Climb To The Top

Chapter 60.3

After the instructors finished their evaluations, Zhang Ning announced that she had entered the scoring session.

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“The three instructors have all expressed their own suggestions, hoping to help our 500 public judges make the right choice.”

“This round of team competition still adopts two rounds of voting, which are the voting score of 500 public reviewers on the spot and the voting score of online national judges.”

“The two votes each account for 50% of the total score and the group with the highest number of votes wins. Now, please ask 500 public judges to take out your voting machines. If you like the boys’ performance, please press ‘1’ or please press ‘2’ if you like the performance of the girls’ group. Please vote for your favorite stage performance.”

“Countdown to voting begins.”

“10, 9, 8…

3, 2, 1, on-site voting officially ended. ”

People saw two bright red numbers instantly appear on the big screen.

Boys: 147 votes.

Girls: 345 votes.

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Abstention: 8 votes.

In other words, a total of 500 public judges voted at the scene, 8 of which abstained from voting, 147 of the remaining public judges voted for the boys’ group, and 345 public judges voted for the girls’ group.

Although it was different from the first team competition in which the girls’ group crushed the opponent, it still won the victory of the public judging the team competition. The girls’ group members were all overjoyed.

“Let’s congratulate the girls’ group for now leading the way. Next week, the votes of the national judges will be announced. The votes of the two rounds will be added together. The winning team members will get an extra 200,000 votes per person during the finals.”

After Zhang Ning finished speaking, she asked the girls’ group to send someone to give a speech for the award. Jiang Ting was too lazy to go, so she simply gave Xu Ya the opportunity. Anyway, Xu Ya has often rubbed against her camera recently, so this opportunity to perform is good for her.

As for Jiang Ting, she is planning a big event recently, so she is not in the mood to continue to capture the camera. Unless there is a necessary stage performance, she doesn’t want to continue to be in the limelight in the program group.

The maliciousness of the program group is becoming more and more obvious. As long as she does not sign the contract, no one knows what the outcome of the final will be.

At present, Jiang Ting cannot communicate with the outside world. The system will only help her remove the traces left by outsiders on her body. In reality, Jiang Ting needs to solve the difficulties in the program by herself.

Jiang Ting thought about it for a long time, but she still had no idea. But generally speaking, it’s a good thing for her to keep a low profile now.

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Xu Ya stood up with an excited face and gave a victory speech on behalf of the team. Some people on the barrage were surprised, “Hey, why isn’t Jiang Ting? Isn’t she the Captain?”

Xu Ya’s fans were very dissatisfied and retorted when they saw it.

“What’s wrong with the captain? Why can’t Xu Ya give a victory speech on behalf of the team? This is a whole, anyone can speak.”

Fortunately, as the finals are approaching, Jiang Ting fans are too lazy to take care of such provocative barrage speeches. Jiang Ting fans generally refer to Jiang Ting by various pet names and nicknames. This kind of ‘passer-by fans’ who call Jiang Ting’s name but provoke two fans with their mouths is not uncommon.

There are more fans and all kinds of ghosts and snakes have come out. Not only Jiang Ting is on guard against the program group, but even Jiang Ting’s fans are also guarding against black fans who try to provoke them. The final can’t be lost.

Soon, the show came to an end. In the end, Zhang Ning introduced the rules for next week’s finals.

“Next week’s “National Couple” finals will be divided into two rounds. After each couple’s performance, they will get votes from 500 public judges. After the 8 performances, everyone will have two rounds of on-site voting opportunities. After adding up, the trainee with the highest number of votes will become the most anticipated trainee of the public review.”

“The finals will be broadcast live. Next week, the national producers will vote for your favorite trainee. The trainee with the highest vote will become the most anticipated trainee by the national judges.”

“Two rounds of voting, combined with the final vote pool, each accounted for 50%, and the total ratio was calculated. The person with the highest combined ratio of males and females successfully reached the top, won the championship, and became the only group of the best couple in the show. After winning, they will jointly receive the benefits provided by Tengfei Entertainment…”

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Afterward, she talked about a lot of rewards and resources after winning. A group of trainees who were still watching was eagerly watching.

It’s just that the eyes are hot. The trainees have actually grown a lot because they have experienced many setbacks, tribulations, and blows during this period of competition.

After introducing the rules of the finals, the program group did not release a trailer for the finals. After all, the final was broadcast live and the contestants hadn’t finished practicing yet, so the program team could only hastily edit some memories of the trainees to deal with fans.

Fans rushed back to their homes after watching the show with unsatisfactory expressions.


Jiang Ting Weibo Chaohua.

Ting Shui Yiyi v: A new fan, is the individual voting channel open for the final? I want to vote.”

The following people responded: “No.”

A small group of people commented, “The voting channel for the team competition has been opened and the voting channel for the final has not yet been opened.”

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After someone saw this kind of comment, they stopped it in the Chaohua.

“Don’t vote for the team competition, save your votes for Ting Ting. Even if you win the team competition, the 200,000 votes are not a fraction of Ting Ting’s final vote?”

“Yes, it’s not cost-effective to vote for the team channel, vote for the personal channel.”

Soon, a big fan with 160,000 fans nicknamed “Wenwen Favorite Tingting” leaked the news.

Wen Wen loves Ting Ting v: “I got the inside information and the individual voting will start at 12 o’clock in the evening.”

Suddenly, a group of people flocked to her Weibo and said.

“Sister, is the news reliable?”

“The source of the news???”

“Really? Then everyone must save their votes and vote for Ting Ting.”

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