Climb To The Top

Chapter 53

The attention shifted to the “National Couple” competition area.

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In the training room of the girls’ group, Jiang Ting looked at the group of girls in front of her with a dissatisfied expression. She walked to Lei Yunyun with a stern expression.

“Lei Yunyun, can’t you remember the movements until now?”

Lei Yunyun’s body trembled subconsciously. On the first day, Jiang Ting only taught all the dance movements to the girls’ group. According to the different progress, after Xu Ya and Hong Shiyu finished learning dance, they had to help others memorize dance.

While Meng Yu was learning to dance, she also had to practice the rap assigned to her by Jiang Ting, so she was so tired that she was sweating profusely. Just as she was about to rest for a while, she saw Jiang Ting reprimanding Lei Yunyun. Then, her expression immediately turned serious and she continued to practice her part.

Lei Yunyun bit her lip, the circles of her eyes began to turn red and said quickly.

“Hold… Sorry, Captain, I…” Her voice trembled, with obvious guilt.

Jiang Ting looked at Lei Yunyun in front of her and sighed. This is the reason why she chose this song at first but later abandoned it.

It is too difficult for some people.

She thought about it for a while and finally could not help but say: “Otherwise, let’s change the song. Although we wasted a day, it’s not too late.”

Before, these girls insisted on choosing these songs, largely because no one understood how difficult the song was.

But now she feels that they should have felt the pressure of this song on them.

Jiang Ting’s words made the other girls pause. This is the first time that Jiang Ting, who is regarded as unattainable and unparalleled in the eyes of everyone, has made it clear that she wants to give up.

For a moment, all the trainees fell silent.

Is it hard? Difficult!

Moreover, it is not generally difficult.

Some talent show trainees on Earth performed this song on the show, and without exception, they all missed it. Some people sing well, but their dance performance is very bad; some people dance well, but their singing is far worse than the original version. In short, each has its own problems, which is enough to show that this song is not so easy to perform.

Jiang Ting’s words silenced the scene until Lei Yunyun gritted her teeth and said.

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“I can.”

She did not want to drag the group down, did not want to drag down other trainees. She knew that her strength was poor, but she would work hard.

Lei Yunyun’s words completely awakened the other girls and they spoke quickly one by one.

“Yeah, it’s just that difficult, it’s not difficult for us.”

“The Captain is not allowed to say discouraged words in the future.”

“If we give up on such a good stage, then I will definitely regret it to death.”

This program has a total of 10 female trainees carefully selected from entertainment companies all over the country. Leaving aside Lei Yunyun, as the capital to push up gold-plated, each girl has her own strengths and they are all talents cultivated by resources in the company.

Compared with the girls’ team draft of 100 to choose 9 and pick 10, the strength of the other nine people is naturally much stronger.

Since Lei Yunyun, who is the worst on the whole team, doesn’t want to give up, how could the others have the nerve to say they gave up?

The psychology of conformity is a very delicate thing, and many times, it will lead some people to follow along involuntarily.

Lei Yunyun’s words also made Jiang Ting’s heart tremble. She began to make up her mind. This was her last concession and it was also one of her few compassionate hearts.

Perhaps because she has a system, or the experience of dying once, or a ten-year trainee career in the company, which makes her always look at these girls with a slight sense of superiority. But at this moment, her heart suddenly seemed to be touched and melted by something.

Their basic skills may not be as good as hers, they don’t have a system, and they don’t have the experience of living a new life behind them, but these girls also have a motivated heart and an original intention to make a debut.

In the future, perhaps this original intention will be polluted, stained, and dusted, and only the immediate benefits can be seen. But this moment is indeed the purest. They like to perform, like stand on the stage, and stand under the spotlight, just like her. She loves performing on stage and has worked hard for it since she was a child.

She needs to put aside her faint sense of superiority, respect them more, and be more patient to help them.

Jiang Ting’s dark eyes swept around the crowd and finally spit out a word slowly.

“Well, then, Lei Yunyun will be with me for special training and the others continue to practice.”

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Her words brought the audience back to the lively atmosphere and cheers.

“Yeah, I knew it. Let’s continue.”

“Don’t be lazy, I will report to Teacher Jiang if anyone is lazy.” Meng Yu winked at the others.

“You better talk about your rap, don’t purr, and miss the words.” But Zheng Qian laughed back.

When Jiang Ting pulled Lei Yunyun down for special training in the corner, she first played her own concise recording of the demo sample and asked Lei Yunyun to start dancing with her back to the other trainees.

Last night, she quickly recorded a demo of the song. At present, the trainees with fast progress in the girls’ group have been able to start learning songs with the demo, and trainees with poor progress can also increase their familiarity with the song by listening to this song all the time.

But Lei Yunyun still could not remember the movements. Before assigning their respective performance parts, Jiang Ting knew that Lei Yunyun was not good enough, so she did not assign her the part where she sang too many songs. Basically, she sang a few lines, and the first part was mixed with everyone and it passed. After all, the most eye-catching thing about this song is not the song, but the dance, so Jiang Ting is so anxious about Lei Yunyun’s dance.

After Lei Yunyun finished dancing, Jiang Ting looked at her disjointed movements and sighed.

“You practiced all day, but you still can’t remember the dance moves?”

Lei Yunyun felt a little guilty but nodded anyway.

Jiang Ting let out a long breath, licked her slightly dry lips, and finally said.

“Well then, I’ll teach you a method of memorizing movements now, so that you can learn faster.”

“Have you remembered the beginning part?” Jiang Ting asked her, after jumping a part of the beginning movements.

