Climb To The Top

Chapter 55

They don’t know what kind of illusion that gave Sheng Kai fans the confidence to compete with Xu Jiayin fans. Their main vote, all votes to press Jiang Ting.

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This made Xu Jiayin fans angry.

Xu Jiayin’s number of on-site public judges votes in the last issue was lower than that of Chen Yi and the number of individual votes in the last issue was also lower than that of Chen Yi. Unsurprisingly, Xu Jiayin’s ranking in this week’s knockout rounds will definitely drop, which has led to various groups coming to ridicule.

But it doesn’t mean that some inexperienced scoundrels dare to step on Xu Jiayin. If a tiger doesn’t show its power, it’s a sick cat!

Not to mention, the fans of Sheng Kai after the counterattack really have some skills. On the third day of voting, seeing that Sheng Kai was only 100,000 votes short of catching up with Xu Jiayin, Xu Jiayin’s fans were even more furious.

Since the show was broadcast, everyone’s fans have increased. Only Xu Jiayin lost some fans because of the black hot search. In addition, the company is a scumbag, and indirectly, lost some fans. In terms of popularity, it can be said that the damage is not light.

Up to now, the fans’ ability to vote is not only inferior to Chen Yi’s fans but now, even Sheng Kai’s fans want to step on it! Oh, do they deserve it too?

Fortunately, Xu Jiayin’s fans are really smart, so they saved their hands early!

Someone from Xu Jiayin’s Support Association opened a trumpet and broke into the fans of each fan association a long time ago. At this time, someone just dug up a piece of news from Jiang Ting’s fans, that is, “Sheng Kai had a black history of school violence”. Immediately, Xu Jiayin’s fans were excited.

Immediately, the cadres of the support association discussed and decided to pass the news to the company behind Xu Jiayin. The company’s public relations ability behind Xu Jiayin is not very good, but the marketing linkage is not bad. When he learned about this, he quickly communicated with the support association and asked the support association to win fans to vote silently and stop participating in this matter, so as not to be seen by others.

Xu Jiayin fans voted silently while holding back.

On the fourth day, when Sheng Kai’s fans successfully surpassed Xu Jiayin’s vote, they immediately rejoiced. Because Xu Jiayin’s fans, who were visible to the naked eye, had become less able to vote.

Chen Yi’s votes are still increasing by 100,000 or 100,000 votes per hour, while Xu Jiayin’s votes have increased by 10,000 to 20,000 per hour.

As for Sheng Kai’s vote growth rate, it was a bit higher than Xu Jiayin, just ahead of Xu Jiayin’s. Currently, with a high vote of 487w, it ranks second on Jiang Ting’s voting page.

But no one knew that on this day, a hot search topic that turned out to be out of nowhere suddenly became the third hot search topic.

After Sheng Kai fans saw the hot search, they first wondered, could it be that their idol was bullied at school?

But when they clicked in, their heart was instantly chilled.

A video of Sheng Kai smoking on the rooftop and a video of a boy with a bruised face under his feet went viral on the Internet. In this video, Sheng Kai and a group of Matt Killer teenagers insulted and beat the bruised-faced boy, which could not help but make people feel frightened and angry.

The fans did not have time to criticize and question the authenticity of the video, but they saw the swarming passers-by scolding.

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The cat called Mimi: “Beast, this kind of person still has the face to participate in the draft?”

The clouds came and went: “It’s too shameless, this kind of person must be banned by the program show.”

When will Sada go home: “Trembling, some fans just now said that this is not Sheng Kai, and now together with the students of the school, they have stood up and pointed out that Sheng Kai was the school bully.” A student at the same school as Sheng Kai accused Weibo.

The fans who read the comments of passers-by have chills in their hearts.

When most fans saw this trending search, they first searched everywhere, looking for any trace of PS evidence similar to Xu Jiayin’s face being changed by AI. But when they searched all morning and did not see any trace of PS, what does it mean? It means that Sheng Kai, as an audition trainee, had acted violently on campus back then, and it was true that Sheng Kai did it himself.

The hearts of fans are completely chilled.

Immediately afterward, countless fans posted on Weibo announcing their disengagement. Even the big fan who had liked Sheng Kai since the first episode and had 380,000 followers announced that he was disengaging.

Shengshi Nianhua v: “I feel chills all over my body now. I have also been hurt by school violence and I really can’t believe that my favorite idol has such an ugly side behind his back. It is my last tenderness to take off my fans and not step back.”

Seeing this, some Sheng Kai fans also expressed their inconceivable and heartache. They can’t imagine that such a sunny big boy in the show is actually the perpetrator of school violence.

However, there are also some fans who think that ‘Shengshi Nianhua’ is hypocritical, and they connote ‘Shengshi Nianhua’ to search for a sense of existence.

