Climb To The Top

Chapter 8

It is impossible to return the goods, it is impossible in this life. These are the original words thrown by the system to Jiang Ting.

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After calming down for a few seconds, Jiang Ting turned her attention to the trainees in front of her again.

She thought for a while and said, “Since everyone has already decided to choose this song, I won’t say much. Then I will carefully study the allocation of song parts. There are a lot of lyrics, and there are ten of us, each of us will get a special part, so you don’t have to envy anyone. In addition, I will divide the distribution method according to the parts that are suitable for the voices of the members. I hope everyone understands.”

It has been arranged to this step, of course Jiang Ting can’t pretend to tell the trainees that we are free and equal, should we discuss the distribution together?

Oh, how is it possible? Now she is the leader of the group. At least in this song, she has the ‘life and death power’ over the members. She knows how to divide and which section, and Jiang Ting will not take the initiative to give up the power.

Her words made the members excited, looking forward to what part they would get.

There are tables and chairs next to the music room. Jiang Ting took the book and started to write the lyrics.

Five minutes later, she wrote the lyrics of ‘Miss Similar’.

Jiang Ting blew the dust that was not on the book, facing Hong Shiyu on the side with a solemn face, “Shiyu, you give the lyrics to the program team, let the program team first print out a dozen copies. This task is entrusted to you.”

Hong Shiyu was also stunned by her very serious expression, and the hand that took over the lyrics trembled a little, feeling like being entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

I saw that after Hong Shiyu took the lyrics, she quickly left the vocal music classroom, and then Jiang Ting started to call others again.

“Meng Yu?”

Meng Yu was taken aback, “Here.”

Jiang Ting smiled and comforted her: “Don’t be nervous, I want to ask you a favor.”

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Meng Yu was ranked sixth in the qualification competition, and a particularly slippery rap. From Jiang Ting’s point of view, her rap is not bad, not to mention how wonderful it is, but it is enough for this competition. Besides, it’s not a rap competition, so you don’t need to be so professional.

“What can I do? If I can help you, I can’t say no.” Meng Yu looked blank, not knowing why she had anything to do with her.

“When I was watching the game, you rapped very well, so I hope you can teach other people who are not good at rap with me later, after all, we have a lot of rap parts in this song. So we must pay more attention to it. I’m sorry to trouble you”

Meng Yu blushed suddenly, she knew what level of rap she was, and it was okay to compare it with others, most domestic girls are not good at rap. But Jiang Ting, in her opinion, although can’t compare to Su Ya, the top female rapper in China, there is absolutely no problem in beating her.

Who would have thought that Jiang Ting would actually praise her for her good rap singing, and let her teach others with her?

Meng Yu blushed suddenly, and couldn’t help nodding: “Okay, okay, no trouble, Captain, I’m fine. If anyone doesn’t know how, I will definitely teach her with all my heart.”

Jiang Ting is satisfied. Meng Yu is a good girl, so please let her share some of the envy of these trainees for her.


Here, when Hong Shiyu took the lyrics and asked the program team to help with printing, the program team was stunned.

“What? Did your girls’ group choose a new song, or did you compose it yourself?”

Hong Shiyu raised her chin, “That’s right, the one that hasn’t been published is a new song specially written for her by our team leader’s friend.”

The ‘for her’ in Jiang Ting’s mouth was directly transformed by Hong Shiyu into writing ‘specifically for her’.

The people in the program group were also shocked. Is the girls’ group playing with so much confidence?

“The National Couple” is a talent show with a relatively high degree of freedom. The contestants generally choose songs by themselves, but they will ask professional teachers to help polishing the stage for singing, dancing and arranging, so the program team is not worried about the effect of the broadcast. But they didn’t expect that someone really made a fool and planned to use a new song in the competition.

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The program assistant was a little worried. As soon as she saw Hong Shiyu leaving with the printed lyrics, she hurried to find the director.

She told the director about this, with a worried look on her face, “Director, what should I do now, let those female trainees change the song?”

The director sat in the chair, frowning.

It is very risky for the contestants to adopt new songs. No one knows the reputation of the song that has not been published. Moreover, they are running this show to ensure the number of online broadcasts. If the trainees really mess up and ruin the reputation of the show, it will be over.

After thinking for a while, the director said slowly, “You just said who brought out that song?”

“I heard that Jiang Ting took it out, and she is also the captain selected by the girls group.” The assistant said.

The director lit a cigarette and recalled the outstanding performance of the female trainee in the qualification competition. After a few seconds, he sighed and said: “Forget it, let it be, in short, the trainees will give whatever they want.”

After making this decision, the director suddenly had a hunch that this show would definitely become popular, or become popular!


In the vocal classroom.

Hong Shiyu comes back soon, and none of the trainees know about this episode.

After that, Jiang Ting distributed the lyrics to everyone, and drew on her own paper with a pen. Then, she looked at Lin Xinxiang again, pointed to the first paragraph, and said to her: “Lin Xinxiang, you start here.”

