Climb To The Top

Chapter 56.1

Jiang Ting stayed up all night in the recording studio. Early the next morning, she took the accompaniment USB flash drive made with the arranger and sent it to the director’s office for registration. Just when she was registering, she overheard the director arguing with the people from Sheng Kai’s company and she also ate a melon in the director’s office. It turns out that Sheng Kai had a criminal record before, no wonder he targeted Chen Yi in various ways before. It is estimated that he has committed an old problem again and he feels uncomfortable if he does not bully others.

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At the end of the third floor of the boys’ practice room is the director’s office. She was returning after eating melons, just passing by the door of the boys’ practice room, and heard noises coming from inside. Just as she was about to leave, she heard someone mention her name.

She was stunned, never expecting that she would eat the melon on her own head.

At this time, the door of the boys’ practice room.

Looking at her indifferent face, all the male trainees felt their whole bodies freeze and did not dare to move. Xu Jiayin stood up and wanted to say something, but saw Jiang Ting walking towards Sheng Kai step by step, ignoring him at all, and his hand that wanted to stop Jiang Ting was resting in midair.

In anger, Chen Yi rode on Sheng Kai, grabbed his collar with one hand, and prepared to punch Sheng Kai. But when he saw Jiang Ting approaching, he let go of his hand subconsciously.

Jiang Ting came in front of Sheng Kai and looked down at the two of them.

After a few seconds, she did not speak, she raised her hand gently, motioning Chen Yi to move away.

Seeing this, Chen Yi quickly turned over from Sheng Kai and stood aside again.

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Jiang Ting glanced at Sheng Kai and frowned. Immediately afterward, she squatted down, took out a pack of tissues from her pocket, took out one of them, and handed it to Sheng Kai, saying lightly.

“Wipe your nosebleed.”

Sheng Kai swallowed subconsciously for a sore throat, his heart was surrounded by a dense sense of panic, as if he would suffocate in the next moment.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and was about to take the tissue handed over by the other party when the tissue fell from Jiang Ting’s fingertips. The tissue that was as light as a feather hit Sheng Kai’s heart like a heavy hammer. Sheng Kai did not dare to take a breath and asked her in a vibrato.

“What do you want to do?”

Jiang Ting shook her head and asked him.

“You shouldn’t ask me what I want to do, but what do you want to do?”

After finishing speaking, she stood up and looked at Sheng Kai condescendingly again. Her charming eyes in the past, at this moment, it was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, from top to bottom, indifferently glanced at him.

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Sheng Kai shrank back subconsciously, at this moment, Jiang Ting’s fluttering voice came from above his head.

“If imagining and slandering others can make you feel comfortable, then you are really a complete villain.”

“Moreover, I feel that I don’t need to explain to you what I do and who I choose. I know what I have done and I have not done anything out of the ordinary.”

“As for your withdrawal… I forgot to tell you. I came over from the director’s office just now and the people from your company’s public relations department haven’t left yet. Do you need me to tell others about you, a scum of campus violence, who was forced to withdraw from the competition after being exposed by others?”

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, the others were stunned, and then they quickly looked at Sheng Kai, only to see Sheng Kai’s face turning blue and white for a while. It seemed that Jiang Ting was right.

Is he really kicked out? And was he withdrawn from the competition because of school violence?

That’s really…

“So it’s because of campus violence that he retired from the competition. Good job.” Liu Zhongming muttered silently behind Xu Jiayin’s back.

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Xu Jiayin did not hear clearly, frowned, and asked him.

“What did you say?”

Liu Zhongming quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Jiang Ting’s words completely tore off Sheng Kai’s hypocritical skin and showed him naked in front of other trainees.

Sheng Kai opened his mouth and wanted to deny it. However, a drop of nosebleed fell into his mouth and the unbearable fishy smell made him vomit. He was covering his mouth and coughing violently.

On top of her head, Jiang Ting looked down at Sheng Kai like this, indifferent and ruthless, she did not ridicule but it was better than ridicule. As the biggest beneficiary of the talent show, watching this clown-like figure in front of her silently smear her like this makes people shudder even more.

Sheng Kai coughed a few times. When he looked up at Jiang Ting, the other party’s face was still as indifferent as ever. He finally could not hold back his mind and fell to the ground and cried loudly.

He is a despicable villain, or… a villain who is not strong enough in spirit. He is jealous in the face of Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin, but he is not timid. He can insult all the trainees behind his back, even Jiang Ting.

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But when he really faced Jiang Ting, he was timid and afraid. Facing her, the fear from the bottom of his heart lingered until the tortured Sheng Kai completely collapsed.

Jiang Ting looked at Sheng Kai who was slumped on the ground like a mess of mud and did not bother to answer him. She glanced at Xu Jiayin and said lightly.

“Send someone to find the program team to deal with this matter.” After that, she doesn’t plan to take care of it.

In the final analysis, if it wasn’t for Sheng Kai’s sleazy mouth grabbing her like a mad dog, she wouldn’t want to talk to him at all, it’s purely mentally ill.

That is to say, he is still participating in the program now, Jiang Ting feels that the influence of doing it is not very good. Otherwise, let Sheng Kai see it, she has won the title of “Iron Fist Girl” who is the invisible hand all over the world and she must beat this kind of scum all over the place.

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she turned and left. She did not say hello to Chen Yi or even explain a word to anyone, because it was unnecessary.

Anyone with eyes can see that Sheng Kai is a bereaved dog at this time. He can only attack and smear others recklessly, so as to comfort his soul of being forced to retire.

Jiang Ting is too lazy to look at such rubbish.

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