Accompany Kaikai to reach the top of the world v: “Some people take off their fans as soon as they said to take them off. What does it mean to step on Chaohua in a fair manner? You can’t take off your fans quietly like a chicken? You have a sense of presence!”

After the words were seen by ‘Shengshi Nianhua’, he immediately replied.

‘Shengshi Nianhua’ replied to ‘Accompany Kaikai to reach the top of the world’: “Are you still a human? The boy was lying on the ground being bullied, can’t you see it? Are you blind? Do star chasers have no brains and no three views? Maybe you are an NC1 fan yourself and I don’t need to reason with you. I’m officially off as a Sheng Kai fan now. No matter how NC fans dare to bb, from now on, I will focus on black Shengkai for 10,000 years.”

Sheng Shinianhua, the first big fan to get rid of his fans, said it clearly, he could not accept that Sheng Kai was a school violence perpetrator and announced that he had lost his fans, so he had indirectly admitted to many Sheng Kai fans that Sheng Kai had indeed done this.

He, as well as fans who are deeply rooted in his star-chasing philosophy, soon announced that they would leave their fans. On this day, in just one morning, Sheng Kai lost countless fans.

But it’s not over yet.

Seeing this, Xu Jiayin’s fans ran to the program group’s Weibo, which was reopened by the program group, under the prepared passerby account to take the rhythm, expressing that they want Sheng Kai to quit the “National Couple” program show.

Now, things are going to be a big mess.

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Once the rhythm is brought up, the happiest fans are not Xu Jiayin fans, but Xu Zhengxuan fans.

God knows that they did not expect high votes from Sheng Kai’s fans last time, Xu Zhengxuan’s fans are so sad and Xu Zhengxuan’s live performance score is also average. In the end, Xu Zhengxuan’s fans roughly calculated the promotion rate and found that Xu Zhengxuan’s promotion rate was not as good as Sheng Kai, and their mentality collapsed immediately.

But they never expected that things would turn around.

Sheng Kai is also a talented person, but he actually made himself cold!

School violence? Which draft young idol dares to break out of such a scandal? Don’t want to mess up!

Suddenly, fans of Xu Zhengxuan asked Sheng Kai to withdraw from the “National Couple” program show on the grounds that Sheng Kai had a huge negative impact on the show and affected the reputation of other trainees.

Other fans also beat the dog in the water, adding fuel to the flames and demanding that Sheng Kai retire. After all, a large number of Sheng Kai’s fans have lost their fans, which means that Sheng Kai has given up the fan cake, when will he not eat it at this time?

In the afternoon of the same day, a certain youth group went to the stage. First, it shows the harm of school violence and the data on domestic school violence. Then, it bluntly speaks about the adverse effects of star school violence on fans. Finally, it named a certain program show for being not careful when selecting trainees and hoped to be cautious in selecting high-quality idols in the future.

Suddenly, the “National Couple” program group was so frightened that they quickly issued a statement after an hour.

“National Couple” official Weibo v: “After communicating with the trainee Sheng Kai, the other party has fully realized the past mistakes and is currently dealing with withdrawal matters. We are sorry to all the national judges. From now on, this program will strictly select the trainees, in order to select the trainees with excellent character and excellent professional ability, and set a good example for all judges to learn from. Everyone is welcome to supervise at any time.”

The program group said a lot of bullshit, but only two words fell into the eyes of everyone, retired.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Kai was really ‘retired’. This is really… a surprise. Xu Zhengxuan fans thought happily.

Soon, Sheng Kai posted a video on Weibo, first showing red circles under his eyes and indicating that he was young and ignorant and he had already caused spiritual harm to others. Immediately afterward, he announced that he would withdraw from the competition, and then he would seek forgiveness from the victim and the victim’s family and implored the public to give him a chance to reform himself.

After this video was posted on Weibo, Sheng Kai edited a text version of the apology letter, which is not unimpressive. Some people speculate that this level of writing is actually produced by the “National Couple” program group. Or did the economic company behind him hire someone to make it in order to keep his card?

But it is obvious that the beneficiaries behind this turmoil, except Sheng Kai’s family, are all happy.

It’s just that Jiang Ting’s hawk fans are feeling a little impatient at the moment.

Sheng Kai has withdrawn from the competition, so isn’t Xu Zhengxuan guaranteed to advance? Then do they still need to vote for Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin?

Someone ran to ask Liu Yu and Liu Yu was really laughed at by this kind of mental retardation.

“There is only one day left to vote. Use your brains. Xu Zhengxuan’s votes under Tingting’s voting page have not exceeded one million. The former Chen Yi has more than eight million votes and the latter Xu Jiayin has more than five million votes. Can you tell me how many votes our family can vote for Xu Zhengxuan?”

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After Liu Yu finished speaking, some doubts among Jiang Ting fans gradually disappeared.

