Climb To The Top

Chapter 58.2

Before the stage, the pre-match video sounded the familiar ‘hissing’ electric sound and two girls were appearing in front of the camera, Lin Xinxiang and Zheng Qian. Both of them stood on tiptoe and kept talking to the camera diagonally above.

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“Can you photograph it?” Zheng Qian asked.

Lin Xinxiang said uncertainty: “I can.”

Zheng Qian said: “Then, don’t you just shoot the captain sleeping? No, I have to find a piece of clothing to cover it so it can’t be photographed.”

Lin Xinxiang quickly grabbed her, “Don’t make trouble, just shoot. Anyway, it’s not a shameful thing. She didn’t close her eyes for two days and nights, stayed up late to rehearse, discussed the arrangement with the arranger teachers, and coordinated things on our stage. It didn’t matter if we filmed it.”

Zheng Qian smiled, “That’s not the same. After I was eliminated, I found that there were many sunspots on the Internet who blacked her, said she was the team leader and bullied all of you. The people who are participating in the competition don’t answer the Jiang Ting team’s bullying news directly. Isn’t this the problem?”

At this time, before Lin Xinxiang could answer, the camera switched to the trainee’s little black room and a digression question was raised, “What kind of person is Jiang Ting?”

“She is a very hardworking person.” Xu Ya said.

The camera showed Jiang Ting coughing, and seeing other trainees who did not move properly, she helped them adjust.

Xu Ya explained, “I have never seen such a hardworking person. Recently, she has stayed up almost all night. During the competition, she occasionally squinted for a while, then got up and continued to design the stage and arrange the music. I doubt whether she is Iron Man?”

Soon, it switched to Hong Shiyu’s little black room.

“What kind of person do you think Jiang Ting is?”

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“Hardworking, kind, strong, and excellent. Anyway, she is the person I admire.” Hong Shiyu said.

When Hong Shiyu collapsed on the camera, Jiang Ting hugged her to comfort her. After Hong Shiyu fainted, Jiang Ting immediately stepped forward and picked her up to find the medical staff equipped by the program group.

Hong Shiyu said to the camera that she fainted at the time and the world was spinning in an instant. But when she was picked up by the other party, she slowly calmed down.

“She has a special sense of security and I love being around her.”

Soon, the camera switched to Lin Xinxiang again. Lin Xinxiang thought for a long time and spit out two words that surprised the audience.


After she finished speaking, she added a complete sentence.

“She is a fragile person.”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the question marks that filled the screen in the post-production of the program group, even the bullet screen frantically swiped the screen with ‘? ? ? ‘.

The program team asked her, “Why do you say that?”

Lin Xinxiang said softly, “She always showed her reliable and powerful side to everyone, but she buried her fragility. She also has a fragile side and a tired side. It’s just that no one can see it. But as her teammate, I can see it, so I feel bad for her.”

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Lin Xinxiang’s words almost made Jiang Ting fans burst into tears. For a long time, whether it is praise or scolding, people’s perception of Jiang Ting has always been that Jiang Ting is very hardworking, serious, and powerful.

But no one pays attention to the other side behind Jiang Ting. Will she be tired? Will it be fragile? These things that even the fans didn’t pay attention to, came out of Lin Xinxiang’s mouth.

Immediately afterward, the camera began to switch to a series of busy schedules of Jiang Ting: teaching female trainees, making arrangements, communicating with lighting and choreographer, discussing with the crew costume designer, asking the prop master to make the stage props they need, etc. This is the first time the audience has seen Jiang Ting’s seriousness and hard work off the stage.

She is not just dancing and singing. Even with these off-stage things, she is unequivocal and demands to be the best.

There are barrages who are surprised by her ability and there are black fans who take the opportunity to spread rumors about the team.

At this time, the program group asked another question to the three trainees in the final.

“There are rumors on the Internet that Jiang Ting is the team leader in the girls’ group and bullying female trainees, do you know? Do you have anything to say?”

Xu Ya was the first to answer and she looked surprised: “Bullying? Why do you say that?”