Lei Yunyun shook her head, a little embarrassed, and said.

“I remember the movements, but because the movements in the beginning part are very trivial, it is easy to get the sequence of movements mixed up.”

After listening to Lei Yunyun’s words, Jiang Ting thought for a while, then cleared her throat and said.

“In that case, you use my method. For this song, you first imagine yourself as a killer and you are going to complete the task. After turning around, you come to the mission target’s house. Look around on your left, there is no one. Then, cross your hands and put down the gun. Take a look on the right side, and someone suddenly comes, which startled you a lot.”

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“At this time, you were a little nervous and began to quickly touch your chin and shoulders, and then raised your right elbow and sharply gave the other party two shoulder slams, which immediately stunned people. Then you are very proud, bend over and take a stance, shake your body twice, and the first part is over.” Jiang Ting explained while breaking down the movements in slow motion.

Lei Yunyun was stunned. WTF? Can it still be like this?

After hearing the dance explained by Jiang Ting, the other trainees were also shocked. Oh my god, can this dance be explained in this way?

Raise your right elbow and give the opponent two slams?

Jiang Ting saw that after Lei Yunyun listened, she seemed to have an epiphany, so she began to explain the second paragraph.

“In the second paragraph, you were strolling on the road and suddenly came across a motorcycle 4S shop, opened the door, and you took the opportunity to grab a motorcycle and ran away. The car ran out of gas on the road and you went to the gas station, and the staff looked at your motorcycle driving without a license and didn’t give you fuel, you slammed the other party twice, and the other party cheered you up again.”

Listening to Jiang Ting’s explanation, Lei Yunyun’s mouth twitched. She could not imagine that this was the handsome stage that Jiang Ting was going to do before? Are you sure it’s not a funny killer stealing a car?

On the other side, Jiang Ting talked more and more, and before Lei Yunyun could digest the first two paragraphs, she began to explain the third paragraph.

“Then, a motorcycle came over the road and tried to hit you. You dodged and your body leaned backward. You avoided the opponent, put your hands on your chest, and started to stop. You open your arms, be aggressive, and prepare to quarrel with the other party. Then, you find that you can’t beat the other party in the quarrel, so you start to sprint, desperately suppressing your anger, and finally, the other party curses more and more unpleasantly, you completely explode, and take out your gun.”

“This is the framework of all the movements before the climax movement. First, memorize the general framework, and then, slowly learn the details of the movements. Do you understand?”

Lei Yunyun nodded subconsciously.

“It’s enough if you understand it, you can do it again for me.” Jiang Ting said with a dry mouth, intending to let Lei Yunyun dance again and go to drink water by himself.

Lei Yunyun was stunned: “???” What did you say?

Jiang Ting did not know that her honey commentary was cut into the show by the “National Couple” program group, which made the audience all over the country go crazy with laughter.

Not to mention, Jiang Ting’s method is really useful. It is not very useful for trainees like Xu Ya and Hong Shiyu who have strong memory skills, but for rookies like Lei Yunyun and Lin Xinxiang, it is really useful.

Many times, the two of them have learned the movements, but forget the next movement after jumping. Jiang Ting’s seemingly unconnected honey commentary essentially sorted out a dance framework for them and told them what moves to do next.

After sorting out the dance frame, she started to deduce the detailed movements step by step.

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On the third day, after everyone had memorized the movements, Jiang Ting personally adjusted and taught them the essence of this dance.


The ‘nanana’ part begins, a group of people practices in front of the mirror, and Jiang Ting stands in front of them and observes carefully.

“Xu Ya, don’t make this expression, it looks too greasy.” Jiang Ting imitated Xu Ya’s ‘evil charm’ smile before.

Before, Jiang Ting said that this is a handsome and sexy song, but the sexiness of boys is different from that of girls because the two hormones are completely different in nature.

“Your dance moves should be crisp and neat and your gestures should be full of sexual ambiguity, but that doesn’t mean your expressions are sexy. Do you understand? The temperament should be lazy and the expression should be as cold and indifferent as possible. Xu Ya, just take out the expression you used in the last stage.” Jiang Ting remembered the Sima face during Xu Ya’s performance with Sheng Kai and very much agreed with Xu Ya to use the expression at that time on this stage.

Jiang Ting emphasized again and again, however, some female trainees repeatedly and involuntarily showed their sexiness as a girl again and again.

“No, what you need to change most now is not the dance moves, but the expression management. What if I am a high-level desire, not a vulgar sex? Do you understand? Sexy refers to your temperament, not the expressions you specially made, which are too exaggerated. Let’s do it again.”

Why has no one surpassed the stage of the original version, because most people have not always imitated it.

They imitate the original version of the dance, but they can not imitate the original version’s sexy and extreme temperament. In particular, many girls turn over and dance without enough strength, and they will only look motherly; while boys perform with enough strength, but their temperament is not in place and they will be greasy.

Currently on the third day of practice in the girls’ group, most of the problems have not been solved. Xu Ya and Hong Shiyu, the old fritters on the stage, have not managed their expressions well and they become greasy involuntarily; Lei Yunyun and Lin Xinxiang are hard-working dancers, but their movements are not in place, and they dance very girly; Meng Yu’s rap has always been flawed, not hard enough, and the articulation is not accurate enough; other people who were eliminated also have their own flaws.

Jiang Ting’s mind is full of ‘regret’ now. She is so stupid, she specially creates problems for herself.



Translator’s Comment:

Keep fighting, Captain!! ᕙ༼*◕_◕*༽ᕤ

This chapter made me want to watch the original version. How immortal this song is!!

Does anyone know this song? ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

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