone laughed together.

At this moment, the girls’ team with no determination to win and no pressure has more laughter, which is obviously much better than the state of the headless fly just before.

“Well, let’s continue the discussion now.” Jiang Ting clapped her hands and brought the girls’ attention to herself again.

When the group of people looked at her, she said.

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“Let’s not be busy choosing songs first, let’s talk about what you are good at, such as singing, dancing, rap, etc. Let’s introduce yourself.” She looked around the crowd with sharp eyes. Finally, her eyes fell on Lin Xinxiang, who was the last in the qualification round, “Let’s start with you… Xinxiang.”

Lin Xinxiang was suddenly called by Jiang Ting. She was shocked, but seeing the other party’s kind eyes didn’t mean anything else, so she gathered up her courage and said, “I’m better at singing than dancing.”

Immediately after, she saw the suspicious eyes of everyone, and knew that these people did not believe what she said. Lin Xinxiang was anxious and quickly explained.

“Oh, don’t look at me singing badly in the competition, that’s because I was so nervous at the time that I almost forgot the lyrics. Since I was a child, some people say that I sing well.”

Lin Xinxiang’s timbre is very good, which is praised by vocal instructor He Xi, no one doubts this.

After Lin Xinxiang finished speaking, it was the person next to her, Pan Yujia, who was sitting from left to right according to the position of the trainees, not the ranking.

Afterwards, the audience talked for a while, and Jiang Ting was divided into three categories.

Good at vocals: Lin Xinxiang, Li Ling, Lei Yunyun, Zheng Qian.

Good at dancing: Pan Yujia, Ji Aijun, Hong Shiyu, Xu Ya, Jiang Ting.

Good at rap: Meng Yu.

The girls who think they are good at dancing are all the trainees in the high rank in the qualification competition; and those who think they are good at singing are basically in the lower rank; there is only one Meng Yu who thinks that she is not good at singing or dancing , but participated in the “rap” competition. Although I was eliminated, I was still very confident and finally chose rap.

At this time, Jiang Ting communicated with the system in her mind while understanding everyone’s position.

“System, I bought Deng Jinyu’s songs ‘Miss Similar’ and ‘The Devil from Heaven’.”

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Three seconds later, a series of projects of Deng Jinyu’s ‘Miss Similar’ and ‘The Devil from Heaven’ emerged in Jiang Ting’s mind.

That’s right, Jiang Ting never planned to use the original song of this world to participate in the competition.

Xu Ya, the second place in qualification round, the score is not as good as Jiang Ting, the opponent has ambition to win both competitions. How could Jiang Ting, who is the first name, have no ambition?

If she hadn’t been the captain before, it would have been fine, but she was pushed to be the captain by everyone. How could someone with a strong desire for control like Jiang Ting obediently listen to other people’s advice?

As for what she said before, basically it can be used as nonsense. It is just to fool this group of cuties, to deepen their concept of being the captain, so that these cuties can obediently follow her own pace.

She wants to win the PK competition, and she also wants to win the team competition.

After everything was ready, Jiang Ting said seriously: “I understand everyone’s position, now I will talk about our song selection direction here. First of all, there is no need for dance, there is not enough time. Dance music style or lyrical style is not needed. The former needs dance to set off the atmosphere to explode, only singing dance music can’t hold the scene, and the latter lyrical song is not suitable for participating in the competition.”

Jiang Ting said it seriously, and others also listened to it. After thinking about it, they felt that what she said did make some sense. The former dance music is not explosive enough without dance, and the latter itself is not explosive enough, and it is not suitable for competition.

“Captain, keep talking.” Hong Shiyu looked at her with anticipation. Among those who came to participate in the competition, she admired Jiang Ting the most. She just thought, how could there be such a goddess. She could get full marks in the qualification round, is she human?

“So our song selection style must focus on the following points: 1. High-pitched, explosive enough to burn. 2. Novelty, it can make the audience’s eyes shine. 3. Nice, not much to say, the song is good, it’s all cool.”

The female trainees in the same group listened to her talk about all these things, and there was only one feeling in their minds, how did her mouth grow, and why are her words so sharp?

Zheng Qian was really convinced, her thighs were indeed big thighs. Her right thumb was pointing up, and she manually praised: “Captain, what you said is really good, we have to choose songs in these directions.”

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“Hey, if we had chosen the directions that the captain said before, we would have already finished choosing them.” Someone said with a slightly regretful tone.

Jiang Ting smiled and eased the atmosphere, and began to elicit her next plan.

“The direction is clear, now it’s time for free discussion time. The duration is 3 minutes. Each person can nominate one or two songs that they think are suitable for the competition, and I will record them. Think about it first, I will go to the program team to ask for pen and paper.”

After speaking, Jiang Ting got up and patted the dirt behind her. She found the assistant of the program team and asked for a pen and paper. I asked the program team if they had any musical instruments, which the girls group might use later. The assistant of the program team told her that there was a piano in the vocal music classroom next door, which could be used, but be careful, it was quite expensive.

She went to the next classroom and saw the piano, a faint wave flashed in her eyes.

Three minutes later, she returned to the practice room, and the discussion was in full swing.

She sat back in her seat and said with a smile.

“I’m back, let’s start nominations now. Each person nominates one or two songs, and if they think they can be used in the competition, everyone will raise their hands to vote, and five or more votes will be listed as candidates. Among them, the one with the highest number of votes is directly positioned as the competition song, do you understand this rule?”

“Understood.” All the trainees said in unison.

The nomination is still from Xinxiang. It is a nice and brisk song called ‘The Wind Blows’, but unfortunately there are only 3 votes. The reason why the girls refused was that the song was nice, but it wasn’t explosive enough and didn’t meet the “three rules”.

In the next five minutes, a total of 13 songs were nominated, and only two were nominated as candidates, and all of them received five votes, namely Li Ling’s ‘High Fly’ and Meng Yu’s ‘Mask’.

As long as Jiang Ting is not around, the situation begins to become chaotic. First of all, the contestants who came to participate in the competition are not on the same level. In addition, everyone has their own likes and appreciate different styles of music. No one agrees with the other.

If Jiang Ting goes out for a while, these girls will choose which song to choose, then they will waste half an hour choosing songs. Of course, Jiang Ting went out for three minutes with a purpose. When she went out, it was like throwing all the contradictions in song selection to these girls, and none of them agreed with each other. So when the contradictions were deadlocked and Jiang Ting came back, naturally with Jiang Ting as the backbone, they only hoped she could ‘call the shots’ for them.

Jiang Ting played a contradictory shift in order to make the concept of her as a captain ingrained in their minds. Then, even if the girls had objections in their hearts, they would believe in herself more than others, which is also beneficial to her own management.

After this is completed, Jiang Ting knows that the time is ripe, and it was time for her to play King!

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