The program group replies.

“Your song selection rights, costumes, stage props, etc. are all in her hands. Some netizens think that the other party has not discussed with you and that she ignores your existence. What do you think?”

After listening, Xu Ya first smiled. Immediately afterward, she said with a serious face.

“First of all, I am here to answer this question solemnly. Jiang Ting is not a team leader and the right to choose songs is not what Jiang Ting asked for, but we chose her and let her decide. It is all the trainees in our girls’ group who trust her, not because of being bullied or coerced by the other party.”

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“As for things like costumes and props, even if they were handed over to the program group, the program group wouldn’t discuss it with us, right? Could it be that the program group also bullied us? If not, then why is it Jiang Ting’s turn, do you think she bullies us?”

“Besides, Jiang Ting has done a lot of research on-stage performance. Entrusting these matters to her is a hundred times more reassuring than entrusting them to the program crew. To put it bluntly, Jiang Ting’s stage is designed by herself. It is very beautiful and I like it very much. If the program group is willing to hand over my stage design to them, I can’t wish for it. I beg her to ‘dominate’ me every day.”

Xu Ya’s explanation can be regarded as a fierce slap on the face of some of her own fans. After all, the main force that first led the rhythm of the team hegemony was the Anti-Jiang Alliance, which was Xu Ya’s fan.

Afterward, Hong Shiyu also looked confused and complained.

“Is that so? Is it spread like this outside? It’s terrible. It’s obvious that Jiang Ting is such a good person. You can’t say that other people are superior just because they are capable and do more? This is obviously unreasonable. I finally understand the truth of ‘there are many people who are popular’. I’m here to tell you that this news is all nonsense, fake news, don’t believe it.”

Jiang Ting fans frantically gave Hong Shiyu a thumbs up on the barrage, ‘This sister is really right, that is, there are a lot of popular people’, ‘Tingbao is really miserable, as soon as she is really popular, sunspots appear right away’, ‘My sister is so miserable, even her teammates sympathize with her’.

The scene switched to Lin Xinxiang again and Lin Xinxiang answered very simply.

“There is no team bullying, no bullying. She is very nice, kind, and considerate of everyone. Our song selection was discussed collectively. She even thought the song was too difficult and advised us to choose an easy one, but everyone rejected it. I don’t know if the program group edited that scene, but Jiang Ting has never been a team bully, let alone bullying teammates. Please believe in her character, she can’t do that kind of thing.”

Immediately afterward, in the video, Jiang Ting appeared and saw Lei Yunyun struggling to practice dance. Jiang Ting advised everyone to give up and choose a new song, but the girls refused.

The program team even put the super funny scene of Jiang Ting teaching Lei Yunyun to dance on the video and later produced a spooky video of “Funny Killer Crashing a Car”, which made countless viewers laugh.

The three trainees in the final answered the questions about Jiang Ting and the other trainees who were eliminated also expressed their attitude towards Jiang Ting. No one was dissatisfied with Jiang Ting.

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In the end, the program team edited the scene of Jiang Ting not closing her eyes for two consecutive days and two nights, and finally, could not help dozing off in the practice room.

Immediately afterward, Lin Xinxiang and Zheng Qian reappeared. The conversation between the first two people appeared again.

This time, for Zheng Qian’s question of “the people who are participating in the competition don’t answer the Jiang Ting team’s bullying news directly”?

Lin Xinxiang has a clear answer.

Facing the camera, she raised her hands and made a big cross, and said solemnly.

“I, Lin Xinxiang, on behalf of all the female trainees, responded positively to the fake news about our Captain and bullying the female trainees of the same group. Please don’t believe it. After all, we are the nine female trainees. …”

A group of female trainees behind them said in unison: “All the members of Jiangshui.”

‘Jiang Shui’, Jiang Ting’s fan name.

The program team finally became human and responded positively to Jiang Ting’s biggest scandal of all time, the team bully news.

Immediately afterward, the video went black.

The camera switched back to the scene again and a burst of ‘nanana’ electronic synthesis sounded.

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