Climb To The Top

Chapter 52.1

When the male and female trainees were preparing for the team competition, they did not know that the fans outside had already formed a group.

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This voting channel is only open for the two rounds of finals to choose partners. No matter if the fans quarrel with the fans of the other trainees, they must always choose two partners for their idols. Suddenly, the fans of each family are depressed.

In the previous episodes, whenever two idols cooperated, the fans of the two idols would always end up fighting each other inexplicably.

For example, Jiang Ting fans and Chen Yi fans. Jiang Ting fans used to scold Chen Yi for sucking blood every day. Even if Chen Yi relied on his own strength to consolidate fans and attract many new fans, the black history that once sucked Jiang Ting’s blood to the top cannot be erased.

Other examples, Jiang Ting fans and Xu Jiayin fans. Xu Jiayin fans because of the bad data of the new song cooperated by Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin, used all kinds of connotations and dumped the pot to Jiang Ting, but was taught by the data to be a person. Later after being known by Jiang Ting fans, it was even more disgusting to this fan. The two fans were torn up, no less than Jiang Ting and Chen Yi fans.

Now it’s Jiang Ting fans’ turn to choose the final partner for Jiang Ting and they start to hesitate.

Although Jiang Ting’s strength is unparalleled, this is a two-person draft competition. After all, Jiang Ting can’t split another one of her to participate. Even with Liu Zhongming, who performed well in the last period, Jiang Ting is still one partner away from the final.

What’s more, even though Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming performed well on stage this time, there are still critical fans expressing their dissatisfaction. They think that the two-person stage between Jiang Ting and Liu Zhongming is the worst stage among her three rounds of PK competitions. The on-site voting was also the lowest score in the three phases, almost falling below the 470-point mark.

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Therefore, before deciding on the voting direction, Jiang Ting’s fans were quarreling first and the most obvious thing was that the opinions of the support group were completely divided.

When the cadres of the Jiang Ting National Support Association held a weekly support meeting, the Leader of the Propaganda Team was the first to stand up and say.

“We can’t be like this anymore. We have already reached the finals. To choose a partner, naturally, we must choose the best among them and we must choose the strongest. Don’t you find out that Tingbao and Liu Zhongming only scored 471 points in the public judging votes on the stage? There are two of the votes that were mixed in and the fans asked these two public judges to vote for Tingting’s group. If there were no two votes, everyone thought about whether the results of this issue would be ridiculed. Say we lost watermelon last week and picked sesame seeds.”

469 points is a high score for other families, but Jiang Ting fans who have been raised with high eyes naturally can’t look at it. Not to mention that some flamboyant Jiang Ting fans have been using the data of Jiang Ting’s live voting to stabilize at 470 points. How could it be possible to allow Jiang Ting to fall below the 470 vote mark by beating fans of various families?

The difference between the two points represents not only two points but a watershed, which means that Jiang Ting has a big watershed to shake off other people.

When used, this is also the performance of Jiang Ting’s data in all aspects. This data must not be lost.

The words of the Leader of the Propaganda Team made everyone in the support association stunned and then aroused heated discussions at the scene. The Leader of the Anti-Black Team nodded again and again, with an expression that agreed with her words.

“That’s right, and Liu Zhongming is too young. There are obvious restrictions on the direction of song selection, such as dance music, lyrical songs, and even more difficult songs, all of which are restricted. And, look at this stage, how simple is this stage? Don’t say something to the program group to salute respect. This is obviously not as good as the previous stage and this episode doesn’t even have a basic backup dancer. In short, this time, the focus of choosing a partner can no longer be biased toward Liu Zhongming. He and Tingting from all aspects, it doesn’t match at all.” The Leader of the Anti-Black Team said.

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Her words made the Leader of the Voting Team roll her eyes.

“Don’t you continue to choose Liu Zhongming? So who do you want to choose? Xin Jiu or Sheng Kai? Two eliminated reserves? Or Xu Zhengxuan, the main force of the Anti-Jiang Alliance?” The Leader of the Voting Team did not mention Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi at all, because these two are the main targets of Jiang Ting’s Support Association and they are not considered at all.

