Climb To The Top

Chapter 7

When the other nine trainees finished selecting songs, they all turned to look at Jiang Ting. In just ten minutes, Jiang Ting’s words and deeds had a profound impact on the trainees, and everyone wanted to hear her advice.

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Someone asked, “Captain, what song did you choose?” Hong Shiyu looked at Jiang Ting with anticipation in her eyes.

Xu Ya didn’t call ‘Captain’, but called Jiang Ting’s name in a low voice: “Yes, Jiang Ting, you haven’t said what song that you chose?”

Jiang Ting lowered her head, took out a pen and book, and wrote and drew on the notebook.

Soon, two lines of words appeared in the book: ‘Miss Similar’ and ‘The Devil from Heaven’.

Everyone glanced at each other and started looking at each other again.

Zheng Qian was full of puzzles and kept thinking about the original song of these two songs, until she really couldn’t think of it, and then asked: “Has anyone heard these two songs? I haven’t. Does it sound good?”

Suddenly, her words ignited everyone, and they all spoke up.

“I haven’t heard of it.” Ji Aijun raised her hand and said timidly.

Pan Yujia shook her head: “Neither did I.”

“Me too.”

“I haven’t heard of it, I don’t know.”

Even Xu Ya frowned and said, “I’m the same, I’ve never heard of it.” She was still thinking, what the hell is Jiang Ting doing? The selected song, no one has heard of it, how can you choose it?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ting closed the pen cap and said with a smile, “You’ve never heard of it, because these are two new songs that haven’t been published at all.”

Suddenly, her words made the trainees restless, and their eyes became blank again.

Jiang Ting can see the confused eyes of everyone, she said softly: “This is a song written by a friend of mine. Both songs are very good, and the performances are also very explosive, suitable for competition, and you do not need to perform dances. The most important thing is that they have not been released, they are all new songs, and three days are enough for everyone to rehearse.” She calmly began to play the ‘A Friend’ series.

Speaking of this, Jiang Ting paused for a while, then she smiled and said, “So, I suggest everyone listen first.”

When her voice fell, the practice room became silent, and everyone fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, someone cautiously said, “Let’s listen first.” Lin Xinxiang suggested in a low voice.

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“The captain’s recommendation should be good. It’s okay if we listen to it.” After more than ten minutes, Meng Yu felt that the captain she selected really had talents.

After becoming the captain, she set the direction for everyone to move forward, which was much better than the crowd who were in a mess before.

After that, most of the trainees felt that it would not take much time to listen to the songs, so they agreed to listen to the songs first.

A few seconds later, Jiang Ting took the trainees to the vocal music classroom next door.

Jiang Ting has been a trainee on Earth for ten years, and her basic skills are naturally not bad. When the company trained them to major in musical instruments, she chose piano. So she has memorized all the piano playing techniques of ‘Miss Similar’ and ‘The Devil from Heaven’.

When they came to the vocal music classroom, everyone was a little surprised. After all, there was an extra piano, and not many of the trainees present could play the piano.

The crowd slapped around for a while, but they still knew what was important, so they quickly let Jiang Ting sit in front of the piano.

Jiang Ting pressed a few keys, tried out the tone, and had an idea.

After a while, a string of piano sounds gushed out from Jiang Ting’s fingertips. After two beats, Jiang Ting’s ethereal voice resounded in the classroom.

“Similar women…

Chasing similar beauty…

Their similar desires…

Leading their noses in the same direction…”

Just after singing four lines, Jiang Ting stopped playing the piano, and everyone was stunned.

After that, one after another said,

“Why is it gone?”

“What’s the situation? Captain, you should continue to sing.”

“This is the end? Why don’t you continue singing? You sing so well, why didn’t the captain finish singing.”

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“That’s right, the captain continues to sing, I still want to listen further.”

“Yes, I want to continue listening.”

Jiang Ting was also stunned. She wanted to sing four lines first to prepare everyone mentally, but she never thought that she hadn’t thought about singing again, but everyone else urged her to continue.

She said a little helplessly: “This song is a rap, most of the latter are rap. I think it’s easy to blow up the stage when used for the competition, and the lyrics are written so well. It’s really good, interesting, and deep. Coupled with the fact that there are more girls watching the show, this song should be quite popular with them.”

“What else do you say, Captain, you sing first.”

“Okay, everyone be quiet, listen to the captain first.”

Jiang Ting looked around, pursed her lips, put her hands on the piano, and with a ‘ding’ sound, the melodious sound of the piano came into everyone’s ears again.

“I go back to a similar house, reclining on a similar sofa..

Scrolling through similar Weibos, chatting on similar forums…

Girls’ similar paths are similarly helpless…

All showing off similar waists, faking similar smiles…

Acting similarly coyly, relying similarly on relationships…

Similar women… Chasing similar beauty…

Their similar desires… Leading their noses in the same direction…”

When the last note of the piano fell, the audience burst into thunderous applause.


