Climb To The Top

Chapter 56.2

After Jiang Ting returned to the girls’ practice room, a group of girls looked at her and asked her what was wrong.

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Jiang Ting casually said something perfunctory and skipped it. In the past few days, Jiang Ting has been thinking about one thing. If the competition is over, does she want to stay here?

She has a ten-year vacation, but… Is it really what she wants to spend ten years in such a strange world?

Jiang Ting used to have a dream, not the dream of Balabala1, it’s too fake. She wants to be a star, just for money, just to change the fate of her poor.

She hopes that she has money, so she doesn’t have to go to the orphanage to fight for food with those puppies who usually look like wolves, but are reliable at critical times; she hopes that if she is rich, she can protect and can shelter those puppies and let them be like a child in an ordinary happy family, can eat whatever they want and wear whatever they want; she hopes to be rich so that she can repay the dean’s mother for her parenting kindness, but…

All her possessions are left in the world where she died and the people she wants to repay are not in this world. This body in this world obviously has a similar experience to hers, but it is strange and terrifying because it is not her.

She misses the past more and more, misses the real her.

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In the practice room, a girl looked at Jiang Ting staring blankly at the big tree outside the window, a little strange. Zheng Qian could not help but bump Lin Xinxiang with her shoulder and whispered a question with her mouth.

“What happened to her?”

Lin Xinxiang was stunned for a moment and then she was shocked by the overwhelming loneliness in Jiang Ting’s eyes. Did Jiang Ting also have such a fragile side?

“I’ll go and have a look.”

Lin Xinxiang stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang Ting, but Jiang Ting did not pay any attention to her at all until she gathered up her courage and said.

“Captain, what’s wrong with you? Is there anything you’re unhappy about?”

Jiang Ting turned around, looked at Lin Xinxiang in front of her, and was slightly taken aback. Then, the deep loneliness in her eyes faded away and she returned to her former calmness.

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She shook her head, changed the subject, and replied lightly: “It’s okay, maybe I’m a little tired, how is everyone practicing?”

Lin Xinxiang was led astray by her words, she thought about the progress of the other trainees and responded accordingly.

“It’s alright, go and have a look.”

Jiang Ting has been preparing the stage set since yesterday, communicating with the staff about costume issues, making accompaniment with the arranger overnight, and sending it to the director’s office in the morning. She is so busy. No, she finally finished her work, but she ate a melon on the way and almost made herself angry.

Going back to the girls’ practice room and watching everyone working hard, for a moment, she felt that she did not belong in this world and that she was lonely.

It wasn’t until Lin Xinxiang came to ask questions that Jiang Ting slowly suppressed the unwilling loneliness in her heart.

No matter what, her first priority is to finish the competition well, she wants to live.

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Only if she was alive, she might be able to go back one day. She could not just give up her destiny like this.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ting suddenly became enlightened. She patted Lin Xinxiang’s shoulder and said with a smile.

“Okay, let me see how everyone’s practicing is going.”

Five minutes later, when everyone finished dancing, Jiang Ting fell silent.

Then, the familiar roar sounded again in the girls’ practice room.

“What I said before, the expression is too greasy, restrain yourself, don’t be shy.”

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“The dancing is too lady, too lady, can you be a little more vigorous? Now start practicing this movement repeatedly, when you practice until I am satisfied, then when you can practice the next movement.”

“Meng Yu, can you articulate more clearly? Zheng Qian, can you amplify your voice when you sing this sentence? What do you want to do with such a loud cat sound? Acting in pantomime?”

The trainees who were sprayed with blood by Jiang Ting once again continued to practice bitterly. Thanks to Jiang Ting’s absence for the past two days, they were all proud of their neat and perfect dancing movements. Now, it seems that it is purely overthinking.

Fortunately, the returning Jiang Ting used her unique roar to teach them how to behave.

Strict teachers lead to great apprentices and Jiang Ting’s devil training method has successfully transformed this group of girls, at least everyone has had some changes.

Time flies, and soon, the knockout rounds are here.

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