Climb To The Top

Chapter 58.1

“Welcome, everyone, to the ninth episode of “National Couple”. I am the Host and Chief Instructor Zhang Ning…”

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At the team competition, Zhang Ning wore a black dress with off-the-shoulder slits. Her slender and straight thighs were looming, showing her infinite style.

At the same time, the audience standing in front of their mobile phone has long been hungry and thirsty. The team competition has been previewed since the seventh episode of the PK competition and the team competition clips were even released in the eighth period, which made many fans feel itchy.

The two consecutive weeks of warm-up made the team competition more attractive.

The audience and fans really want to know, what kind of fairy stage will the second team competition have compared to the first one.

First of all, the order of appearance is still the draw of the lots and the two teams will decide one person to guess the box. The winning team will have the right to vote and can decide whether their team will perform first or later.

In this team competition, the eliminated trainees returned to the competition stage to help the remaining members continue to participate in the competition. For the winning group, the finalists each received 200,000 extra popularity votes.

The boys’ group sent out the little prince who was eliminated last week, Xin Jiu. This time the lottery did not fall behind and this time it was the same.

And Xu Ya also took the initiative to stand up for the first time, representing the girls’ group in the guessing game. Anyway, she has no hope of winning the championship and now she only wants to get more shots.

Soon, the result of the guessing game came out and two out of three games won. Among the two, Xu Ya won both the first and third rounds of boxing and won the primary vote for the girls’ group.

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After discussion, the girls’ group chose the order of performances for the second stage. Combined with the post-production of the program group and the comparison of “the order of performance in the first team competition”, there were many comments on the barrage.

“History seems to repeat itself.”

“I seem to have seen the second episode, I miss it so much!”

“I didn’t expect the finals to come soon, time flies so fast.”

The boys’ group appeared first and the program group played the pre-match video.

In the beginning, Chen Yi refuted Xu Jiayin’s words. The program team had bad intentions. Later, the devil editing became even more frenzied.

In the pre-match video, Chen Yi accused Xu Jiayin of thinking more about others and the program team added the words ‘don’t be too selfish’ in the post-production. This pissed off Xu Jiayin’s fans. While scolding the program group for being shameless, they also scolded Chen Yi for being a scheming dog. Of course, Chen Yi’s fans were not to be outdone and scolded the other party back.

After the confrontation between the two, other trainees also expressed their opinions one after another. Finally, Xu Zhengxuan proposed to make a lyrical stage and everyone agreed after thinking about it.

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Xu Jiayin’s fans mocked Chen Yi that he loved the limelight and pitted himself, but the selection of the boys’ team competition did not favor him.

After that, the boring practice time of the boys’ group was interspersed, as well as the heart-to-heart talks of each boy’s little black room, which also touched many fans.

At the end of the pre-match video, the boys’ group set up an fg1, saying that they would definitely win the girls’ group this time. But, they got ridiculed by some fans of the female trainees.

“The sooner fg is established, the sooner it will die.”

Fortunately, there were not many of them and they were quickly covered by the barrage of male trainee fans.

Then, the boys’ group began to perform on their stage.

The opening scene is the blue yarn in the sky that the program team spent a lot of energy arranging, which was ethereal and agile. The white mist gradually covered the entire stage. One after another boys in handsome uniforms of the white series began to appear.

First, the off-topic boy narrated a beautiful fairy tale of “The Daughter of the Sea” and the dance troupe behind him also began to dance around the sad version of “The Daughter of the Sea”.

Immediately after, when the backup dancers were performing, everyone in the boys’ group began to sing with melancholy and bitter expressions.

In the first paragraph, Xu Jiayin’s heart-piercing tenor really shocked a group of people, and once again, brought people back to the amazing Xu Jiayin during the qualification round.

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Many fans, who like Chen Yi, silently complained that the program group is not a person and does not give Chen Yi a shot; and the song part assigned to Chen Yi is not very good. They all became Xu Jiayin’s foil.

At the end of the performance, colorful bubbles appeared on the stage and the previous backup dancer appeared again. She fell on the stage in pain, watching the prince and princess live happily together, while a group of male practitioners watched her quietly.

After the backup dancer completely closed their eyes, everyone in the boys’ group also put on an ending pose, indicating that the stage came to an end.

Then, the music stopped and the audience burst into applause.

In any case, at least today’s boy group’s performance is much better than the first time and the most outstanding one is Xu Jiayin.

Zhang Ning left the boys Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi for an interview and asked the eight of them if it would be okay if they won the girls’ group and if they lost to the girls’ group.

Xu Jiayin thought about it for a long time and replied, “Our performance this time just wants to surpass the previous performance and draw a happy ending for the last unsatisfactory team competition.”

Zhang Ning continued to ask: “Didn’t you show in the pre-match video that you would definitely win the girls’ group? Why do you seem to have changed your mind now?”

Zhang Ning began to ask Chen Yi this question again.

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Chen Yi and Xu Jiayin looked at each other. Chen Yi quickly shook his head and said.

“It was before the competition, so those words were mainly to cheer up the teammates.”

“What about now?” Zhang Ning asked.

“Now that the performance is over, there is no need to cheer up.” Xu Jiayin answered while taking advantage of the situation.

The two of them sang together, which was considered to have exposed Zhang Ning’s provocative topic.

After the boys’ group performed, it was the girls’ group’s turn to perform.

Zhang Ning stood in the center of the stage and said with a smile.

“Next, it is the long-awaited performance of the girls’ group. Before that, allow me to complete my own work. This show is broadcast under the title of xxxx…”

Zhang Ning dutifully finished reading a large series of oral advertisements and then the camera switched again.

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