Seeing her appearance, the Leader of the Anti-Black Team was also a little angry, “I was wondering, are you doing it for Tingbao’s good? Or for your own selfish desires? Can’t Chen Yi choose? Can’t Xu Jiayin choose? The strength of both of them is excellent and the stage performance with Tingting is very good. What are you dissatisfied with? Shouldn’t everything be based on Tingting’s interests?”

The Leader of the Anti-Black Team sees a lot of brainless fans of her own, and she and other brainless fans will not be provoked by some inferior means. Although Chen Yi fans did increase by sucking blood and Xu Jiayin fans are indeed disgusting enough, this does not allow the Leader of the Anti-Black Team to eliminate the two of them. Until the last moment, no one knows who the winner is.

What if the two male trainees performing with Jiang Ting pull their hips on stage in the final? The voting score dropped by 200 points? At that time, even if Jiang Ting’s fans voted 10 million high votes, it may not guarantee that Jiang Ting will win the championship smoothly.

After all, this is not a talent show that relies entirely on fan votes and half of its decision lies with the 500 public judges on site. In the two votes, whichever side is crippled will not win the final victory. The Leader of the Anti-Black Team is unwilling to bet on the possibility of losing.

If the Leader of the Anti-Black Team is too strict, the Leader of the Voting Team will be confused. Immediately afterward, she realized that the words of the Leader of the Anti-Black Team attacked her for her own selfish desires and put Jiang Ting’s interests behind her, which made the Leader of the Voting Team immediately explode with anger.

“You’re not clear about your anti-black brain, right? How did Chen Yi get to power, you don’t know? How did his popularity counterattack Xu Jiayin and become a popular contestant second only to Tingting, don’t tell me you can’t see it? Such a big vampire fluttering in front of you, you can’t see?”

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“And Xu Jiayin, that 2.58 million data but pretending to be a criminal, made me nauseous. The last time Tingting’s new song data was not good, his fans were not the ones who brought the rhythm of the Anti-Jiang Alliance behind their backs? It’s not them who made a rake and dumped Tingting? Hehe, are you talking about interests with me? Then I ask you, can you talk about the interests of Tingting, or the interests of Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin?”

The cadre of the fan circle support association, if she is not good at speaking, can she become a cadre? The Leader of the Voting Team organized countless voting groups to vote for Jiang Ting and all that was spent was money. If she has no skills, can she fool a group of diehard fans into voting for Jiang Ting with real money?

Counterattacking the words of the Leader of the Anti-Black Team is simply a piece of cake. After two or three sentences, she will divert her attention, understand the words of the Leader of the Anti-Black Team from another angle, and question the other party’s words that “Jiang Ting’s interests are the fundamental standard”. Are the benefits Jiang Ting’s own, or those of her male partners?

Seeing that the other party misinterpreted her original words, the Leader of the Anti-Black Team trembled with anger and retorted again.

“You confuse your sight, I obviously didn’t mean that. If you choose two useless partners and Tingting gets involved in the final, whose responsibility is it? It is the responsibility of those of us who vote. Because we are illiterate and blind and chose a garbage partner for her, which dragged her down.”

The Leader of the Voting Team had an indifferent expression, “Then you mean to watch those male trainees with ‘strong strength’ in your mouth lie on Tingting and suck blood?”

“Don’t mess around and distort the meaning of my words.”

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“It’s just that you don’t mess around, you know that those are some vampires, and they try to provoke us to choose them. I think you are a CP fan.”

“You fart…”

In the end, the Leader of the Anti-Black Team became angry and cursed directly.

Liu Yu, President of Jiang Ting Support Association, had a gloomy face, slapped the desk where her computer was placed, and shouted.

“That’s enough, what’s the noise? Isn’t it embarrassing enough?”



Translator’s Comment:

Why are these fans so cute? ^,^

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