But afterward, Liu Yu was a little puzzled when she saw that the whole screen was filled with the draft of Sheng Kai’s withdrawal from the competition due to school violence.

Why did Sheng Kai explode so cleverly? Just when Xu Jiayin’s fans were voted by Sheng Kai’s fans and Xu Zhengxuan was about to be eliminated, the major marketing accounts linked up and the hot searches took the lead in the top three. She doesn’t know if someone will engage in Sheng Kai in the future?

So, who is it?


When the incident of ‘Sheng Kai Campus Violence’ broke out, the program group went completely crazy. At that time, the director was furious when he got the news and cursed Sheng Kai and the company behind Sheng Kai.

“Does this idiot have no brains? Can he do such a thing? Does his company have no brains? Don’t you know how to do public relations?”

The director trembled with anger, “Go, call Sheng Kai for me. Yes, yes, and ask the person in charge of his company to come over quickly. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not giving them a face. ”

Soon, Sheng Kai and the person in charge of Sheng Kai’s company arrived at the director’s office.

The three of them and screenwriter Zhang of the program group, after discussing, announced the news of Sheng Kai’s retirement from the competition and the company also helped Sheng Kai write a public relations article.

When Sheng Kai returned to the male trainee room, his face was extremely gloomy. He did not say anything and went straight to pack his things.

At this time, Xu Jiayin saw this and quickly called him.

“Sheng Kai, why are you going?”

Sheng Kai paused and turned his back to those trainees. At this moment, his mind was full of cynicism from netizens on the Internet. Coupled with the great pressure in his heart, when Xu Jiayin shouted like this, he could not hold back his emotions and broke out completely.

He flicked his hand suddenly and was blasted, turned his head to the trainees who were sitting on the floor, and sneered.

“You are very proud, right?”

All the trainees looked confused.

Immediately afterward, Sheng Kai’s eyes turned red. He clenched his fists and began to blow himself up, “You guys have been waiting here all this time, aren’t you just here to watch my good show? Why? I was withdrawn, are you guys happy? Aren’t you happy that no one is competing with you for a place to advance anymore? Hehe.”

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Sheng Kai’s nervous appearance made everyone feel abnormal. Liu Zhongming, as the youngest trainee, shrank involuntarily behind Chen Yi. He quietly winked at Chen Yi and asked with his mouth.

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Yi shook his head, expressing that he did not know. But he did not expect that just such a single move would completely detonate the anger and jealousy that Sheng Kai had been suppressing in his heart.

He took three steps in parallel, rushed towards Chen Yi with red eyes, and cursed.

“I knew you had been waiting to see my jokes. You are very proud now. Haha… Am I right when I say it? You were dumb back then and you were able to cooperate with Jiang Ting, the number one in the girls’ group. Isn’t there something between the two of you? What kind of good person are you pretending to be now? You must be very proud of being flattered by Jiang Ting! I don’t know if Xu Jiayin is disgusted to lose to someone like you…” He tugged on Chen Yi’s collar, and before he finished speaking, Chen Yi clenched his fists, aimed at his chin, and gave him a fist when he went up.

Chen Yi, who has always been silent and does not like to cause trouble, broke out completely. He stood up, pointed at Sheng Kai, and said coldly.

“Put your mouth clean for me and go back to your house and go wild.”

Sheng Kai’s nose bled from Chen Yi’s punch. He fell to the ground, wiped the blood from his nose, and became more and more furious. His eyes were completely stained with anger and jealousy and he spoke indiscriminately.

“Do you dare to say that there is nothing between you and Jiang Ting? What kind of ambiguous dance did you dance? I saw you kissing her in the practice room before. Why did you not withdraw from the competition when you were in love and I was going to be withdrawn?” In a fit of rage, Sheng Kai once again broke the news about what he believed to be a ‘fact’, which is why he was always dissatisfied with Chen Yi.

Chen Yi saw the other person’s face getting colder and colder. He walked over in three strides in two steps, wanting to give Sheng Kai a big mouth and make him shut up his nonsense mouth completely.

However, at this moment, an extremely indifferent voice came from the door.

“Are you talking about me?” Jiang Ting, who was giving the director accompaniment to the girls’ group song, passed by the boys’ practice room on the 3rd floor on the way back, happened to hear Sheng Kai’s words and she flung out a sentence lightly.

But the opponent’s aura was fully open and the air-conditioning radiating from her whole body put great pressure on all the male trainees present, which made people tremble with fear.



Translator’s Comment:

The ‘big devil’ is coming. Hahahaha….

Ahh… My ‘obedient boy’ turned bad.

These shura fields (both fans’ war and boys’ fight) are so exciting. I am trembling with joy. ᕙ༼˵͠ ͠°ل͜͠ ͠°˵༽ᕗ

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