Lin Xinxiang paused while holding the lyrics, and pointed to herself with a look of disbelief.

“Shall I start?”

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“Well, your voice is very nice, don’t belittle yourself. I think this paragraph is very suitable for you, remember to sing well, can you do it?” Her voice was very flat, but inexplicably made a convincing feeling.

Lin Xinxiang nodded, with tears in her eyes.

“Um, mm, yes.” Two consecutive ‘um’ words are enough to express her excitement. She’s not a fool, she will not be ignorant of the importance of the opening. Especially this song, the opening is the first paragraph, the most important. She thought that the captain would sing by herself, or give it to someone with better singing skills or a higher ranking, but she didn’t expect it to be her?

Next, Jiang Ting acted resolutely and divided everyone’s parts.

From the beginning of the rap section, Jiang Ting sang first, her rap is the best in this group, and it is no problem to open it as a rap. After that, it was the part of Ji Aijun, Zheng Qian, and Li Ling.

Next, it’s Xu Ya’s part.

The second part of the rap begins with Meng Yu opening, followed by Pan Yujia, Lei Yunyun, and Hong Shiyu.

The third paragraph, the first paragraph, the collective chorus.

Next, the special paragraph near the end is divided into two parts, one paragraph for Meng Yu, one paragraph for Xu Ya, and when it comes to the explosion part, Jiang Ting keeps it for herself. In the end, Lin Xinxiang made up the ending part. At the end of the original version, Deng Jinyu cued a song written by herself. There is no song “Bubble” in this world, so Jiang Ting changed it into a lyric, and added a paragraph as the ending.

After everything is divided, Jiang Ting starts teaching the whole section of the ‘Miss Similar’. However, after everyone had learned the basics, Jiang Ting hurriedly asked the program assistant to borrow a mobile phone. She played the piano and sang and recorded the song herself to use as a simple template for everyone.

There is no other way, it’s too stupid. It’s just a paragraph, four sentences. But Jiang Ting spent an hour teaching this group of trainees. It would be fine if this is for recording, you can do it slowly. But this is a competition, where does the time come from?

When Jiang Ting finished recording the song, she took the others back to their practice room, copied this very rough version of the song to a USB flash drive, and played it to everyone on the stereo, letting everyone first learn by themself. At this time, no one thought that this rough original version would be picked up by Jiang Ting’s fans in the future, setting off a scolding battle.

At this time, Jiang Ting was teaching one-on-one in the vocal music classroom.

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Lin Xinxiang sings very spiritually. Unlike Jiang Ting’s voice that was opened by the system, Lin Xinxiang is born with an oriole voice, a rough jade that has not been polished yet. Jiang Ting is very satisfied with her. She simply mentioned some points that she needs to pay attention to, and she understood it herself, very talented. This also fully shows that it was really not Jiang Ting’s overturning in qualification, and she saw the wrong person.

Next is Ji Aijun, her voice is very hardcore, mainly because the vocal is very domineering, Jiang Ting likes it very much. But Ji Aijun has never been in touch with rap, and even if Jiang Ting taught her hand-in-hand, she still sang with a mediocre feeling. Out of desperation, Jiang Ting used the teaching method of elementary school students, that is, teaching her how to sing rap, teach her how to hyphenate, and teach her which sound should be heavy and which sound should be light. After Ji Aijun got a little bit understanding, Jiang Ting hurriedly replaced her.

In the vocal music classroom, after sending Ji Aijun away, Jiang Ting’s eyes were dull.

She now suddenly feels regretful, regretting being the captain, but the road is long, and there is still a lot of grinding. Seeing Zheng Qian come in, Jiang Ting quickly put away her bitter expression and sat upright.

Time passed, and with Zheng Qian and Li Ling’s dismissal, the teaching class came to Xu Ya.

Half an hour later, Xu Ya looked at Jiang Ting who played the piano again and again and sang to her as a demonstration, and her eyes were stunned. She suddenly wanted to ask her, why was she so kind?

The first part of the whole song was given up by her, and the special part was also given up by her. The combined weight of these two parts can be ranked second or third among all the members, and they are both the highlight and the essence of the song. Shouldn’t she be guarding herself? I will definitely become her opponent in the future, is she really that kind?

But when she saw the slightly wrinkled brows and the gentle black eyes, she heard her say.

“This part is a bit difficult, have you mastered it? If not, don’t worry, let’s do it again.”

Xu Ya’s eyes flashed, and her eyes became obscure.

Then, she shook her head, put the question back in her heart, and said it with difficulty.

“No… no need, I learned it, it’s just a lack of practice now.”

Jiang Ting casually said ‘Hmm’, “Well, that’s fine, then you can practice by yourself first, and call Meng Yu over.”

Seeing this, Xu Ya left without saying anything. It’s just that when she walked to the door, she heard the girl’s continuous coughing. She bit her lip and suddenly felt…a little funny.

She admitted that this time she lost, to Jiang Ting’s unfeigned heart.

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