Climb To The Top

Chapter 52.2

In an instant, the Leader of the Voting Team who was about to scold back stopped talking, and finally, she could only use a mouth shape BB: “She scolded me first.”

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Liu Yu, in front of the video, ignored her. She looked a little anxious, but also a little gloomy and she said slowly.

“First of all, we absolutely do not vote for Xin Jiu. This is an iron-clad elimination reserve. As for Sheng Kai and Xu Zhengxuan, it is possible to say that one of them will enter the final and the other will be eliminated. At present, it seems that Xu Zhengxuan fans’ stamina for voting seems to be running out. Xiao You, what about the personal voting data that Sheng Kai sealed last week?” Liu Yu asked Xiao You, the Leader of the Data Team who was always observing the data of the various trainees.

The Leader of the Data Team, code-named ‘Xiao You’, quickly typed a line on the computer. She did not show her face and typed, “Sheng Kai’s personal voting data that was sealed in the last issue exceeded Xu Zhengxuan by one million votes. Combined with this week’s on-site public judges, the promotion rate has surpassed that of Xu Zhengxuan.”

Everyone looked at the words typed by the Leader of the Data Team and could not help but move their eyes to Sheng Kai’s head.

Someone got excited.

“Since Sheng Kai has advanced to the finals, let’s decide on Sheng Kai as a partner first.” The Leader of the Audio Team said with a look of surprise.

Immediately, the Leader of the Resource Team shook her head, with disapproval on her face, “Have you forgotten that Sheng Kai has a black history? It is a black history like school violence that cannot be allowed in the whole country. Once it is exposed, Tingting will be also abolished in a round of competition.”

The Leader of the Audio Team felt that it had not yet been exposed and said indifferently: “Isn’t this yet exposed? Besides, when the black history of Sheng Kai is exposed, it will have to wait until the year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon, and by then, the program will be broadcast and it will not even affect Tingbao.”

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The words of the Leader of the Audio Team made Liu Yu, the President of the Support Association, frown and then she spoke up.

“Just now, I told the Leader of the Anti-Black Team to shut up, not because I disagreed with her remarks, but because I told her not to scold others. Because we are all one, and we all got together for Tingting’s sake. The three views are different, and if we can’t talk about it together, we can’t say it as dirty. As the President of Tingting’s Support Association, I will never allow such cadres to stay in the support association and lead Tingting’s fans.”

Her words made everyone stunned and they did not know how to talk about it properly. Immediately afterward, they heard her questioning the Leader of the Audio Team sharply.

“Xiaoqin, why did you chase Tingting back then?”

Xiaoqin is the code name of the Leader of the Audio Team and the cadres of the support association usually use the code name to avoid being picked up by the fans of the opposite family for real information, human flesh, and causing harm to themselves.

The Leader of the Audio Team was a little confused about what the president’s words meant, so she quickly answered.

“What’s wrong? At that time, I thought Tingting was very good. In the team competition, she took care of every one carefully. She was kind and beautiful and she was very charming on stage. I fell in love with her.”

Liu Yu’s thoughts drifted to the second knockout competition when Jiang Ting personally named the fans, she said softly: “Do you remember what Tingting said? She hopes that she can be loved by fans and that she will work hard and earnestly in the future. She hopes to be a good example for fans to learn from. As a role model, she will work hard. The fight with black fans is not to satisfy her desire to scold others, but for Tingting to compete better and not be disturbed by these black fans, but now?”

The Leader of the Audio Team pursed her lips, not knowing how to answer.

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“Do you think that a kind person like Tingting would be willing to cooperate with a scumbag who has violently abused others on campus? I know that there are two voices among fans, one is doves and the other is hawks. Doves want to focus on Tingting’s interests and choose a safe and strong partner for Ting Ting, but the hawks hate blood-sucking and male trainees who have had a fight with them. Everyone is for Tingting’s sake, but the ideas are different. But is it necessary to make a fuss to the point of cursing?”

Liu Yu’s subsequent words pointed directly at the Leader of the Anti-Black Team and the Leader of the Voting Team who had been scolding before, and the two suddenly looked ugly.

Liu Yu used to be a hard-core hawk and was extremely disgusted with the attitude of sucking the blood of her family. But ever since she became a fan of Jiang Ting and became the President of the Support Association, she began to understand the existence of the dove faction. For the long-term interests of Jiang Ting, the dove faction was willing to make concessions first and then seek them back in the future. However, the hawks pay more attention to Jiang Ting’s immediate interests and even some things do not take into account the future fate at all and it is easy to plant hidden dangers for Jiang Ting’s future.