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Lin Xinxiang’s tears fell, Zheng Qian’s eyes were red, and Hong Shiyu’s face was full of excitement. Even Xu Ya, who had always been secretly competing with Jiang Ting, had to admit that when she heard Jiang Ting sing this song, something suddenly seemed to be touched deep in her heart. Every ‘similar’ word in the lyrics, bloody like thorns on flowers, pierced into the flesh fiercely, hitting the heart directly.

Miss Similar, the meaning of each ‘similar’ is like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone’s heart heavily. The meaning that only girls can understand and the irony that can be seen through, deeply resonated in the hearts of everyone. The flashy and noisy world grows bigger and bigger, with more and more shackles, and the original intention is gradually lost, but at the last moment, when “life really shouldn’t be like this”, I was completely awakened.

It was not until after half a minute that the applause of the crowd fell, and someone asked.

“Captain, who wrote this song? It’s too talented.”

“I admire her so much, she pokes me so much. When you sing, I feel very sad and feel like crying.”

“Captain…” Lin Xinxiang choked a little, and said intermittently, “Captain, you are lying.”

Seeing her crying non-stop, and the girls around her taking out tissues for her, Jiang Ting felt nervous. Did she know that this song was adapted by Deng Jiqi from MC Hotdog?

She quietly probed: “How did I lie? This song is indeed not composed by me.”

Lin Xinxiang crying and answering, “Captain, didn’t you say you are good at dancing? How can you sing this song so well?”

Jiang Ting: “…” Just because she’s good at dancing doesn’t mean she can’t sing well.

Jiang Ting breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Lin Xinxiang’s answer, it seemed that she thought too much. After that, her above sentence was also remembered by other trainees, and they asked one by one.

“Captain, you said you didn’t write this song, but who wrote it.” Ji Aijun was very curious.

Jiang Ting didn’t look up and said without thinking, “Deng Jiqi.”

Li Ling asked, “Who is Deng Jiqi?”

“Deng Jiqi is…” Jiang Ting suddenly recalled what she said, her voice changed, and she said with a smile: “My other friend, a talented musician.”

Jiang Ting feels that everyone lives in the global village and is from the same earth. Rounding up, they are naturally friends.

Since she is a friend, she made up nonsense without feeling guilty at all.

“It’s so powerful, it’s no wonder that the songs she wrote are so good, but why didn’t she release any songs?” Hong Shiyu asked.

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Jiang Ting looked calm, “She is indifferent to fame and wealth.”

“Then why did she write this song?” Xu Ya looked hesitant.

“For… me.” Jiang Ting said with less and less bottom line, “She is my good friend. I came to participate in the competition, she insisted on supporting me, and gave a few songs for me before coming, I don’t want her to be angry.”

When the trainees heard it, they immediately raised a deep respect for the ‘Deng Jiqi in Jiang Ting’s mouth, and looked at Jiang Ting with envy on their face. There was such a powerful composer behind the singer, anyone can envy her.

Jiang Ting’s ‘shameless’ successfully stopped the trainees from wanting to hook up with the composer. Immediately afterwards, when Jiang Ting planned to sing the second song ‘The Devil from Heaven’, she was successfully stopped by everyone.

Xu Ya gave a heavy cough, looked around, her eyes were bright, and said, “I think this song is very good, what do you guys think?”

Ever since Jiang Ting finished singing, she was stunned and did not recover for a long time. She herself really likes this song. The artistic conception and meaning in the lyrics are so profound which directly hit her heart. When Jiang Ting got full marks in the qualification competition, she didn’t feel anything for Jiang Ting. But because of this song, she even felt jealous of Jiang Ting for the first time, who has a powerful friend like ‘Deng Jiqi’.

“I also think we don’t need to listen to the next song, just this one, I want to sing it right now.” Meng Yu nodded vigorously. In the girls group, she could guarantee that except for Jiang Ting, she is definitely the best rap singer. When this song appeared, Meng Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“I just wanted to say that this song is decided, and the three rules are in line with it, and the scene will be very explosive.” Zheng Qian applauded wildly.

“I agree.”

“Me too.”

“I’m interested, let’s go.”

Before Jiang Ting could speak, a group of trainees took the lead in finalizing the matter.

At this time, Jiang Ting only had one thought in her mind, and she was madly swiping the screen in her mind.

“System, isn’t the other song I bought for nothing? Can I return it?”


The author has something to say:

“Miss Similar” is a song adapted by Deng Ziqi of MC Hotdog. The lyrics are very poignant, and the author personally likes it very much. Of course, I also like the other song, but after comparing it, I think this song is more suitable for talent competitions. It is easy to blow up the field and attract fans.

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