Later, Liu Yu understood the concept of doves and she also turned to doves. Even though she herself is still a hawk, she still hates any trainees who suck Jiang Ting’s blood, such as Chen Yi, Xu Jiayin, Lin Xinxiang, Hong Shiyu, etc. All these male and female trainees who try to fry CP with Jiang Ting to suck blood, she hates it all. But for Jiang Ting’s sake, she endured it. She has been suppressing and balancing the two factions within Jiang Ting’s fans, in order to make both sides equal and not be crushed by one side.

It is precisely because of Liu Yu’s existence that the scales of both sides are just right.

But today, someone crossed the line.

Because of the dominance of each faction, Liu Yu absolutely does not allow such behavior to occur among Jiang Ting fans to personally attack people from another faction.

If you want to help foreign countries, you must first settle down at home. The famous saying passed down by the ancestors has its own reason.

In short, before resolving the Jiang Ting support association’s next partner vote, Liu Yu must first resolve the fight between the support association cadres.

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Liu Yu’s severe words made a group of cadres fall into deep thought.

At this time, the support association has not yet clearly defined what is a dove and what is a hawk, but it is obvious that the Leader of the Propaganda Team and the Leader of the Anti-Black Team usually communicate a lot, and the Leader of the Audio Team was deeply influenced by the thinking of the Leader of the Voting Team. She was extremely disgusted with Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin, who sucked the most blood, and she would rather Jiang Ting cooperate with scum with campus violence like Sheng Kai than look at Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin more.

All these behaviors have shown that the two factions have been successfully formed, and the difference is only a difference in name.

Before, Liu Yu was unwilling to pay attention to it, because the factional disputes between the two factions did not affect Jiang Ting’s interests. But now there are more and more fans of Jiang Ting. Even if they are clearly thinking of Jiang Ting’s interests, they are still fighting for the right to speak of their respective factions.

In Liu Yu’s eyes, the two groups of people are no longer pure and they have already disappointed her a little.

But even so, with her Liu Yu, Jiang Ting will never worry about the people in the support association and Jiang Ting’s fans holding her back.

In the end, Liu Yu dropped a word indifferently, which completely ended the dispute in the meeting.

“Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin…you must vote for one of these two, to ensure that Tingting’s partner in the two competitions will have a stage that will explode. There is no problem with their two strengths, so there is no need to worry about stage failure. As for the remaining one, either vote for Liu Zhongming or vote for Xu Zhengxuan. I don’t want to see all your cross-line behaviors again, but if someone stays in the support association not for Tingting, but for their own interests, then don’t blame me for being rude. You will never expect my methods to be used on you.”

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In the beginning, the black hot search incident that Xu Jiayin was gay was manipulated by one hand, and now it still hangs on Xu Jiayin’s Weibo black entry.

Xu Jiayin’s company conducted public relations after the black hot search time, but Xu Jiayin was cheated. The company probably wanted Xu Jiayin to sell rotten fans and attract fans. But because of the competition, Xu Jiayin could not be contacted, so they made their own decisions, and half admitted and half denied that Xu Jiayin was gay. The ambiguous attitude made everyone speculate about Xu Jiayin’s partner’s orientation.

As a result, Xu Jiayin has become the most sleepy male star in the entertainment industry voted by gay circles.

Later, when the song ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ appeared, Xu Jiayin and Jiang Ting’s CP fans had just begun to show signs of becoming, and Liu Yu contacted the major marketing accounts again, and the black hot search that Xu Jiayin was gay re-emerged.

This action greatly affected the growth of Xu Jiayin and Jiang Ting’s CP fans, so that their two CP fans were not as many as Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi’s CP fans, which successfully prevented Xu Jiayin from sucking blood from Jiang Ting.

This series of linkages is all Liu Yu’s handwriting and it is also her achievement as the President of the Support Association. Therefore, after Liu Yu finished saying those words, the Jiang Ting Support Association decided to temporarily suppress the contradiction between each other and concentrate fully on the outside world.


The author has something to say:

In reality, most of the stars’ support associations are specially supervised or even controlled by studio people.

However, some small stars do not have special staff to settle in the support association, resulting in some support associations swallowing the fans’ money and running away. These also fully show that there must be factional disputes, and even if someone chases after the stars, it becomes their own interest. At present, the heroine does not have a studio, and the author wrote it according to the support association of the little star.

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